Family ties

Story by HornyBunny on SoFurry

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#2 of matt the skunk

This is a second part to Fifi's movie night.

The two women give birth and years later they have some fun with the kids.

This is a month old request from MatthewTheSkunk.

The kids are fully grown up. I just didn't put an age for them in the story because I wrote it as i went and I forgot about that.

Family ties

WARNING I forced myself to write this, so it has a cheesy plot for incest and bad excuses to start some incestuous sex. As well as the usual grammar and spelling issues that, I usually get when I force myself to write something.

"That felt good," Brad, says rubbing a towel over his head to dry his black hair after a shower.

The skunk drops the towel in the hamper, looks in the mirror, and smiles at the crème colored reflection. "If only I had a woman," he says as he wraps a towel around his waist. He leaves the bathroom and heads for his room a short distance down the hall "I hope mother is asleep, so I can jerk off with out worrying about her walking in on me" he mumbles as he opens the door and shuts it behind himself and freezes in place.

"How about I help you with that" his mother, Bimbette says, as she lays on his bed, nude, with her tail tip flicking as his eyes travels up and down her pink and white furred body.

"Mom! What are you doing in my room, nude?" Brad asks trying to keep his eyes on hers, but they keep wandering down to her chest.

"I figured you could use a real body to get off to instead of fantasizing about me every night" she tells him and spreads her legs open a little, giving him a look up her long legs ending with her pussy.

"What!" he says stunned that she spread her legs open.

"I know about you fantasizing about me and I'm horny," she says running a hand down her belly and upping her pussy, making her eyes flutter shut. She opens her eyes and looks at him "do you want to try a real woman?" she asks as his towel falls from his hips as his cock grows under it.

"Yeah" he says feeling his cock throbbing now that he is about to live out a fantasy.

"Come over here and lie down" she says patting the bed next to her.

He moves over to the bed, lies on the bed as his mother moves onto her knees next to him, and puts a breast in front of his face. "have a suck," she says offering him one of her nipples. He sucks it between his lips making her moan softly as she reaches down to his hard cock and squeezes it making him groan into her breast.

"It's a lot bigger then I thought it would be" Bimbette says stroking his cock a few times. He moans louder into her breast as he sucks harder and starts gently biting the nipple making her pussy even wetter as pain and pleasure mix. "yes, bite my nipples a little harder" she moans feeling him rubbing her belly until she pulls the nipple from his mouth with a pop "i want a taste" she says leaning down and taking the cock into her mouth.

She sucks on his cock making him arch his back as the older skunk sends waves of pleasure through his body until he stiffens. She feels his cock throb and harden until a rush of thick, creamy cum fills her mouth. She swallows and groans as more cum fills her mouth. She massages his balls as he fills his mother's mouth over and over until he goes limp. His cock gives one last dose of cum before it stops, she sucks the last drops of cum from it, and sits back licking her lips "I love the taste of cum" she says licking her lips.

Brad looks at her and watches as she slips a hand between her thighs and pushes a finger into her pussy. He watches that until he recovers and sits up with a smile "let me" he says putting his hand over hers. She pulls her hand away from her pussy and feels him slide a finger into her pussy, sending a massive wave of pleasure through her body.

"Oh god!" she moans softly feeling waves of pleasure with each plunge.

A minute passes as Brad fingers her dripping pussy, feeling it grab his finger each time he sinks it as deep as he can. Suddenly, she grabs his arm "fuck yes!" she groans as her pussy clamps down on his finger and starts milking it like it was a cock. She grunts and grinds against his hand until she collapses back on the bed panting as the pleasure slowly fades "that was good" she says as he pulls his finger from her pussy and lifts it to his nose "try it" she says and watches as he sucks on his finger and groans as the taste covers his tongue.

"Now, how about you try it from the source" she says holding her pussy lips open and spreading her legs farther apart. Without saying a word, he crawls up between her legs, lowers his face to her pussy, runs his tongue up her pussy, and grinds it against her clit making her hips buck and press her dripping pussy to his face. He grabs her thighs and pushes on them until she is back on the bed and looks at his mother's pussy.

"Beautiful" he says and pushes his tongue into her pussy and hears her groan and grab his tongue.

"Enough, I need your cock in me now!" she says grabbing the fur on the back of his head and lifts it from her pussy and looks him in the eyes.

