Just a very strange date

Story by Jackmink on SoFurry

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Just a very strange date By Jackmink

Large colossal sized paws stepped lightly against the floor. Each toe clenching the cement floor before pressing off again stomping forward. Soft pink pawpads pressed back against the ground as the other paw landed. Each step shook the ground and his large frame. The world around him quaking lightly with his steps as he wore the biggest grin of his life.

The giant skunk set down the plates he had been holding close to his chest with an equal sized colossal paw. Two plates he tenderly set down on the table. One for him and his would be guest. Setting a clear vase between them, placing a small tree inside filling it up with water from a beaker the size of a golfclub. He grinned even wider pleased with himself as he looked at the table before him. White table cloth, wine glasses and two pint size bottle of white wine chilling on ice. It was perfect or would be. And the skunk knew, or hoped at least, that he would love it.

He was sure that he would.

The two had met online almost a year ago. They had hit it off right away, even though they just happened to bump into each other by chance. And throughout the months had grown as close as two guys could without physically meeting one another. They had moved from emailing to messaging to texting to spend several hours on the phone to video chats a day.

The distance was a killer for the two of them, seemingly as painful for the large skunk as it was for his would be mate. But the two remained strong through it all. They agreed it was ok to see others until they could meet. Yet the thought of him with another sent his hackles on end and tore at the skunks heart. But he wanted him to be happy and since he couldn't directly do it he would let another...for now.

That was the very same day he got a reply saying that he wouldn't either. The two spent the rest of the night skyping each other and as he closed his computer down that late night, early morning he wanted only one thing. Him.

And so he saved half his paycheck every payday and finally managed to bring him out. Not for one night or a weekened. But a whole month.

Thus explaining the skunks frantic efforts to reassess everything. Making sure it was all perfect for him. However there was that one little, giant of a detail he forgot to mention to him throughout the past year...

A knock on the door sent butterflies through his stomach. A small squeak escaped the masculine massive skunk who shook his paws in front of him as giddy as a schoolgirl. He took several deep breaths fanning himself with those paws, trying to calm himself down. The sound of the doorbell again made his ears perk and another squeak escape him.

Heftily the burly skunk lumbered over to the door, crouching down in the very fine outfit he had on - that clung mercilessly to his frame. He twisted the latch and opened the door. The otter on the other side was looking elsewhere wondering if he got the right warehouse. Sure, he thought it was stange for them to meet out here but the skunk had pressed that it was just the best place for him to stay.

The sandy furred otter was holding a baquet of white flowers in a webbed paw. Dressed in a nicer looking evening shir and a pair of semi-baggy shorts. His reddish curley furred head looked back in front of him as he reached out to press the doorbell again only now realizing the door had opened.

"Hey there." The skunk said with that same grin on his face still crouching down to look out the small door.

Jake could see a pair of very large muscular black fur pillars holding up an even larger behemoth of a skunk that towered over him like a small skyscrapper. Having to be anywhere from twenty to thirty feet tall the massive face gave him a warm beaming smile, welcoming him inside much as he imagined the big bad wolf did for little red riding hood. That deep voice, not exactly surprising now that he could see where it was coming from, was in a low hushed tone as to not freighten the smaller male or it was possible as to not pop the poor otter's eardrums. Something he had read about in these situations. However he had read about them and never had actually been in one before...

The skunks toes wiggled, being bare pawed as he looked at the otter waiting for a reply. Jake doubted they made a pair of sandals large enough for those things. That poofy striped tail swayed behind him creating a bit of a breeze around them as the skunk watched him with baby blue eyes.

"S-stanley?" Jake asked his voice going much higher than he meant it too. He was shaking and fear had gripped his legs. Unable to move let alone run for his life. His heart was in his throat pounding loudly as his eyes grew wide slowly looking up from those toes up those large black furred pillars of leg...lingereing on his crotch for far too long before drifting up to the skunks face. Who was still grinning from ear to ear looking down at him.

