CH8 The Long Road Ahead...

Story by Faustus723 on SoFurry

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#8 of The Day Doesnt Last

CH:8:The Long Road Ahead...:

Bryce Wraith's consequences are already being felt in the people he is closest to. Catrain Sibly, the assistant-captain of the Red Rose is feeling the first ripples of them. Though she was expecting this. With a fortified front, the strong woman stares bravely in the face of interrogation. However, when a mysterious world unfolds before her eyes, the consequences for her connections to the fugitive captain will only become more severe and significant.

Authors Note

A short authors note before, I promise. If you haven't read my most recent journal then you are unaware of the fatc that I may be taking commisions/trades. That's to say that I will be writing stories for people who are willing to generate visual art for me. the details will be placed ina journal in of it's self, but just decided I'd tell people here. Without futher ado, here is CH8 in it's full glory and in my opinion my second to best chapter yet.

The Long Road Ahead...

This was not Catrain's first time chained to a chair, guarded on both sides, waiting for the interrogator to appear through the closed door. However, the last time she was in this situation she was fighting the Menosians in the north. Sitting in the occupied keep of Fort White, Catrain had known that the interrogation would eventually come to an end with her allies coming to rescue her.

However, this was the first time being interrogated by her own country...

The knocking had come early in the morning, just as Catrain Sibly had begun to cook her breakfast. At first she assumed it was Riley from across the street, her friend who had lived next door since she had moved to the abode, coming to return her dress she had borrowed the night before. Though, Catrain hoped it was something else, preferably news regarding Bryce... Instead the source of the knocking was from a trio of soldiers with a very official document of interrogation, something Catrain had seen many times as the Red Rose assistant-captain.

Catrain had already anticipated the possible interrogation that would follow once Bryce vanished from Pinnacle, so when the soldiers asked her to peacefully go with them "by order of the High Council", Catrain was obliged. It gave Catrain a small amount of amusement to see the surprise on the soldier's faces as the "Heroine of the North" went with them without so much as an insult.

Now, after a long blindfolded walk through the winding cobblestone streets of Pinnacle, Catrain was sitting chained to a chair in a dark room with two smug guards watching over her.

The hard nudge from one of the guard's spear knocked her out of her reflection of previous events.

"Stop tryin' ta fiddle with them chains, you'll only hurt yourself, girl." The chuckle at the end only increased Catrain's dislike for the fat guard. Honestly she was surprised at the guard's treatment. As much as she disliked it, the name Catrain Sibly, "Heroine of the North", was known throughout Tarsis. Even though the fame irritated her, the fact that she finally had garnered the respect of the men in Tarsis was viable compensation for the constant badgering by public figures. She had at least thought they would remain civil with her, but immediately when she was taken as a prisoner the insults and mocking came back in full. It simply shows how false men truly are, Catrain thought, glancing to her left to observe the man. The fat man noticed the look she gave him.

The guard sneered and quickly brought his leather encased hand across her face. Catrain braced herself as she saw the assailant pull his arm back, getting ready to strike. The stubby hand smacked her cheek, her long blonde hair moving with the rest of her head as it snapped to the right. Catrain looked down and saw the small drops of crimson liquid that fell from her lip and onto her light leather pants, clearly staining them. Perfect. I hope this bastard realizes how hard blood is to wash out. The younger guard that stood to her right chuckled upon seeing the assault.

"That's right, bitch! How does it feel to be brought down from your high horse?" he mocked, adding insult to injury. Catrain focused on keeping her stoic expression from changing. The minute they see weakness they act upon it. I can't allow them to have an advantage over me. Catrain rolled her head toward the fat guard and looked him in the eye.

"I wonder. If you are willing to assault a fellow soldier, then, just how loyal are you to your country?" Catrain could see her own violet irises in his eye's reflection. The enraged look on his face all too easily gave away his foreseeable action.

"You cunt! How dare ya question my loyalty!" the blunt end of the pike raised into the stuffy air of the interrogation room. Idiot... Catrain had enough time to sigh before the metal rod started to swing towards her head. However, with a simple duck of her head, the only impact it had on Catrain was the slight ruffling of her hair as it passed above her. The chubby guard smirked as he felt his pike make contact with flesh, a satisfying "thunk" filling the softly lit room. However, as he stared at his victim, the guard opened his mouth in shock. The younger guard to his right was flying, head first, into the dark stone wall. When Catrain heard the loud sound of the pike hitting the guard's partner, she couldn't help but feel enjoyment.

