Cub Services | Chapter 10

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#10 of Cub Services

I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes, I'm still learning. ^.^

I love comments so please share any and all thoughts in the comments section below.

Warning! I do mention and BRIEFLY describe Liz peeing in this chapter. It's not sexual in ANY WAY and I wouldn't have written it at all if I didn't feel that it was important to help define her character more thoroughly (You'll understand if you read it) I apologize if anybody is offended or disturbed by this as that was not my intention. It's not even as long as this warning, so you can skip the actual description and not miss any of the story but the lead up and ending of it are, I think, very important.

All characters and ideas are mine and are not to be used without my permission. The views expressed in this story are not necessarily my own, nor should they be construed as anything more than part of the fictional story they are presented in.

Chapter 10

A thick haze of aromatic steam hung over the bathroom of Liz Moreau's apartment. Thin wispy clouds drifted over the shower curtain rod, coating the mirror over the sink in a dense fog and covering the brass fixtures in tiny droplets of water that condensed against the cold metal as Liz and her cub Mikey finished up there shower.

Her fingers trailed through his thick silver white fur, wiping away excess water and leaving the soaking wet fur plastered to the soft pink skin beneath. Liz paid extra attention to how her fingers glided over his body as she made sure she'd rinsed every ounce of soap from his body. When she was happy with the results she double checked that she was well rinsed and hung the plastic extendable showerhead back on its hook behind her.

With a dull thump Liz leaned down and pushed the fake crystal faucet handle down with a paw, cutting the water supply to the shower as she pulled the semi opaque shower curtain to the side with a soft clatter. The water from the showerhead sputtered and slowed to a thick drizzle before stopping altogether, leaving a very slow stream of water that drooled lazily from the head, plunking onto the faucet below with an annoyingly loud plink.

Mikey shook himself violently, making a loud smacking noise as his fur slapped against his skin and sent water droplets in every direction around the room. The action left his silver white fur and curly black hair sticking out in complete disarray but left him considerably dryer than a few moments ago. His thick bushy tail wagged happily behind him and his ears twitched toward Liz as his mismatched blue and yellow eyes turned up to see what she would do.

Liz stepped out of the bathtub and onto the deep red bathmat that protected the clean white tile floor from water. Choosing instead to use one of the freshly washed white towels as a feeling of relief flooded her body. Her skin felt fresh and clean under her thick wet fur and it tingled as the moist air condensed against it. She sighed with relief as she realized the dirty crawling feeling that had infested her skin and drove her to the bathroom was finally gone.

Her tail twitched and she looked down at Mikey as the feelings of relief brought with it a feeling of glowing sexuality that emanated through her body. Her sex pulsed with the dull ache that remained from tying him earlier, but the rest of her body felt warm, relaxed and fresh. Warmth seemed to blossom from her chest as she wondered if she could love Mikey any more than she already did.

Mikey quickly clambered out after Liz, his paws slipping and sliding on the edge of the slick white porcelain bathtub. He turned around and reached back into the tub, pushing the silver switch that sat between the tub faucet and the fake crystal knob with a dull thump that changed the flow of water from the shower head to the tub faucet. He turned the water back on and cupped his paws under the thick cascade that poured forth, splashing it at the thick swirls of soap suds that remained in the bottom of the bathtub.

Liz watched curiously as she finished drying her shoulder length orange red hair and moved to the deep red fur that covered her slender arms and lightly toned legs. As Mikey finished rinsing the tub of soap she ran the towel over her front, drying the alabaster white fur that covered her chest in an elongated heart that began just over her firm perky 36 DD breasts and ended in a thin tuft of fur that barely covered the pink folds of skin between her legs.

Mikey turned back to Liz and snagged the bottom of the clean white towel she was drying off with, using it to wipe his soaking paws and the fur on his forearms as the feelings of contentment that had spread through his chest began to fade. It seemed that unless he was physically touching Liz he didn't have that warm feeling of relief he'd gained by coming to her in the shower.

He took a small step forward as he let go of the towel, brushing his muzzle against Liz's stomach as he hooked his arm around her thigh, thinking nothing of having his paw only a few inches from her the puffy pink folds of skin that continually fascinated him. He pressed his side against her long slender leg and rested his cheek on her smooth flat tummy.

