Make Me a Bunny!

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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Tristan Hawthorne is (c) Me

Jag, Wings, and Stephen are (c)Jag

Note: If you don't wanna read scat, don't read after the ~~~~~~~ s

Make me a bunny

Tristan stepped up to the front of Jag's house, the hare not quite sure exactly why his feline friend had called him over. He stood around six and a half feet tall most of the time, gaining a couple inches when he had better posture. His fur was mostly white, save a couple markings on his ears which were black, and all his visible flesh was black as well. The bunny raised a paw and wrapped on the door with a knuckle thrice. Within moments he found himself in the presence of a dark grey jaguar with black spots. Of course this was hard to tell unless he was out in direct sunlight (but seeing as he was at heart a cat, he was wont to do this.) The feline grinned up at his friend, "Hey bunny!" Tris immediately thought something was up. But then again, Jag always had something up his sleeve.

Tris smiled warmly, "Hey Kitty. What's up?" He padded into his friend's house. A precursory glance around the room and scenting of the air told him that Jag's housemates weren't home. "Where're Stephen and Wings...?"

"They went camping of all things." Jag rolled his eyes, implying with his tone that only total lame ecofreaks went camping. At this news Tristan immediately got an image in his mind of the Pegasus rubbing a squirming bunny-filled belly and telling it to behave.

Tris giggled at that and followed the feline to the couch. "So, why'd you call me over?" He reclined and adjusted his pants a bit since he kept forgetting that tight jeans were not friends to the seated position. "Did you think you were gonna get lonely without the bunny or the pony around? Or possibly cold in your bed?" Tris winked at Jag.

Jag mewled and stuck his lil pink kitty tongue out at Tris, "Nothing like that, bunny. I- well..." He started to blush through his dark pelt, a hard thing to notice, but Tris picked up on it.

"What is it kitty?" Tris' teasing smirk faded.

"Well... I was just thinking I wanted to be a bunny for a while, but we're out of that potion..." Jag averted his eyes at this, remembering what happened last time he had used the potion while Tris was around. "And Stephen's not around to make more.... I was thinking you could make me into one..."

Tris' smile brightened. "Of course I'll make you a bunny." He popped his knuckles like a concert pianist preparing for a concerto, "Normal markings or do you want me to go craaaaazy?" He giggled.

The feline shook his head, "Just a normal black bunny."

The hare nodded softly, "Okay." He beckoned the feline to scoot closer to him on the couch. When Jag complied he started to rub his paws into the feline's muscles gently, warmth radiating from his black pawpads. The feline mewled as he felt tingling begin, altering his body shape gently, making him slighter and a little shorter. Tris moved his paws to Jag's legs and started rubbing over them as well. When he did so, the feline's thighs started to grow thicker and stronger, making them into the powerful kicking, jumping, and running legs of a rabbit. Jag mewled softly as his pants tightened and the hare gently undid the fly and eased them off his friend, smiling to see that Jag was growing aroused from the process. He reached around to the long slender tail and rubbed the tailbase, before making gentle pushes near the base along the tail towards Jag's spine. Every time he did, fur bunched up there, but instead of returning to normal, it stayed bunched. At the same time, the tail got shorter. Tris did this until all was left was a nice fluffy teardrop tail adorning Jag's pert rump, which the hare felt compelled to give a teasing kiss.

Jag squirmed with another mewl and Tris chuckled, before moving his paws to pull off the what now appeared to be a cabbit's shirt, dropping it on the ground with the feline's pants. "There we go, just a couple more touches..." He leaned in to Jag and kissed him passionately, his lips radiating that same changing warmth as his paws, making the feline's muzzle grow softer. The hare then slipped in his tongue and started to feel around Jag's teeth. He stayed like this for a few moments, before pulling away from the kiss with a little string of spittle connecting their lips. Jag panted, his mouth full of flat bunny teeth, complete with buck incisors at the front, while Tris broke the strand of saliva with his tongue and slurped it up. "Mmm... Now one last touch... " He reached up and started to rub the two feline ears between his thumbs and fingers, before slowly starting to pull as he rubbed. Slowly but surely they began to stretch out. Tris stopped when the ears were about a foot long and smiled at his handiwork, "I always did say you make a good bunny Jag."