There were so many stories of how horrible a macro could be. The destruction and death they brought on any town or city. The endless hunger and lust they seemed to have. And here he was invited into the home of one. Flying hundreds of miles to see one. And to be nothing but a bite sized 'otter pop' for the striped behemoth.

The skunk placed a paw down on the ground easing himself into a sitting postion, opening his legs and arms to him still with that warm smile. His pants clung to his tone thighs and the bulge in his pants formed perfectly in the tight cloths.

"Can I have a hug or do I have to beg?" Stan grinned as his eyes sparkled with tears of happiness at finally meeting the man he had dreamt about countless nights.

Jake wasn't sure why his paws moved forwrd. Between those skunk paws and into the cul de sac his legs formed looking up at him still holding the flowers slacked jaw and wide eyed. One of the paws behind him shut the door and the skunk leaned down blocking out the light as he locked the door. He bent back shedding light on him once more as he looked back down at him.

His way out was locked and he was between two legs of bulging muscle. He had walked right into it too and all he could say and do was lift the flowers up shakingly towards him and say "I-I brought you flowers. W-white l-l-lilies, your favorite?" He stammered with a small squeak at the end. He wasn't sure why the last part came as a question. He was positive that it was but now was afraid it was going to be a nice danish on the side of the otter snack.

The skunk beamed down at him truly touched that he remembered. He had mentioned it several months before lightly without even really thinking about it. Reaching down he plucked the flowers with the tips of his blunt claws and brought them up to his snout to sniff. The gust of air rushing into his nostrils broke several of the flowers, petals flying everwhere as he puffed out again with a content sigh. And the chest shaking murr that escaped him afterwards almost made the otter keel over stiff as a board as if he just saw a ghost. The skunks black furred belly was poking out of the last unbuttoned spot and Jake couldn't help but watch it as it gurgled hungrily.

"They're lovely!" The skunk eyes were half closed as the smell wafted through his snout. He turned setting them aside, "I got you something too!" He chirred happily and very otter like, something he had picked up during their skyping.

A black pink velvet pad paw reached down and the otter froze. Couldn't even move as the fingers curled around his long body and very slowly hoisted him into the air. The pawpads felt warm and were surprisingly gentle as they lifted him clean off the ground and towards that face. The muzzle opened and the long red carpet soaked in saliva rolled out as it licked his lips. That tongue smacking loudly in his mouth as he was brought up, drawing him closer to the wet, moist, muggy warm cavern that would soon be his grave.

This was it. All his twenty three years was heading to this moment. Not even being a snack for the man he had spent countless nights taking to, dreaming about and wanting to spend the rest of his days with. And he never in his wildest dreams thought that he would be staying with him like this.

The muzzle clamped shut, puckering up and he felt the warm, wet leather like lips pressing against his head, shoulder, chest and body. The next second he was hoisted up further and placed gently on top of the muzzle that mere seconds before he thought would be the doorway to his grave.

"It's not as good smelling," Stan said sheepishly looking bashful before chuckling softly making the otter fall to all fours with the bouncing motion of his muzzle. The skunks paw hovered just below him just in case he had fallen off. "But its as sweet. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. 'Cause its the first in a billion more to come my sweet, sweet otter." He cooed looking at him with loving eyes. Jake felt a strong finger stroke his back making his fingers and toes splay out. One of his sandals coming off and plummeting towards the ground. He heard the soft thump on the ground far below and clunch to the muzzle tighter like a frightened cat trapped in a tree.

"Your better than anything I could of hoped for love," the skunk murred getting a little teary eyed again as he rubbed his finger softly along his spine again. He brushed a paw over his eyes sniffling a bit, turning his head to the side swinging Jake along with it. All the small otter could do was grab two whiskers and hold on for dear life as the skunk blubbered. "Y-your the b-best," he sniffed loudly. "Thing. Thats EVER happened to me!"

