Runaway Experiment: Island Paradise

Story by StrikerSA on SoFurry

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IMPORTANT: Please note that the following was not written by me (StrikerSA), but is instead a story done by a fan of the series who requested that I post it here on Yiffstar on his behalf.

Runaway Experiment 2

Chapter: Island Paradise

Part: Prisoner Paradise


Location: Cargo Hold of prisoner transport ship the "Cerbeies"

It had been many weeks since Isira (Is-er-ra) was put on this barge; the winged-Unicorn female had lost so much time that she lost count and given up any hope to know what day it was, since she was in her little wire fence cage along with others each in their own cages. Each cage tied to a pluming and water system for their little 6x6 foot cage, and each cage hung on a rail system to counter the sway of the ship they where on as well as transport them.

She remembered when she was first picked out of her turn on Death row with all the other girls waiting in line for their turn at the chair. The Leader of her prison's country deciding to commute all death row inmate convictions to life sentences, more then 4,500 of them, however; not just females, about less then half of them where males as well. All of different ages, species, religions, and anti-queen supporters who where the most violent of the bunch, sure she was an assassin for hire and all, but at least she wasn't stupid enough to go after the Sultanas, the Dragon/Griffon and her Dragon half sister where some of the best rulers her people have ever seen, and everyone prospered under their rule, well, everyone but the greedy bastards who apposed their rule.

But at this point she was completing her own fate, what was to become of her since she and the rest of her comrades where captured before they could kill that business man who they figured deserved to die, if her guess was right, she was being paid to kill a person who had eyes on her people. Normally she didn't care about such things, but when you wanted to have children slaughtered for no other reason that made sense, that was where she drew the line. Too bad she would never know, because before she could go on her mission to kill him, everyone of her group was captured quite suddenly, their trials where swift, but at least it was more fair then what would happen in one of those countries that openly apposed any country that allowed free thinking and speech, or those barbaric ones that still had that rule about oppressing females. However few they are and small no less, it was then a speedy trip to the prison which would hold her for a few years before all appeals to the Queen was exhausted, then just as suddenly as she was captured she was taken out of the prison with more then half of it's population.

All bound and gagged, it would be a good many hours before she would reach the port city that neighbored the capital city. Once they reached a warehouse near a docked cargo ship on the port, she was then given an injection which the guard told her was a powerful sedative, to help keep her from escaping or harming anyone during the transfer, then she was put into some room, striped completely nude, and tied to a table that spread eagled her arms and legs, she was given a full medical examine by several doctors who where covered in hazmat suits while they also gave her shots and checked her most intermit areas, those areas taking the most time as if they where looking over a prize racing animal or some kind of valuable commodity to insure it was in good quality.

At this point a hole in the ceiling and the wall opened up, a rather large cage came down, one of the men in the suits opened a whole side where the door was and the table she was on lifted and moved her into the cage, at which point the man closed the cage and a locking sound gave notice that the door was secure, the man shook the side some to insure the cage was closed good, at this point Isira wondered what was going to happen next, it was then that another machine sound took place and as she was forced to only look from side to side and up, she saw the ceiling of her cage raise, it was then she felt her body being raised off the floor of the table and above the cage floor, now able to look over her shoulder she could see that the floor opened up to let the table into the cage and then out of it, at this point the restraints that held her where also extendable off the table which made sense when she saw how the floor of the cage closed around the restraints, then she was lowered onto the floor of the cage, once her back came into contact with the floor the restraints released her and retreated under the floor, because she was still under the effects of the drugs they gave her, she didn't bother to try and press an escape the whole time, the holes the restraints used closed up after she gotten her self up and away from them heading for the bench bed near the side of the cage, there the cage moved on into a dark area which with the little light that shown look like something like one of those Gondola rides or something from the cleaners, the door to the room she was examined closed and then she was plunged into near total darkness, she felt her room sway to and fro as it was taken to it's destination, to the top of the building it would seem from the way the track zigzag across the building then went up a level before starting the whole process again.

It would be several more minutes before she reached the top of the building and saw a hole, or tunnel to be more precise, that was taking in cages, and it looked like she wasn't the first, there seemed to be a line of cages which had stopped in this little tunnel, and it would be a few hours of waiting while a line backed up behind her in her cage, at this point the drugs had started to ware off and she had gotten a better look at next door neighbors in front of her and behind, all thanks to the light coming in from windows on both sides of the walls of the tunnel. In front of her was a Male Elf, or more actually a Drow, who was just as nude as she was in his cage, behind her was another Drow, this time female, and one she knew as Quella (Quel-la), she too also nude and looked to be coming off the drugs she was given.

Quella was one of the comrades who she knew in her group who she befriended when she first came to their little mercenary group. They had done many missions together, and worked well as a team, and it was looking like both where going to share the same fate as the others in this place.

