A Vixen's Tail - Chapter 1

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#1 of A Vixen's Tail

A Vixen's Tail

Chapter 1 - Beginnings

© 2003 Nameless

As I kneel here, waiting for my new master, the coldness of the floor is slowly seeping into my legs. I kneel in the slave's position and I have not moved for a long while. My legs are spread as far as they will go, I hold my torso straight, my tail is pointing straight up, the tip quivers a little, right behind my back. My paws are on my thighs, palm up and my muzzle is lowered, not that I could see anything anyway since I am blindfolded. I am glad that I am allowed to kneel on a carpet and grateful for the warmth of the fire in the fireplace behind me and to my left. I jump a little every time the fire in the fireplace pops. Anxiety, fear and a little hope fill me as I wait.

Suddenly the door opens and a fur pads in. But it is only a servant or another slave. The fur puts a few more pieces of wood on the fire and leaves without saying a word. As I continue waiting, I think about what happened to me on this strange day.

# # #

I was standing on display in the slave market, the way I had been for several days now, doing my best to attract the attention of anyone who might buy me, not that there was a lot I could do, since I was not allowed to move. I was glad that I still had most of my winter pelt, but still I was shivering from the cold wind whipping my body. My legs were spread, and I held my arms at my side. My breath was still a bit ragged and my thighs were damp from the detailed examination a male lion in the clothes of a rich merchant had given me, when the buggy clattered down the street and my eyes had met those of the grey squirrel femme.

We had recognized each other almost instantly. "We were slaves together! At that inn, where I saved her life. But I don't even know her name." I realized. I had been surprised, almost shocked to see that she did not wear a collar. Then she said something to the male squirrel driving the buggy and he stopped. And I saw the glint of metal around one of her fingers. "She is free! And married!" I felt a cold shudder of longing and despair run down my back. Then they were talking and looking straight at me. I could not bear to look at them any longer and lowered my eyes, but I kept my position. "Will they buy me?" I felt a little hope rise in my heart. "I saved her life back then. Perhaps she will be a kind mistress to me." I had no idea what they would do to me, but it was the best hope I had in a long while. I started praying silently that they would buy me.

They talked for some time, and I strained to listen, but with all the noises of a busy street, I could only understand a few snatches of their conversation. The "... she saved my life, Henry..." gave me a lot of hope. Suddenly the squirrel male stood before me and examined me. He was quick but thorough and his paws did not linger any longer than needed to make sure that there were no wounds or other blemishes on my body. When he commanded it, I turned around and he examined my back. "He is not having fun with me. Why? Because his wife would disapprove?" Then it struck me "He had already decided to buy me, he was just giving me a once over!"

One of the slavers walked up to him and bowed "Good day to you, honorable Sir! Does this lovely vixen strike your fancy?"

"Good day. Yes, I'm interested in her. How much does she cost?"

"Look at her! Well trained and eager. Her hot snatch is already dripping with anticipation. Just imagine the fun you can have with her." The fur on my muzzle flared out a little more.

"That is my wife back there, good man. And we still have a long way home. Do you want to sell her?"

"Oh, sorry, Sir. Of course."

They haggled for a few minutes, and then there was the clink of coins changing paws. A moment later the chain that affixed my collar to the post was unlocked.

The squirrel tied a leash to my collar and walked off in the direction of the buggy. I followed him meekly and obeyed when he commanded "Climb in and sit in the back."

The squirrel femme pawed me a blanked and patted my head "Don't be afraid, girl. Things are going to be better soon." Her voice was kind, I felt better than I had in days. Now I had at least a bit of hope that I had not been bought by yet another fur who delighted in torturing me. Then she tied a blindfold around my eyes. The buggy set out, bouncing me around as it moved. I wondered why she had blindfolded me, she did not seem to want to torture me or anything, but there was no way I could ask her.

Suddenly squirrel femme asked "What's your name, girl?"

