Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 15 - Gluttony

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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A truely interesting circle, its gross and disgusting, hell is such a wonderful place

Immortal Season 2 - Chapter 15 - Gluttony

The group sat up after sleeping for a long period. Sora was the first to wake and he pulled a little food from his pocket. Munching softly he leaned back against the wall. With a sigh he looked out into the black sky and bottomless pit. Sora didn't like it here; it was to dark for his liking.

Maia was the next up. She stretched and looked around before sighing gently. "You ok?" He asked and she nodded. "Yeah just thought of a thousand better places to wake up except here," She smiled and pulled up her knapsack. She pulled a little food out and ate to give herself some energy. Katashi and Sayomi awoke next and ate as well. "Should we start down?" Katashi yawned as they looked down into the darkness. "Might as well get a head start on it," Sora stepped onto the steps.

The other followed in succession. These stairs were much wider and more defined so they didn't have to cling to the wall. The small dragon flew ahead as they followed. A few hours passed slowly as they walked and soon Maia noticed something. She glanced at the wall at what looked like a vein pulsing along it. It dark blue as it throbbed seemingly pumping blood into the rocks. She cocked her head to the side and the continued. These veins became more abundant as they decended. "What are these things?" Katashi looked at one.

"Not sure, they seem alive," Sayomi stopped. Sora looked back at them as he walked ahead. "Hey don't stop keep AH!" He yelled. They all turned seeing him gone suddenly. "Sora!" Katashi rushed to the stairs seeing Sora laying on a platform far down. The stairs were covered in thick pasty white mass. It looked and felt like skin and muscles as the veins stretched out from under it. It overtook all of the stairs and the walls seemed to move with it.

"Ew! That so gross!" Maia shivered as Sora sat up. "Careful that shit is slippery," He rubbed his head. Katashi and Sayomi stepped onto it and slid down slowly to him. Maia following hating the feeling and look of it. They helped their comrade up and took a much more careful step as they moved down. Stepping carefully they scaled down deeper into the pit. The mass getting thicker and slimier as they moved. As they reached a ledge a large eye opened on the wall making them jump. It stared at them intently before closing. "We gotta be close to the next circle," Sayomi gulped at the sounds of squishing and slurping around him.

They moved to the next staircase and as they all stepped onto it they slid. Like a giant flume they slide down the slime of the walls. They soon landed in the third circle of Hell; Gluttony. Looking up they saw a horrific sight. A vast dense land stretched out before them. A vast brown swamp covered in large islands of living pulsing flesh. Misplaced mouths and eyes scattered about the horrible sludge. The intense scent of putrid rot and methane filled the air. The brown marsh around them made of thick mud and excrement. The damned trying to escape it and move through it. Their tired and thin body's covered in the foul smelling muck.

A thin rain of icy liquid poured from the sky making everything slick and goopy. As the group sat up long strands of slime stuck to them like saliva. Maia held her mouth and nose to keep down her breakfast. "This place is so disgusting!" Sora shivered. "Where the hell are we?" Sayomi pulled the book out of her knapsack. He read out that they had reached Gluttony. A place where those who had overindulged in anything were punished. Those who ate, drank, smoked, shot up, and snorted everything they had. He quickly put the book away as they began moving through.

Moving along the snaking pathway through the swamps. Maia refused to let go of her nose as they moved through. "Why is this a punishment for Gluttony?" Sora asked. "Well think about it, if you spend your whole life not working and doing anything just to indulge yourself, what worse than being put somewhere where your forced to crawl forever in the mud and muck never having what you had before," Katashi looked at him. Suddenly the hand of one of the damned grabbed Maia's leg. She nearly screamed as it looked up at her. "Please! I'm sorry! I never should have wasted my money on booze! I apologize!" He yelled before the mud sucked him back into the marsh.