The former feline grinned and looked at himself in the reflection of the powered down TV screen across from the two of them, blushing as he realized he was fully aroused as well. He hmmed softly as he sniffed the air, before he realized what was wrong, mewling in distress, "I still smell like a kitty!"

Tris smiled, "Well yeah. Everything I did to you was cosmetic. You're still a feline, just in lapine shape."

"But I wanna be a bunny on the inside..." Jag's big ears folded against his head in a decidedly feline manner.

Tristan thought a moment, then grinned, slowly unzipping his own fly, "Well an injection of bunny DNA can help..."

Jag hmmfed, "Where am I gonna get-" The black lapine blushed deeply as Tristan fished his black shaft from his fly, already hardening. "Oh."

Tris smirked, "Does the kitty want his dose of bunny orally or as a suppository?" As he spoke he stroked along the ebon length, working it to full arousal.

Jag slowly turned onto his knees, showing his rump to Tris. The hare grinned and looped an arm gently around the psudo-bunny's waist, pulling him closer as he sucked on his fingers of his other paw, getting them nice and wet with bunny saliva. Jag shivered and his fur stood on end as the cold wet fingers found his tight hot pucker and started rubbing. He gasped as the two fingers pushed in, letting out a soft mroooow as one of Tris' blunt claws rubbed a very sensitive spot. Convinced that his black-furred friend was sufficiently lubed and spread, he retracted his fingers and pulled Jag's rump down to his hot fat cockhead.

He let the former feline sit there for a moment, before starting to ease his friends hips down over his hard shaft. Jag gave a soft mewl as he was spread further than just the fingers and deeper as well, Tris starting to nuzzle and nip warmly at the scruff of the feline scented bunny's neck with his own ironically quite not-bunny-like-at-all teeth. The hare soon found Jag's soft rump in his lap and chuured, the larger bunny still mostly clothed, despite, or possibly in spite, of the nudity of his friend. One large soft paw started to rub at Jag's throbbing pink dick, caressing it as it started to leak pre, before Tris was starting to thrust slowly and tenderly, starting to ease Jag over onto the couch into a more standard mounting position, making the thrusts come more easily to the hare. Jag groaned and mewled, flexing his insides, eager for that missing bit of bunny he needed. Tris simply kept thrusting, his jaws soon in a mating bite over his dark friend's neck.

The hare felt his peak rising rapidly and started to stroke off Jag's shaft more firmly, trying to get the two of them to hit at the same time, his other paw moving to rub at the slight chest of the bunny below him. He felt and heard Jag's breath starting to accelerate and grinned around scruff in his muzzle, moving his paw from the chest to right in front of the cock his other paw was jerking. Tris hilted in firmly and groaned softly, just as Jag yowled and tensed, both males hitting orgasm. The hare felt his paw getting coated in kitty spooge as he pumped the potent dose of bunny DNA into Jag. They stayed that way for some time while Jag murmered softly, feeling warmth starting to rush through his insides, changing his physiology. Soon the only scent of feline in the room was coming from the spooge coating Tris' paw. Tris sat up, not yet pulling out, and started to clean off his paw, chuuring warmly at the taste, "Feel more like a bunny now, Jag?"

"If feeling kinda slutty counts." Jag giggled giddily from his orgasm.

"Cute." Trist rolled his eyes as he slurped up the last of the seed from his paw, looking over it carefully to make sure he had got all of the viscous goop. He pulled his shaft out of Jag and flexed it a bit, seeing it was still hard and smirked, reaching into his pants to pulls his sac into the open, before scooting back a little, "So you don't feel particularly lapine...?" He started rubbing over the black bunny's feet, his cockhead flexing and starting to drool...

"I dunno what it is, bunny. I just don't feel bunnyish. But then again every time I've been a bunny its been from one of-" Jag froze mid-sentence as he felt a warmth wrap around his feet and lower calves with a noisy schluck. He looked back and mewled as he spotted Tris' cock wrapped up around his legs, and working its way to his knees, "B-Bunny!"

