Slut Champion Cynthia extended cut

Story by Danvers on SoFurry

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Extended teaser for my upcomming project slut champion Cynthia.

The original I kept short to fit the whole. Her time is running out theme.

This is the full monty.

This is an adult work of fiction, all readers under 18 should leave this tab immediately.

Champion task force briefing pack B. Evidence item A

The following text was found during the original investigation of Champion Cynthia's disappearence. It was found on a discarded scrap of tearstained paper in the cellar of the champions apartment.

DNA and handwriting analysis has confirmed that this note is genuine although the contents of it have yet to be verified. The rushed style of the handwriting and the hastily scribbled out words suggest she was in a hurry to leave this note.

Until then all units engaged in the search for Champion Cynthia should be aware it is highly possible she has been physically compromised by some form of addiction.

International Police agent Looker. (Head of the Champion task force.)


I'm sorry for the briefness of this note but my time is short and soon I will be lost again. Maybe this time for good. I leave this message in the hope that someone will find it and use the information within to save me but if not everyone must know what happened to me .

My name is slut Cynthia and I am my master's. I am the champion of the Sinnoh pokemon league or at least I was. Now I struggle to remember my own name or anything about myself. I feel like I'm trapped in my own head just watching the world go by, These lucid periods happen rarely and each one is shorter than the last

It started not long after Team Rocket released the anthropomorphisation virus a year ago. I got back from shopping to hearing Garchomp pained cries. I'd been to enough Pokécentres to recognise the sounds of a pokemon going through the painful metamorphosis.

By the time I found him the metamorphosis had finished, before me stood my loyal companions new form. Tall and lean yet you could still sense the power beneath his scaled skin like you could when he'd been a pokémon

But there was something else there. Something in the air some kind of animal musk, I'm still unsure. All I know is that I wanted to run to my partner and hold him tight reassuring him that everything will be just fine. But I couldn't I was frozen there admiring his body.

As I watched his cock began to emerge from his sheath. Magnetically my gaze was drawn to it, no matter what I couldn't stop staring as all 12" of ridged purple perfection emerged. I felt like I was frozen there for like an hour looking at his cock my eyes drinking in every single detail about it, every bump every ridge every spin it was like sustenance for the soul.

I felt his burning amber eyes on me and deep down I knew what I had to do. I remember crawling on my hands and knees over to him. The closer I got to his member the more the urges grew, I tried to fight it but every time I stopped the craving grew until it was unbearable and I moved forward.

Eventually I stopped on all fours directly beneath him before I could satisfy my cravings he reached down and with a few slices of his claws, ripped all my clothes off, leaving me naked and staring at the largest cock I'd ever seen.

If I had any doubts about his intentions his words soon robbed me of them

"Go on slut, taste the cock you'll be serving for the rest of your life"

And I did, no matter what I tried to do my mouth just got closer and closer to his cock and then. I did my duty.

I can still remember the taste to this day as I wrapped my lips around a cock for the first time in my life. Salty yet there was a hint of spices and an earthy taste. I could feel his encouraging paw and my head pushing me down.

This was where it truly started. The further down his cock I sank, the more pre I drank and The further I fell. before I was even halfway down I couldn't remember my name or anything. There was only the present and the cock in my mouth. By the time I reached the bottom all 12" buried firms in my suck hole My mind had gone completely all thoughts replaced with certainties

I was slut

Garchomp was master

I belonged to master, my body, my mind even my soul. My one duty was to please master.

Even now as I write this I can fell those certainties. remembering my name using personal pronouns is a struggle but the world must know what happened to me.

My mind overwhelmed I watched helplessly as my body and feelings responded obeying the implanted desires. I couldn't help it I responded trying harder to please the cock in my mouth wanting more of the good feeling.

I wasn't long before he came, probably unused to his new body. There was no warning, one minute I was sucking away the next I was choking as hot dragon cream was forced into my mouth. My body obeyed automatically swallowing all of the dragon cream, while I relished in its spicy hues.

I felt so good then having please my master enough that he would reward me with his seed and the what I didn't swallow would cover my body marking me as his.

I now know that he was conditioning me, like Schrödinger's Skitty associating his pleasure with mine. Every time I go under I can feel it the choice to just slip under and become the blessed out pleasure slut I'm supposed to be but I resist hoping I'll be saved from this glorious fate.

This scene has been repeated hundreds and hundreds of times over. it's not always my mouth mostly it's my fuck hole pussy and he's talking about breaking my ass soon

I'm so sorry I've failed I can feel him coming, very soon I'll smell him and it'll all be over please tell my grandma I love her

Why is slut doing this. Why is slut wasting masters time writing stupid things when slut should be fulfilling her purpose and taking care of master needs, especially since He hasn't filled slut's ass with his glorious dragon cock yet and sluts needy cock hole needs filling too.

I'm coming master


Pokemon, Garchomp and Cynthia are all © Nintendo

This story © me