As he reached for help a great worm suddenly burst up under him. With a loud crunch it devoured the damned in its circular mouth of gnashing teeth crushing him. Sinking back down the group gulped. "So things actually live down here?" Katashi gulped as Maia used bottled water to clean off her leg. She doused it in antiseptic before they noticed lots of the worms moving through the mud. "There had to be something able to live in this and feed off this pain," Sayomi moved forward. He gulped and stopped suddenly. He was resting at the edge of a deep pit surrounded by teeth. The pit stretched down forever and he quickly stepped over it. The other followed as they moved across the land. The neared a great formerly white palace. The mass overgrowing up its edges. The once white exterior tinted yellows, greens, and browns from the grim of its surroundings.

Nearing its base they could see the demons patrolling its walls to keep the damned at bay. As well as a new strange type of beast. It was a massive fat creature waddling through the muck. Its flesh resembling the mass that claimed the circle. Its mouth stretched open and out to horrific proportions. Its hands so far that its fingers were nearly useless. The eyes of the beast turned black as night showing it was a type of demon. "That is a Glutton," Sayomi gulped. "Master Andreas showed me one before, they wander the underworld always hungry eating anything they can," He explained as it picked one of the damned up and bit it in half.

These large grotesque creatures stared at the four. They watched them only as if to wonder if they were edible. A demon stared down from the gate house at the few. Its black skin shinning in the dim light of this circle. It reached up and opened the gate for the group letting them enter the palace. Inside most of the building was overtaken by the mass and ruined for it. The doorways blocked except for the entrance to the throne room. They moved forward cautiously and looked inside at the sight. A long table full of gluttons eating damned who had been fished from the muck. The poor souls writhing in pain as they were torn apart.

Across the room laid the circles wardens. Three great hounds laying on each side of a black an open doorway. Each one as big as a car and growling as the gluttons ate. The first was large and fat looking as if it was barely able to stand. The second was extremely skinny, just like flesh hanging from bones. The third a perfect muscular hound laid between the other two. Suddenly another damned wandered in from outside and touched Maia on the back. With a loud scream she jumped into the room and the doors slammed shut trapping her inside.

The Gluttons looked at her and moaned happily. Lunging forward they reached for her to devour the new flesh. Thinking quickly she pulled the crossbow from her pack. Lifting it up it glowed brightly. Putting her energy into it she pulled the trigger. Suddenly long thin bolts of energy blasted from the lion's mouth on the end. The gold string pulling back and reloading swiftly and automatically. The bolts pierced their way through the beings making them gush blood and bile. They groaned and rushed away being extremely cowardly creatures. Katashi and the other pounding on the door trying to break through.

The three hounds across the room growled and pushed up onto their feet. Moving forward Maia gulped and pulled the trigger again. The bolts hit their marks barely making small paper cuts on the beasts. "Stupid girl," The skinny hound lunged at her. Maia rolled to the side quickly lifting the crossbow. Suddenly the fat one appeared in front of her and reached forward to bite her. "Did you think you could challenge us?" It grumbled as she jumped back. "We are Cerberus, Master of the gluttony circle," The muscular one smashed through a pillar to attack her. She grunted as he slammed into her knocking her into a wall.

"You attacked me! How can you think this is a challenge?" She pushed herself up and held the bow up again. The string pulled back ready to fire again. She had never used this new weapon and was unsure of its powers. Her old one was basic to where she had to make her own bolts. This one seemed to make them itself taking most of the work out of it. Her hands shook as she tried to calm herself. Suddenly the dogs whipped forward to attack and she pulled the trigger again. This time she pushed her energy into it and a bolt the size of a house blasted out. It engulfed the hounds blasting them back into the darkness of their kennel. She gasped at the power she just unleashed.

She moved forward cautiously before a loud bark let out from the hole. Suddenly the muscular head poked from the darkness. She aimed at him before a second just like the first appeared next to it. Shifting her aim she looked at the second. Then a final third came from the opposite side and the great three headed hound stepped from the darkness. Towering over her he roared showing its massive white teeth. Rushing forward he snapped at her cutting her sleeve slightly on his teeth. She screamed slightly and used the end of her crossbow to knock the head aside.

