A Vixen's Tail - Chapter 2

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#2 of A Vixen's Tail

A Vixen's Tail

Chapter 2 - My first Master

© 2003 Nameless

I wake up and find that it is still dark. Correction, it is still dark for me, since I am still blindfolded. Listening to the chirping of the birds outside, I decide that it must already be dawning. I lie still, not wanting to wake up my master who lies close to me, his muzzle snuggled against my breast, his arm draped across my belly. His hot breath teases my nipples, every now and then his tongue lolls out and licks into the cleft between my breasts. The smells of our mating yesterday still linger, teasing my nostrils and a slight smile forms on my lips as I feel the heat between my legs and remember the night before. If felt strange and humiliating not to be able to see my master, but at the same time it was more intense, his scent and touch magnified. He was rough but in a strangely gentle sort of way. And he gave me a lot of pleasure, I can feel my nether lips wet in anticipation, longing for the manhood that rests on my thigh. I am glad that he is a wolf. With dread I remember the times when a male mated with me so quickly that he left my body unsatisfied. It is very difficult for a canine to do this, when his knot locks us together.

With horror I remember the week when I had displeased one of my previous masters. I had to lick his cock until he was almost ready, then he thrust into me a few times, just long enough to get me really hot and shot his seed into me. Then he tied me up and I had to lie between his legs while he slept, my nose only inches from his manhood. His scent had almost driven me mad. In the morning I had to service him again. And during the day the guards had teased me mercilessly, touching me and taking me almost to the brink, only to leave me unsatisfied. This had gone on for a whole week, before my master had finally shown mercy. I shudder at the memory, but... when I remember the night when he finally shown me mercy... I hope my new master is not in a hurry once he wakes up and has some time to spend with me.

I have almost drifted back to sleep when my master's breathing suddenly changes and he wakes up "Good morning, pretty vixen."

"Good morning, Master."

He pulls the covers away, considers me for a while and begins licking my breasts. Then his paw ends up between my legs and I moan in pleasure. His paw moves away again and he comments "Hmmm, you are so nice and hot. And you taste really good. Just the thing to get my appetite up for breakfast."

My muzzle glows hotly under my fur as I think "Not only your appetite."

"Hmmm, do you want to play a little?"

"Please, Master." I answer and rub my muzzle against his and lick him.

"Well, why not?" He mounts me and we don't talk again for a long while. We do make plenty of other noises.

"Too bad, but I have to get up." My master says and climbs out of the bed. Then he commands "Kneel on the bed." I quickly assume the position and he says "Yes. I really like to have something pretty to look at while I dress."

I hear him move around the room as he takes care of his morning business. When he is finished, he says "I have to go now, Monique. See you tonight, we'll have a lot of fun."

"I look forward to it, Master."

"Good." He fondles my breasts and ruffles my headfur "Once I have left, take off your blindfold, take care of your needs and groom yourself, but don't take too long. When you are finished, go out of the room, to the end of the corridor, down the stairs then left to the kitchen. The housemistress will give you your duties. Any questions?"

I shake my head "No, Master." Then I wait for him to leave the room. I take off the blindfolds and the sun stabs into my eyes so painfully that I have to squeeze them shut. When my eyes have finally adjusted to the bright morning light and I can see again, I take care of my needs quickly, then I walk to the kitchen. As I enter the kitchen, I see several female slaves preparing food while an older badger femme is watching over them. I kneel and address her "Mistress, I was told to report to you for my duties."

She turns and looks at me. "So you are the new slave, girl?" She looks me over and all the others in the room look at me as well. Suddenly I feel myself blushing. She steps into a side room for a few moments, then she returns and gives a short smock to me "Get up and put this on."

The smock barely reaches a pawspan below my crotch and it has no hole for my tail, just a slit in the back, but it is more clothing than I have worn in some time "Thank you, Mistress."

"So what is your name, girl?"

"Monique, Mistress."

"What do we do with you?" She muses, then she turns to the cat femme who bathed me yesterday and commands "Annie, get some food for... Monique."

The cat femme answers "Yes, Mistress." and fetches a bowl and a mug. She fills them, puts them on the table and motions me to sit.