"I-its a-alright Stan." Jake called trying to calm the emotional giant down. Petting the top of the muzzle he was laying on with a paw.

"I just have something in my eye." Stan looked at him again. White stripes ran down his muzzle from the top of his head, all the way down his long tail sticking up behind him. He really was just a man, a skunk, that happened to be several hundreds times larger than an average one. He burst into tears again. "Oh, who is this old stripe dog kidding? I love you, my otter."

Jake found himself scoop up in a paw that 'shoveled' him off the muzzle, rolling over into his palm and winding upside down as he was brought back down before that muzzle and was kissed long and very sloppily. His tongue licking over the whole of him by the end as he was brought down to his chest were he was pressed against still upside down. Jake had to admit his fur was really soft as he got tangled up in the mess of chest fur before him.

"It just...I've been waiting so long for this day." Stan sobbed. "Your perect, better than I could've hope or dream of. I love you so much, Jake!"

The otter could feel every word through his chest, barely audible between the rapid breaths he took and the pounding of his heart.

In the next second he was back in front of that large muzzle, below his black massive sized button nose and pressed against those lips head first. He closed his eyes as his head slipped past those lips into his muzzle before getting a suckingly long kiss his head slurping free covered in saliva. He blinked several times wiping the saliva off his face. The paw dipped a bit and he tumbled back landing on his rump in the center of the skunks paw. The pawpad was springy and served as a good seat at least.

"So..." The skunk asked bending his muzzle down. His ears fell back and Jake could see how embarrassed the skunk was. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. You said looks didn't matter but I didn't want to scare you off," he tried his best to explain. He whimpered softly with those big baby blue eyes. "I of course made full arrangement for your size." He visible brightened at this as he continued. "Everything is all set. Just..." his ears fell back and whiskers drooped. "Give me a chance, please! By the end of the night if you don't want to stay I'll pay for you to head back in the morning. Promise." He beamed proudly grinning widely which only sent a shiver down the otters spine.

Jake kicked his paws off the side of his hand letting them swing back and forth. He kicked off the other sandal watching it fall off as he wiggled his nose. "Is that dinner?" Jake asked sniffing the air. Unable to really think of anything else too say.

Stanley jolted his fur standing on end as his ears shot up and his tail puffed out even poofier than before. He got up quickly before stopping suddenly, curling his fingers around his otter and slowly got up the rest of the way. Steading his hand glad he had practiced so many times before with such a situation. He brought the paw to his chest pocket and Jake got the jist of it. Grabbing the edge he hopped over into it, sliding down into the smooth clothed chamber. He got a good footing before poking his head out of the pocket much as a Joey would from its mothers pouch.

Stanly made a break for it after gentle patting the pocket with a loving smile. Making sure to keep an eye on his friend he turned the stove off, opened it remembering that he needed oven mits bonked himself in the head. Jumping over with the pink flowered oven mits on he opened the door, pulling the glass pan out from the black pillar of smoke that rose from the giant sized oven. It might as well looked like an easy-bake oven to the giant skunk though. He bent down slowly pulling the casserol back with him and set it ontop of the oven.

Jake was fascinated as he watched. The world around him seemed normal enough in a sense. It was as if he had shrunk rather than being in a home of a macro. Everything was so much larger, blown up to giant size and all he was nothing but a bug. All he could do was watched as the skunk fumbled with the burnt dish and weep against the counter as he kicked the stove door shut behind him.

The otter slide back down in the pocket, resting against the bottom and looking up from the opening. This whole thing was weird, strange and foreign. He closed his eyes and just listened. He could hear his breath, his heart beating and the profanity he was muttering as he exmained the dish hoping to salvage anything he could from it. Swaying back and forth as he felt the movment of the skunk. The motion of the large body.With his eyes closed it was like he was swimming in the ocean, just drifting along with the flow of the sea. And with the warm body next to him, listening to his breaths and heartbeat he truly found it...comforting.

