The Digimon Savior: Others

Story by Nappy on SoFurry

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#2 of The Digimon Savior

Ben opened his eyes letting light poor into his vision. There was a great amount of light. "Am I dead?" he wondered.

He found himself laying on a cold dirt surface with someone's jacket covering him. The air was stale and the warmth of a fire embedded him. The smell of sweat and smoke went into Ben's nostrils. When his vision cleared and he could make out a face, a lot of faces actually.

There were four solemn faces all staring down at him. They were humans, each a different age by the looks. Ben sat up and took a look around. He was in cave with a fire in the middle and a bunch of old clothes and supplies leaning against the walls. He could see the humans' digimon sitting outside at the mouth of the cave.

"I'm so glad you're alright." said a bright and happy voice. Ben turned to see a blonde headed girl (about his age) with a completely worn out and dusty face. Yet she had smile that seemed to brighten everyone up.

"Who are you people? Where am I?" Ben asked with caution.

"I'm Gabriel", said the smiling girl.

There was a guy there (maybe about 16) wearing a baggy orange hoodie and blue jeans. He had bright red hair and a freckled face. "I'm Donny", he said.

Then there was a girl with brown hair and glasses. She was tall and thin, about 20 years old, and she looked a bit distant. She shyly said, "My name's Claire".

"The name's Flint", said a final manly voice. Ben turned to see that same gorgeous guy that saved him. He had blonde silky & straight hair and ocean blue eyes. He looked to be about 16. Even though his face was dirty, this first appearance put Ben in an aura of that crazy type of crush you carry forever. He smiled at Ben and he gazed at his pearly white teeth. He was also barefoot and of course since its Ben, he stared at those too... and fell in love with them.

Claire reached in her pocket and pulled out... Ben's digivice! He immediately tried to snatch it back but she stepped back too fast.

"Does this belong to you?" she asked. Her serious tone put a shiver down his spine.

"Yes", Ben answered, "Please give it back."

She still held the digivice in her hand and started fiddling around with it in her fingers. She was trying to taunt Ben, and she was succeeding. His aggravation levels were extremely high.

"Claire, don't be so mean and give it back!" said Gabriel.

"How do we know he didn't steal it off someone? How do we know he doesn't work for Sansamon?" she gave Ben an evil sort of look.

All the sudden, a hand plucked Ben's digivice out of Claire's grip. It was Flint, he came to his rescue. He handed it to Ben and he graciously took it.

"Flint you asshole! You're such an idiot!" Claire stormed off.

"Don't mind her kid; she'll lighten up once you get to know her better." Flint said.

"Yeah man, just don't go near her when her cunt is dry. Wait... just don't go near her at all." Donny started cracking up.

"That was a terrible thing to say Donny!" Gabriel yelled.

While this little argument ensued, Ben continued to stare at Flint. He was so dreamy. Ben remembered first getting a glimpse of him at the castle... GRANDPA!

Ben had completely forgotten about his poor grandfather and his heart started racing.

"Hey, at the castle did you guys see an old man?!" Ben asked.

Everyone looked at him with confused expressions.

"That's my Grandpa! I lost him during the castle attack!"

"What is your Grandpa doing here?" Gabriel asked.

"He was kidnapped by Sansamon!" Ben replied.

They all looked at each other and shook their heads at Ben.

"Sorry kid, but if you're Grandpa is captured again, he will surely be killed." Claire said from a distance.

Ben started shaking and he lowered his head trying to fight back tears. "I'm so sorry Grandpa".

Flint put his hand on Ben's shoulder. "Don't worry kid. We'll find your Grandpa." He gave Ben a reassuring smile.

Ben suddenly felt like everything was alright, but one thing remained unchecked in his mind, what happened to his digimon?







For the first time in months, Leomon's footpaws could feel the nice warm soil of the digitalworld. He took in a deep breath of the fresh air. Sucking in the familiar essences of his homeland.

Renamon clumsily got off the ground and took a good look around at the new landscape. To her, this place didn't look any different from a country area in her world.

The area they were in had nice green fields of grass and a few spots where only fresh dirt and soil lied. Though, the feeling underneath her paws seemed alien to her compared to what she felt in the human world. She couldn't tell what it was.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Leomon asked, still taking it all in.

Renamon gave him a little smile. "Yes Leomon, it really is." She marveled at the pretty scene.

Suddenly Leomon snapped out of his daze, "So are we going to save Ben or what!" he said.

Renamon's smile turned into a grin, "Yes! Let's get our boy back!"

They both stood there full in confidence.... just standing there. A tumble weed rolled by.

"So... where do we go?" Renamon finally asked.

"Sansamon's castle." Leomon replied.

"And where is that?"

"Not too far from here actually. Believe me I know. Its east from here." Leomon pointed in the direction of a large hill.

Alright, let's go." Renamon said.

They started off towards the east.







Ben's walked around the cave exploring this new environment he was thrown into. Often Gabriel would come and point something out to him. He looked at Flint who was sitting by the fire warming his bare feet. Ben couldn't stop staring.

Finally, Ben did something he never thought he would do, he went over and sat by him.

"Hey kiddo." Flint said.

"Hello", Ben's face turned red. "So are those digimon guarding us yours?" he asked.

