Stix and Stones

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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I don't exactly recall what led to the creation of this story but whatever it was I guess it was worth it. I checked it over so I hope there aren't too many mistakes I missed.

Stix and Stones

The Dublin Junior College Lacrosse team had a long history of star players and winning teams. In fact the team was so popular they often out recruited many of the bigger division one teams and routinely placed those schools on their competition schedule. Tryouts were generally fierce affairs and most that made the team tended to have been the most outstanding players at the high school level. This year was unique though. For the first time in nearly 20 years the team had a new coach, so everybody was starting fresh. The new coach was an up and comer barely out of college himself and eager to prove he could lead the best. Immediately on being hired he had updated all of the equipment, implemented a tougher training schedule, and brought in a whole new class of talent. The only thing he hadn't done was purchase new uniforms. The matter seemed to resolve itself though when an anonymous alumni had donated an entire set of new uniforms to the team. Today was the first day the team was getting to try them out and as luck would have it, it was their first practice after an entire weekend of steady rain.

For whatever reason, practice seemed to go better than usual despite the lousy conditions that permeated the field. Every block was crisper, every shot on goal hit its mark, and every save was highlight reel material. The entire team seemed to gel together better than ever before even as their uniforms steadily became darker as they became soaked through with mud and grime from the turf. A few of the guys were quick to notice the changes in their teammates though they couldn't seem to pinpoint the cause.

The final whistle calling a halt to practice was long overdue. Coach was probably milking the experience of the miserable environment and it didn't seem to be bothering anybody else as they were having one of their best practices of the year. The field had become saturated over the weekend and by the end of the session most of the players were equally saturated, every inch of their new uniforms were soaked through with water, sweat, mud, and in a few cases blood.

"Ok guys that's enough for today," Coach Myers called out. "Upperclassmen hang back a sec, I want to see you in my office, the rest of you hit the showers."

The two seniors, Bill and Matt, as well as the two Juniors, Jason and Eddy reluctantly stayed behind. The four of them were perhaps more mud coated than anybody, but they did as instructed and waited on Coach while the remaining guys on the team noisily made their way back into the field house. They whooped and hollered as they tracked dirt and grass down the hall and into the locker room. The locker room was a cacophony of noise and steam accented by the scent of male musk and testosterone. Much of the reserve team was quick to shower change and get out of there leaving behind their pile of dirty uniforms to be cleaned before the next practice. In the end only the six underclassmen on the starting line-up remained behind.

"Man I hope conditions stay like this for the rest of the week. It'd be great to face off against SMU in this slop," Riley said as he lounged against his locker.

Riley was one of two freshmen to make starter. He played in the attack position and was shaping up to be one of their best goal scorers ever. As a result he was also a bit cocky too. The young man was built solidly enough, not very large, but quick and agile. His thin wiry form was deceptive since not an once of his bodyweight was from fat. He could slip in and out of defenses with ease and unload a shot on goal like a coiled spring. Of course with all the dirt and mud splattered over him it was impossible to tell at the moment that his pale complexion and bright red hair were indicative of his Irish roots.

"Not me. I liked these new uniforms and now I doubt they'll ever come completely clean." Connor was quick to add from a nearby chair where he wiped his soaking wet black hair out of his face his green shorts now so dirty it was nearly impossible to discern their original shade.

As the goalie Connor had an extra layer of pads now caked with mud, bulking up his already impressive figure. Easily one of the biggest guys on the team, this sophomore towered over everybody else at six foot eight and was a solid as a brick wall. It was easy to see why he was able to make it on the team as a walk on. His large size and dark feature served as perfect camouflage for his kind and gentle nature though.

"I know what you mean, Con. I don't know how but I think I managed to get mud through both of my shorts and into my jock strap," Adam laughed.

Adam was the practical joker of the group. His ever present sense of humor had gotten him into trouble with most members of the team at some point but his ability to make even the victim of his pranks laugh usually kept him out of harm's way. That and even if you were really pissed at the guy you would never catch him. This was a plus since he played midfield and could spread the field like nobody else. Adam was simply built for speed, long limbed and lightweight, he could have easily made the track or cross country team, but Lacrosse is what he grew up with.