"Quella? Is that you?" the Winged Unicorn asked.

"Isira? They got you too, by the Gods what's going on? The last thing I remembered before I was to be executed was being dragged out of my cell and dragged here." The dark elf girl said, she had a look of fear that was something she didn't show often; one couldn't in their former line of work.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that something's up, you don't get pulled off of death row like that for nothing, hey, I didn't know you got that tattoo you wanted," Isira said trying to lighten the mood.

"Heh, I got it a week before we where captured, do you like?" the Drow proudly showing off the tattooed area around her breasts of a dragon, tiger, and Griffon morph, all females, nude, with sword like weapons at the ready and posed like that of an honor guard ready for attack. One on each breast of her body, and one in the cleavage of her breasts, this just one of many others that littered the many others around her body, some of serpents around her arms and legs, and one on her back with a half angel half demon girl with both at set of feathered and leathered wings, this while she was showing off with her arms crossed over under her breast and pushing up the flesh to make them look bigger then the DD's they where on the tattoo. At least the ones of some notable worth, it was then that the cages started to move again.

As they passed the windows they saw the where house, and the huge cargo ship which the where heading to. On the ground they saw more transport vehicles coming in, all from prisons most likely, and a motorcade.

This drew the unicorn's attention since the flag of the nation was on it. She didn't have time to look that long when they moved out of view. A few minutes later they where all in the cargo hold, waiting for the rest to come in and be shipped off. While that was happening, robotic arms came in and attached large hoses to the underside of the cages, a hissing sound and one of running water also could be heard; looking at the toilet she hear the tank filling, checking the sink clean water flowed from the cold handle. Suddenly a small hole in the middle of the floor opens up and up cam what looks like a water drain with a showerhead above it, seems that was the thing above her that she didn't recognize immediately.

An hour later it would seem the all the others where put into place, a PA speaker hidden in the ship somewhere went off and a voice came from the shadows of the hold.

"My fallen subjects," at this point Isira remembered the voice of the Dragon/ Griffon leader of the country.

'So the Queen bitch is showing up her self to address the masses, huh?' the unicorn assassin thought.

"As some of you may have guesses, you've been spared the punishment of death, while some of you have been taken from you life sentences and placed on this boat."

"I was wondering about that," Quella snidely remarked. "I just wondered if the others are here as well to complain about this.

"Recent times has come have come and I've been made to make choices, hard choices, the kind that will effect your country, one such chose was to find out what to you with all 4,588 of the life sentences and death row prisoners. Recent conditions of our new alliance with the Northern and Western nations merited some concessions be made. One such was the use of our prisons, but we couldn't release any of you until your sentences have been fulfilled. So we've found another way to make use of all of you, far to the South west of us near one of our allies, there is an island where you all will be sent, this island is unique in the way they deal with prisoners, you will all be sent there and though some of your don't deserve the wonderful experience that will befall you, it is still something that will put you all to good uses, I will leave you now and wish you luck with your journey and may the Goddesses of our lands protect you until your end."

The male Drow in the other cage spoke up, "Don't Deserve the wonderful experience? What's that suppose to mean?"

Quella turned to Isira's neighbor, "Knowing how we're all nude, and everything, I'm thinking sex slavery, but slavery has been outlawed in all civilizes nations, even here the worst you can get is Sex slavery and even that's only for those who don't get death or life, so the real question is not why, but where."

That was so long ago, and since they've been on this boat, it's been eating, crapping, talking and open showers that everyone could see you do, but just couldn't reach and touch you. Which was sort of okay, but some would jerk off to you watching you rub your self down to clean your self, others would show off, pretty much anything to keep your self sane, Isira and Quella where the latter, enjoying showing off for each other and the others around them, the male Drow was also one to jerk off since he seemed to be surrounded by many females on all sides, all of which where in love with his body, not to mention his member, which was big, and Quella who mostly enjoyed the company of females didn't mine a male now and again didn't seem to mine watching him.

It was all just so surreal, but every now and again they would hear someone going off and this would happen over and over again until one day waking up, they noticed the ship had stopped.

At this point Isira and Quella where stirred from their sleep off their cots, Quella was the first to ask what's happening, and Isira pointed out they where docked.

It wasn't until the cages where disconnected from the water and sewer system of the ship and they started to move did they figure out this must me the island they where being dropped off at. The whole process of disembarking was slightly different in that once their cage left the hold they where temporarily blinded, it was then they noticed the air was different, the winds was blowing, and the land before them was indeed and island, but an island paradise, behind the docks from their height of the cages was a vast and lush forest, birds of many kinds could be heard over the roared some of the motors and the sea as it hit the docks and rock shelf the protected the industrial harbor.

No one could admire this for long as they where moved from the open air to another warehouse, this one had a floor below the cage on the top floor, much different then what happened in the one they left behind weeks ago.