All he could really do was curl up in a small half ball and look up at the large furry face of the man he was in the pocket of. How that large muzzle twisted from shocked surprise to mild agitation to wide eyed panic as the towel he was using caught on fire. Was he really so different?

He was massively huge. That much was obvious though. Even a blind deaf man could realize that. But that face, his antics...they were all of the same man he had fallen for so many months before. Even without meeting he felt he knew him and seeing him here now he wasn't put off. This was still the man he had said those words to.

He mouthed them with a soft smile at the skunk who sighed sitting back against he counter top. "Saved," he sighed taking in a large breath making his chest expand and the pocket become a lot tighter place before slowly letting it escape through his nose.

His ears perked up and he looked down at his shirt pocket. A large black furred finger dipped in, the claw was filed down thankfully. It snagged the edge of the pocket and pulled it open, the skunk looking inside with a smirk.

Jake clapped half assed, "good job. You saved dinner. "Woohoo, charred ash is my favorite."

"Oh, be quiet you." Stan blushed. He hesitated before dipping his muzzle down, a large pink tongue slithering from his muzzle and slurping the content of his pocket within. He could feel the small body push against the muscle, feel it struggle in vain as he licked his whole body. Tasting his toes to his head and covering him in thick sticky saliva in the process.

Jake could only close his eyes holding his breath as the muscle washed over him, slightly pulling him along with it as it slurped his whole body. Dripping with saliva he wiped his muzzle off and got a chuckle from above the snout still nosing the pocket. His breath washed over him and it had a slightly minty scent to it.

"Love, do you remember when I said you shouldn't bother wearing clothes? 'Cause they'd just get slobbered on?" Giving a cheeky grin, "I wasn't joking about that." He finished nosing the pocket further.

Wiping his eyes off Jake growled back up taking a few seconds to stand and poke the nose digging into the pocket. "Well you aren't having me for dinner," he was surprised how playful it had come off.

"Otter is nothing but trans fat," Stan replied smartly kissing the top of his head. He broke into a large smile laughing a bit too much as to make sure the joke got across. "Well dinner kind of was a bust," he pulled his muzzle away looking around. "Want to skip to desert?"

"Do I got to get naked for it?" Jake called up pulling himself out of the pocket more and looking down at the charred mess.

"Yes, actually." The skunk smiled innocently.

The otter was the one to flush this time

"Don't worry, my small love. I promise to keep you around for a very long long time," he teased again. "If you don't want to, I won't make you. I won't make you do anything you don't want to." He said respectuflly getting a lewd reply.

"Can I leave my clothes in here?" Jake asked already pulling his wet pants and slobbered shirt off. It wasn't everyday one got to do this he figured and if he only had only life to live, he wanted to live it with him. If it was for him he would, he had already invested so much in this whole shindig.

The skunk flushed looking away though he eyed down into the pockets sticking the tip of his tongue out as he did so, his ears splaying. Watching as how the next second the otter was doing his best to crawl out of his shirt pocket and onto his waiting paw on all fours in order to keep his balance, the thick rudder tail falling off the side of the skunks paw.

Stanley didn't even realized what he had done until after he had done it. 'Noming' the otter's tail with his lips getting a loud 'eep' from Jake. It was only the gums but the rough tongue licked the end of it fevorly. The skunk let go the next second not even feeling embarrassed as to what he had done.

He brought the paw he held the small otter in (who had snatched away his tail flushing brightly) to his chest. He dipped the fingers into the opening of his shirt watch as the otter slid off and onto his chest.

"Hold on tight, hun." Stan murmurred licking his lips as he moved over the fridge.

The movement caused the very 'wall' Jake was clinging to shake his paws unable to get a good hold as he slid down his chest slowly in the tangled fur. Using the fur to help guide him down to his belly wall he clung onto making sure he didn't fall from such a height. The loud gurgle he heard from the stomach made him change his mind as he slid down a bit more.

