Failure is Not an Option

Story by Makeria Stein on SoFurry

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"hope you enjoy, please comment. Requsts are avaiable"

Ipanted hard, my lungs wheezing as I ran down the court, my eyes fixated onprotecting our shooter. My name is Derek; I'm a varsity basketball player atCharleston high. And right now it's thefirst game of our season and was down by 3 points. Coach was screaming at usfor defense as our players were gasping for air as they ran across the chart,including me. I'm a 17 year old wolf, junior, my fur grey and black. I'm notvery muscular, rather than somewhat tall to make up for it.

"Derek!"Coach yelled, the older canine pointed as I saw the ball bounce in front of me,my attention snapping back to the game as I went to make a hoop. I threw theball, it landed on the rim. Come on come on I begged, slowly it tiled back outand fell out of the hoop. DAMNMIT!

Coachput his face in his paws as the buzzer went off, signaling our first defeat.The whole team was doubled over, panting and glaring at me, two in particularwere growling to themselves. As the game cleared up and we cleaned up thecourt, couch had left early to head home to be with hi wife. I walked into thelocker room to shower; I padded in to see it was empty. I made my way over tothe shower stall, as I walk closer to the stall I felt a pair of paws push meforward. Do to the slippery floors I slipped and fell down, my head landing onthe hard floor. I groaned as I fainted as I was knocked out by the fall.

"Heh,that'll teach him for fucking our game up" someone said while I was knockedout.

"Yeah,he deserves it" the second said "should we leave" said the second one again

"Hmmm...Ithink we should do something first" said the first

"Likewhat?" said the second

"Let'stie him up naked ....and do shit to him" said the first

"Ewwno, I'm not some faggot" said the second

"Justclose your eyes and think of a bitch, I bet the tail hole feels the same, samefor the mouth" the first said, dragging my unconscious body over to a bench.

"Whatever.....thisbetter get my rocks off or ill leave some bruises on his face" the second saidhelping the first one put me on top of the bench, leaving my head hanging offthe edge my muzzle agar. I was laying on it chest against the steel bench.

"Let'stie him down in case he wakes up, hand me some jump ropes so we can tie himdown from the storage closet" said the first, pointing to the closet.

Thesecond wolf padded over and grabbed a few jump ropes, and walked over withthem, kneeling down next to me and him.

"Tiehis wrists and legs together under the bench." Said the first, as they tied mylimbs together under the bench, making it impossible to move.

Thestepped back and looked at me, both grinning and thinking of how much fun theywere about to have with the unconscious me.

"Soshall we rock paper scissor on who gets to pick what they want first" the firstasked.

"Sure"said the second, holding his paws up for the game.

"Rock,Paper. Scissor...shoot" said the first, coming out with paper

"Damnit"said the second, having gotten rock.

"GuessI get to pic first, and I want his mouth" said the first, padding over to mymouth.

"GuessI'm on ass duty" said the second, padding over to my ass.

Asthey both positioned themselves, the first stared to stroke his sheath quickly,trying to get rock hard. In a few seconds he was rubbing his now rock hard redcock. He grabbed my maw and pried my jaw open as he slid himself in, murring ashe felt my warm tongue and breathe welcoming the invader. The first one moanedas the second was stroking off, trying to use his pre to lube himself.

"Dude...James,this maw is awesome" said the first, thrusting his cock in and out of my lips.

"Really,didn't think you'd be this into guys josh" said James,

Jamesgrabbed my tail and lifted it, eyeing my pucker, licking his finger his indexfinger, he reached over and pressed hard against my tailhole, pushing inslowly. I soon began to stir, regaining conscious as I opened my eyes slowly,looking up too see the canine before me.

"SHIT!He's awake!" said josh, looking down at me.

Iwent to scream but josh held my maw around his cock.

"Screamand your dead, bite down and your dead, got it?" he said, pinching my noseabit.

Ibegan to tear up as I nodded slowly, terrified on what happened, and why I was betweento males.

"NowDerek, you're going to be our bitch tonight, and if you play nice, we won'ttell everyone at school how much a faggot you are" said josh,

Jamestook several pictures of me tied down with my mouth around a cock, though noone would know who was doing this, only that I was sucking a guy. So they wouldhave leverage on me. The few flashes of the camera made me whimper, looking atthem. My eyes were teary as I looked down at his cock still in my mouth, themusky odor flooding my senses.

"Nowsuck me" said josh as he grabbed my head between my ears and pushed himselfdeeper into my muzzle.

Ihesitated but began to suck, holding my breath as I sucked the small pockets ofair I got as I was being used. My tongue wrapped around his shaft as I suckednice and hard.

"Lookslike he likes tasting your cock josh" said James, reaching down and resuminghis fingering of my hole, making me whine, my virgin tailhole spaziming aroundhis dancing digit inside me.

Iwhimpered as I sucked his cock, looking up, from the view he was a wolf likeme, but with reddish brown fur. I couldn't see James so he was still mysteriousto me. But as I sucked the now moaning wolf I felt my tailhole having now twodigits in me, and he wasn't showing much mercy. He was finger fucking me fastand deep, making me quiver and shudder.