At this point the cages split off in two groups, female and male, males going right and females going into a left tunnel. The tracks split further to spread the numbers of females into different directions, after a while 15 females with Isira and Quella in their group where brought into a large room, their the cages opened up.

"Greetings, welcome to Alluvia Island prison facility, " a voice spoke as a monitor embedded in a wall was reviled, the monitor turned on and a Colley morph, both female and nude as well appeared, "If you are here you've been conscripted to help pay your debt to society," The monitor then faded from the female to show a simple map of their location and the path they where going to take. At this point all 15 of the females: 5 Drow females, 2 Elf females, 1 winged unicorn, 1 dragoness, 1 lioness, 1 doe, 2 feline, and 2 wolf females, all disembarked and walked up to the monitor.

"You are currently here in orientation, you along with your male counter parts are also going trough a similar process, and currently you are to disembark your prison transport as they will be taken to another room where they will be decontaminated, a process that kills or biological material, namely if you are still in your cell when they are being cleaned, you will drown in a solution which dissolves all flesh and melts bones. This process is done for the sake of the next person to enter your former cell."

All females then gotten far away enough from the cages as they lifted up though the ceiling and closed off any kind of escape.

"Now if you'll please look at this monitor," Everyone turned to see the map on the monitor, "You are currently in our quarantine room which is also designed to scan you to check your health, if you would please stand on the lit floor indicators here, we'll being your examine and then hurry you to the next area. "

Behind the group, 15 circles lit up to show where they where to stand. Some went immediately, others lingered, all the while the recording looped to remind them to stand on the circles and to stand still while the scans took place. The Voice also reminded that if no one would participate, the room would be electrified rendering them unconscious and guards would take their unconscious bodies to their cells, and that the prison wasn't responsible for what ever the guards might do to them while they are being transported.

This motivated them to get in place, and the scans began, once finished, a door under the monitor opened up and they where ushered though. "Please head over to decontamination," An Arrow pointing down to the door and blinked.

Everyone filed though to the next room with Quella and Isira being first. There they saw showerheads lining the walls all around them, no benches or knobs for control of water. Another fixture in the middle had 4 monitors set around in a square fashion, the same collie morph showed up again, "If you would place your self under a shower head, we can begin decontamination of any germs or microbes that you may have picked up while you where being transported here. It is recommended for you to help one of the others shower down and quickly expedite the processes, however any and all sexual activity will be recorded and if you assault anyone while helping clean each other the room will be electrified as before in the last room and the guards will take you away."

Quella and Isira both took a stall and started to wash them selves off, while this was taking place some of the others paired off and into 2s or even 3s to clean each other, the Drow and the Winged unicorn continued into cleaning each other, each one taking time around each other's intermit areas and breasts.

The 2 Elves and 4 other Drow had paired off to each other and started to brake down into a full blown orgy, all the other girls kept cleaning each other off, some starting to get frisky with one another, Isira and Quella where no exception and had started to kiss while the water ran under both of them.

After about half an hour, and many orgasms, the girls where then ushered into another room. The room had the monitor on the other end of the room and it was explaining again the situation. "At this point after decontamination, this room you are in will be lowered to the bottom level of the building, there the floor will open up and up will come the entrance to your new cell room where you'll spend the rest of your life. Please do not resist as to do you can cause harm to you and those around you, if you do so you might end up getting your self killed since the method we employ can become violent if people are unwilling to go along." It was then that the monitor turned off and the room started to move down. However all the while everyone started to feel a tad dizzy and light headed, and everyone was leaning on the walls to keep from falling.

When the room suddenly jerked to a stop, the center of the room's floor opened up like an iris, soon a giant white flower came up from the floor with a very thick stem at it's base, the flower opened up into full bloom and out came more then 20 beetle like bugs that crawled over to the females, at this point each female was too weak to try and keep the bugs off them. Each bug then went behind each female and stuck into the base of the neck a needle into the females.

After several minutes, each female got up and went up to the giant flower, Quella was the first to go to the plant and she started to set foot into the center of the flower, several tentacles came up from the center and started to wrap them selves around each leg, arm and her waist supporting her, then another set of tentacles came from the flower and started to find places to stimulate the female on both sending one into her pussy, and two to wrap around her breasts, the tentacles then flipped the Drow over and started to take her into it face first, at this point, another tentacle cam up from the plant and opened up to reveal a mask like appendage which then placed it's self onto Quella, tubs then forced it's way into her nose and mouth and started to spay a sweet odor which made Quella relax more and seem to make her explode into orgasm.

The same thing was starting with Isira; with her stepping her clove hove feet onto the center of the flower as well.

Isira was felt the fog lift from her mind; she could hear muffled screams and shouts all around her. There was a slight green and bluish glow about the place, and where ever she was it felt like it was squishy.