"I have no name, Mistress."

"Oh. All right, what name did your parents give you?"

"Monique, Mistress."

"Good. I'll call you Monique then. My name is Sara, and this is my husband Henry." She paused for a few moments "Are you hungry, Monique?"

It was early afternoon when they bought me, I had been given some food in the morning, but not much. "Yes, Mistress." I answered and my stomach growled on cue.

"Could you stop for a moment, Henry?" she asked. The buggy stopped and rocked a bit as she climbed down. My chops watered when I smelled the delightful scents of the bakery next to which we must have stopped.

A minute or so later I could hear her rummage around in the basket next to which I huddled. "Take this." she commanded and presses something into my paws.

"A roll with meat and a water skin!" I realized when I examined the items. The buggy set off again as I munched happily on my food.

The squirrel femme put a paw on my shoulder and said "Don't worry, Monique. Things will be better soon."

"Thank you, Mistress."

The male cut in "We did not buy you for ourselves, but for our Lord, Monique."

"Yes, Master."

"As far as he is concerned, we did not talk to you, understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good. Now be silent and don't talk unless you are spoken to."

They chatted as they drove. From what I could gather, they were servants of a nobleman and were taking me to his mansion. The ride took a long time. My backside was a tad sore when the buggy finally stopped. Still I was very glad that I did not have to walk.

The male squirrel called a guard and commanded him to have me fed and bathed and prepared for the Lord's pleasure. The guard grabbed my arm tightly but not cruelly so and led me into the mansion. I stumbled along blindly, up and down stairs. Finally I was led into a room, where the guard commanded me to kneel. Then he left.

A few minutes later another slave femme, a muskrat, came in, removed my blindfold, and put a bowl of food in front of me. I found myself in a bathroom. She wore only her collar. When I looked at her questioningly, she pointed at the food and nodded. I started eating and she left again.

She returned a few minutes later, together with a cat femme, carrying a large pot of hot water. They poured it into the tub, then they bathed me and groomed my fur, all without saying a word. "If the Master is as nice as ... Sara said, why are the slaves too afraid to speak?" I got even more puzzled, when I watched the faces of the slaves. There was no fear in them, just a desire to finish a job they had to do. The cat even gave me what was clearly an encouraging smile. Watching them, I noticed that they looked healthy and well fed. They smelled healthy. I could not see any recent wounds on them, only a few old scars. "Well, that does not really mean anything, there are plenty of ways to hurt a slave without leaving a visible wound. But they do not move as if they were in pain. I guess this master treats his slaves decently and only punishes them if they are not obedient. That would be a nice change, knowing that I would not have to fear the whip or worse as long as I obeyed every command."

When I was groomed to their satisfaction, they blindfolded me again and led me away. To this room where they made me kneel. One of them, the cat, I think, spoke up and told me that I was kneeling in front of my master's chair and that I should wait for him here. Then they left.

Where I am still kneeling and waiting for my new master. "If the Master is as nice as the squirrel femme seemed to think, why do I have to wait here, blindfolded, kneeling in this position until my legs ache?" I can't help but wonder. "Maybe he is just testing me? Maybe he will be kind to me once I have shown that I am an obedient slave? Maybe when I have shown him that I can please him well." I hope.

My ears perk up when the door opens and someone walks in. " My new Master!" I think. I can feel his gaze on my body for a while before he walks to the chair in front of me and sits down. I cannot see him, but my ears follow him as he moves around. Sniffing carefully, I mull over his scent. He smells well groomed and he is a canine, most probably a wolf and very definitely male. He scent tells me that he is healthy but not particularly young. "If he was a commoner, I'd say he is in his late thirties, but since he seems to be a noble, or at least a rich fur, he is probably in his forties."

He considers me for some time before he asks "What is your name, girl?"

"I have no name, Master."

"Well, what name did your parents give you?"