I pick up the spoon and start eating. "Not bad." There are vegetables and even a few pieces of meat in the stew that I have been given. And the mug contains a weak herbal tea. "That's counts as gourmet food for slaves." When I am finished, the Mistress tells me to wash the dishes. I spend the rest of the morning working in the kitchen. The slaves don't talk among themselves, but they do address the mistress without waiting for her permission when one of them has something to tell her. I can't see any fear in their eyes. Something is really strange here. When one of them turns to one of the other slaves and almost addresses the other femme, but catches herself at the last moment, I get an idea "They almost behave as if they would normally be allowed to talk among themselves while they work, but just not today. Why? Because I am here, because I am new? And they all wear clothes. Yesterday the two femmes who bathed me did not, but today they do. At least the cat does, I have not seen the other one. Did they only take them off to bathe me?" Then it hits me "Maybe they are acting like this. Are they doing it for my benefit? Why?" I wonder "Are they acting like this to scare me? To let me think the master of this house is much more cruel than he actually is? Is there any way I can ask?" I mull about this for a while and decide "No. Not until I am very sure. If they are not acting, then I would be punished for doing it. And if they are, then I guess I'll make the master happy by pretending to play along. I'll wait until I have a better feeling for my master and his household."

The rest of the morning passes rather quickly and pleasantly. Sure, I have to work all the time, but my stomach is full, I'm not freezing and I have not been beaten a single time. I'm happy, at least as happy as a slave can ever be. After the servants and the guards have eaten we slaves are fed. And pretty well. The food we get is not quite as good as what the free furs got, but it is better than just about any food I have eaten since I was enslaved. And there is enough to fill my stomach, not enough to get fat on, considering that we have to work all day. I feel better and better about my new owner.

I spend the afternoon in the kitchen as well. When the time for dinner approaches, the mistress sends me outside to fetch water from the well. On my way outside, when I pass a guard in the corridor, the he commands me to stop. The cat fondles my breasts and my buttocks and grins "Hmmm, you've got a nice ass, girl. I think we'll have some fun together once the Lord is finished with you." He grins even more when he brushes his paw over my damp sex "Are you looking forward to getting plugged, pretty vixen?"

"Yes, Master." I answer.

His paw continues exploring my body for a minute, but then he says "Well, get going. Too bad we can't spend some more time together now. It would not do to keep Margaret waiting." He sends me on the way with a light slap on the ass. I have to make several trips to the well until the water reservoir is finally full. The guard's gaze follows me every time I walk by him. And I make sure that he has something to watch, I sway my hips invitingly whenever he can see me "It's not as if I really want to get into bed with him, but I'd much rather have the guards think about fucking me than about beating me."


"Yes, Mistress?"

"Draw some hot water and wash and groom yourself. You have to be pretty when you entertain your Master tonight."

"Yes, Mistress." I answer and pick up a bucket. I fill it from the hot water reservoir and carry it into the bathroom, where I begin to wash and groom myself.

I turn under the critical gaze of the mistress and I am relieved when my appearance satisfies her. "All right, Monique. Now go back to the Lord's study. Take off you clothes, put on the blindfold you will find there and kneel in the same position as you did yesterday. Then wait for Lord Archwhiffle."

"Yes, Mistress." I answer, bow and turn to leave.

I take off my smock, fold it carefully and place it on a drawer. Then I kneel on the carpet, right in front of my master's chair. I put on the blindfold and assume the correct position almost automatically. The air in the room is crisp but not too cold and I am grateful for the fire that is burning merrily in the fireplace close by.

# # #

"Hello Monique." My master says and sits down in his chair.

"Good evening, Master." I answer and wait for his command.

He considers me for a minute, then he ruffles my headfur and fondles my breasts briefly "You are very pretty, Monique."

"Thank you, Master."

"Now go on with your story."

"Yes, Master." I say and take a deep breath.

In the early afternoon a slightly aging ferret male bought me. I hated the touch of his paws, tears of shame ran down my muzzle but I was too afraid of the switch to try to resist. His examination took forever, I even had to turn around so he could poke a finger into my tailhole. He examined several others as well, all femmes of my age. Finally he bought me as well as the cat and mouse femmes who had shared the cage with me. My paws were manacled behind my back and my ankles were shackled. The chain between the shackles was so short and connected to the manacles with another short chain, I had to crouch and I could not walk properly. The walk across the market square was terribly uncomfortable.