"Isira, wake up!"

"Huh? Quella? What's happened, where are we?"

The Winged Unicorn then picked her self up and tried to walk to her friend, but something stopped her, the sudden shock cleared the last of the fog and she saw where she was, it was like she was inside some kind of horror movie, inside was what kind of looked like the insides of some kind of animal.

Isira felt the invisible wall and saw it was some kind of clear flexible wall, she tried to claw her way out, but her hove tipped fingers couldn't get a grip and kicking it didn't work, finally she tired to use her horn, but try as she might, she couldn't pierce the plastic like wall at all.

"Don't bother Isira, I've tired, you can't cut or chew it at all."

"I can see, but where in the Goddess' name are we? It looks like we're in some kind of animal."

"Have a look around," the Drow pointed around her self to the other cells and they could see that there must have been hundreds, maybe thousands, some filled with a greenish clear liquid with both females and males, all being yiffed out of their minds. "Goddess! That bitch sold us to be fed to this thing?"

It was then that Quella's cell started to get liquid fill in from the bottom. "Uh oh, looks like it's my turn. I guess this is where she meant wonderful experience, well it's still better then death row if you ask me." The liquid was up past her knees now, and two tentacles wrapped them selves around her feet and lower leg calves, "It's been good working with you Isira, and an honor to be both your friend and lover for all those nights."

Quella had the liquid up to her breasts at this point and she decided not to resist as she offered her hands to the ceiling as two more tentacles came down and wrapped them selves around her arms and stared to lift her a little off the ground, the liquid had reached her shoulders when another tentacle came down with the facemask attachment and wrapped it's self around the Drow's face, two tubes went into her nose and went deep in to reach the area where the trap door for her lungs and esophagus was, it went down to her windpipe and the bigger one in her mouth went in and down the esophagus, expanding to help seal the wind tunnel from any liquid from getting in. Leaving the one in her mouth to pump a little for stimulation.

Two more tentacles came down and snaked around her breasts lightly squeezing them, the ends of the tentacles opened up with suction cup like grips which attacked them selves to the tits of the Drow's impressive DD's two more also came up from under the Drow, while she was spread eagle from the ones holding her arms and legs, the two went up and attacked her pussy and exposed anus. Each one going deeply until they reached their limit.

This process repeated with Isira as well, the other females from her group in the cells who just arrived also noticing their fate also started to panic or talk among themselves, some even admiring or explain they couldn't wait to be taken this way. Isira had also offered her arms to the creature, all the while thinking about her fate, those thoughts soon left her as soon as the creature she was in started to stimulate her. It didn't take long for her first orgasm to be reached, her wings flaring out each time she reached it, the creature feeling they where not worth restraining.


Meanwhile in control room station 17

Five furs, three female and two males, where watching the new prisoners to be given to the plant as it's new food. It had been many months since this plant got loose from the government lab on that neighboring research island 30 miles or so away from that smaller chain of islands. This time around it had gotten smarter, so much so that it could use it's bugs to attach them to one of it's victims and use him or her as it's voice, after much negotiations and many deals being struck, this Island was decided to use it as it's new home, a full time permanent nudist colony who also agreed to host the plant, it was welcomed with vast fanfare to the island's population since it would also bring with it much needed money and people to it's struggling economy. The local and only hotel on the island was swamped with people wanting to come over, so much so and so soon that they had to expand from a rickety 1 to 2 star hotel to something that could compete with a 5 star, with full enmities, an a massive gym which was attached to the plant so that beyond the regular means of losing weight and gaining muscle, you could be put into the plant for several days for a non-stop yiffing style workout, or the island's fertility clinic which with the help of the plant a couple can have the sperm of the male taken by the plant, enhanced some of the DNA from the male, and then implanted into the female, which all this could be done while you are inside it for several days, and everything done this way ended up with superior children. This also brought with it the new governess, a Dr. Tanzi who was also in charge of the well being of the plant as well as the prison, and was the person who also was responsible for both the gym and clinic on the island, all of this brought the Hyena a windfall of cash that she never knew would happen, right now she with two males and two females where watching the prison transfer.

As is custom on this island, everyone was nude, save for belts for pouches and carryon or anyone wearing jewelry or piercing, Tanzi watched with her friends from the lab as the final prisoners where loaded in and the cages returned to the ship, all the while checking when the next prison transport would arrive.

"Our friend here is happy to report that there was no complications from this new batch and that with all the extra energy, that he's going to start work on another huge chamber set for the next batch." Tanzi said as she smiled, thanks to the telepathic link she shares with the plant, with one of the bugs it made just so it could be permanently put on her and for it to be able to talk with others though her, as she was it's favorite food as companion to talk two since she understood it best.


Story by: Mercenary X

Original Runaway Experiment idea by: StrikerSA