Savannah Blues Part 5

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#6 of Savannah Blues

Savannah Blues (5) By Roofles

A low groan escaped the hyena's lips as he covered his eyes with a large paw. The pounding headache alone told him how much he had drunk the night before. The acrid taste in his mouth and dry lips only confirmed it. Groaning again he looked between his fingers at his alarm clock. An eyebrow raised and one of his ears twitched. That's strange, he thought sitting up a little bit. That wasn't his alarm clock. The nightstand looked different too. The lamp wasn't his. Or pictures or wallet or anything. Sitting up a bit more he winced mumbling a swear under his breath. Peering around the room he found himself in groggily, he only found himself more confused. It wasn't familiar that much he knew. A beaded curtain seperated this side room from the main room. The beaded strands were of multicolored and formed a large rainbow across the whole of it, rather creative he had to admit. Or someone had way to much free time on their paws. The closet in the room didn't have doors and looking around a bit more his heart began to sink as his eyes grew wide. It wasn't the bookxase stacked with sociology books, several different sizes and shaped bongs or the nightstand next to him covered in broken condom wrappers and two bottles of lube one of which was empty. Nor was it the rather ruffled looking African clawless otter in the bed next to the one he was in. It was the fact that there was another fur in bed with him and from the feel of things, a male. He tried to keep his breath even but peeking under the covers a soft whine escaped him as he soon realzied the clothes on the floor that looked identical to his own were in face his. And he could defiantly feel that the man next to him was too. Another grind made him let out a loud yip as a warm, moist tip of limp manhood brushed his thigh. And he was sure it wasn't his own, at least mostly sure...he was still trying to catch his bearings with this whole thing. A black and white striped arm wrapped around his chest coaxing him back, closer to where he was before he pulled away. A soft whine escaped Isaac as he obeyed. The large muzzle that bumped into his let out a gruff breath as the weight of the bed shifted as the hoofed paw pressed down on the other side of the hyena. Isaac found a paw press against his chest, gentle pushing him onto his back as the other large male got over him. The black and white striped face looked down at him with soft baby blues and a kind smile. The long black mane fell to the side, a bit matted from sleeping on it. His face clearly told the hyena he had to be in his mid-early twenties. The ripped, muscular torso was enough to tell him he worked out. And the chest was beginning to form a nice structure from it. Two black nipples rested on curving pecs that led down to a flat stomach that breathed sex as it led down into the darker waist line hidden by the covers and lack of light. The feel alone told him what his eyes couldn't see. And how he was pressing his groin down, slowly, onto his. The warm, soft member pressing against his own made Isaac blush as his ears fell in and tail hid between his legs. He was never submissive like this. He was the top...hyena. Never topped, never blew another guy. Yet it was clear how the zebra was holding himself, a subtle strength and dominance radiated from his frame as he looked down at him with those baby blues. A warm smile stole his face as he noticed the hyena looking back up at him, their eyes meeting. The zebra rested more of his groin against him only sealing the position he was, the 'bitch'. Another man's bottom. And still no matter how much Isaac wanted to just push him off, his ears stayed back and tail tucked in with big eyes looking up into that striped face. It felt like a lot more time had passed than it actually had. Isaac wanted to speak. To say something but all that escaped him was a low whine that only seemed to promt the zebra on. Grinding softly against him, that heavy sack of his pressing against him own and the heat between them slowly beginning to increase as velvet lips pressed against his. Making his eyes go wide as he was given tongue. Isaac tried not to return it but his heart ached again at the touch and feel. The needed warmth of another man with him, even pressing down on him. Being 'used' and tossed away by Colin, as far as he knew, and the fact that no other man seemed interested in him made him give in to that warm kiss. The tongue slipping into his muzzle as a hoofed paw brushed his chest, trailed up his neck and rubbed his cheek. No one wanted a hyena. The closest thing he had to someone wanting him turned out to be a one time date and