"Well I don't think it matters. Those wimps at SMU won't stand a chance regardless of the weather," Logan said as he tossed his helmet to the floor with a clatter.

The brute of the group, Logan played on defense mostly because he simply enjoyed whacking the opponents with his stick. Stocky and thick, Logan was also on the wrestling team in the winter and was rumored to be looking into getting started in MMA. His entire appearance was intimidating from his multiple tattoos to his military style flattop haircut. Fortunately his mean streak stopped as soon as he was off the field of battle and was otherwise fiercely loyal to his friends and teammates.

"Ya got that one right, mate," Baradine added, fist bumping Logan as he walked by.

Baradine was casually referred to as "the import" by the rest of the team. Originally hailing from Perth, Australia, Baradine was the other freshman to make starter and also the runt of the team. Just like Riley, he made an excellent attacker because he could slip in and out of the opposing defense so easily. He'd been working to bulk up his mass by spending extra time in the gym but so far he had only managed to gain definition and tone, not size. His stature was no impediment to him though as his nearly permanent tan, frosted blond hair and pleasing accent made him very popular with the ladies around campus.

"Yeah, I can't remember having more fun at practice, even with all the muck out there," Hunter was the last to pipe up as he toweled some of the grime off of his face.

It was kind of odd to see Hunter so at ease with his clothes and body covered with dirt. He was usually the team model. His grooming was always immaculate and he routinely looked like he had just left an A&F photo shoot. Tall and handsome he was another middie, a few of the more cynical types on the team remarked that he like to specialize in the face off so he wouldn't get hit by the defense's sticks too much. His gorgeous blond hair and sparkling blue eyes were the perfect toppers to his all American boy next door looks.

"Uh oh, it looks like our poster boy actually likes getting dirty," Adam said, while scraping a handful of mud off his jersey and flinging it at Hunter.

Hunter's reflexes were equal to the task though and he dodged the clump of wet dirt only to have it hit Logan in the back of the head instead.

"Oh that's it Adam, you're gonna get it now," he growled as he jumped up off the bench.

"Really cause you keep saying that but I don't think you've managed to get him yet." Baradine laughed jumping out of the way of the rampaging defenseman as he swung one of his massive arms narrowly missing Adam who ducked and rolled out of reach.

"Maybe not, but this time I've got back up. " Logan smirked, snaking around between rows of lockers as he chased after the smaller guy.

"Yeah right, like anybody else is going to catch me either."

"They will if you don't know it's coming. Get him Con!"

Logan was actually right, as Adam darted about to get away from Logan he hadn't realized that the wall he was standing next to was in fact not a wall but Connor instead. His mud covered form had simply blended in next to the brown lockers and allowed him to get the drop on his teammate. He quickly wrapped his arms around the middie before dropping him to the ground and smothering him with his bulk. Adam kicked and struggled to no avail as the rest of the team hooted and hollered in amusement.

"Alright Con! Finally somebody's gonna teach him a lesson," Riley shouted nearby before jumping on the pile since as a freshmen he was often the victim of Adam's practical jokes with no real recourse against his older teammate.

Smiling vindictively, Logan stood over the still struggling tangle of muddy arms and legs before reaching in and pulling Adam free.

Adam squirmed in the viselike grip of his teammate. He wasn't really scared of Logan because he knew he would never do anything to really hurt him but at the same time nobody likes getting caught.

"Hey come on Logan , it's not that big a deal is it? You were already covered in dirt so what's the difference? Besides you should be mad at Hunter, he's the one who ducked."

"Aww no, I've been waiting too long to get back at you for all of your pranks. This is going to make me feel so good."

Logan still had Adam pinned up against the lockers, making sure he was unable to get away when he reached around behind him and reached into the back of Adam's team shorts and spandex compression shorts to grab a hold of the straps of his jockstrap. He gradually pulled on them forcing them into Adam's ass crack and inflicting a world class wedgie on him.

"Ow hey come on now," he yelped. "Shit, hey Hunter, give me a hand here will ya?"

"No way bro, you're on your own. That dirtball was originally meant for me after all."