It felt so comforting to be with her and the strange yearning sensation he'd experienced when she'd gone to take her shower was all but a distant memory as his chest seemed to swell and pulse with joy and love. Mikey took another deep breath, filling his lungs with the warm moist vanilla and grapefruit scented air that reminded him of Liz as she smiled at him and said "Thanks for rinsing the tub."

He nodded his head without understanding why. Wasn't he supposed to clean up after himself? The difference between his mom and Liz struck him as he remembered that she would not have beaten him if he'd forgotten to rinse the tub.

His smile widened as he looked up at Liz, his eyes tracing the feminine curves of her large firm round breasts with the soft pink nipples protruding from the silky white fur. The list of reasons Liz was better than his mother seemed endless and his smile broadened as he stared at two of them, feeling unashamed as he feasted on the firm round curves of her body.

His cubhood twitched in its sheath as his roaming eyes brought back the memories of the morning's magnificent event. The exquisite feelings of pleasure that had rocked his little body sent a shiver of excitement up his spine as Liz guided him away from her leg and hooked a paw under each arm, effortlessly lifted him up onto the damp towel she'd placed on the countertop.

Liz grabbed a thick bristle brush with a black handle from the drawer to her left as Mikey settled onto his perch on the counter. She began combing it through his fur, being careful not to pull to hard incase there were any tangles as the vixen watched him closely. He sat with a tranquil smile on his muzzle and his eyes occasionally drifted down to her breasts, watching them jiggle and swayed in the misty air as he let her comb his fur. She felt anxiety swell up in her bosom as she watched him, worried that he might break down into tears at any moment and feeling slightly guilty for not expecting his reaction in the first place.

"Did you eat your breakfast before you came in here?" She asked as she searched for any signs that he was still upset. She felt a slight rush of excitement as her eyes crossed over the firm red skin protruding from his sheath, she smiled to herself, knowing he was certainly enjoying his view.

Mikey's ears folded back slightly and he shook his head as a very small tinge of guilt crossed his mind. It was hard for him to feel too bad about wasting food when the feeling of the stiff bristle brush gliding through his fur made him want to murr with delight. He leaned into it, ignoring the pang of guilt as the sensation of the gentle scratching on his skin curled his toes and sent shivers up his spine with each stroke.

Liz worked from head to toe, taking her time with each stroke and being careful never to pull hard enough to hurt her precious cub. He let out a tiny moan as her paw worked over his growing cubhood and furry balls and his heart began to pound in his chest as she gave him a few soft strokes, massaging his sheath briefly before moving on to cup his furry balls to the side as she ran the brush gently over his inner thighs.

When she was all finished Mikey's silver white fur was nearly dry and glistened in the hazy yellow light of the bathroom. Liz's warm fingers entwined in the fur on his chest as she gently stroked the skin underneath, sending tingles of warmth through his body and making his heart beat faster with each tender stroke.

"Why don't you go get your food from the kitchen and you can eat in hear while I get ready. Then we can both get dressed, packed and leave." As she spoke, Liz watched Mikey closely for any signs that he was upset by her suggestion.

She felt his heart thump against her paw as his silky fur slid between her fingers. She stroked his chest as he nodded his head yes and leaned into her paw, making a soft content sighing sound as she continued her gentle touch, before moving to get off the counter.

Swinging his legs forward and using their momentum to help clear the edge of the white tile countertop, Mikey hopped off the edge and landed smoothly with a dull thud. She watched as he whipped the door open and ran quickly out of the bathroom, his nails clicking on the tile floor and then scuffing softly as they skimmed the carpeted living room.

As soon as Mikey left the room the pulling sensation began to grow in his chest and by the time he'd reached the kitchen island that held his breakfast it was almost painful. He used the stool he'd been sitting on as a ladder and quickly climbed up, grabbing his food as quickly as he could and nearly spilling the milk in his black cup before running as fast as his little legs could carry him to return to the bathroom.