"Yes!" he says and quickly moves up her pink and white body until his cock is at her pussy.

"Do it!" she says grabbing his ass and pulling on him until his cock slides into her pussy making both of them groan. Her from the deep penetration and intense burst of pleasure. Him from the heat and wetness surrounding his cock, almost sending him over the edge. She feels his cock throb and holds his buried deep in her belly "calm down!" she says softly, as she runs her hands up and down his back until she feels him start thrusting softly into her. She looks down at him "suck my nipples" she says and feels his thrusts getting deeper and harder as he takes a nipple between his lips. He sucks on her nipple as he thrusts into her and groans feeling her grabbing his ass and pulling him harder into her.

"Relax," she says running a finger up and down his ass until she stops the finger at his tailhole "this will feel good" she says as he gently pushes a finger into her son's tight tailhole.

His cock jerks as the fingertip slips through his pucker and the rest of the finger slides in after it until she finds his prostate and presses on it. "Fuck!" he says letting go of her nipple and throwing his head back.

"Yes! Cum in me!" she groans feeling his cock jerk and wave of heat floods her pussy.

They both hit orgasm at the same time and start grunting and groaning for over a minute before they collapses in a sweating and panting heap "when ever you need to get off, call me" she says stroking his head as he takes a nipple between his lips and starts gently nursing on them as his cock tingles.

"I need a nap," he says pulling off the nipple and laying his head on her large, soft breasts.

"So do I?" she says pulling a pillow under her head and closing her eyes.


"FUCK YES! CUM IN ME!" Sara hears from her mother's bedroom.

"I thought mother was going to the movies with Matt" the young purple and crème colored skunk says as her black tail flicks back and forth as more sounds of sex hits her ears.

She sees the door is open a crack and peeks in and gasps. On the bed Matt has her mother bent over, pounding his cock in and out of her pussy as hard and fast as he can making Fifi howl as he starts to cum. Sara can see his cock starting to jerk as the first shot of cum fills her mothers pussy quickly followed by almost a dozen more before Matt collapses on the bed.

"If only Sara was here. She would love to feel this big piece of skunk meat," Fifi says leaning over and running her tongue up his cock. They both shiver at the thought of Sara taking Matt's cock without knowing he is her father.

Sara stands at the door with a hand under her skirt, running a finger up and down her panty clad pussy feeling the moisture building up. "I'd love to be in there, too" she thinks as she pulls her hand from under her skirt and takes a step back, but the floor board creaks loud enough for her parents to hear it.

"I guess she heard that, how about we invite her in" Fifi says looking at the source of the noise.

"If you want to join us, come in" Matt says as Fifi moves back beside him and spreads her legs open little showing off her cum dripping slit.

"I didn't mean to spy on you, but the door was open and I heard mother screaming" Sara says as she enters the room.

"Come over here and get between use and we can help with those wet panties" Matt says scooting over and patting the bed. Sara jumps on the bed, climbs between them, and rolls over as Matt cups one of her breasts. "Nice and soft" Matt mumbles as Fifi cups the other breast.

Sara moans softly as they each take a nipple into their mouths and starts sucking on them until they are hard and Sara is squirming. Matt moves his free hand down her flat purple belly and cups her pussy making her groan as her wetness soaks his palm. He squeezes her whole pussy and feels her hips jerk into his hand.

Fifi pulls her lips off Sara's breast "have you done it with anyone yet?" she asks as she gently pinches the nipple.

"No!" Sara squeals as Matt pinches her clit.

"We'll go slowly," Fifi says as Sara reaches for Matt's cock.

Sara wraps her fingers around Matt's cock and squeezes it making him groan into her breast flesh as a drop of pre-cum runs from the tip. She wipes it up with a finger, lifts it to her mouth, and sucks her finger clean with a moan. "How about tasting it straight from the source," Matt says squeezing the base of his cock and milking more pre-cum from it. Sara looks at him for a few seconds and then leans down taking the head between her lips as he milks his cock for more pre-cum.

"She's just like her mother. I was like that when I was her age" Fifi says as she slips a hand between Sara's legs and slides the tip of her finger into Sara until she hits her hymen "yep, she's intact" Fifi says slowly sawing the finger in and out as Sara sucks on Matt's cock

"Would you let me have the honor of taking your flower," Matt says feeling her tongue circle around his cock head a few times.

