Bound to please - Vol 18: Stallion's Toy

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#9 of DarkPaw Productions Porn Films

Bound to please - Vol 18: Stallion's Toy -- Swiss Mix - A DarkPaw Productions Video

Bound to please - Vol 18: Stallion's Toy

Swiss Mix - A DarkPaw Productions Video By DoggyStyle57, May 2012 (Revised April 2013)

Note: This is a porn DVD that was produced starring characters in my Swiss Mix story. I am presenting it here as you would experience it if buying and watching the DVD, instead or watching it being made.


While browsing through the selections in the local Adult DVD store, you saw a new DVD from DarkPaw Productions. The title on the DVD was 'Bound to please - Vol 18: Stallion's Toy'. It's the newest film in a very long-running series that features young slave girls (or boys) being trained to be eager sex slaves by a number of slave masters. From what you can see on the covers of several films in the series that are on the rack, these films feature bondage, but not pain or violence. This film seems to feature many of the same actors as the previous volume in the series. Perhaps it is a sequel?

On the front cover is a picture of a pretty sixteen year old vixen, wearing only a slave's collar and cuffs, bound to an obstetric exam table, with her feet in stirrups, and wide spread, while she is on her back. An adult Palomino Stallion is shoving almost the full length of his massive cock into the well-fucked vixen's cum-sloppy cunt, while two rampantly erect male Golden retrievers watch, and wait their turn to fuck the slave girl.

On the back of the DVD case, it said the film features ten male actors, including a red fox named Curtis Wells, and an equine actor named Tony Ferro. It also shows the vixen in every picture, with dripping creampies, and the words 'Starring Emma Toy'. One picture is a close-up of her dripping, gaping vagina, where her black pubic fur has been shaved away in the shape of a heart, and the words 'SEY TOY' have apparently been tattooed on the pale pink skin of her bare labia.

The description on the back said, "An aristocrat's disowned daughter is now an eager cum slut for her stallion Master! Watch as ten males, including her father, use her as their cum dumpster!" Another block of text proclaimed "DEEP Stallion penetration! More than 80 cream pies shown in one girl!"

You bought the DVD, and took it home to watch...


The film opened with the Palomino stallion standing and talking on the phone. As the camera panned back you could see that the naked vixen slave girl was kneeling in front of him, with her wrists bound behind her back, and that she was sucking on the stallion's huge cock.

"That's right. Come on over, both of you. I'm holding a little party this weekend. I'm inviting you and your son; her father and one of his slaves; my buddy Scott; and four lucky boys from the neighborhood that I picked at random. We're all going to have a fun time with my new cum slut," he said into the phone. He paused to listen, and then replied, "That's right, both days. Plan to stay the night, as my guests. Great! We'll see you at ten AM."

He hung up the phone, dialed another number, and said, "Curtis? Hey, it's Tony. How would you like another chance to use that little slut you sold me?" He listened and then said, "Oh, she's working out just fine. I think she likes it here. It's been a month, and she's already swallowed enough cum to drown a whore. She can't seem to get enough of it. That's right. I have her trained now to collect it in a bowl and drink it after she gets fucked. I was thinking of having ten guys fuck her all weekend, to see how much cum we can get her to drink. Can you make it both days, as my guest? And bring that slave of yours, Corey. She seems fond of his cock. Great! See you tomorrow, at ten."

"Master Curtis wants to fuck me again?" Emma asked, taking her Master's cock out of her mouth only long enough to ask the question, then sucking on it again as she waited for his reply.

"Yes," Tony said. "Do you like that? The father of the baby in your belly wants to fuck you some more."

"Yes, your toy likes being fucked, Master," she replied.

"You really are a slut. You're so eager to fuck your own father!" Tony said with a laugh.

"Your pardon, Master, but although Master Curtis sired me, he is no longer my father. He disowned me before he enslaved me and sold me to you," Emma said, "I have no right to call him my father."

"Well, you may not have that right, but I can still say what I know is so," Tony replied, taking his cock out of her mouth. "I heard that before he enslaved you, he sold your mother? Do you know why? I never asked him."

"I was only three when that happened, but Master Curtis told me about it. He said that she refused to bear more children for him, Master," Emma replied calmly, "She had already borne two girls, but no sons. Master Curtis wanted a son. My Master does not want to cum in my mouth again?"