Liz shivered as the open door let in a rush of chilly morning air that crashed over her damp fur, making her yelp softly in surprise. Before Liz could think to close the door Mikey was back with his banana and black cup in one paw and his bowl of now soggy captain crunch in the other. He put the items on the counter and pushed them as far back from the edge as he could reach, standing on tip-toe to reach the back of the counter.

When his breakfast was safely deposited onto the counter Mikey closed the door with a swipe of his paw and opened one of the drawers of the bathroom sink, creating a small step for him to use to get onto the counter. He was sure he wasn't supposed to do this but it was easier than leaving a second time to get his white stool from Liz's bedroom and he didn't think she'd mind.

The discomfort he'd felt at leaving her side to get his food was something he wasn't ready to experience again and even as he stood near her he felt the uncomfortable urge wane and begin to dissipate. Mikey sighed disappointedly as he realized he could not get the warm feeling back until Liz touched him again and hoped he could get back into her arms as soon as possible.

As he stepped onto the drawer he felt Liz's paws hook under his arms, helping to lift him back onto the counter where he could sit comfortably. His heartbeat slowed as her warm paws came into contact with his skin and he sighed reluctantly as she let got and he scooted to the side so that Liz could use the other side of the sink, as well as the mirror, to comb her fur and do her hair.

When he was all arranged he snagged the black bowl and spoon and scooped a big bite of his cereal into his muzzle, enjoying the taste of the sugary, all be it soggy, cereal and wishing that Liz would just hold him as he ate. He turned his attention to the room, trying to take his mind off his own silly urge as he looked at what ever caught his interest.

Liz swiped her paw through the fog on the mirror before opening another drawer to get her hair-dryer. After plugging it in she turned it on, causing Mikey to jump slightly as the loud whirring noise filled the bathroom with its obnoxious drone. As she began drying her hair she watched Mikey from the corner of her eye.

He definitely didn't seem upset anymore and as she dried her hair she became more and more confident that he was not going to break down into tears, as long as she was careful to stay near him. A small pang of guilt again poked at the back of her mind. She should have known he'd react this way; he was so vulnerable and reliant on her. Even before she'd slept with him he clung to her when they were alone and preferred to stay close when in public.

A very small part of her wondered if she'd made the right decision to have sex with him in the first place. It didn't really matter now, what's done is done, and the reassurance and love she now had in her life was everything she could ever have dreamed of, but a part of her feared that she may still be harming him, just not in the way she'd originally feared. Deepening that reliance and relationship filled every emotional void in her life, but what was best for Mikey?

She reached out and stroked his cheek with a paw and felt her heart spike in her chest as he leaned towards her, a look of complete tranquility filling his beautiful mismatched eyes. Whether or not she'd made the right decision, the feeling of being so loved and needed made her heart flutter as her chest filled to bursting with excitement.

She took a small step to the side so that she was closer to Mikey as a sudden pulling sensation welled up in her chest. Liz wondered if that sudden pang of need was similar to what he felt when she'd left to take her shower. Her mind toyed with that new idea and then returned to her concerns about his wellbeing.

After a time Liz realized she was just standing there, the black brush in one paw and the hair dryer in the other, her mind so deep in thought that at some point she'd stopped what she was doing and was just standing in the bathroom in front of the hazy mirror. Her mind had turned back to the story her co-worker Tim had told her and she briefly wondered if she could contact the couple and ask some discrete questions.

With a shake of her head Liz turned back to what she was doing and again began to work the tangles and water out of her hair with her brush and hair-dryer. From the corner of her eye she watched Mikey and immediately noticed his mismatched eyes seemed never to be looking at everything at once.

The two dots of color roamed quickly over the room, then over to her and then back to the room. His eyes seemed to draw circles around the room, but every time he started the circle he examined something new before moving on to the next new interest. As Liz watched she was reminded of what had first piqued her curiosity about him when she'd begin visiting his home. The deep yellow of his right eye and the bright blue of his left eye seemed to draw her in and the first time she'd met him she'd had to force herself not to stare in fascination.

His eyes seemed to watch everything at once and as she watched him she saw something she'd never recognized before. As his eyes moved across the bathroom Liz noticed that his eyes weren't just moving at random, they were studying everything, watching and cataloging the world around him in a way that she'd never seen before.