"Monique, Master." I answer. "He cares enough to ask me for my name. And he used the same words the squirrel femme used. Did she kneel here, the same was I did?" I cannot help but wonder. I can feel his eyes on me, it feels almost as if he was touching me. My body reacts to it, my breasts grow firmer and my cunt suddenly feels hot and damp. And I can smell his interest in me. It makes me happy and even more excited. I feel better and better about my new master.

"You are pretty, Monique. I think we will have a lot of fun together." He leans forward and sniffs me "Hmmm, you smell good."

"Thank you, Master."

He sniffs again and I can hear the amusement in his voice "Eager to feel my knot in your pussy, pretty vixen?"

"Yes, Master." I answer. As eager as my body is for his touch, as eager as I am, as often as I have said these words to a master, I am still glad that the dark and dense fur on my muzzle prevents him from seeing just how much admitting this shames me.

He puts touches my nose with his fingers. When he leaves his fingers there, I hesitantly lick them. When he starts humming contentedly, I lick a little more insistent. Then he slowly moves his paw along my muzzle and down my throat, until his fingers rest directly above my heart. It beats faster and faster and I begin to pant when he cups my breasts and gently kneads my nipples.

"I think we will have a lot of fun together, pretty vixen." Suddenly he removes his paw "But that will come later. Now tell me about yourself, girl. How did you become a slave? What happened to you, how did you feel about it? Tell me everything, Monique."

My breath catches in my throat for a moment, but there is nothing I can do except obey my master's command. "Yes, Master." I answer and turn my thoughts back to the painful memories of how my family and I were enslaved.

# # #

I'm a red fox, as you can see, Master. As far as I can tell, I am 23 years old. My father was a Franconish nobleman, a Viscount. We lived in the village of St. Etienne. After you Britons defeated us, he lost his title but stayed there as village headman. When the Franconish king sent some troops, he joined them and organized and commanded a unit of militia in what is now known as the "Three weeks rebellion".

He was captured and since he was one of the leaders of the rebellion, he was sentenced to death and his family was sold into slavery. My oldest brother had died in the fighting. There was my mother with my tiny little brother Pierre still suckling her breast. There was my older sister Jacqueline, she was thirteen, my little brother of six, Francis, and myself, I was eleven. My father had to watch as we were stripped, branded and collared. I passed out from pain when the brand burned the mark of slavery into my thigh and again when the ring was put in my nose. Then we had to watch as he was tortured to death and then we had to dig a hole and bury him there. Several other furs who had joined the militia and fought against the Britons were also selected at random. The males were executed and their families were enslaved.

"Give me a bit more detail about it, girl" My master commands.

"Yes, Master." I answer, trembling a little as my eyes start to fill with tears.

We were taken to the smithy and stripped. The smith was a good friend of our family. I could see the pain, fear and sympathy in his eyes as he worked on us. But if he had refused, he and his family would also have been enslaved.

First we were branded, even my father, he was not allowed to die as a free fur. We had to sit on the anvil, riding it like a horse. My father managed not to cry in pain when the smith pressed the glowing brand to his thigh and the stench of burned fur and flesh filled the air. I had to hold Pierre as my mother was led there next. She howled in pain. My sister came next, she wet herself and passed out from pain when the iron touched her flesh. Then it was my turn. The cold iron of the anvil pressed into my cunt, I was not tall enough for my feet to touch the floor. I howled and passed out from the pain.

The soldiers dumped a bucket of cold water on me to wake me up again and I had to watch as Francis was branded. It was so utterly horrible, I hoped that my heart would burst and I would not have to endure any more of this pain and humiliation. I prayed that it was only a bad dream, but it was not to be.

Next they put a ring in our nostrils, starting with my father. I passed out again when the red-hot awl burned a hole into my nostrils and the ring was hammered shut.

Then we were locked into a collar. I had to kneel over the anvil, my whole body shuddering as the smith hammered in the bolt that held my collar shut. The soldiers took their time, giving us time to recover so that we would not miss any indignity that was done to one of us.