Then we were put into the back of his buggy. Since we could not climb tied up, his guard picked us up and dumped us in the back of the buggy. Our new master sat in the front together with his guard. The guard drove, so that our master had his paws free for his entertainment. He picked up the mouse femme and put her on his lap. We could not see what he was doing, but we could hear her sobs and his laughing, his comments about her body. After a while he put her back and picked the cat. I wanted to hug the mouse, but with my paws tied up I could not. I licked her the tears off her face as best as I could. We drove for a long while. Then he picked me. I had to sit on his lap with my legs spread wide and endure his paws as they explored my body. Sobbing as quietly as I could while he poked his fingers into me, as deep as they would go. But the worst were the comments about how much he would enjoy training us and how much fun he would have with me. The tears streamed down my muzzle when I realized that I would have to endure this and more every day.

It was late afternoon when we stopped in front of a huge mansion. The ferret had put me into the back of the wagon a while before. He and his guard got off and walked into the house. We looked at each other and waited, not daring to move without being told to do so.

After a few minutes a rat femme in her late twenties came out of the house and looked us over. The glint in her eyes sent a shiver down my spine. She carried a switch in her paw and pointed it at ground "Stand in line here. And hurry." then she swished it through the air.

We scrambled to obey, tumbling down from the wagon onto the ground because we could not climb down tied up the way we were and scurried to the indicated place. My shoulder hurt from a stone I had fallen on. Trembling with fear we stood in a line.

She walked around us and growled "I am not going to tell you these things again, so listen up. First, you address everybody as Master or Mistress, understood?"

"Yes, Mistress!" We chorused.

"Second, always keep your tails up. I want to be able to see your tailhole. And always look down, unless you have a task that requires you to do otherwise."

We hastened to obey "Yes, Mistress!"

"Bow forward and show me your buttocks! And don't move."

"Yes, Mistress." I obeyed as well as I could, the chain dug into the cleft between my buttocks. A moment later there was the dreaded "Whack!" of the switch hitting flesh and the mouse on my left howled in pain. Swinging her switch hard and without pause the rat femme reduced her to helpless sobbing in moments. Then she turned her attention to me. Howling in pain, tears streaming down my face, I fought to remain upright.

After she had reduced all three of us to sobbing bundles of misery, she waited a few minutes until we had regained our composure a little before she said "That was just to give you a little taste what happens if you don't obey me or if you anger me. That was not a punishment, just a little taste, understood?" There was a horrible cruelty in her voice. I was suddenly sure that she would have no qualms whatsoever to hurt us or even kill us.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Third, you don't speak unless you are spoken to first and given permission."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Now, follow me." With that she turned around and strode back into the house, completely ignoring us as we struggled to follow her.

She walked into the large kitchen, pointed with the switch and commanded "Kneel there!" still not looking at us. We scrambled to obey. I knelt with my knees pressed tightly together, careful to look at the floor and keep my tail up. But suddenly her switch set my thighs on fire "Keep your legs apart." She whacked us several times as we struggled to obey. "That's better."

Thoroughly miserable I knelt there, humiliated, my whole body hurt and I was terribly afraid.

Suddenly her switch set my buttocks on fire again "What did I tell you about your tail, little vixen?"

"Keep it up, Mistress." I sobbed and lifted my tail as high as I could.

She gave me a few more whacks "And why did you not do as I told you?"

"I forgot. I'm sorry, Mistress." I was sobbing so hard I was sure she could not understand a single word. She whacked me again, then she left us alone and walked around the kitchen, inspecting the other slaves who worked in the kitchen. Several times we heard the whack of her switch and the occasional startled yelp of pain.

A few minutes later one of the slaves set three bowls on the floor, close to the wall. I looked at them and wondered "Are we supposed to eat like that? From the floor? Like animals?"

I was answered soon enough, when the mistress asked "Are you hungry, my little ones?"

"Yes, Mistress." We chorused.

She pointed at the bowls "Dig in, then. But hurry, we haven't got all day!"

I looked at her questioningly, to see if she would untie us, but the grin on her muzzle answered me. I scrambled there and started lapping up the watery gruel from one of the bowls. The other two did so as well.

Suddenly my already sore buttocks exploded in pain and I fell forward, into the gruel.

"Keep your tail up!" The mistress screamed and hit me again, several times.

I struggled to obey her, tears of pain and shame flowing down my face. The gruel had blocked my nostrils and I found it difficult to eat the food and breathe at the same time. Still, I managed to finish the food and lick the bowl clean. Keeping my position, I waited for the next command of our mistress. By then I was trembling in fear.