Her mind bounced back to what his teacher Mrs. Stevenson had told her last night about his intelligence as she turned off the hair dryer and quickly brushed her drying fur with the black handled brush she'd used on Mikey.

Mrs. Stevenson had told her his math skills and memory were both phenomenal and that he was easily bored with school, but how good were they? Obviously good enough to achieve one of the highest scores ever recorded at a school built specifically to house the brightest minds in the country, but what did that mean? Liz looked at him curiously, wondering just what he was capable of if he could score so highly on the Shadow Lake entrance exam.

On a whim she said. "Do you know what 19 times 12 is?" Liz spoke in a soft voice as she looked over at him, taking another small step towards him as the urge to be near him swelled back up in her chest.

He took a bite of his banana, still studying the room as he chewed and Liz wondered if he'd even heard her. The question seemed strange and random as she stood there and she suddenly hoped he'd not heard. She knew he had, but she felt her cheeks warm slightly as she realized how weird and stupid the question was. His body had gone completely still and he'd even stopped chewing the banana in his maw. His ears wilted slightly as he began chewing again and Liz swallowed nervously as she tried to guess what his reaction would be and came up blank.

"Two hundred and twenty eight." Mikey said softly, before taking another bite of his banana.

Liz took another small step towards him as her brow raised in surprise. She was standing next to him now and he immediately leaned sideways, resting his head on her shoulder and hooking his arm around her waist. He offered the banana up to Liz as she looked at him curiously.

"How did you do that so quickly?" Liz asked as she tried not to sound surprised. As she wondered at his abilities she moved in closer to him, subconsciously reveling in the feeling of his body against hers. As she stood there she realized how much she missed having him against her. Liz's body seemed to soak up his warmth, flooding her body with warm feelings of love and contentment.

"I'm not weird." Mikey said softly. Liz looked down to see that he was looking up at her now, his muzzle inches from her own and his hot breath rustling the red fur on her cheek. He'd made a statement, but she could see the question in his eyes as his ears folded back against his head. His tail had quit twitching and he seemed to have lost interest in his banana as he scooted a little closer to her, almost pleading for her reassurance.

Mikey held his breath and tried to ignore the booming sound of his pounding heart in his ears as he looked up at Liz, hoping that she didn't think he was a freak. His finger made its way up to his muzzle as he leaned against her, allowing him to chew his nail as he resisted the urge to hide his muzzle in shame.

The answer came to him immediately, just like it always did once he understood how the math problem worked. It had taken longer to decide whether or not he should answer or just say that he didn't know. In the end he'd taken the risk. He loved Liz and she had never done anything to harm him and he trusted her explicitly. Liz was everything he could have ever hoped for and he'd decided then that she wouldn't think he was a freak like his mom had.

"You're not weird." Liz said in a soft soothing voice. A small smile spread across her muzzle as she stood there looking down at him. "But you are quite remarkable."

Mikey felt a wave of relief wash over him and he let out a small breath as her words soothed his nervousness and replaced it with a sense of pride, a feeling he'd not felt in a long time. The thought prodded at memories of better times but he forced them away with barely a thought.

He could see in her eyes that she was looking at him differently, weighing and wondering, just like everyone else, but she wasn't judging him, which made it all ok. That feeling soothed his worry more than anything else and he smiled happily as he took another small bite of his banana, his tummy growling and reminding him that he was still very hungry.

He nuzzled his head against her chin and squirmed in her arms as the urge to be closer to her spread through his chest and then disappeared. He was already wrapped in her tender embrace but for some reason it wasn't enough. After a moment he gave up as a single question filled his mind. If Liz didn't think he was a freak for being smart, would she let him start advanced classes again? His mother had forbidden him from doing so, thinking that she could force him to be normal if she kept him out of those kinds of classes.

Liz studied him closely as she remembered the conversation she'd had with Mrs. Stevenson and wondered if he still wanted to go toShadow Lake. She wondered if she should keep that plan to herself until the Principle approved his late enrollment but before she could think further she spoke aloud.

"Would you still like to go toShadow Lake?" Liz mentally flinched as she tried to look nonchalant about the inquiry. She hoped this didn't somehow breach the tenuous barrier that seemed to keep Mikey from thinking about his father and held hear breath and waited for the tears.