"You've already had two loads since dinner. I want you hungry tomorrow. So, your mother disobeyed her husband, and he enslaved her? What happened to her then?" Tony asked, as he fastened his pants.

"After Master Curtis enslaved her, he bred her himself again, still hoping for a son. But she had another daughter, so he sold both my mother and the infant girl to a slave breeder. I guess mother has had to bear quite a few more babies since then," Emma replied. "We never hear from her, of course. Master Curtis may be able to tell you more."

"Really? So you have a younger sister who was born a slave, and an older sister who is a freewoman? What happened to the free sister?" Tony asked, honestly interested.

"Master Curtis married my older sister off to a fifty year old nobleman in an arranged marriage, when she was fourteen. I was eleven then, so I remember that, and how upset she was. When he wanted to marry me off later, I feared that I would also be married to a male more than thrice my age, Master. But I did not think he would enslave and sell me. I was foolish."

"Yes, you were. You should have heeded what he did to your mother, and obeyed him. But instead, you defied him, and ended up disowned, enslaved, and with your father's baby in your belly. And that baby will also be my slave when she or he is born - just like what he did to your mother when she defied him, and to your little sister, who was born to be a slave. On the bright side, I'm only nine years older than you are, and not some old grey-muzzle. Now, get to your bed, and rest, my Pet. The next two days you'll get very well fucked." Tony said, as he helped her to her feet, turned her around, and unfastened her wrist cuffs from each other.

"Yes, Master. And thank you, Master! Your toy likes being well fucked, especially by her Master's wonderful cock!" she said. She stood on tip-toe, kissed her Master's bare chest - which the highest she could reach, since he was eighteen inches taller than she was - and went off to her bedroom.


In the morning, Emma's breakfast consisted solely of her Master's cum, pumped directly down her throat as she lay on her back on the dining room table, and swallowed the entire eighteen inch length of the stallion's cock. Her mouth stretched wide around the three and a half inch thick base of his cock as her muzzle touched his heavy balls on each thrust. Then he would pull most of his length out of her throat so she could get a breath, before he plunged his cock back down her throat again.

"Mummmm, so nice! You're the only slave girl that I ever owned that could deep throat all of me, my Pet. Damn, that feels so good, when I'm all the way into your throat like that. So tight! Unghhhh! Here's the rest of your breakfast, babe!" He groaned and spurted his load straight into her stomach, and then pulled out of her throat, leaving the flared head of his cock in her mouth and still spurting huge gobs of equine semen, so she could breathe between each swallow of his seed.

"More, Master?" Emma pleaded, when he took his cock out of her mouth.

"You'll get plenty more when our guests arrive, my Pet. Now, up on the table with you!" he commanded, leading her to an obstetric examining table that he had set up in the dining room of his home.

Emma lay on her back on the cool metal surface of the table, and placed her feet in the stirrups, with her knees wide spread. "Like this, Master?" she said cheerfully.

The metal table had a notch under her rump, so her tail could hang straight down, out of the way. It also has a jointed arm with a large ring attached to it, which held a glass bowl. Once Emma was in position, her Master adjusted the jointed arm so the bowl rested beneath her vagina, to catch any drip, but low enough to be out of the way for anyone who was fucking her. He fastened her wrist and ankle cuffs to rings on the table, and elevated the far half of the table, so she was sitting up halfway, like in a hospital bed. Then he tested the power controls for the table, and made sure he could easily adjust the height, so she was at a comfortable height for him to fuck now, but so he could also lower it so the younger neighborhood boys that he had invited to his slut party wouldn't need a step stool to fuck the vixen.

"I think we're all set," he said to his slave, "Comfortable?"

"Yes, Master," Emma replied. "How many men will use me this weekend?"

"Counting myself, six adults, and four kids. The youngest boy is only twelve, but he's got a bigger cock than Master Curtis! He hangs around my place a lot with one of the other boys, and they watch through the fence and jack off while I train you and the other slaves in the yard. For all I know they both may be virgins. They sure were surprised when I invited them over for the weekend, and told them what we would be doing," Tony replied.

"Oh? I've never been had by so many men in a single day, Master," Emma said. "I hope one of the boys is a virgin. I've never been fucked by a virgin before. Are any of the others horses, Master?"