Suddenly she grabbed my collar and dragged me to a bucket, nearly choking me. She dunked my muzzle into the water and scrubbed my face roughly. I could not breathe and she held my muzzle in the water until I nearly passed out from lack of air and from fear.

"Can't you eat properly, without getting your food all over your muzzle?"

Gasping for breath, I barely managed to answer "I'm sorry, Mistress."

"Come with me." The mistress commanded, looking at us and turned to leave the kitchen. We did our best to follow, walking awkwardly shackled the way we were. She left the house, crossed the yard, and entered a workshop next to the stables. It was a smithy, but I could also see other tools, mostly for leather making. A male wolf sat at a workbench, sharpening a long knife.

The rat femme greeted him "Hello Jim."

"Mia." He greeted her, inclining his head slightly "What can I do for you?"

She pointed at us "We have some new stock. They need muzzles and give them shackles that leave their paws free, so they can earn their keep."

He looked us over and said "Will do."

"Thanks, Jim. Bring them back to the kitchen when you are done."

He pointed at us with the knife he was still holding "Mouse, come here. You two, kneel there." We scrambled to obey, terrified of him. He picked up the mouse femme without any noticeable strain, sat her on the workbench, commanded "Don't move." and grabbed several pieces of leather from a box. Humming softly, he considered her snout and the pieces of leather in his paws. Then he started cutting the leather into pieces and then sewed them back together. Filled with dread but fascinated as well, I watched as he finished the gag for the mouse in a short while. Then he tied it in place and considered her snout. The leather muzzle covered it completely and tightly, leaving only the tip of her nose free, so that she could breathe. Satisfied with his handiwork he lifted her down and sent her away with a slap on the rump. She knelt next to me and he pointed at me "Vixen, you next."

Soon he had me fitted as well. The muzzle he made for me fit my snout perfectly. With it in place and strapped tight, I could not even grind my teeth, my jaw was held closed and completely immobilized. When he had also fitted the cat with her muzzle, he commanded her to turn around and kneel on the workbench. He unlocked her manacles and shackles and fitted her with a new pair of shackles. There was about a foot of rope between her legs. Then he put us in similar shackles, leaving our paws free.

He looked at us and asks "In case you think that you might take that muzzle off while no one is looking, do you know what the penalty for doing this is?"

Unable to speak, we shook our heads.

"You will be tied and not allowed to take it off for a whole week. If the mistress is feeling merciful, she will take it off for a minute every now and then and give you a bit of water. If not, you'll have to go without. So, want to do it?"

Horrified at the thought of not getting any food and perhaps even not even water for a whole week, I shook my head.

"Good, I recommend you don't even think about it. Now follow me, little girls."

"What do you think, Mia?"

She considered us and tugged at my muzzle "Nice and tight." Suddenly she stood behind me and put the switch to my backside and to the other's as well. Sobbing I remembered to hold my tail high and prayed that she would stop beating me soon. "Girls! We need more firewood." She padded to the place beside the huge stove and held out her paw "I want firewood stacked up to here. Hop to it! ... Jim, would you show them where they can get it."

Morosely we followed him, walking down the stairs was difficult with the shackles. We had to cross the yard, the firewood was stacked against the outer wall of the stable.

When we walked around the corner of the stable, there was a sudden loud barking and I was bowled over by two huge feral dogs. Terribly afraid and sobbing in fright, I lay still and prayed that they would not hurt me. One of them had his feet on my chest and slavered at me. If I had not been muzzled so tightly, I would have screamed in terror as I stared past the huge fangs and down his gullet. His spittle trickled down my face. After some time a guard dragged the dogs off me. When I sat up, I saw that several more of the huge dogs had also attacked the other two. We looked at each other, our eyes wide with fear, all of us shivering uncontrollably.

"Get up, girls. Mia will get very angry if you take too long." We hurried to obey. "And in case you think about running away, when you think no one is watching you, ... do you think you can outrun the dogs? Want to bet your life on it?"

I shook my head, terrified and cowed.

He pointed at the stack of wood "Take the wood from that stack here, girls." Suddenly he slapped my backside "And remember to keep your tails up." With that he walked away, not bothering to look at us any further.