Jumping up she landed on the left head. The middle head snapped at her biting the other heads neck. With a whine the third bit back to defend itself. Suddenly all the heads were biting and snapping at each other. The one problem with them was they were stronger in one body but they had to agree on everything. Maia took advantage of this momentary sign of confusion and put most of the power she had into the cross bow. The lion's eyes glowed and the gold string softly began to pull back. "I don't want to kill you, please just go down," She begged and closed her eyes. With a click the string locked back into the ready position.

Her eyes opened and a blast rivaling Katashi's attack against Minos let out. The blast surged forward taking the shape of a lions head and maw. With a roar it made contact with Cerberus knocking him back through the kennel wall. Not dead he lay hurt and weakened. The door behind her opened slowly as she put her weapon away. "Are you ok?" Sora asked her and she nodded. "Wow look at him," Katashi walked over the weak beast.

The other did as well and Maia pulled out a little medicine she received from Luna. She put it on the beast and they looked at her. With a whine she could hear them speak inside her head. "Why? Why help us?" It asked breathing slowly. "I said it wasn't a challenge, I don't see you as an enemy so you must be an a friend," She smiled warmly. "Stupid..." Its heads laid down accepting the aid. For beating him Cerberus' tail moved slowly and knocked the dinning table away. Showing a great spiral staircase stretching down into the ground. "Is that the way out?" Maia asked and the beast nodded. She bowed slightly to him and they rushed to the stairs wanting to get out of the horrible place.

Meanwhile on Halo Neptune stood in the center of a courtyard letting out a long sigh. Holding up his Trident he swung it slowly around. Gracefully spinning it and twirling it he fought his imaginary opponent. His eyes held tightly shut as his energy made it rain slightly. His powerful senses of hearing, scents, and shark electricity senses allowing him to feel every drop. He moved faster weaving between every single drop. His blade elegantly slicing water droplets in half.

His blade swung and suddenly stopped just before striking young Yoko. The rain hitting him suddenly as he could sense the boy's electrical impulses. "Why did he send you here?" The shark questioned. Yoko moved forward pressing his hands against the commander's chest. "Stop," He ordered and he leaned in kissing his sharp scales. Neptune tried to push him away but gasped as the boy smirked. "Tell me why you attacked my master..." He whispered and his hand massaged the shark's crotch.

He didn't answer as his two members slid from their hiding place. Resting against his hand Yoko teased the throbbing members. Neptune gasped and gripped the boys shoulder. Opening his eyes the boy smiled. Suddenly his body became tense. "I...did it to...put that blow hard in his place," He gasped almost there. "If you ever threaten my master again I will do everything in my power to destroy you," Yoko spoke in his normal monotone voice. Neptune's body jerked and he came into his training shorts. Sighing and breathing hard Yoko released him.

Turning and walking away Neptune went back to training. Yoko moved out of the training ground and looked up to see the doe staring him down. "And why are you here?" The doe asked. Yoko walked past her in arrogance. "Why you little!" She reached to grab him and her arm was grabbed. "In the future I hope you keep it in mind that punishment of any sector 10 subordinates would be my duty," Cerce hissed holding her arm. She looked back narrowing her eyes at him. She pulled her arm from his grasp and jumped up and away. "Master I..." Yoko tried to explain. "If you ever fight my battles without my permission you stupid boy, I'll make it so death will be the last of your worries, are we clear?" His eyes moved to him behind his mask. Yoko nodded and followed his master as he lead him away.

In hell the group was happy to get out of the rotten air. They were now in a cavern hearing the bats squeaking around them. It would be here they would rest and readjust to decent smelling air. Maia felt content knowing she had a weapon that she could truly use. Sayomi and Katashi talked with her about her fight while Sora felt left out. Everyone had fought and advanced them further while he hadn't.

To be Continued -