"Damn it, come on Logan, knock it off you're cutting off the circulation to my nuts," he grunted as he hung suspended in midair by the waistband of his jock strap. Adam looked down as he struggled to pry Logan's hands away to no avail. "Hey Logan, what's wrong with the back of your shorts?"

"Oh no way man, I'm not falling for that, you're going to have to come up with something better if you want to get me to let you go."

"No I'm serious there's something going on with your ass dude. "

"Oi, he's right mate. I can see it from here," Baradine called out from next to his locker across the room, "looks like you got something stuffed in your knickers."

"Come off it guys, I'm not falling for that." Logan said with a laugh.

Riley was still close by enough that he leaned over and grabbed the expanding knot on Logan's rear, "They're not kidding dude. What the hell is this thing?" he asked as he groped him.

The result was as instantaneous as it was hilarious. Logan jumped as if hit by an electric shock, jerking so suddenly that he actually knocked Riley backwards into Hunter and practically managed to swing Adam by his jock directly into Connor. Baradine meanwhile fell to the ground clutching his sides as he laughed so hard.

"What the hell man! What did you fucking do?" Logan spun around toward Riley with a look of bewilderment on his face.

"Nothing! I'm sorry, what did it hurt or something." The smaller guy said with genuine concern.

"No it didn't hurt, I just... I don't know. I can't really describe what it felt like."

Eager for a bit of payback Adam crawled forward on his hands and knees , leaving a trail of mud behind him as he inched closer to Logan. He was just about to reach him when he was spotted and the big defensemen jumped away from him.

"Stay away from me Adam, I don't know what game you're playing here but it isn't funny."

"I didn't do anything to you!" He cried innocently despite his lack of credibility.

"Yeah man, I think this is beyond even his humorous capabilities. I mean it looks like it's still growing." Connor spoke up reaching over to cover the lump on Logan's but with one of his large hands.

Sure enough the growth did seem to be getting bigger pulsing slightly and it pushed in and out beneath his shorts. This time Logan didn't jump when he was touched, he moaned. Now that he was focused on the sensation he found that it felt good, really good. He reached behind himself with his own hands and started to massage his backside as well, desperate for more of the throbbing emanating from his lower back on down. Soon more hands joined his as the other members of the team moved cautiously forward to feel the big guy's ass.

"Dude that is so wild, how are you doing that?" Riley asked him.

"I don't know but I don't think I want it to stop now." Logan grunted.

"Are you sure you aren't just messin round with us mate?" Baradine quizzed him as he two touched the back of his shorts.

Adam though knew a good practical joke when he saw one, and this was a good one. He wasn't going to be upstaged though. Now with Logan properly distracted by the rest of the team he managed to move in close. He ran a hand over the throbbing projection on the back of Logan's shorts and had to admit this had him a bit stumped. He was going to find out what was going on soon enough though. Before anybody even realized what he was doing he got both of his hands up around the waistband of his teammate's shorts and quickly yanked down. The formerly white nylon shorts, now wet and stained brown with mud quickly slid down his tree trunk like legs as did the shiny green spandex compression shorts underneath. Adam was ready for practically anything but not for the fuzzy brown colored lump of flesh that snapped up when free of the shorts only to smack him across the face.

"Holy smokes, what the hell is that?" Adam yelled out as he fell backwards.

The rest of the team gasped at the sight and Logan tried to look over his shoulder down at his ass.

"Bro! You grew a tail!" Hunter was the first to exclaim.

"Oh shit that is so awesome!" Riley shouted out as rushed to grab the appendage in his hands.

Logan just felt his jaw drop at the sight of this new addition to his physique. What seemed like a shapeless lump beneath his shorts was now clearly a tail, it was firmly attached to his backside, extending outward beneath the waistband of his jock and between the leg straps that stretched across his ass. He laughed as he tried to move it and found that it was actually easy to do. It flopped back and forth as it steadily grew longer and wider, every inch of it coated in a thick layer of short brownish tan hair. The most surprising thing about it was that nobody seemed to be shocked in the least by this development.

"Hmph," he snorted, "I didn't know I could do that."

"Man that is so cool Logan. Seriously, how are you doing that?" Connor asked as he rubbed the tail between his hands. It was now long enough that it reached to the floor.