"Damn! Geralt!" the guard exclaimed, letting his weapon hit the floor as it came around. The obese man made a move to help his partner, but as he did the iron door of the room opened. Catrain brought her ducked head up smoothly, making sure her long hair moved to the side in the process. However, the brighter light from the outside only left her staring at a black silhouette as her eyes failed to adjust causing her to squint. The sigh of disapproval was easy to recognize over the guard's stammering.

"What in the god's names are you idiots doing? If I wanted you two to play 'soldier' like obnoxious children I would have ordered you to do so." The silky voice that made her spine tingle rung a familiar tune in her mind. Wait... That voice. I've heard it before, Catrain thought, trying her best to catch a glimpse of the shrouded figure.

"Uh- Sir! We were just watching the girl as you commanded!" Another sigh, this time one of annoyance, came from the silky voiced man.

"Of course, my brilliant guardsman! That perfectly explains why one of you is lying unconscious on the floor, bleeding no less!" the mysterious man congratulated sarcastically. He then flicked his wrist toward the ray of light that was the doorway.

"Get out of my sight before I start contracting your stupidity!" the conscious guard swiftly threw his partner over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, grabbed his weapon, and made his way out of the room. The guard shot one final venomous look before swiftly walking out of the room. The mysterious man closed the door behind them, the forgiving dim lighting of the interrogation chamber allowing her to finally see the man.

Adorned in a green, silk jacket with gold trimming, the man in front of Catrain was of medium height with dark brown hair that fell downwards to the beginning of his neck. The obvious smooth look of it showed how much time the man had for personal hygiene. Along his shoulders and upper back hung an equally green, short cape that ended in a white fur trimming. White trousers rolled down his shapely behind and into his shiny boots. Did I just say "shapely"? Catrain couldn't help it, this man was handsome and he hadn't even turned around yet. A stress filled exhale broke the awkward silence.

"I apologize for their incompetence," the man turned around, his beautiful, brown locks moving like waves upon the Spire Coast, "they didn't harm you did they?" The man's face was just as handsome as his clothing, hair, and... behind. A soft, yet strong, face with a perfectly shaped chin and nose greeted Catrain as she stared. The man's green eyes gazed into her won captivatingly. She had seen this man before. The man's stare made Catrain feel as if her heart was melting, becoming a simple puddle in her chest. Knowing it was rude not to answer, Catrain responded.

"I have a feeling they inflicted more pain on each other than myself." Catrain informed, trying to compose herself in the wake of the striking man's scrutiny. The man's gaze became less worried as he strode over to the chair directly across the table in front of her.

"Of course," he laughed, a sound more charming than even his voice, "I expected nothing less from the 'Heroine of the North'." The chair made a grating noise as he pulled it out from under the wooden table. In a single, graceful move the man sat down making it seem like a throne rather than a common, wooden chair. Catrain remembered this man. Three months ago. It was the day of the Annual Pinnacle Ball and Catrain had been invited alongside Bryce. The captain forced her to go explaining that it was rude to ignore an invitation to such a prestigious party. In front of her, sitting in a chair in an interrogation room was the host.

"It has been a while, my Lady Sibly. Or would you prefer to be addressed as 'Heroine of the North'?" the handsome man asked, pushing his silky hair out of his eyes and into its regular position just above his brow. The charming smile his lips conjured looked like one you would have if you were looking at a... lover. Catrain's mind re-arranged the facts regarding the situation. Was he... Of course he is... He has to be... Catrain looked at the man, making sure her face showed no emotion.

"I do believe all of those titles would be inappropriate given my current situation," Catrain shook the manacles that held her hands together, "you may simply call me Catrain, Lord Aster."

The noble smiled, "Perfect. That spares us of unnecessary explanations." Lord Gren Aster placed his hand on the table, the many rings that decorated it causing a metallic, clicking sound.

"As I'm sure you already guessed, I will be presiding over your interrogation by the order of the High Council." He stated strictly, his face becoming serious. Lord Aster leaned towards Catrain as if he were about to spread the recent juicy gossip.

"Catrain, I do not wish to make an... unsavory event out of this," the attractive lord whispered, "but the Council desires results and, as you've certainly seen, the High Council always gets what it wants. So I beg you, Catrain, work with me and I will make sure this is over as fast as it began." Lord aster's voice took a turn for the desperate. Catrain could feel her more feminine side falling for the man as he worried over her well-being. However, as always, Catrain's analytical, Red Rose captain side won out. Why is Lord Aster my interrogator? Why did the Council send a lord to interrogate me? Could it be that he has a connection to the imperium? All of these questions nagged Catrain for an answer. Catrain stared in to the man's eyes, contemplating how to proceed. Lord aster patiently waited for Catrain's move while the pause elongated. Finally, after a minute of silence, Catrain spoke.