Stan sucked in his gut at the feel of the otter on his belly, a forced reaction mostly. Bringing a paw down to open his pants and underwear and bringing the thumb up and slowly pushing the otter down the rest of the way until he felt the soft weight fall onto his groin. He bounced back on his heels as he simply let his pants fall off with a lewd grin on his face. He had made sure to wear tight underwear just for this occassion. Very surprised and pleased that it did."Stay safe in there for a while while I whip this up." Stanley said pulling some icecream from the freezer.

Jake wasn't exactly sure what happened. His own view of the situation shifted and turned as he felt the wall he was holding onto suck in. Falling down only a few feet back landing on a soft, very warm and musky piece of loose skin before the world around him blacked out once more. The tight clothes behind him pushed him tightly forward against the opening of that furry flesh and the rich musky smell coming from him made himself grow hard. His whole body was pressed against that warm fleshy sheath, being just as big as it was. His paws touched the large beanbag like sack below, feeling his toes squish into that soft surface, entangling them in that curly fur as the surface he was being pressed against pulsed with life slowly growing larger and thicker from inside.

He still wasn't sure what was going on, most likely due to the fact his mind didn't want to wrap itself around what was happening. But he liked it. This smell and warmth that seemed to cling to his body. The pressure growing in front of him, rubbing against his chest and stomach and groin felt great and the feel on his toes against the squishy flesh was without words. The mugginess was easy to tolerate as he took slow even breaths of the rich thickening scent that seemed to be growing thicker and heavier the longer he lingered down here. He rubbed his muzzle against the curly black fur to the side before dipping his muzzle into that opening and slurping the contents within getting a visible notice shiver from the skunk.

Even before his thoughts could collect a light broke above and a a paw reached down, filling the rest of the briefs and in turn pressing him roughly against that body making him murr as his groin grinded against the thicking base of it. That was until it scooped him out, pulling him up and free from it into a velvety tender kiss and a long lick up his front that only continue to arouse him further.

"Silly otter, that's for later." The skunk cooed looking at him with a wicked smirk. He brought Jake over to the counter. "See, I was thinking that well you being an otter an all would want to dive in." He said trying to bring the befundled creature to the waking world again. "And then I can have my dessert." The skunk went on with a wicked grin, yet his voice was a bit sheepish and caught in his throat. It wasn't every day you had your date do this.

There was a large glass filled with milk and icecream, blended into a shake. A spoon and straw was placed inside and the contents oozed over the edge. Jake looked at it, his mind finally coming back to him as fresh air filled his lungs even though his whole body was covered in that smell. The small otter looked up at him.

"It's not like I'd eat you," Stan pressed trying to sound reasonable about the whole situation. "Just...play with my food," he smiled embarassed. "I knew this was dumb," he mumbled his ears folding back.

"Promise?" Jake asked turning back to the shake and holding his nose he didn't even wait for an answer before jumping in. The thick shake slowed his fall and the ice cold water chilled his bone from the warm area he had just been in. Breaching the surface he laid on his back giggiling over the situation he found himself in, resting back against the cold glass surface his belly and knees sticking out of the shake - his groin hidden just underneath the surface. The difference between the hot and cold was in itself pleasing.

Chunks of icecream floated next to him and he felt one bump his tail as the glass moved and shook as the skunk took it in paw and brought it up off the counter. That large pink tongue dipped inside between his legs and slurped up his front as he bent the cup back and took a long drink of the shake. Stan was giddy as he swallowed and looked back down at the drink the otter floating on his back still sticking his tongue out at him which only sent shivers up his spine as he carried the glass over to couch and took a seat, the cushions sagging underneath his bulk. He turned the tv on watching the news as he took another drink, casual and aroused as the paw that held the remote went down to his briefs and groped himself roughly.