Logan laughed again, "I'm not sure but you know what? It feels pretty damn good." The pleasure he was feeling becoming rather obvious as his jockstrap bulged in the front with his stiffening cock.

"Bull shit Logan, this had to be a gag or something." Adam said incredulously.

"Well if it is it's a better one than those fake ears you just put on Adam."


"These!" Logan said reaching over and grabbing at the sides of Adam's head.

"Ow! Hey knock it off." Adam yelped back in surprise and reaching up to grasp his own suddenly sore ears. His fingers only brushed them when a wide grin spread across his face. He traced his fingers along the edges of his ears only to find that they had unexpectedly grown in size and shape. When he finally reached the tips he found that they extended up past the top of his head by a good six inches.

"Nice one Adam, where'd ya get those?" Baradine asked managing to turn himself away from Logan's tail.

"I'm not sure," Adam said as he continued to probe his larger ears and detecting the fine coat of fuzz that covered them, "I think I made them myself."

"Really, can you make me some?" the aussie asked before he too started to poke at the large pointed tips.

"Don't know, but I sure hope so."

"You know I think you look better with those like that," Hunter added trying to wipe some of the sweat and mud out of his eyes.

Suddenly all of the guys were feeling rather flush and the room actually felt hotter. None of them seemed to mind the dirt, sweat, or the mud as they pressed in around one another trying to get a closer look at Logan's tail and now Adam's large pointed ears. Connor was so closely examining the length of Logan's tail that he didn't see the bench behind him and unexpectedly found himself flipped on his back as he tumbled backwards to the floor. It was when he was flat on his back with the rest of his friends standing around laughing at him that he noticed how odd his feet looked. From the toe to the heel both of his cleats seemed to have expanded from the enlarged feet being held within.

"Dude, what are you doing to your shoes?" Riley said slapping at Connor's outstretched legs.

"Ummm the same thing Adam is doing to his ears and Logan is doing to his ass I think." Connor chuckled as he flexed his toes and stretched his growing feet out more. The extra pressure on his cleats was too much for them as the threads and welds started popping apart rather noisily, the laces giving away and snapping like whips. In moments his feet were fully exposed as the shredded remains of his socks fell away. His feet were certainly no longer human, three toes tipped by large dark nails or claws, thick pads on his soles and probably over a foot and a half long; both were covered in a fine coat of tan fuzz and looked more like animal paws.

"Con those are sweet, I can't believe how awesomely huge your feet are!" Logan said as he stopped playing with his tail for a brief moment.

"Not quite as big as that tail of yours Logan but I think they're a good start," Conner said still waving his toes around.

"Seriously I could go for a set of feet like that," Riley said as he bent over and rubbed the enormous paws against the sides of his face.

"Yeah well they're bigger than my ears that's for sure," Adam said shaking his head from side to side to let his larger ears flop around for emphasis.

"Maybe so but there's no way his feet are bigger than my cock," Hunter suddenly moaned.

Most of the guys laughed figuring that Hunter was just joking, bragging about his girth as he had been known to do from time to time. But when they turned to look at Hunter as he leaned back against the lockers it was clear from the expanding mountain under his lacrosse shorts that it was no joke. Hunter panted, his knees shaking as his shorts continued to thrust outward. His jockstrap suddenly slipped to side as the head of his prick shot forward more rubbing itself across the exquisitely smooth spandex of his compression shorts. He wanted so badly to touch it to see if what he was feeling and seeing was for real but he was afraid to somehow break the spell. Instead that task fell to Baradine who jumped over three of the other guys to be the first to reach Hunter's impressive tool.

He slipped his hand down the waistband of Hunter's nylon shorts, his sweaty palm sliding down the slick spandex undershorts he beneath them. The hard throbbing length of his equipment was barely contained by the lycra and it was most defiantly for real. Baradine tried to wrap his fingers around the shaft, squeezing it within the spandex and stroking as best he could even as it continued to increase in mass.

"Oi mate, I don't know where you been hiding this python at all this time but I don't think you need to be so shy about it."