"I will be honest with you, Lord Aster, I know why I am here," Lord Aster's brow raised in interest, "you think I know where Bryce Wraith is."

"Not I, Catrain, but the Council... but yes, that is the information they have asked me to retrieve." Lord Aster admitted, trilling his fingers on the table distractedly.

"I will put this simply, Catrain. Tell me where Bryce Wraith is hiding or where he is fleeing to and you will be free to leave." Catrain knew how to play this game and before she checkmated she would get as much information out of Lord Aster as she could.

"Is it true? Did Bryce really...?" she trailed off dramatically. It seems all of those visits to the theatre will finally pay off. Lord Aster immediately interjected.

"Yes. We have substantial evidence against the Red rose captain. You have my apologies, Catrain. I know how much of a shock that this must be to you." Lord Aster frowned, his eyes apologetic. It seems like I'm not the only one with experience acting. However, could he be telling the truth? Could he be just as misinformed as the rest of the pawns the Imperium uses? Regardless, she would not let him gate the upper hand here.

"How did the High Council find evidence where the special operations force could not?" Catrain questioned, noting Lord Aster's tightening jaw. He wasn't expecting that. Lord Aster cleared his throat calmly.

"Of course the Red Rose wasn't able to find anything. Bryce Wraith made sure all evidence against him was invisible to the Red Rose. His investigating of John Vernold further allowed him to tamper with evidence." Lord aster explained, his previous alluring eyes becoming much less so. Lord Aster is not all he seems. If that report was true then he would have to be privy to classified government information. Your innocence continues to dwindle, Lord Aster. Catrain shifted in her chair, the iron clinking an ever reminder of her situation.

"With all due respect, I find the assumption that Bryce killed John Vernold unbelievable. Your attempts to persuade me otherwise will fall on deaf ears." Catrain indicated confidently. Lord Aster's left eye twitched in annoyance, the charming smile dissipating. And so the guise begins to fall.

"As the stories from the north say, your bravery is unmatched, 'Heroine of the North', but as you admitted yourself, you are in no position to be so bold." The familiar slight mocking behind his voice shattered his previous allure. I almost thought he was different...

"As the people say 'Fortune favors the bold'."

"They also say that the bold have a small life expectancy."

"Is that a threat, Lord Aster?"

"Catrain, this whole predicament is a threat." A short pause ensued, surrounding Catrain in an awkward shroud of silence. I still need more information before he starts to get impatient.

"Before I answer your question, will you answer one of mine?" Lord Aster scoffed.

"You're the one in chains, not I... However, I may decide to indulge you." The lord teased, leaning back in the chair.

"Why did the Council send you to interrogate me? I cannot say I was expecting you to come through that door."

"When you are put into a position of power, sometimes you have to get your own hands dirty. I think that you can relate given your work in the Red Rose. From the reports I have read, the activities of your little unit are not exactly... moral." The mocking tone issued at the Red Rose broke through Catrain's normally strong front.

"Don't act like you know what we have to do for the defense of our country." Lord Aster narrowed his eyes, a stare that reminded Catrain of a predator eyeing its prey.

"You are a hypocrite blinded by your duty to your country. Where does the line between loyalty and immorality lie? Where does the torture of prisoners of war lie on that scale? Unless the reports are fabricated then as far as I can tell your organization is simply a pack of arrogant murderers." Catrain's knuckles grew white as she clenched her hands into fists behind her chair.

"And yet here you stand, ready to torture me for the location of Bryce." Catrain retorted sourly. Lord Aster smiled, except this time it was not charming in the least, but self-righteous and vile.

"Ah. So we finally get back to the heart of the issue. I have answered your questions. It is time for you to hold up your end of the deal. Where is Bryce Wraith and where is he headed?"

"You think someone as intelligent as him would hand out information regarding his escape like gossip among nobles? If you do you will have a harder time finding him." Suddenly, Catrain felt something... touch her mind. A simple graze of a spectral hand. The abrupt touch caused her to shift in her seat uncomfortably. However, as fast as the sensation came, it vanished. The only trail it left was a light headache. Catrain noted the smile on Lord Aster's chiseled face.

"You're lying, Catrain. He did tell someone. He told you." Lord Aster said accusingly. Catrain had no time to worry about the odd feeling as another took its place. This time there was no hand. This time it was a simple click, a sound similar to the click a key makes when unlocking a door. As before, the feeling in her mind was gone in a flash. Catrain could feel herself starting to sweat.

"What makes you say that? Am I that untrustworthy?" Catrain asked, attempting to push away the distracting questions regarding the feelings. Lord Aster laughed, a laugh that translated to "I know something you do not."