We looked at each other, but I was too afraid to do anything but obey the mistress as well as I could. I did not have any will to resist left and I could see this in the eyes of the others as well. So I picked up as many pieces of the wood as I thought I could carry and trudged back to the kitchen. I don't remember how many trips we had to make until the mistress finally declared that it was enough wood to suit her, but we must have worked for at least two hours. My whole body hurt, the shackles had tripped me up several times and once I had even fallen down the stairs. I was terribly exhausted, hungry and thirsty. We still wore our muzzles and had not been given any water. Every step hurt and my fur felt terrible, dirty, tangled and full of dust. I trembled in fear every time we had to walk past the dogs. I felt their eyes on me, unfriendly, just waiting for the command to attack me and tear me to pieces.

Another slave femme led us to a bathroom, where she removed the shackles and muzzles. The key to the shackles hung on a chain attached to the doorpost. She said "You are allowed to take off your shackles when you wash here. But don't forget to put them back on before you leave this room. If you do, the Mistress will assume that you are trying to flee and punish you accordingly." She drew her finger across her throat "You don't want that, do you?"

I felt a cold shiver run down my spine and shook my head.

"Good. Now wash yourself. I'll be back soon to pick you up again."

We had to wash our fur with cold water, but at least I could drink a little and quench my thirst. When we had finished brushing our fur, the slave locked the shackles on our feet again and led us to a small storage room. But she did not muzzle us.

She pointed at the floor and commanded "Kneel here, don't move and be silent. Someone will pick you up later." She waited until we had obeyed, then she closed the door and left us alone in the darkness.

I knelt there in the darkness, suddenly feeling all alone. I knew the other two were not far from me and I could hear their ragged breaths, almost sobs and I could smell their fear, but in some way I was totally alone. I wanted to scream in terror, but I was too afraid to even whisper. I trembled in fear at every strange noise.

After a long time the mistress came and fetched us. There were three femmes of about our age with her, also slaves in shackles, a spotted feline of a species I did not know, a rabbit doe and a grey squirrel. We had to follow her through the house and into a rather large room. The room had a walkway down the middle and a raised dais on each side. There were ten sleeping pallets, five on each side. Next to each sleeping pallet a set of manacles was attached to a bolt with a short chain. There was also a pair of bowls, food and water, a pillow and the muzzle we had been fitted with that day.

The mistress unlocked the shackles from us, starting with the other femmes and commanded. "Kneel on your pallet." They padded to the pallets reserved for them and set the shackles down at the foot end.

The mistress said "I don't want to have to tell you this again." She pointed at the slaves who were kneeling on their pallets "Look at them. From now on, you will do this every day, without me having to tell you."

They picked up their muzzles and put them on and tightened the strap. "How am I supposed to eat with the muzzle on?" I wondered as I picked mine up and tied it shut. Then they snapped the manacles shut on their wrists, tying themselves up with their paws behind their back. That is two of them did, the third one, the squirrel girl who knelt on the last pallet at the end of the room waited without putting her manacles on. Afraid to anger the mistress I put on the manacles, and snapped them shut.

She checked us and commented "Nice and tight." apparently satisfied with us.

The femme on the pallet furthest into the room, the squirrel, had picked up a piece of wood with two red ribbons tied to it. From a small pot she took some grease and spread it over the wooden piece. Kneeling so that we could see her, she worked it into her cunt and tied the ribbons around her right thigh. Then she manacled herself as well.

The mistress nodded and left.

Imitating them and kneeling with our legs spread wide, we waited for whatever would happen next. For a while nothing did

After perhaps a quarter of an hour, the door opened and one of the guards, a fox, came in. He stood there for a moment, looking at us, then he padded down the aisle in the middle of the room and stopped in front of me. I looked up at him, pleading for him to remove my muzzle and allow me to eat. But after a few moments he moved on. The other femmes, those that had apparently been there for a while longer, shuffled forward on their knees, to be as close to him as possible. When he stopped next to one of them, she leaned forward, rubbed her snot against his crotch and sniffed him. But it seemed he did not really like her, he turned around, and faced the femme across the aisle. She was a spotted feline of some kind, but I had never seen anyone like her. She rubbed her face against his crotch as well and purred audibly. After a while he removed her muzzle. Then he opened the flap of his breeches. I could not see what she was doing very well, but he turned a little so we all could see at least little bit. Not that I wanted to, but it was fascinating in a horrifying way, and I was sure we were supposed to watch. I nearly threw up when she coaxed his member out if his breeches and began to lick it, I probably would have if my stomach had not been so empty. Sickened, but unable to look away, I watched as she licked him. After a while he came with a grunt of pleasure. He pulled out partially and some of his seed ended up on her snot. He patted her head and said "You know how to make a male happy, girl."