"Shit yeah, I mean you guys all look so fucking hot right now," Riley said as he practically spun around in place. He didn't know where to look first, each of the guys in their mud splattered uniforms was changing so fast he found himself in a quandary of which one he wanted more, ears, tail, feet or cock. Ultimately it was none of the above though as a subtle itch started to spread across his skin. It started on his chest beneath his jersey and before long it spread to his back, arms, and legs. He started to scratch at his chest and the harder he dug in the better it felt. Seconds later dark brown hair started poking out of the mesh holes in the jersey as his torso filled out with a thick coat of rich chocolate fur as dark as the mud covering him. He could literally trace the march of the fur with his mind's eye as it wrapped around his sides and down his back, across his ass and down his shorts onto his legs and outwards from his shoulders up his arms.

"Geeze Riley, it looks like that mud is finally starting to put some hair on that scrawny chest of yours," Adam laughed his ears twitching.

Baradine laughed along with the rest as he took in the changes happening around him though he hadn't noticed any differences in himself that wouldn't last for long. Before he knew it he felt himself blowing up like a balloon, his runty body expanding outwards as blood poured into his muscles. He didn't make any gains in height just in mass which made his rapidly increasing musculature all the more impressive. He felt his uniform get skin tight and start to constrict agonist the surging growth, slight tears appearing as several seems popped apart. In a few scant seconds he went from being an in-shape runt to an Adonis with a body to make even professional body builders drool.

"Fuck me this is sweet, I don't know who spiked our Gatorade with these steroids but remind me to thank them," Baradine exclaimed.

"I know what you mean, I'm loving this!" Connor added as he got up and bounced up and down on his large new feet.

"Yeah, man this is killer," Logan said as he swished his large tail back and forth, "Especially your ears Adam, those look sweet."

"Really?" Adam asked tugging on them, "cause I would have voted for Hunter's giant ass cock to be the best."

"Yeah it feels pretty good but if we all had muscles like the import here, no team would stand a chance against us." Hunter said nodding towards Baradine while still stroking his bulging groin.

"I could so go for a tail like yours Logan, to match this sexy fur coat," Riley offered, rubbing his hands up under his jersey.

"I tell you what guys, I'm not too worried about impressing any other team right now but god damn am I horny." Adam said moving as close as he could to Hunter so he could checkout that mouth watering bulge for himself. He finally got a hold of him and managed to drag him off towards the shower room and he hit the faucets to give them some good hot water to soak the mud out of their uniforms before getting his hands on the package he was so enamored with.

Adam wasn't alone in his thoughts though as Riley had dropped to the floor and was practically worshiping Connor's feet and letting him use the large appendages to rub over his fur covered arms and legs. Logan was quick to pounce on Baradine to check out the muscles that were practically popping out through is uniform. They were grinding into each other with such force that they were practically knocking over the lockers behind them. Logan was quickly becoming accustomed to his tail and found he was able to move it around with greater and greater ease. This came in handy because two arms was not enough to get at all the rippling muscle that now covered Baradine's body. He was using his hands to explore the mounds of his chest and the watermelon sized biceps that strained the sleeves of his dirty jersey while his tail was useful to stroke along the sides of his calves and up against the inside of his massive thighs

Baradine himself was enjoying the sensation of the tail on his skin and the touch of his teammate. He couldn't have been happier now that he was no longer the runt of the team but he had to admit getting a few muscles wasn't as impressive to him a sporting a tail. He was still dwelling n that thought when Logan's thick new appendage managed to slip up the leg of his shorts. At first he thought he was using his tail to go for his cock, which was quite hard at the moment, however he was even more thrilled when he felt it rubbing across his ass, sliding against the spandex compression shorts, working its way up and down against the cleft of his cheeks. He no more than grew accustomed to this when a sudden impulse shot through his spine and out the small of his back. He was quickly pushed away from the lockers behind him as the back of his shorts thrust outward, a swelling mass stretching the lycra and nylon of his uniform until a massive rip unleashed a thick black tail unfurling from beneath the waistband of his jockstrap.