Then we were marched to the village square. My father was led up the punishment platform and tied between two posts. Then several soldiers beat him with sticks. We had to watch as the blood flowed down his fur, listen as his bones broke until he finally slumped and died.

I sob several times as I recount these events. The memories are burned into my mind.

The soldiers cut his body free and we had to drag it to the edge of the village. There we had to dig a hole in the ground and dump our father's body into it. Then we had to walk to the nearest stable and fill a wheelbarrow with manure, which we had to dump on our father's body. Only then were we allowed to fill the hole with soil.

They enslaved some fifty furs, mostly femmes and young boys. I was gagged and my paws were tied to my collar at the back. Only the femmes with cubs to care for, like my mother, were not tied up, but even they were gagged. A piece of wood was stuck into my muzzle, keeping my teeth from biting through the string that held it in my muzzle and was tied around my muzzle and to the back of my head. The wood filled my mouth and pressed down on my tongue. We were put into a cage where we had to spend the night, huddled together for warmth. We did not get any food or drink.

From time to time the soldiers fetched one the femmes. Then they had their fun with her, raping and beating her. They did it just outside the cage, right in front of us. They removed the gag while they abused them, so that we had to listen to their howls of pain. I huddled in the dirt, praying that they would not pick me. My whole body hurt and I was hungry and thirsty. Sobbing into my mother's fur, it took me a long time to fall asleep.

The next morning we were formed into a coffle, with about a yard of rope between one collar and the next. We were somewhere in the middle of it, I was the last of my family. We did not get any food, the soldiers only removed our gags for a few moments to give each of us a little water. We had to march the whole day. At midday we were given a little more water and allowed to rest for a bit. My legs burned and felt like lead when we finally stopped for the night.

Some of us had to help with the cooking while others had to entertain the guards. I had to help with the cooking, my stomach cramped at the tantalizing smells, I had not eaten in more than a day. We had to watch as the soldiers ate, then we were finally given a little food. I was ungagged and a bowl of food was put before me. With my paws still tied up, I had to eat my food on my knees, my ass high in the air as I felt the soldiers looking at us, laughing and joking. Afterwards we were gagged once more.

We huddled together in a little group, my mother did what little she could to comfort the rest of us. A group of soldiers came and commanded us to follow them. They took us to their tent, where we were untied and our gags were removed. We huddled together in the middle of the tent, wondering what would happen next, while the soldiers watched us with interest.

Then one of them, apparently an officer spoke up "You can rest a bit and have such fun as you may, then we'll tie you up again. All of you." He pointedly looked at my mother.

I looked at him, uncertain what he meant, when my mother suddenly begged "Please." still holding her little cub. Then it hit me "With her arms tied, she won't be able to carry Pierre! He will be left behind and die!"

The officer grinned at her "Well, if you and your girls please us, then I'll be merciful and I won't tie your paws."

I will remember the look in my mother's eyes for the rest of my life. Horror, despair, but also a pleading appeal for us to please these furs.

One of the soldiers, a fox, dropped his pants and looked directly at me "Do you want to lick some candy, little girl?"

I looked at my mother. The silent pleading in her eyes sent me crawling to the soldier. I almost gagged when his smell hit me. He had not washed in a long time. His member tasted even worse, but when I closed my eyes in shame, I saw my mother's pleading eyes and I knew I had to go on and lick him until he was satisfied. After some time he shot his seed down my throat and all over my muzzle. When I looked up, Francis held Pierre, my sister was licking at the cock of another soldier and the officer pumped his member into my mother's sex. One of the soldiers beckoned to me and I crawled to him. After an endless time we were allowed to stop serving them and they gave us water, so we could drink. I was almost glad when the gag was tied around my muzzle, at least now none of the soldiers could push his manhood into my mouth. We were tied up, paws behind our back. My mother's paws were tied in front, so that she could hold Pierre. We huddled together in the middle of the tent, the soldiers slept around us. I was totally exhausted and fell asleep almost as soon as the lights were extinguished.