She answered "Thank you, Master." and he left the room.

"So they taught you how to please a male with your tongue right from the start?"

"Yes, Master."

"Are you any good at it?"

"Most of my masters seemed to think so. But why don't you tell me yourself, Master?" I lick my lips and lean forward a little. My master does not answer, at least not with words. After a moment I hear the 'click' as he opens his belt buckle.

"You've got quite a talented tongue, my little vixen." My master comments and ruffles my headfur.

"Thank you, Master." I answer as I snuggle up to him.

"Did you enjoy it?"

I don't have to think about what to answer for more than a heartbeat "Yes, Master. You taste good." It is not even really a lie. He is clean and well groomed, compared to many other masters I had to serve, it was a pleasure to taste him.

He pets me some more, then he commands "Good. Thank you, Monique, I really enjoyed this. Go on with your story now." He gives me a playful tap on the tip of the nose, to indicate that I should lean back again.

"Yes, Master." I answer automatically. Then I stop, if I was not blindfolded, I would have stared at him " He thanked me!" I think my muzzle hangs open wide enough to see straight down into my stomach. "Has any other master ever thanked me?" I can't remember. After a few moments I get myself under control again "A master who thanks me! Maybe I have found a pleasant master at last. Thank you... Sara."

Ok, where was I? Ah, yes, the guard left the room. The feline femme kept her position, she did not eat, even though the guard had not muzzled her after she had served him. We waited for a few more minutes, then the smith came in.

"What did you think about?"

Well, my stomach still felt a little queasy. I tried to decide if I could pretend to want to lick a male, but... I could not forget the soldiers I had to lick a few nights before. How horrible they had tasted, how much I had hated having to do this. I think I knew even then that sooner or later I would do it, but I was not that desperate and hungry. Not yet.

The smith stopped in front of the mouse femme, but she could not bring herself to... show interest in him. He turned to the rabbit doe next to me. She sniffed his crotch for some time, then he untied her muzzle and she began licking his member. Watching it disgusted me, but I could not tear my eyes away. After a while he came and splattered her face with his seed. He grabbed one of her long ears and wiped his cock with it, then he let her lick him clean.

"That was not very pleasant, girl."

She lowered her head "I'm sorry, Master. Please let me try again. I only want to please you."

He considered her for some time, then he closed his breeches and left the room without saying another word. When he was gone, she breathed a sigh of relief. I realized that he might have muzzled her again if he was not pleased. Then she would have served him but would not have gotten anything for it.

A few minutes later the ferret who had bought us came in. He stopped in front of me and the two other femmes he had bought that day, but I could not overcome my revulsion and beg him to let me suck him off. Finally he moved to the squirrel and she served him. He left without saying a word. A few minutes later the rat femme came in and blew out the lamp, then she bolted the door shut. Not that we cold have run away, manacled as we were. The three femmes who had their muzzles removed began to eat. I could do nothing but lie down and try to sleep. My stomach rumbled and hurt. It was so horrible, listening to them eat, the smell of the food, only inches from my nostrils, but it might have been on the moon for all the good it did me. It took a long while, but finally I cried myself to sleep.

# # #

"Enough for today." My master commands and I fall silent. A few moments later he gets up and soon I can hear several furs walk around the room and into his sleeping room. And I can smell food. My master laughs when my stomach growls audibly. "You may take off the blindfold once I leave the room. The food is for you. When you are finished, put the blindfold back on. I'll join you in a little while, and if you enjoyed your meal, you may thank me properly then."

"Thank you, Master." I answer and he leaves the room.

I wait a few moments, then I remove my blindfold and get up. Blinking my eyes, I stretch my aching limbs until the pains recede. Then I pad into my master's sleeping room. I enjoy the food a lot. It is good meat, even spiced a little, fresh bread and some vegetables. I finish my meal and take care of my needs. I brush my fur carefully, then I put on my blindfold again and lie down on the bed. I cross my arms behind my back and spread my legs a little.

I feel happy, much happier than I have been in a long time. "Why do I have to wear the blindfold?" I wonder "I have not had a master who treated me that nice, why does he not want me to see him?" But I don't have any answer and I shrug my shoulders. "Well, I won't complain. And I look forward to thanking you for the meal." Sniffing the air, I can smell how ready I am to thank my master "Please come soon, Master." A smile forms on my muzzle when I hear the door open.

End of Chapter 2