Two tails intertwined with one another was almost as big a turn on for Logan as the muscles on his teammate. His prick had long since reached full mast and was slowly depositing an expanding section of dampness along the front of his tented shorts. With most of Baradine's shorts ripped away it was easy to see that the same thing was happening to the front of his over taxed jock. He was just about to take a closer look at this situation when every muscle in his body seemed to contract and flex at once. In a matter of seconds he felt pumped like he had just had the workout of his life, and his ripped and cut musculature seemed to bear that out. His chest grew out so much that his jersey split right down the numbers and exposed his eight pack abs. Baradine was looking him over appraisingly and smiling in approval before pulling him in close and kissing him deeply.

Adam and Hunter were going at it just as passionately in the showers with the addition of Adam practically ridding atop Hunter prominently bulging shorts, the steam building around them not coming from just the showers. Adam found himself falling to his knees in front of Hunter and he didn't feel like waiting for the shorts to come off to get a close up look. He quickly buried his face in Hunter's crotch, feeling the weight of his gigantic cock pressing into him. Hunter only spurred him on, placing his hands on Adam's head and pulling him in closer. Next thing he knew Hunter was playing with his ears, toying with them and twirling them about his fingers, bending them back and forth and tickling them. This only increased Adam's arousal and his desire. He slipped his hands up under Hunter's shorts his fingers slipping over the stretched out spandex, the fabric slick with water, mud and pre. The incredible rod beneath the shorts pulsing, radiating heat, striving for its freedom. Adam wanted nothing more than to oblige and he grabbed the waist band of Hunter's shorts and yanked them downward.

Hunter gasped at the sight of his own equipment. His dick was certainly no longer human. A thick meaty sheath covered in matted brown fur that also covered his balls had taken its place. Exploding outward from this sheath a massively thick and deep red spire of flesh as thick as his wrist and more than foot in length that tapered to a point was emitting a steady stream of clear manly fluid. Adam gasped as well before pulling down the now superfluous jock strap and tossing it aside. The heat from this gorgeous prick felt like it could burn as he rubbed it across his face, nuzzling it and enjoying the smooth length as it contacted his skin. His tongue darted out and sampled the salty rich flesh and as he enjoyed Hunter's cock, his ears were left to poke into his stomach, tickling him slightly.

Hunter laughed and moaned as his cock is worshiped all the while still rubbing those fantastic ears. All he could do was smile as he looked to the mirror across the way and see that his own head was starting to be framed by a similar set of pointed ears, quickly reaching skyward until he felt them slapping against the showerhead above him. Adam too was experiencing changes but there was a certain amount of pain associated with the suddenly cramped confines of his shorts. The discomfort was brief but eased tremendously when he backed off his buds massive cock long enough to pull his own shorts down beneath his ball sack. The sudden rapid swelling nearly split his jock but now his own rock hard prick was slipping its way along his abs beneath his jersey as it grew and changed to resemble his friend's. The thick line of pre flowing from his new cock dribbled across his stomach and soaking into the fabric of his shirt.

Back in the main locker area Riley was still on his knees in front of Connor who was still using his massive new feet to massage at the other's chest. He had managed to slip his paws up under the hem of Riley's jersey and was stroking his stomach with his toes. Con was immensely enjoying the feel of Riley's soft fur as it slid underneath his foot pads. Riley was enjoying it just as much as he ran his hands up and down Connor's thick strong legs. Eventually he had to have more contact though and he practically pulled him down off the bench and letting him land on top of him. What starts out as playful wrestling turns into nothing more than an excuse to touch each other and feel every inch of their partner's body. Riley starts to notice a strange effect though. It seemed that every place he touched Connor his skin would suddenly darken and spout a fine coating of dark brown almost black fur. Chuckling at this, Riley set out to have a little fun with it, tracing his finger along his body in little patterns, outlining his muscles with accents of fuzz. Once he had covered most of his exposed skin with new hairs that just meant he would need to find new areas to cover. He paused long enough to lift Con's jersey up over his head and complied easily when his own jersey was stripped away. Their outer shorts were next to come off followed by their compression shorts joining the discarded pile of clothes until pair of jockstraps were flung across the room. With both of them now naked it was easier to add fur to Connor's thick muscular body and Riley was eager to press in close against him to do the job. Each place their skin met he first felt the wonderful feeling of his fur against his buddy's smooth skin but a second touch only resulted in fur against fur.