"No, not this time. Except for Master Curtis and me, they're all dogs, but I'll let them tie with you, so you can feel their big knots filling you," her master replied. Then he heard a bell ring, and said, "Sounds like the first guests are here. I'll be back soon."


The scene faded to black, and then brightened again. All the guests had now arrived, and they were mostly undressed, standing around Emma and chatting with each other. A twelve year old Bernese boy and three teen aged boys stood in a tight group where they could look at Emma's open vaginal petals.

"Go on, Paul, I dare you!" said the oldest boy, who was a nice looking Irish Setter. His comment was directed to the fourteen year old Yellow Lab boy, who still had his boxer shorts on.

"N-no. Master Tony hasn't said we could yet. I don't wanna get tossed out early!" the boy said.

"Tossed out for what?" the large stallion asked, as he passed by the children.

"Ben dared me to lick the slut's cunny, sir!" the boy replied, somewhat in awe of his towering host. He was no taller than the vixen slave girl, though not the smallest among the boys.

"Paul's never licked a girl, sir," said the smallest boy, who was a beagle.

"I... I almost did, last Friday, Donnie! But your little sister ran off when she heard your mother calling for you two to come home for dinner. You watched us! I was gonna do it!" the yellow-furred boy insisted.

"Go ahead kid. That girl's certainly not going anywhere," Tony said with a laugh, as he pushed the boy toward the bound slave. "Have you ever fucked a girl yet, kid?"

"N-no sir..." the boy said, looking ashamed.

"Hey guys!" Tony shouted. "This kid's a virgin! Tell you what, kid. You can go first! You know what to do?"

"I-I can? Thank you sir! I, um, Robbie and I have both watched you with your slave girls, through the fence. I think I know what to do, sir," Paul replied. He blushed as he pulled off his boxer shorts, and started stroking his shaft. When he was erect, he was eight inches long, but was only a slender inch and a quarter in diameter. He stepped up to the slave girl, looking confused because she was too high for him to get his cock in her hole.

Tony pushed a button on the table's controls, lowering her to the right height. "Give him a good ride, my Pet," he said to the slave girl. "You got the virgin you were hoping for. You're his first girl."

"Please fuck me, young sir!" Emma asked, wriggling her hips and swishing her tail beneath the table.

"A-all right. I will!" Paul replied. He stepped closer, fumbled a moment as he found the right spot, and then he slowly pushed his full length into her. "Ohhh! It's so warm in there!" he said. Then he started moving his hips, and moaned some more as the wonderful sensations almost made his knees buckle.

Emma wriggled and clenched her vagina and moaned appreciatively, though the young boy's cock was nothing compared to her huge Master. "Oh yes! Fuck me, young sir! I am a toy. A toy for your pleasure!"

It didn't take long before the boy came inside her. His knot was still outside of her, and he was able to pull out quickly. He looked in fascination as his seed dripped from her fuck hole. "Wow! I did it!" he said happily. He turned to step away, and was stopped by a firm hand on his shoulder.

"You forgot something, kid!" Tony said sternly, turning the boy back around and pushing him back into place between the vixen's upraised feet.

"S-sir?" Paul asked, questioningly.

"You were going to lick her, too, weren't you? You could have done it while she was clean, but you better do it now, while it's only your cream coating her. Go on, kid. Show your friends you can lick a girl's cunt too." Tony said. There was a commanding tone to his voice that would not be denied.

Paul swallowed, blushed deeply, and knelt between the slave girl's thighs. He sniffed at his seed dribbling from the girl, and then closed his eyes and started licking her sloppy hole, until she was clean again.

"Way to go, Paul!" cheered the Bernese boy. "Lick her good!"

"That's good enough kid," Tony said. "Who wants to fuck her next?"

"I will!" said the Bernese boy.

"What's your name, kid? Are you a virgin too?" Tony asked.

"Robbie, sir. And no, I've fucked a girl four times!" he said proudly.

"Oh yeah? Who?" asked the little beagle boy that Paul had called Donnie.

"One of them was Sally, the Siamese cat that lives on Fourth Street. I did her twice. And the other one was your little sister, Connie!" The Bernese boy replied, as he stroked his shaft hard and got into position.

"What?" the Beagle shouted, "Why, I oughta..."