"No Catrain, you are not, but I have my own talent for picking out liars." Catrain let a small frown adorn her face.

"So, is this where the physical torture begins?" Lord Aster's expression looked as if he were scrutinizing a glass of fine wine.

"No... you're different. Your too accustom to pain. No. Your time in Fort White has conditioned you too well for that. However, that does not make you unbreakable." Lord Aster's smug grin made Catrain's skin crawl. To think I thought this slimy man attractive, she thought, rebuking herself.

"The key to your confession is your love for your friends." That bastard would go that far?

"You would hurt innocents to get me to talk?" _ _Catrain still had not found out any new information on the imperium and Lord Aster's ties to them. However, the interrogation was drawing to a close, the confession was upon them. Catrain slowly looked down at her lap in defeat.

"Forgive me," she said to herself, staring once again into Lord Aster's green eyes, "Fort White. He... He said he was headed to Fort White." Lord Aster's eyes tightened in disbelief. Then the touch of the spectral hand returned. Like before the sensation of being touched was only there for a moment. Once the feeling passed, Lord Aster widened his eyes in surprise. The surprised expression quickly gave way to one of delight, a smile of pure triumph forming on his eye-catching face.

The grateful lord reached his hand out across the table toward Catrain's shoulder.

"You have made the right decision, Catrain. With this information we will-" As soon as his hand touched the exposed flesh he paused, stopping himself mid-sentence. Blankly the lord stared at her, his hand unmoving. Unexpectedly, his eyes re-focused, growing wide in shock and inquiry. Lord Aster slowly let go of her shoulder, the feeling of heat leaving the spot. The man rose smoothly from his chair with a perturbed look.

"Lord Aster?" Catrain called, but the man ignored her, instead reaching into his green, elegant jacket. From it he pulled out an extravagant hand mirror.

The mirror was silver with engravings of vines bordering the reflection in the center. All in all it looked like a common noble's mirror that one would find at any jeweler. However, in the center of the mirror was a mark. A circle with two wavy lines in it running vertically. Lord Aster held the mirror up to his face, gazing deeply into the reflective surface. To Catrain's surprise the mark in the middle of the mirror started to glow a bright, white light.

The reflected image of Lord Aster's face and the glowing symbol were swiftly replaced with a mess of swirling colors and shapes. Though it was incredibly blurry at first, after a few moments another face began to materialize. Catrain stared in amazement as sounds originated from the mirror. The face in the mirror looked like Lord Aster, except for the fact he was older and less attractive. The mirror-man's hair was also cut closer to his skull. The expression on his face was one of slight annoyance as if her were in the middle of something very important. Catrain failed to find her voice to question the occurrence before the mirror began to talk.

"Lord Aster. I think this is the first time we have had a one-on-one conversation like this." The mysterious man said pointedly. Except he wasn't mysterious, she had seen this man before too. The face belonged to Lord Yoffen Julian, one of the newest additions to the Pinnacle aristocracy. Lord Aster visibly tensed at the man's voice, emitting a small growl before responding.

"I will make this quick as I'm already feeling the effects of this exhaustion." Lord Aster started, refusing to allow Lord Julian to comment.

"I have been told that your prey is heading to the north, toward Fort White."

"Don't you mean your mistake?" Lord Julian interjected, further angering the more attractive lord.

"Listen! Something has come up. Something unexpected. Something that requires my immediate attention."

"So you are still speaking with me why?"

"Because, this 'something' will halt my further support in your hunt."

"Can you at least tell me what this 'something' that is burdening you so heavily is?" Lord aster rubbed his temples, apparently suffering from a headache.

"The assistant-captain just happens to be latent." Latent? The mentioning of her almost broke her out of her astonishment. Lord Julian brought his hand up to rub at his small goatee.

"I see. That is 'something'," Lord Julian looked behind him at an obstructed distraction, "I apologize, but I must go. I will contact you about this later." Lord Aster sighed, full of relief.

"No apology needed." And with that the mirror reverted back to its reflective, original form. A moment of silence graced the two as Lord Aster put the mirror back into his jacket. Finally, Catrain found her voice.

"Lord Aster... What in the god's names was that?"

Remembering she was there, the man turned around, looking at her with a tired expression.

"I am not in the mood to explain now. I understand that you are ignorant of the events you just witnessed, but I am exhausted." Before Catrain could say another word the feeling on her mind returned. This time the hand, or rather hands, that grabbed her mind started to apply an impossible pressure, one that made Catrain believe her head was going to be crushed like a grape. Catrain cried out in surprise and pain as she felt the beginnings of a splitting headache. Then all was black...