Connor was in heaven now and he couldn't believe how great it felt to have his body completely covered in thick brown fur. From the neck down not an inch of bare skin remained, he could even detect the subtle coating of fuzz down the crack of his ass which Riley had been so kind to rub his crotch against. As fascinated as he was by his fur Riley seemed equally enthralled by Connor's feet. Con laughed as his buddy turned around on top of him straddling his chest and leaving Con with an enviable view of his cute ass and low hanging equipment as he leaned over to press his face against Con's toes. Connor held his feet up as best he could and Riley was more than eager to rub the elongated paws all over his face. He licked his toes and tickled the pads as he took deep breaths of their earthy scent. Con decided to return the favor and he grabbed hold of Riley's human looking feet and tried to massage them as best he could. Riley moaned with the added stimulation and curled his toes in response, Connor could feel the stimulation he was giving him result in a throbbing erection that was drooling large amounts of pre onto his own furry stomach. When he looked back at the feet he held in his hands it was easy to see why Riley was enjoying it so much. As Connor rubbed them he seemed to be reforming them beneath his fingertips, stretching out the skin, muscle and bone as they lengthened, the toes growing and in some cases merging into three large claw-tipped digits. Eventually Riley scooted off of him and flipped onto his back where he held up his feet to Con's and they matched up perfectly heel to toe.

Slowly each of the teammates managed to disentangle themselves, albeit reluctantly, from their current partner. Adam and Hunter emerged from the showers both sopping wet and both sporting large erect and clearly animalistic cocks and elongated ears. Logan and Baradine were still playing with their tails while their additional muscle still rippled beneath their stretched and tattered uniforms, and Connor and Riley bounced excitedly on their large feet causing their fur coats to ripple. They all marveled at the changes that were taking place and the realization of what they had to do next occurred to each of them almost simultaneously. Their team always seemed to be on the same page and it looked like this new playbook was no exception as they all broke out in wide smiles.

Each of the guys grinned wide as they found a new teammate to make out with. They took turns rubbing and caressing one another, bumping and grinding against each other as the licked and kissed to spur on the changes. In time each had grown a thick dexterous tail that dropped to the floor, except when they used them to wrap around another's body. Large set of ears now surmounted each jock's head, twitching and flicking as they listened to the sounds each pair made as they continued to get off on what was happening all around them. Six pairs of distorted and torn cleats littered the floor where they were discarded after their respective feet had grown out into large flexible paws perfect for bouncing over to each new partner as the changes progressed. Thick mattes of brown fur in varying shades now covered the massively muscled bodies each now possessed. The soft dense coats rippled and moved as they ruffled it with their paws and licked and caressed one another, the softness only matched by the hardness of the layer upon layer of ripped muscle and flesh that now defined their forms.

Certainly most popular of all was the fur covered and well packed sheaths that hung from their groins. Each one engorged with a massive new cock of impressive length and girth. The deep red spires burned with male sensuality like they had never known before and each strained to be the next one nuzzled against. The amount of pre that flowed from them collectively could have filled a hot tub as their hands slipped and slid across sensitive flesh. Soon enough the whole group was back together in the locker room and all six found themselves drooling with desire for their comrades and teammates. Each had a body that was distinctly kangaroo like in proportion, the only thing unchanged seemed to be their faces. their markedly male and animal musk permeated the air as they continued to grope grab and grind against one another. Like dominoes the each seemed to fall down to the floor as he reached for the nearest cock he could find. Reaching to the right each found his goal and soon a rough circle had formed and each one had his face buried in the crotch of his buddy.

The thick cocks all swelled further as a connection seemed to be made and a circuit complete. None of them gave a second thought to what they were engaging in, how they had never looked at any of their teammates like this before. Of course none of them looked quite like this before either. The guys all worked at sucking and slurping, their mouths and tongues wrapping around thick and massive poles as each seemed to drink of his partner's energy. A fluid a cacophony of groaning and moaning filled the air as six buff studs raced towards climax. All while they nursed at their respective organ each could feel a further change taking place as their faces stretched and grew noses swelling, jaws popping as muzzles formed. Each new muzzle allowed them to engulf more of the surging cock in front of them and the increasing pressure was soon too much. In a moment of supreme ecstasy they all came as the team they were, exploding in white hot jets of intensely male essence. They drank of each other as they pumped and thrust every drop they could from their roiling balls.