"Well, if an injection didn't work, I'll just have to immerse you in bunny DNA..." Tris grinned mischievously as he started to hump his hips forwards, flexing his cock each time, the black bunny's feet starting to bulge out his ballsac massively. Jag whimpered and squirmed, grabbing at the arm of the couch as Tris worked over his rump and spent loins with his own ravenous cock. The hare reached forwards and grabbed Jag's wrists, pulling his arms to his sides as he slid the newly formed bunny's paws into his gulping cock, before he sat back onto his ankles, the former feline's navel sliding into the drooling cumslit.

Tris spread his thighs to make room for the growing sac, which held a kneeling pair of legs already inside, and straightened his right leg, putting his foot on the ground in front of the couch, his handpaws moving to Jag's shoulders and pushing down. Jag whimpered and mewled, "Don't do this, Bunny! There's another way, surely!" He tried to bite at the paws on his shoulders but Tris was too quick pulling them away and flexing his cock, working up over the former feline's chest, leaving just his shoulders and head outside the hungry phallus.

"You wanna be a bunny, right?" Tris chuckled, stroking Jag's ears warmly, "You said you wanted to be one, at least for a little while. Well you're gonna be one, one way or another..." He licked his lips and pushed down on the top of Jags head with a moan, thrusting up. Soon his wrist was being suckled on by his cockhead and he knew he had all of Jag inside his loins. He pulled his paw free with a schluck as he watched the bunny bulge slide down fully and fill out his balls. He turned on the couch and let his sac hang off the front, nearly sitting on the ground with the weight. "Mmmm... But since I didn't say you'll be seed, I'll have to let you out of there before my balls claim you..." He giggled and licked his cum covered paw off, thinking it was a little redundant. Well at least the seed was different this time around. He stroked his throbbing triumphant member at the same time, feeling Jag squirm and whine in his sac, feeling his second peak nearing him rapidly. He finished cleaning his paw again and wrapped his mouth around his own cockhead, sucking hard as he jerked the long meat with both paws a couple more times, before he bellowed out through his nose. His cock bulged out with bunny, and soon so did Tris' throat. After a moment or two, his belly was swollen and Tris popped off his still spurting cock with a wet pop, letting the rest of his orgasm splatter a bit around the room, "Oooh..." He felt where his shirt had been pushed up by having such a meal in his belly and chuured warmly, starting to rub at his bare fuzzy belly as he came down from his peak, fingering his cumslit idly with his other paw, "There you go Jag... You'll be a complete bunny for a while... Until I have to let what's left of you out again that is."

He felt Jag start to squirm more and more at this. "BUNNY!!!" He shouted muffledly. Tris simply relaxed and let out a resounding belch, before laying on his side on Jag's couch, rubbing his tight belly as it started to gurgle loudly and his shaft as it throbbed softly, sated. He was soon asleep.


The next morning Tris woke up to a pressure in his rump and bladder. He groaned and got up, stumbling sleepily towards Jag's bathroom, his flaccid cock flopping all over the place as he moved, the discheveled yet clothed hare patting his now low sagging belly as he entered the bathroom itself and turned on the lights. He grinned at the industrial sized toilet installed there, obviously for Wings, and undid his pants fully, getting over the bowl with his rump and starting to push, "Ooooh...."

Slowly but surely his tailhole spread and thick dark brown sludge started to flow from his pucker like rancid soft serve, dotted with bone fragments and tufts of fur, arcing downwards and starting to coil up below the water's surface in the toilet. Tris felt his shaft growing half a stalk just from the sensation of unloading his bowels, panting softly from exertion. Before long there was an island of scat in the glistening white bowl and the bunny felt a blockage in his rectum. He grunted and pushed harder, and out popped a bunny skull, landing upright on the island. Tris turned and pointed his cock at the skull. Before he started to piss he giggled, "I guess you did go fully bunny before I got you. Oh well." He chuured as he unleashed his thick musky urine all over the skull, cleaning the streaks of brown from the white bone, golden droplets blasting away all impurities from the shimmering surface. When he was done he rubbed his still nicely pudgy belly and bowed to the mass in the toilet, "Thanks for the pounds buddy." He flushed.