Jake swished back and forth as the contents emptied into that muzzle, his feet brushing the lips and pushing against the sides of his nose to make sure he didn't spill out with the milky, chocolate water. Bringing the glass back down Stan pressed his tongue to the top of his muzzle feeling the icecream break apart easily and with no otter sized chunks left swallowed loudly, dipping his muzzle up and Jake could see the bulge in his throat as it vanished into his stomach. A shiver ran through him yet that could've been due to the cold water around him.

The otter would be lieing if he wasn't afraid, startled by the whole situation. But he had been since the two met. But taking a pawful of shake and drinking it, it seemed to ease his tension as he smacked his lips. It wasn't bad this otter float. He snickered at the thought as the world around him shifted and he felt the familiar press of his paws against the end of his muzzle. The wet, sticky webbed paws pressing against the warm fuzzy muzzle made him giggil as he wiggled his toes in the short fur.

Stanley wrapped his lips around the straw sucking most of the liquid out of it leaving only the otter an a few chunks of icecream left. The water level around him slowly lowered as Jake found himself resting between two icecream chunks. He licked one of them.

"Nothing good is ever on," Stan mumbled flipping through the channels again.

Jake rolled his eyes as he took a paw full of icecream and licked his paw clean. It wasn't bad but he prefered vanilla. The straw moved from his side as the end was brought up to be sucked clean by the skunk. The end of the straw pressed against the otters groin the next second making him jump and squirm as a slight suction was applied.

"Do you mind?" Jake yelled up slapping the straw aside with a laugh. "You could've sucked it off!"

"I thought you wanted me to suck you off," Stan said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Funny." Jake rolled his eyes as the glass around him was tipped down again. He pushed against the wall but found himself slowly sliding down the side of the slippery glass. "H-hey now!" The otter called as he slid down more. "I'm still in here you jerk."

The skunk didn't reply as his muzzle opened, the red carpet rolling out as the rest of the contents of the glass fell out onto his tongue. Jake landed on the soft, thick muscle blinking a few times as his heart jumped into his throat as muzzle clamped shut.

The tongue pressed him to the top of the muzzle agaisnt the rough surface as he felt the powerful suction around him and the gurgling swallow of the icecream around him. The tongue let him go and he clung to the roof for a few seconds before slurping off and falling on the rough tongue again. He took a few breaths, his lungs filling with the skunks breath. The smell was old and stale. The lips of the muzzle rose and between clenched teeth fresh breath was breathed in filling the muzzle before the lips closed again.

The muzzle opened more, the tongue rolling back blocking the end of his throat and Jake slid off resting back against the teeth trapped inside. The tip of the tongue teased his front, poking him and tasting him with the otter trying to push it away fruitlessly. His fear slowly subsided as the cheeks lifted again and more fresh air was sucked inside. It was warm, hot and humid in here. Saliva clung to his arms and legs and it was only after he was scooped back up in that tongue, pressed against the ceiling and the world around him was sucked away with a sickening swallow was he able to move again.

He wasn't sure how long he was in that muzzle but he got used to it quicker than he was willing to admit. Lifting his tail to the tip of that tongue, pressing his groin into it and 'riding' it as he wormed around the muzzle. Jake dared to say he liked it. But finally the muzzle opened once more and he was picked out between two fingers and placed down on the skunks waiting belly.

Stan smacked his lips, licking them before swallowing again still watching the tv. The belly he rested on was accompanied by the flacid member of the skunk that had long since slid out of his underwear as well as his sheath. The pink, black splotched length rested timidly on his belly next to him.

"Nothing on, nothing on." Stan mumbled resting back a bit. One of his paws was resting on his sack and the empty sheath. The other flipping through the channels. Jake could see his underwear hanging from one of his feet as it lazied up over the couch as the other leg was off the other end. He looked very comfortable in the position he was in and Jake grinned thinking how sexy he looked. He would love to have a picture of this.