"You oughta do what?" Paul said, as he held his friend back. "Get in line with the rest of us to fuck Connie? Heck, we all know it was you that popped Connie's cherry! Don't blame us if your little sister likes to sleep around. You got her started."

The other boys got a laugh out of that exchange, and then they all cheered Robbie on as he humped the vixen and came inside her. Unlike the inexperienced Paul, this boy tied inside the vixen, his knot swelling inside her and locking him firmly in place until the last spurts dribbled from his shaft. Once he was able to pull out, he looked at his seed dripping from the girl, and asked, "Do we all hafta lick our stuff outa her, sir?"

"Nope," Tony said. "Let it drip into that bowl. She's going to drink it when the bowl gets full. You next, kid," Tony said, pointing to the beagle boy, as he lowered the table to suit him. "Say, did you really pop your little sister's cherry?"

"Yes sir! It was the first time for both of us. Popped her when she turned ten, two years ago," Donnie replied proudly. He clearly knew what to do with a girl. He didn't waste much time stroking to get hard. As soon as a third of his shaft was out of his sheath he started humping it into the vixen, until his whole shaft was exposed and slamming balls deep inside her.

The rest of the guests got into line, roughly in order of the sizes of their cocks, with the larger guys going last. After each guy fucked the vixen, the camera paused lovingly on her dripping and increasingly sloppy cream pie.

Master Curtis was the sixth guy to fuck his former daughter, having told his slave Curtis to go before him, so there would be even more cum in her belly. He slammed his cock into her and asked, "Well, are you enjoying your new life, little fuck toy?"

"Yes, Master Curtis!" she replied, as she had her fourth orgasm of the morning. "Ohhh, oh yes! Fuck me hard, Master! Cover your baby with your seed!"

"Oh, I will, I assure you!" he said, as he tied with her. "That baby in your belly will be a sex slave all their life," he said, rubbing his former daughter's belly. "Master Tony likes boys as much as he likes girls, so no matter what you bear, the child will eventually be your Master's cock sock. Are you as happy with that?"

"If that is what my Master wants my baby to be, then I will help him to train the child for that purpose," Emma replied. "What makes my Master happy makes me happy. Will you like knowing that a child of yours is to be raised as a sex slave, Master Curtis?"

"It wouldn't be the first time, as you know full well. Oh, by the way... Oh... Mummm, good little slut!" Curtis replied, distracted for a moment by his own orgasm, as he flooded her belly with his cream. "Your youngest sister? The one your mother bore after I enslaved her? She's twelve now, and has been trained to be an obedient cum dumpster. She and your mother are still in the slave pens, but I just made arrangements to buy your sister back from the slave breeder, to warm my bed."

"My sister is a lucky slave then, Master Curtis," Emma insisted. "Will you breed her as well? And will you buy mother too, or leave her there?"

"Yes, I'm going to breed your little sister," he admitted. "Maybe she can finally give me a son. I haven't decided yet if I'll buy your mother back. Next!" He pulled out of his daughter, watched the cum pouring from her cunt into the partially filled bowl, and stepped aside for Stan, the young nobleman that he had planned to marry Emma off to in the previous film.

As Stan and then his father Harold fucked the vixen, Master Tony spoke to Master Curtis. "So you're going to buy that other slave daughter back? Decided you like fucking your own offspring and knocking them up?" he asked.

"Yes, but this one's been properly trained from birth. She knows I am the one who sired her, but she doesn't care. All she wants to do is please a strong Master." Curtis replied. "I plan to breed her myself, and see if she can bear a son. If she does, I could free her, and declare the boy to be free and therefore my legal heir."

"What about the baby you planted in my slave's belly? What if it's a boy too?" Tony asked. "Are you thinking of freeing Emma and claiming her son, if that happens?"

"No, she disobeyed me. Her punishment for that is for both her and her baby to remain slaves. Besides, looking at her now, I don't think she would want to be freed," Curtis said, as they watched the Saint Bernard taking his turn fucking the vixen. He crammed his thirteen inch long, two and a half inch thick cock in her to the hilt, and fucked her hard and fast.

"You may have a point there," Tony replied. Then he took his own turn fucking Emma, and filled her to overflowing with his massive stallion cock, each thrust forcing more cum to gush from her cunt and fall into the bowl. When he was done, he had her push out as much cum as she could, and then he tipped the bowl of cum to her lips. There was a good pint of semen collected there, including some from every male there except perhaps that first boy, who had licked her clean. She eagerly gulped the cum down, and licked her muzzle clean.