"Yup, the big blue dragon one is ExVeemon. He's my partner. Take a look at my digivice." Flint pulled out a blue digivice from his pocket.

"Then that one is Sunflowmon, she's Claire's partner." Flint pointed at a large two legged flower with yellow petals around its flower face and leaf-like wings.

"Then there's Cyberdramon, he's Donny's partner." This digimon was a large cyborg dragon man in eraser-made armor.

"And this here is Patamon. He's my cute little partner." Gabriel held up a little four legged creature with dragon-like wings on its head.

"Hello, hope that scar on your face doesn't hurt", the sweet little digimon said.

"Scar?" Ben forgot that during the castle attack something had hit him.

"Come on I'll show you." Flint got up and motioned for Ben to follow. They went out through the entrance of the cave but were stopped by ExVeemon.

"Flint, where are you guys going?" the large digimon asked.

"I'm taking him to the pond. Don't worry 'bout it bud." Flint said.

"Okay, but don't take long. Hope you feel better little human." ExVeemon looked at Ben then back at the vast land before him.

Flint took Ben to a small pond not too far from the cave. Ben went to the edge of the water and looked at his reflection. He had a bad scar on his left cheek. He could only sigh about it.

"Thankfully it's healed. So, who's your partner kid?" Flint asked as he sat beside Ben at the pond's edge.

Ben didn't really know how to answer this at all. "Well, I sorta have two."

Flint's eyes grew large. "How could you have two?"

"Well, my official partner is Leomon, but there's this Renamon who is kinda like my second partner." Ben felt very awkward.

Flint turned and looked at the pond. "That's awesome, you're real lucky."

Ben was happy that Flint thought that was cool.

Ben started staring at Flint's bare feet again. Flint didn't notice because he was staring at the star covered sky.

"Man, my feet are really sore!" Flint looked down at his feet and Ben quickly looked away.

Then, Ben thought the craziest idea he ever had. "Do you want a foot rub?" Ben asked.

Flint looked a little puzzled at him. Ben was worried that Flint would never talk to him again, but he was mistaken.

"Sure", Flint moved his feet over to Ben's lap and wiggled his dirty toes at him.

Ben's heart started pumping. He had to try his best to keep his hands from shaking. Ben clutched Flint's right foot and started deeply rubbing into the flesh.

Flint's foot odor filled Ben's nostrils. Ben was in a state of utter delight, and apparently so was Flint.







"We're almost there Renamon. Sansamon's castle is just over this hill." Leomon shouted back at Renamon who was slowly lagging behind.

"I'm way too old for this", Renamon panted.

There was a sudden boom on the other side of the large hill. This was followed by several loud noises such as screams and more explosions. Smoke started to arise in the sky.

"What is that?" Leomon wondered.

"Leomon! Ben could be in serious danger!" Renamon panicked.

"She's right", he thought aloud.

The two digimon rocketed towards the smoke. At the top of the hill, they saw the castle in near ruins and it looked like there was warfare going on.

"We have to save Ben!" Renamon shouted. They continued down the hill.

When they reached the castle, it was in ashes. Who ever started this was gone and all that was left were a few digimon scrambling out of the debris.

"BEN! BEN!" Renamon called out.

Leomon knew that Ben wasn't here. "I think Ben has gone somewhere else Renamon..." he said gently.

She started sobbing and put her face in Leomon's chest. Leomon caressed her back.

"It's okay Renamon, Ben probably escaped and went to a safer area." He tried to soothe her.

"What if they still have him Leomon?!" she wailed.

"Still, they won't hurt him. They have to keep prisoner." Leomon looked around the sight and suddenly heard a faint cry.

Renamon heard it too and it sounded awfully familiar, she immediately knew who it was.

"DAD! Dad where are you!" Renamon searched frantically through the debris until a hand poked through a pile of wood.

Renamon and Leomon ran over and tossed the wood away. Under it was Grandpa, his body looked frail and grey, but thankfully there was no blood showing.

Leomon picked the up old man and Renamon rushed to his side. "Dad it's me, Rachel."

Grandpa opened his eyes and looked at Renamon. "No, you're not my daughter" he said weakly.

This felt like a stab in the heart for Renamon, but she held it in and did what she thought was right. "You're right. I'm not your daughter."

Grandpa closed his eyes as did Renamon.

"I'm sorry Renamon." Leomon said.

"It's okay. At least I know he's safe." Small tears fell from her eyes.

Then Grandpa suddenly started breathing frantically. His breathes went faster and faster.

"Oh my god! What's happening?!" Renamon shrieked, "He can't be dying!"

"I know where we should go. Come on, we must hurry before this gets worse!" Leomon said.

They began running west and ran for a few yards until they heard the sound of loud footsteps.

"HIDE!" Leomon commanded.

Renamon quickly climbed up in a tree's branches while Leomon went and hid with Grandpa still in his arms behind a boulder.

The footsteps were getting closer and something was coming from not too yonder. Leomon caught a glimpse of what was coming. His whole body shook when he saw that it was Sansamon.


So what's you guys think? I hope it's better than before, if not please tell me why or please tell me why you liked it. All comments will help. Oooh, can't wait to start on next chapter!!!