"Yes, I need more then a finger in my pussy. I've been waiting for someone, but I don't care right now," she says lifting her lips from the cock and looking up at him.

"Good, when you're ready just let me know," he says as she sucks harder on his cock making it throb as he approaches his peak.

She moans into the cock as her mother adds a second finger. Sara grabs the cock, strokes it as she sucks on it harder, and laps at it in her mouth. it starts to throb faster and harder until he grabs her head "here it comes!" he moans feeling his balls jerk and a hot stream of cum shoots up his cock and floods her mouth. Shot after shot of cum fills her mouth until he slumps back panting as she licks his cock clean "for a virgin. She sure can suck cock!" Matt says as he tries to catch his breath.

"I never said I haven't sucked a cock, I just haven't had a cock yet" she says sitting back as she watches his cock slowly soften with each beat of his heart.

"Now we'll need to excite him so he can fuck you," Fifi says moving between Sara's legs and pushing them further apart.

"Yeah, I hope he like watching a mother lick her daughter's pussy" Sara says cupping her breasts as she feels her mother breathing on her dripping pussy.

"Oh yeah" Matt says as his cream-colored tail flicks back and forth.

Fifi pulls Sara's pussy lips open and runs her tongue up and down the length a few times tasting the sweet juices of her daughter. She stops and pushes her tongue as deep as she can and licks the thin wall of skin making Sara grab her head and hold her in place as she starts humping her. "Fuck yes!" Sara screams as she suddenly hits her peak and juice sprays out covering her mother's purple and white face.

"Look at her squirt" Matt says slowly stroking his cock back to life.

Sara let's out a loud groan and her orgasm stops and the flow of girl juice stops as her mother laps up as much as she can get. "She's ready for you," Fifi says moving out of Matt's way "roll over and stick that tight ass in the air," she says moving around in front of Sara

Sara rolls over and sticks her rump in the air and Matt groans as he looks down at his daughter's tight ass as her tail moves out of the way. He grabs his cock and strokes the head up and down her pussy making sure to press against her clit each time making her gasp and wiggle each time. He pushes the tip into her pussy and grabs her hips "here it comes. I'll go fast and get it over as fast as possible" he says a second before he rams his hips forward. She screams as her hymen is torn and his cock sinks into untouched territory until it finds her cervix and kisses it.

Sara lifts her head, looks straight into her mother's dripping pussy, and sees a drop run form the bottom of her pussy and across her tight tailhole "give it a lick," Fifi says feeling her daughter's breathe on her pussy. Matt holds his cock deep in her pussy for a minute as she adjusts to his size. Sara looks up past her mother's large breasts and then back at her pussy and grins. She pushes her face into her mother's pussy and feels her jump as her tongue runs across her pussy.

Matt watches as Sara starts licking her mothers pussy and then looks down at her tight tailhole "maybe next time" he says and pulls his hips back and hears Sara moan into the soaking pussy. Fifi holds onto Sara's head and humps her hips against her daughter's face moaning as waves of pleasure shoot through her body.

"Eat her" Matt says raising his hand and bringing it down on Sara's ass making her squeak into the dripping hole she is licking. Sara reaches back, grabs his balls, and massages them as he shortens his strokes to keep his balls in her hand and groans feeling them tighten. "Milk me dry," Matt says feeling her pussy clamp down on his cock and starts flexing around him as he feels his cum boiling. He keeps fucking her until his back arches and molten cum shoots through his cock and splatters on her cervix and convulsing walls.

"Yes! Fill your daughter's pussy!" Fifi says feeling Sara's tongue dive deep into her pussy and setting her off as well.

All three of them moan, groan and squeak until they collapse and try to recover from a crushing orgasm.

"He's my father," Sara says looking up at her mother after a few minutes.

"Yeah, he's also Brad's father, too" Fifi tells her.

"I already knew. I heard you two a couple of months ago" Sara says reaching back to her still raised pussy and collects some of his dripping cum on her fingers and sucks on them humming as his taste covers her tongue.

"Good, now let me have a taste," Fifi says as Sara reaches back for some more fatherly cum and offers her hand to Fifi

The end