They went three more rounds, with each male fucking and filling the vixen, and each cream pie clearly shown. At the end of each round, Emma guzzled another pint of cum.

At dinner at the end of the first day, the men feasted, while Emma remained on the examining table, her stomach now quite contentedly full with two quarts of cum. They had cum inside her forty times today.

"You know, you should find a way to mark her as your property," Master Curtis suggested to Master Tony. "So everyone will know she's your sex toy."

"I don't brand my slaves," Tony declared. "It ruins their fur and reduces their resale value."

"What about shaving or tattooing?" Master Curtis suggested.

"Well, one of my other slave girls knows how to apply henna tattoos. We've used that to decorate the wrists and throats of some of my short furred slave girls. Let's see what we can come up with," Tony replied.


In the next scene, everyone gathered around as one of Master Tony's slave girls carefully shaved the fur off Emma's labia, leaving the pink skin bare in the shape of a heart, framed by what remained of her jet black pubic fur. Then she used Henna tattoo materials to carefully draw a filigree heart just inside the framed area, and to write the word "SEX" vertically on her right labia, and "TOY" on her left labia.

"Sex toy. Yes, that fits her well, now," Master Curtis said.

"You'll spend the night bound to the table, my Pet, while the Henna cures," Tony said. "Tomorrow we can all appreciate the results."


The next morning, the ten males gathered for breakfast, and had a hearty meal, dining in the nude, while Emma remained on the examining table nearby, sound asleep despite her awkward position.

The young boy Paul looked over at Emma, and asked, "Ummm, shouldn't somebody feed her?"

"We all will, lad, just like we fed her last night. We'll feed her every drop of cum that we can coax from our balls!" Tony said with a laugh. "But don't worry, kid. When this is over, and when she's digested all that cum and is hungry again, I'll treat her to a really good and nutritious meal. I don't plan to make her sick by feeding her nothing but cum - though that little slut would probably be happy to try living on a cum-only diet."

"Shall we see how her marking came out? Master Curtis asked.

"Sure. Let me clean it off so you can see the final result," Tony replied, as he got up and went over to Emma. He kissed her to wake her up, and then he brushed off the dried Henna from Emma's labia, and admired the handiwork of the slave girl that had decorated Emma for him. Come take a look, everyone," he said.

The view changed to a close-up of the slave girl's crotch. A five inch high, four inch wide heart shape was shaved into the fur surrounding her pubic mound, shaving her pubic mound and labia completely bare, and leaving the bare pink skin framed with her jet black pubic fur. The revealed skin had been decorated with henna tattoo work, making a quarter-inch wide band of filigree work outlining the heart shape. On her left and right labia are tattooed the words "SEX TOY", with the letters vertically placed, so the word "SEX" was on her right labia, and the word "TOY" was on the left labia. These letters were large and bold, each letter about 3/4 of an inch high and wide, and about 1/4 inch apart, with the lines for each letter about 3/16" wide. The words could easily be read from seven or eight feet away. The point of fur at the top of the shaved heart shape just touched her clitoris, and the hood of her clitoris was bare.

"So, she'll wear that mark forever?" Donnie asked, when he got his turn to take a close look.

"No. This is temporary, unlike an ink tattoo. These marks will last only three weeks or so before fading. Then I could change the design, or I could allow her to grow her fur back and return to a normal appearance," Tony explained.

For the rest of the film, the ten males again took turns filling Emma. But this time they let as much cum as possible accumulate inside her vagina. At the halfway point she drank a pint of cum that had spilled out. And when they were done, and she had been fucked forty times that day, her Master unfastened her bonds, and she squatted over the bowl, on the exam table, filling the bowl and draining it, and filling it halfway again, for three more pints of cum swallowed.

When all the cum had all been swallowed, Emma Toy smiled at her master, licking the last drops of cum from her muzzle, and asked, "Master? Next time, could we do it with ten stallions?"

Master Tony laughed. Had her lay on the dining room table, and he fucked her soundly once more, leaving her cunt gaping and wet with his seed.

The last thing the camera showed was her gaping, dripping cunt, with the shaved labia and the henna tattoos.