a roomie, just a friend, sleeping in his bed as they napped. But the hoofed paw that brushed his cheek, the warm breath that filled his lungs and tongue that probbed his muzzle, pressing down his throat made him want to believe that at least one man seemed to want him. Those soft baby blues that never strayed, the strong amble body that slowly rested on him and the flacid member that rubbed with his own was enough to make his mind go blank. Reason left him and need and want consumed him as he returned that kiss. Isaac's voice caught in his throat. It was enough for him to wrap his arms around that strong neck, run his fingers through the silky mane and pressed against those velvety lips as his thoughts became fleeting memories like his dreams before. The bed shifted as the zebra got on his knees using a hoofed paw to keep him up as the other wrapped around his neck before pressing his chest and stomach against him kissing with more fevor. It had begun as a sweet peck, that turned into a kiss. That grew into tongue before wet sloppy slurps could be heard as teh two sucked face. A pillow hit the side of the zebra's head as the ruffled otter flipped him the bird. "Do you two fuckin' mind?" The small mammal growled, his words heavy and strung together with an english accent. The zebra looked at him. Judging the much smaller male as if pondering if it wasn't just best to just toss him out the window and continue doing what it was he was doing or to stop. But his lips parted from the hyena's, tendrils of saliva still connecting their muzzles as he backed away a bit. Isaac blinked a few times as his thoughts began coming back to him. He shied back remembering they weren't exactly alone in the room. He was more embarrassed about being embarrassed. "It was one thing for the two of you to jump into bed when I'm trying to study. Another thing to shake the whole damn room. And another making those ungodly noises - I thought you were killing him by the end. But!" The otter tossed back his shoulders, puffing out his chest and barked otterly "To start up again before I even had my morning coffee? Inconceivable!" Again the zebra looked at him. Judging his small frame, puffed out chest and still was thinking it'd just be easier to toss him out. "It was only a kiss," the zebra offered speaking evenly if slighlty amused with the otter's disposition. Trying to act like a tough guy when he could beat him with both paws tied behind his back. "Besides, Isaac invited you to join last night." A large toothy grin crossed the zebra's face at the comment. Isaac tossed his paws over his eyes half out of embarrassment, half out of the splitting headache that came back. Both made him let out the same groan though. "As inticing as that may have been," the otter said rolling his eyes as he got up. His russet brown fur was in a tangled mess. The only thing he had on was a pair of dark, almost black, blue undies. Isaac nose twitched and most likely muddled by the smell of the large male on him, he looked over and was sure he could see a wet mark on the front of his boxers. Then again he 'was' an otter after all... Isaac laughed to himself, giggling like a school girl that had just took a large puff on one of the bongs on the bookshelf. Otters. Water marks. Classic! He thought laughing to himself, wrapping paws around his muzzle to try and stiffle himself. The headache only got worst. The laugh seemed to break the tension between the two. The otter rolled his eyes again, shaking his head as he grabbed the maroon towel from a hook on the wall and headed through the bead door. That rudder tail disappearing around the corner; the grumbling sound of him still being heard from down the hall. "What's so funny, hm?" The zebra asked running a paw up his chest and scratching it. Isaac shook his head, closing his eyes at the throbbing pain at the side of his head still giggiling a bit. "Nothing, nothing. Just otters." "True, otter's are rather otterly in there otterness." The zebra agreed with a nod turning back towards him. Soft lips pressed against his again. The hyena's ears perked and he lightly pushed the zebra back electing a confused look to pass his face. "I don't even know you naem." Isaac said as reason came back to him with the pain. He would be having another boute of blue balls tonight, but after the night before he doubt that'd be a problem. "Ralph," The zebra rested on his side offering a paw. "Ralph Kalinkz. I'm majoring in sociology, working part time at the honeydew to make ends meat and was the man who you were with last night." Isaac took the paw turning to face him. For a split second he thought Ralph had a pain sadness in his eyes but it was gone in the next fleeting second and he wasn't sure if it was there at