# # #

The next morning we were woken up roughly and hustled out of the tent. Our gags were removed, so that we could be fed and given a little water. We were gagged again and had to take care of our morning business in full sight of the soldiers, squatting at the side of the road. Then we were formed into a coffle and marched off. We were given a little water during the short midday break. Late in the afternoon, we reached our destination, the main town of this county. I felt utterly humiliated as we were marched down the main street. I recognized a few furs from our infrequent visits to town. My legs burned and the fur on my muzzle was wet with tears. We stopped in front of the slave market and had to stand still as the slave merchant and his assistants gave us a rough examination. He bought all of us. The coffle was broken up and I was separated from the other members of my family.

We were fed and given a quick bath. Then I was put in a small cage with two other femmes of about my age, Alysha a cat from my village and a mouse femme I did not know. We were tied up and gagged. We huddled together in the straw, sobbing bitterly. After some time I fell asleep.

The next morning we were fed and groomed. I saw my sister being led away. That was the last time I saw any member of my family. One of the attendants tied my paws behind my back, tied a leash to my collar and led me to one of the sales platforms. He tied the leash to a brass ring set into one of the posts supporting the awning above us. I had to stand still with my legs spread a little. It was so horribly boring, standing there hour after hour, I was not even allowed to move my head. Every time I moved, one of the attendants used his switch on my back, each time beating me harder than before. Sometime around midday we were led into the back, where we were given a little water. We were allowed to take care of our bodily needs and were brushed, then we had to go back to the sales platform. Several times a fur stopped in front of me and examined me. The first time I tried to evade his probing paws, but an attendant grabbed my arm, spanked me hard and held me as the male let his paws roam over my body and even into me. My muzzle burned so hot, I thought the ring in my nose must surely melt. I did not dare to move when another fur pawed me some time later. When the sun neared the horizon, we were fed and taken back into the cage. My whole body hurt and it took me a long time to fall asleep.

# # #

The next day was pretty much the same, up until I was sold a short while after midday.

"That's enough, girl."

I fall silent at my master's command, waiting for his next command. By now my legs hurt really bad.

He rings a bell and a few moments later I can hear the door open and several furs walk about the room and into another one, on my left. After a minute they walk out of the room again. My mouth starts to water at the tantalizing smell of roasted meat.


"Yes, Master?"

"I will leave you alone for a while. When I have left the room, take off your blindfold, and go into the room on your left. It's my bedroom. Take care of your needs and make yourself pretty. There is some food and drink for you. When you are finished, lie down on the bed and put on the blindfold. I'll join you a little later and then we can have some fun together. Understood?"

"Yes, Master."

He leans forward and runs his paw over my head and down my front, gently cupping my breasts. Then he gets up and leaves the room.

I remove the blindfold and blink my eyes until they get used to the light again. The sun is close to setting and shines directly into my eyes. I wince in pain when I stand up and the blood flows back into my legs. I stagger into the bedroom, where I am overjoyed to find that the meat the servants brought is indeed for me. "Liver! I love liver!" I think as I munch happily. The meat is tender and even spiced a bit. "When was the last time I got something that good to eat? I can't remember ever getting something that good while I was a slave. Except for the morsels I sometimes got, but only when a master wanted to torture me with this. When I had to watch him eat, so that I knew exactly what I was not getting." The water in the mug even has a little wine in it, not nearly enough to make me drunk, just a tiny little bit, but it tastes so good.

I use the chamber pot and brush my fur. Then I climb into the bed, put on the blindfold and lie down on my back, spread my legs invitingly and cross my arms behind my head to show off my breasts. I can feel the heat in my crotch build a little as I try to imagine feeling my master's paws examining my body.

End of Chapter 1