Jake laid back next to that flaccid member looking over at the giant screen tv. It was like being in a movie theater. But the seat was a squishy, warm fuzzy belly that rose and fell slowly with his breath. He squeeked the next second as the limp cock next to him was placed over him like a blanket, the fat mushroom splotched head resting on his chest. Jake swallowed loudly as he felt a bit of blood rush into it. He could feel the soft heartbeat through it, the quickening pace it had even though he seemed so relaxed right now. He must've been terrified of how things were going and it was up to the otter to show him how nice this all was. Subtle of course no fun in just tell him.

Kicking the member aside and off of him he got up, the action making the skunk stop midclick. He watched the otter walk down his belly, holding his breath, wondering if he had gone too far just then. Down to his groin and amongst the curly fur there, to the large paw resting back on his balls and empty sack. Jake really wasn't sure where he was going with this thinking of maybe resting on those large boulders but as his paws bumped into that empty sheath a wicked idea came to mind. He got down opened it up and neatly slid inside feeling the very world around him shake and shiver as a low mumbled murr escaped the skunk.

The warm, slightly moist, otter slipping inside his empty sheath against his furless flesh inside made his toes curl. He shifted his weight the action pushing the otter the rest of the way in as Stan moved his large tail from behind him between his legs and over him as a blanket. He hugged it tightly closing his eyes as a paw went underneath it stroking down his length and to his sheath. Pushing a paw on either side before pressing down very lightly on it and letting out a low groan. The warmth inside there, feeling the movement and breathing body of the otter in there was something else. He had done 'docking' before with another macro but this was something else.

The squirming body made him shift and turn against the couch holding his tail tighter. He touched the base of it, slowly guiding the contents inside out unable to take much more as he felt the pleasurable shivers running through his sack into his core. He wanted the night to last a bit longer than to just rush through it. He lifted his tail up a bit and looked down at the otter poking his head out with his tongue sticking out.

"Tease," he murred licking his lips. His cock pulsed a bit, the once flacid member arching upwards a bit as it became gorged with blood. "You mind helping me with this?"

"I'm like 1/50th your size." Jake laughed climbing up a bit and pressing his paws against the very base of it feeling the warm blood rushing through it making his fur stand on end a bit. He brought his muzzle down kissing it softly and letting out a steady breath against it before forcing himself to lick it long and hard.

Stan licked his lips as he watched bringing his paw up to give himself a good pull. "You mind putting that tongue elsewhere?" He murred still watching him as he licked again his eyes were clouded with lust.

Jake licked his lips before crawling on all fours up the side and up to the head, brushing a paw up the entire length while doing so. Letting his claws scrap lightly against it making the skunk squirm again. Such a small touch had so much power over the giant and in turn Jake loved that as he got to the head. Grabbing it with both paws as he brought his muzzle to the tip, opening his maw and letting his own warm muscle lick against that slit slowly - painfully so that is pulsed the next second a bit of pre spooging from the end.

The otter took a paw full of the stuff and much like the icecream brought it up to his lips to licks and drink it down, shivering at the warm bitter broth. He could feel his own arousal as he eargerly went back to what he was doing before. Licking and probbing that slit with his muzzle over and over again, feverently until the end of his muzzle actually went inside making the skunk arch his back and groan even louder. Jake pulled his muzzle back and like a cork being pulled out a champagne bottle, more pre spurted out of it. Only slickening it more and making it easier for him to slip his muzzle in again. Rubbing it around inside and licking softly at it before pulling back, his whole muzzle covered in the stuff.

The skunk laid back his head rolling off the side of the couch as he exposed his neck, wrapping a paw around his length and slowly pumping himself as the otter teased and played with his tip. Groaning every now and then before bringing his other paw down to play with his hefty sack. Rolling his spheres around and pulling on them softly making him let out a low, lustful whine. Letting out a loud moan as the otter stuck his head inside. His cock jumping at the touch, pulling the otter whole body off his belly before letting it fall back down.

Jake fell free sitting on his rump as stars danced in front of his eyes. He let out a stupid giggil as he played with the tip with his feet. The toes peeling it open and pushing inside making the skunk groan again. More pre leaking out of it, over his paws and down his legs slicking them up. He licked his lips as he pushed his tail between his legs and pushed both his paws inside. Feeling it pulse around him as the meat gripped his paws tightly as if tried to suck him in.