all. "I remember. It's just - had too much is all." Isaac explained as the face began to realign with his memories. "We talked...about penis's?" "Well at first yeah," Ralph laughed a bit nosing his muzzle much cheerier than a second before glad to see he wasn't just some stranger he picked up to sleep with. "But then we got to talking and well you were VERY friendly and all." The zebra trialed off. Isaac could feel his toes press against his own. The warm toes spread interlocking with his own, spooning with him as the zebra scoot closer. His feet wrestled with his before the zebra snuck a leg through his rolling a bit onto him with a victory smirk. Wrapping an arm around him and pulling him a bit closer in the process. "Y-your not in any of my classes are you?" Isaac ears fell back again and he tried his best to keep cool as the Zebra grinded against him. Even limp he was large, his sheathless naked flesh rubbed against his. Radiating heat and musk that fill the covers, leaking from the opening and assaulting his nose. That plump mushroom head trailed between his thighs making him gasp a bit as a paw snuck in giving him a friendly squeeze. "No," he said sweetly. "I would've remember a handsome devil like you." The other paw brushed his face silencing his voice so Ralph just went on. "At the bar you were a wreck. And even so you were the silliest, sweetest flirt I've ever met." Again those lips touched his taking his breath away and a large tongue slipped into his muzzle giving him a suckle before pulling back. He was glad to pull away afterwards, feeling himself getting hard with all the sweet affection he was getting. Ralph noticed and only groped him a bit more, rubbed his thumb against his head making him squirm a bit as the zebra smirked. "Damned if your not just the cutest thing." Ralph cooed nuzzling the side of his cheek. "I can be," Isaac teased bumping noses giving his lips a lick. "But I'm not nearly as sexy as you." "I is what I is." Ralph laughed and a banged ran through Isaac that made him smile softly. If he had said he knew he was he probably would've gotten up and left the arrogant bastard but no matter how hard he tried to find an excuse to leave he was still here loving it. It may seem strange but he wasn't a guy to get so drunk that he'd just go home with a stranger. He'd never slept with someone on the first date, a principle of his and now that's kind of changed. Even if it wasn't exactly a date he still didn't want to be that guy. He was better than that, and yet here he was feeling the warmth and care of another man he had only met the other night. Spooning in the same bed, naked no less. A muzzle bumped his cheek making him growl playfully but his phone buzzed the next second and his attention was drawn elsewhere. "Turn it off," Ralph whined softly nosing him again. A paw rubbing his belly and side as he playfully humped against him. "One sec, one sec." Isaac said slightly glad to have a destraction. Picking up the phone from his discarded shorts he flipped it open looking at it. "Hey. Did you get my message?" It read, reading from Colin of all furs. "Tell them to bother you later," Ralph gave his thigh a squeeze. "Your busy." Ralph snorted though it sounded more like a rut, bending down to lick his lick sending shivers up Isaac spine. Isaac wasn't sure if that wasn't because of the warm tongue or the message he had just gotten but either way he had goosebumps now. He replied that he hadn't gotten the previous text. Replying to the zebra afterwards, "it's work had to check in." "Work?" Ralph groaned a bit slumping down and nuzzling his chest. "I hate work. Wish I could get the rest of the day off. Take you out for lunch, dinner perhaps? Would that be ok." Isaac answered the next message not even really hearing him. "Isaac, hun?" "Huh?" Isaac looked at him closing his phone and tossing it back with his shorts. "That'd be great. Dinner, I mean." "Good!" Ralph nosed his chest. "There's a nice Italian resteraunt I wanted try. Don't worry its on me." He licked across one of his nipples sending shivers up his arms. Ralph snorted again tossing his main to the side as he leaned up touching his face and bringing it over to his. "I'm going to treat you so good." He murred softly nuzzling him, rubbing his cheek and getting a bit more on him. Isaac smiled, returned the nuzzling but the pain in his heart didn't leave. He had agreed to see Colin for lunch and he wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen now... All he knew was that he was looking forward to lunch but the strong heavy musked male on him, spooning and grinding against him hugging and kissing him and beginning to whisper sweet nothings was making him wish more and more that he had never recieved that text.