The Love of the Alpha

Story by metalwolfie666 on SoFurry

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#1 of Love of the Alpha saga!

This is the first of four chapters. The story is based on a dream I've been having and needed to write it down. I will begin working on the 2nd chapter soon =)

The Love of the Alpha

By: Metalwolfie666

Chapter I

Rob never considered himself to be very strong or athletic, nor did he think he was particularly weak or scrawny neither. He did not participate in any sports at his high school but he did exercise, in the form of long hikes in the woods. It was not unusual for Rob to return a day later, or sometimes longer, from a hike. This did not worry his parents, they thought it built character. At school, Rob was well-liked by his peers and had many friends, and he was similar to them except for two things. One was he was gay, a fact that no one had any objections to and were very supportive. The other thing that made him unique from his friends was he could talk to animals. He has had this ability since he was ten and it greatly baffled his parents but greatly amused his friends. Rob's parents have no idea how or why he can talk to animals or where this ability came from, but they too were amused by it.

"I can talk to animals", he would frequently tell everybody. "I know, Rob" was usually the response.

Despite this incredible power, he was still single. It wasn't because no one liked him, it was because he didn't find any of the guys practically attractive or interesting. It wasn't that they were _un_attractive or boring, it's just that he was looking for something more, but he wasn't sure what. Except for his power, he led a relatively boring and uninteresting life, until one day when everything changed.


"What time are you going to return?" Rob's father asked him, before he set out on another big hike. "I don't know, Dad" he answered with a slight shrug, "could be in fifteen minutes, could be four hours, could be three days..."

"Alright, I get the idea", his dad responded with a chuckle, "do you have a compass?"


"a flashlight?"


"a snack of some kind?"

"Yes, I have everything I need" he assured his dad, emphasizing his point by patting the pack on his back. Rob hugged his dad and set off on what he thought was just another hike. He plugged in his MP3 and zipped up his coat to help combat the chilly December afternoon, it was Christmas holiday so he was off school for two weeks, and headed for the nearest trail. He enjoyed the holidays because it gave him freedom to do whatever he wanted for two weeks, a freedom he knew would end but he didn't know that it would end so soon.

Rob had been hiking for thirty or forty minutes when he saw something that grabbed his attention. He took out the binoculars from his pack to confirm if what he saw was actually there. He looked through the lenses and nearly dropped them, in shock and awe out what he was lucky to stumble across, lucky enough to shut off his MP3. He saw, clear as day, a pack of wolves, about 19 of them. Since he was able to communicate with animals, he was big lover of them and he didn't have more love and respect for any other animal than wolves. He never actually spoken to any but he wished for that more than anything, and he might just get his chance. He admired them greatly and with respect and honor; he loved their grace, their beauty, their intellect, their strength, their reverence, their wit, everything. And was just twenty feet away from an entire pack of them!

"Wow" Rob said to himself, trying to contain his excitement. He was able identify the Alpha male right away but he wasn't able to find the Alpha female, which struck him as odd. He also noticed that the pack was gathered together in some sort of meeting but he couldn't make out what they were saying. In his immense curiosity, he quietly crept up closer to the pack, so he could hear them. When he was a good distance that he could hear without being spotted, he knelt and listened. What the wolves were discussing actually wasn't all that interesting, but Rob listened intently out of respect.

"Alright group, we are looking to replace Thorez, who we lost in the battle with the Avalanche pack, we need a solid twenty members, we look foolish with only nineteen" the Alpha decreed to the rest of the pack. Rob's heart was racing, desperately wanting to volunteer. He wanted to be a member of a wolf pack since he was fourteen years old. Despite his desire, he didn't want to be spotted because he didn't know what he or they would do.

"So far" the Alpha said "we have had no one step up. I believe it's time to recruit". The rest of the pack all nodded in agreement.

Rob's attention, however, was drawn to two wolves sniffing the air, looking at one another and walk away. His heart was racing, but not from excitement, from fear, "did they smell me, do they know where I am?" Rob asked himself in his mind. He heard the pair getting closer so he remained absolutely still and silent. It was in vain as he heard the wolves behind him.

"Well well, what do we have here?" said one of them in a menacing voice.

"Looks like we got a spy" answered the other in an equally menacing voice.