Their first team wide roo orgasm was not to be their last. They disentangled, traded off, and started again. Soon moving into the showers they attempted to clean one another but only found themselves entangled in a different way. Their tails where only a slight impediment the first time at the mounted each other again and again. It wasn't until very late in the evening that they finally emerged from the showers with their fur coats gleaming and their libidos at last exhausted.

"I don't know about you guys, but I think that was by far the best practice ever," Adam said as he stretched his neck a bit and pawed at his large ears.

Hunter grabbed him from behind, his own brownish-blond fur meshing with Adam's deep chocolate coat, "You know what they say, practice makes perfect."

Behind them Riley bounced along on his newly enlarged feet. He had never felt so pumped in all his life and he had more energy than he knew what to do with. He almost wished they had another game to go to right now since he couldn't wait to get back out on the field and test out his new body. He brushed down his ruddy brown fur and smiled back at the others, "You know, we probably won't blend in on campus much anymore but man we are going to slaughter SMU when we play them on Friday."

"Like you ever blended in Riley," Connor laughed, his long tail swinging behind him as he sauntered around the room. Connor's pelt was nearly as black as his hair had been and the effect made him look even more imposing than he did before.

Logan laughed along with Connor as he playfully punched Riley in the shoulder. Even with all of their muscle growth Logan was still probably the biggest of all of them and for some reason his buzzed flattop haircut looked even better on top of his larger head. He rubbed a large paw over the bridge of his muzzle, "If it weren't so late I'd say we should hit the field again, it might take awhile to get used to this out in competition."

"No way mate," Baradine said shaking his head and letting his ears flop a bit. "I feel bloody great already, we're not gonna have any problems on the pitch." Of all of them Baradine was probably the most excited about his massive muscle growth. While still not quite as big as the others there was no way he could be called a runt anymore and the frosted tips of his fur gave him a particularly unique glow.

"Well no matter what I'd say we got a lot to look forward to for the rest of the season, though I think we might have ruined our new uniforms," Hunter added.

"Maybe not. Check it out guys!" Adam said in surprise as they finally got into the main locker area.

All around the remnants of their old uniforms had been cleared away. Gone were the mud stained and musty pieces that they had ripped away as they had unexpectedly began to change. In their place in front of each locker was a neat stack of new clothing. Crisp clean mesh jerseys with their names and numbers and the matching forest green shorts were stacked next to larger sets of jockstraps and heather gray compression shorts. Each set of uniforms were much larger than before and specially modified to make up for the addition of the thick tails that hung behind them. Even the new sets of cleats seemed to be specifically designed for their newly changed feet.

"Oh wow dudes, these are cool!" Logan exclaimed as he grabbed the pile in front of his locker and started pulling the uniform on.

"Too right! I wonder where they all came from." Baradine said as he checked out his own new set.

"Those are being supplied by the manufacture who sponsors your new team," the voice of their coach announced from the door.

The troop of kangaroos all looked up suddenly and received another surprise. Though still familiar, there was definitely something different about their coach and the four upperclassmen standing beside him. Coach Meyers, as well as Jason, Eddy, Bill, and Matt were all covered in thick fur, their smiling muzzles peaking out beneath tall ears and thick tail waved behind them. The team was certainly complete now as the other guys joined the rest before the coach addressed them.

"As I just told these guys," Coach said nodding towards the two senior co-captains and the juniors, "you've all been selected to compete in a new professional league, one that will be particularly suited to your talent and new abilities."

"A pro team?" Connor said standing up and eagerly rubbing his paws together.

"Yes, I told the recruiters you would all be up for the challenge. So what do you all say?"

Hunter stepped up and looked around at the rest of his teammates, admiring each one of them in turn. "I'd say that I think we're going to kick some ass!"

The rest of the team all pumped their fists and shouted in approval as they piled on one another.