Liz's words hit Mikey like a ton of bricks as he sat there and in the seconds that followed the only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat throbbing in his ears and his lungs sucking in lung-full's of air. He felt tears well up in his eyes as Liz said something that he'd never hoped to wish for in his wildest dreams as a rushing feeling spread through his chest.

He opened his muzzle to say yes but his words came out as a high pitched squeal as an overwhelming urge to jump up and down and howl in delight filled him to bursting. He lurched towards Liz as he showered her in kisses, his pink tongue darting out and running along her muzzle and cheeks. The question of how she found out never crossed his mind as his weight shifted against her and his bottom left the counter.

Liz took a step back and instinctively lifted with her arms to keep from letting Mikey topple off the counter as the high pitched squeal ripped from his lungs. Her ears folded down as she reacted, thinking at first that he was upset. As his tongue began licking her muzzle and she saw the unbridled joy and excitement spread across his brow she realized the glistening tears that leaked down into the fur on his cheeks were tears of joy, not pain.

She smiled broadly and prayed that Mrs. Stevenson could getShadow Lake's principle to accept him after the enrollment deadline as her arm hooked under Mikey's bottom, supporting him as he squirmed and worked to cover every inch of her muzzle in kisses as his legs and armed flailed wildly.

As Mikey's legs flailed his knee pushed roughly against Liz's abdomen and slid down her front, causing her to exhale sharply and lurch forward as he accidently kneed her lower stomach. The move pressed rough against her bladder and the sudden urge to pee nearly overwhelmed her as she clenched and gasped, stopping just before she wet herself as she doubled over in an attempt to remove the pressure from her body.

Mikey stopped squirming as soon as Liz exhaled and curled down, his eyes expanding to the size of saucers as his expression turned from excitement and cheer to one of horror and fear. "I'm sorry, are you ok?" He said. His soft tenor voice came out as a fearful whisper as he held perfectly still and looked nervously at Liz as she tried to straighten herself back up.

Liz gave him a reassuring smile as she tried to stand up straight, but couldn't. The swelling in her bladder was getting worse and she suddenly wished she'd used the bathroom before she'd started her shower. The uncomfortable sensation spread up her front and expanded until her teeth began to tingle. "I'm ok sweetheart but you've got to go outside for a moment."

With a deep breath Liz tried to hold it for just a moment longer as she desperately waited while Mikey left the room. The idea of peeing in front of him sounded disgusting and her stomach turned as a grimy dirty feeling washed over her skin in a wave and then disappeared. She'd always had trouble peeing in front of other furs, even using a public toilet with another fur in the room was nearly unbearable.

Mikey's heart dropped to his toes and a hollow pain twitched and began to expand through his chest as he clung to her. His expression morphed to one of pain and his lip quivered slightly as he tried to speak. He took a deep breath and tried to steady himself as Liz began to dance back and forth on tip-toe as he tried to tell himself that he deserved this for getting so rambunctious.

Liz's stomach turned again as she realized what she'd said and mentally berated herself as Mikey began to break down in her arms. The pressure in her loins continued to spread and she clenched her teeth in an attempt to alleviate the pressure in his jaw as she looked over at the clean white toilet and back at Mikey as his eyes began to turn glossy with unshed tears.

Squirming in place, Liz let out a tiny whimper of frustration as she struggled with the dilemma. Pee in front of Mikey or send him away and risk hurting his fragile feelings. As she stood in deadlock, Mikey clung to her, unable to meet her gaze but unable to let go of her as hurt spread through his body.

Mikey felt Liz twitch and gasp as he clung to her and tried to speak past the lump in his throat. His limbs felt like cement, heavy and thick. He'd tried twice to let go and leave the room like he'd been told but no matter how hard he tried the fear of feeling that longing pain and the soothing feeling of her body against his fur kept him firmly in place.

Before he could try to let go for a third time the arm that was supporting his bottom tightened around him in a gentle hug as the other one snaked up around his back. Liz's fingers curled into his curly black hair and pressed his head against her neck with a gentle but firm grip. With two quick steps she was sitting on the toilet and before Mikey could move the sound of urine hitting the water filled the air.