Grabbing the fur around him he pushed a bit more into that throbbing tube, licking his lips as he watched it hungrily take his knees and the tip of his tail inside. Moving a bit more down he wiggled his thighs, having to turn on his side to make they fit and with it most of his tail.

Stan bit his lip as he looked down to see what the otter was doing. Gasping loudly before groaning and bringing his paw up to rub a strong thumb against his back. "Oh, Jake. You have no idea how that feels! So, gooood," he groaned as the otter slid a bit more into him.

Jake defiantly had an idea. His whole body snuggling trapped inside, his own groin at the opened grinding against the surface feeling the pulsing through his own member that sent pleasure coursing through his body making him tip back his head and groan. "Ohhh, I want to go deeper." Jake growled trying to push in more, watching with a large grin as he managed to get his whole waist inside. Feeling the build of pre inside that pushed against his paws, ran up between his legs and filled his groin and seeped into his tailhole as it tried to get past as the pressure built within.

The force making him moan against it, wiggling his legs and tail as he squirmed in its grip. The action making the skunk buck his hips, letting out another maon. The force in itself pulling him in deeper into the spooge pooling around his whole body.

Jake rubbed his paws against the head along the slit, as he bucked his own hips in him as much as he could. Feeling that strong paw wrap around the part that he was at. Stan began slowly stroking that part with his strong fingers, and in turn stroking the small otter's length inside making them both moan again. Jake was breathing heavy as they both grinded harder and faster.

Stan rolled his sack in his hand as he stroked again, bucking his hips but the otter didn't move where he was. Plugged tightly in his length the skunk had half a mind to stop there and keep him there for a long long time but the need to finish was building up inside, pushing against the otters rump in turn. His strokes quickened as he closed his eyes, gritting his teeth and the otter was more than happy to do everything he could to help him along.

Pleasure gripped him as his sack tightened against his body and his toes stretched, thighs tightening and an "oh gawd, oh gawd, oh gawd" escaped his lips as every time before this fell flat in comparison as ecstasy shot through his body. Pooling and filling, slowly building and rising more and more and more before finally...

His cock pulsed, long ripples through it starting from the base to the tip. The pressure too much and Jake found himself slurping out in a tumbling roll as ribbons of creamy skunk fluid shot all over his belly and chest, up to his shoulder even as the otter could only close his eyes as it rain down above him.

Licking his lips he breathed heavily as more tendrils of spooge shot over his shoulder until it slowly subsided, the spooge falling on his shoulders and pushing against his back Stan finally finished, calming down as his member fell a bit limp to Jake's side still leaking from the end.

"Oh. My. Gawd." Stan said soaking up the moment before just letting out a laugh.

He brought a paw to his chest rolling his jizz around between his fingers, looking up above them and just smiling endlessly.

Jake licked one of the passing fingers which caught the skunks notice and a second later the otter was back in his muzzle. Licked and suckled, stroked with his tongue and every piece of him was sucked and licked clean over and over again before he was let out, covered in saliva rather than jizz and back in his paw.

"That was. Amazing," Jake said tossing his arms up. He didn't even notice he had orgasismed before it was over and done. The high he had gotten from it all was finally washed away as he was cleaned up. Finally getting his voice back he looked up at the skunk and just burst into a fit of giggils. "We are so doing that again!"

"You have no idea," the skunk grinned as all the thoughts he had wanted to do with this small sweet loveable otter was coming back to him. He had made a list of things and he was going to do it because this otter, this man, was his.

The Gigantically lillputian Story

By Jackmink 18+ Casey had been through a lot in his life. But nothing quite like this. Not only was he naked with his friend sleeping a few feet away, but he had somehow shrunk. His previously worn boxers lay where his ass had slept only a few hours...

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