Aftera few minutes of this, james grabbed his cock and pushed it agaist my alreadysore hole, making me whimper, trying to tuck my tail.

"Mmmmm mm mm!!" I muffled, not wanting to be fucked.

"Stopfucking jerking around bitch" said josh, smacking my hard across the face,making me whimper.

"ThanksJosh" James said, lifting my tail and aligning his tip with his target.

Hestarted to push into my tailhole, making me groaning in pain. IT seriouslyhurt, like really badly. I wanted to scream but remained quiet, with the fewwhimpers and twitches as James slide his thick cock into me. With a few grunts,from both our parts he made it to the hilt, rubbing my ass, murring.

"Thisass feels good man....warm and moist" said James, whom started to pull back slowly,only to push back in again.

Fora few minutes this process repeated as James thrusted at a decent pace at thispoint. His cock going in and out with a steady pace, my ass both screaming andmoaning as his tip rubbed my prostate. Because of this my cock was becominghard beneath my belly which was pinned to the cold steel bench. Meanwhile joshwas enjoying my maw, I began to eel him pushing farther into my throat, andthis started to scare me. He pushed his cock into my throats as I began to deepthroat him, having hardly enough air.

"goodbitch, now suck me till I cum" said josh as he began to buck his hips into mymaw.

I whined asjosh's cock began to pulse, teeling me he was probably close. I finale let outa moan around his cock, my body becomingused to it as James fucked my tailhole faster. I eagerly sucked around his cockas josh tilted his head back and gasped, his cock jerking and unloading hisballs into my mouth, splashes of cum hit the back of my throat as I swallow alarge amount. Josh grabbed my maw and kept me around his cock.

"Swallow itall bitch" he said, grinning.

I whined andswallowed some, chocking abit. The taste made me gag a bit, but I soon found itto be a bit arousing.

"So did thebitch like my cream" josh asked, looking down at me as James pounded into myass from behind.

"y...y..yes..I....did." I said between pants, and grunts as James went to town on my tailhole.

"Good slut"said josh as he smeared his slimy cock across my lips and nose.

I panted andwhimpered as James growled and started to thrust into my ass with a fast deeppace, I began to feel his knot, pressing agaist my ass.

"w..w..wait....please...don'ttie me....." I begged, not wanting to have his knot in me.

"too badbitch," said Josh as he too pictures of my face with drying cum on it, as Jamesgrowled and began to shove his knot into me.

I whimperedand cried as my ass was stretched to fit his knot, as it slowly eased past myrim. With a grunt he managed to slam hisknot in with one last thrust as he began to quickly knot fuck me. I whimperedand just took it as he panted and grunted loudly, his cock jerking hot ropes ofcum into my ass. Load after load went into my ass, I began to feel like I wasbeing pumped too much. I felt my insides get really warm as I groaned.

"heh James, Ithink he likes your knot" josh said, looking down at me.

"heh.....I ...think.....Iwant to do this again...." James said panting, having a perky smile on his lipsas he rubbed my ass roughly.

"Whoa man! You'renot going gay on me are you" josh said, playfully punching his arm.

"Naw.....I justwant to fuck this slut more" he said licking his lips.

I was shakingas I felt his knot tug at my hole, us locked together tightly. After a fewminutes of them talking about how they unloaded in me, James pulled out with aloud pop.

"grr damn,"James said, stroking his cock.

"Well we gotdirt on him, so we can do this again, right Derek?" josh said squatting down bymy head.

"f..f..fuckyou...." I whined as I looked at him..

"Fine then,we can just leave you hear for the morning P.E class" said josh as they bothgot up to leave.

"NO WAIT!Please, fine yes, I'll do whatever you want" I said pleadingly.

"That'sbetter" josh said, walking back over and untying my legs and wrist.

I sat up, mycock raging hard as they both laughed at me, knowing I was such a faggot. Theywalked away, reminding me that if I tried anything, that they would post themonline and everywhere they could. Meaning everyone I knew would see me in mydarkest hour.

After theyleft I tried to stand up as I wobbled over to the showers, my body aching as Iturned the hot water on, rinsing my body of sweat and cum.

"What have Igotten myself into....." is said to myself.

Imprisonment Chapter 3 New Lust

Dominusstood there, his eyes cemented with my body. "Um...wh...what do you need" I asked timidly, his largerfigure making me feel ever so feeble against his build. He stepped closer into the room, walking closer andshutting the office door behind him....

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Imprisonment Chapter 2 Training Begins

You ever get one of those dreams were you feel like it's soreal...yet it would seem like it's just a dream. Well that wasn't my case, to mymisfortune. I opened my eyes slowly, peering out of my eye lids, my eyesblinded by the sub, beaming threw the...

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Imprisoned-Chapter 1

The Nightmare Begins I awoke to the sound of loud horns and sirens; I look outside, seeing our neighbors' house, a bunch of paramedics walking out as they carried two bodies. I closed my blinds and curled up in bed, feeling sorry for the two, only to...

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