Liz let out another whimper as waves of relief, coupled with a dirty tingling feeling, spasmed through her body. She'd never had to go so badly in her entire life and she'd nearly wet herself waiting for Mikey to leave. When simply holding him put to much pressure on her bladder she gave up, letting her need to see him happy override her deep aversion to the idea of letting him even be in the same room as her as she used the bathroom.

She held Mikey against her to keep him from looking as she clenched her eyes and jaw until she saw bursts of color spread through her vision and her jaw muscles began to ache. Time seemed to drag on as her body released, what felt like every ounce of liquid she'd ever drunk.

When Liz finally finished peeing she let out a sigh of relief, thankful that the situation was over. She'd never ever been able to pee in front of anybody and as she sat on the clean white toilet she doubted she could do it again, even if she wanted to. She gently let go of Mikey and allowed him to move from the vice-like grip she'd not realized she'd held him in. With a small sigh Liz grabbed toilet paper and cleaned herself as quickly as she could.

Mikey sniffed softly and blinked twice in quick succession, sending tears leaking down into his cheek fur as he waited for the blows to start coming. He'd disobeyed and a part of him still expected punishment for doing so.

"Do I need to leave?" His voice came out harsh and raspy and he cleared his throat twice with a small cough after speaking as his body tensed and his paws began to shake.

Liz's stomach twitched as she sat there. The tears in Mikey's eyes were her fault and that thought pained her more than the discomfort of having to pee in front of him ever could. As she watched the drops trickle into his glossy silver white fur she felt her own lip quiver as pain and regret stabbed through her chest. Her limbs felt slightly numb as she curled her fingers into the silky soft fur on his hip and neck.

"No sweetheart, you don't ever have to leave." Liz said. Her soft voice cracked as she spoke and she had to struggle not to cry as she choked the words past the lump in her throat. She squeezed Mikey's body against hers with one arm, accentuating his position in her lap. She leaned in and gave him one of their special kisses and nuzzled his neck. "I'm sorry I tried to send you away. I didn't want you to leave, but I've never... "

Liz's cheeks began to heat as she tried to finish the sentence but was unable to say that she'd just peed in front of her 11 year old wolf cub. Even speaking the words made her skin crawl. Finally she gave up and simply cleared her throat as she desperately grasped at any way to change the subject.

Mikey looked at Liz as he blinked away the last of the tears in his eyes and relaxed back against her warm soft body. Understanding spread through his mind as he realized why she wanted him to leave as relief washed away the pain, hurt and fear in her chest. He still felt guilty for not doing as he was told and it was a strange experience to disobey someone without being hit but he understood why she wanted him to leave now, kind of.

He looked up at her curiously as she stood up and shifted his weight so that he was squarely in front of her as he gently rearranged his legs so that they stuck out on either side of her thighs. She walked him back over to the counter, sitting him back where they'd started when she dried her hair as he did his best to hold perfectly still, not wanting to hurt her or make her have to pee again.

"So I need your help with something." Liz said in a soft voice as an idea struck her. She pushed her shoulders out slightly, accentuating her large round breasts as she tried to change the subject before he asked any difficult questions. "We need to get dressed and hit the road, and I'd love it if you could help me pick something to wear."

As she spoke she walked her fingers up Mikey's front, creating little trails of parted fur on his chest with the nails on her fingers. As she stopping over his heart and curled her fingers into the fur on his chest she felt the steady beat reverberating through her fingers like a kettle drum against her paw. Her chest swelled with pride as she stood there. With her other paw she brushed the black curly hair from Mikey's eyes as they expanded in excitement as a smile slowly spread across his muzzle. His tail twitched behind him as he nodded his head in agreement.

Liz picked Mikey back up in her arms and let him take a moment to wrap his legs around her waist, helping to support his weight as her arm hooked under his bottom.

The urge to be out of the bathroom and away from the place she'd hurt him struck like a lightning bolt, spreading through her body and making her whimper softly as she stood on the white tile floor. With a sudden burst of speed Liz nearly ran from the room, rushing out of the bathroom and leaving the light on. Her hair dryer, brush and Mikey's breakfast sat unattended on the counter as her nails scuffed softly against the tile floor.