Fates of the Unicorns 62 - Finally

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#62 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 62 - Finally

_ SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters_.

"It's time, Tamira" said Nella. The feline wasn't even trying to hide her smirk as she motioned at the clock set high on one wall need the doorway.

Tamira had been huddled against a wall, knees pulled tight to her chest as she rocked, trying to ignore that burning hear in her sex. Her whole body was on fire, and she could hardly stand it. She had not masturbated. It didn't REALLY help, and all it did was make her loose her concentration. She was still on duty. Still required to deal with problems. Lucky for her the other mares had been given THEIR dose of drake cum and were all subdued, exhausted from being in season and given relief. She didn't want ANY part of what that had to drink, but still... if it would make this heat go away. This damn need and desire that her body, having gone into season was giving her. The need to mate. And being a unicorn, she couldn't just mate with anything, like her fingers. Oh no. Her body needed that faint touch of magic from a unicorn stallion. Or... from a dragon or drake. That wasn't as good, only made the heat get turned down temporarily, but anything was better than this. Anything!

Except perhaps what she had to do now. Take Dana to her Masters bed chambers. To be fucked. Raped. Molested. He had chosen HER to get his cum directly... to ease her heat. All the other mares had been sated, for now. All except for three. Dana, herself, and Sabeth. She groaned as she stood.

"Maybe you want me to take her instead? If you are too... distracted."

Tamira snorted. "No... I'll do it." She clopped across the room on unsteady hooves to where Dana had found her own spot to seclude herself. Being around other mares while deep in heat could be nerve wracking at times. She wasn't sure why, but before now had never NEEDED to know. The bluesalts that she had taken for granted all of her life were being withheld from her, and the rest of the mares. Without them, their natural seasonal cycles kicked in, nothing any civilized mare should ever have to experience. "Dana..." she said, offering a hand as she took another look at the clock. "I... we... it's time."

Dana looked up, relief and despair mixed in her eyes. She nodded, shaking the lust from her head long enough to get to her hooves.

"Don't forget these..." said Nella as she held out a ball gag and a length rope, swinging both back and forth in the air.

Tamira bit back a crude response and took them. Rahmor's standing orders were to gag and bind any slaves being transported from one area to another. There was no need for it. Where could they POSSIBLY go? She took both and gently pushed the red, rubbery ball into Dana's mouth. Like all of them, it was designed to be too big to be comfortable, but not so big to cause any serious pain. Not unless it was left in for days. Which they sometimes were. She strapped the gag securely, then walked behind Dana to bind her wrists. She used the rings in her cuffs to tie them securely. She was not yet trusted to work with the chains. She made a knot and sighed, seeing the final indignity, a leash held out by an even wider grinning Nella. Tamira hoped the cat's face would suffer from a horrible cramp from smiling so evilly. Fucking bitch. But she took the leash and clipped it to Dana's collar. With a sigh she began to lead her to the door.

Tamira urked as her tail was yanked hard. She turned, expecting to see Nella and ready to smack her. To her surprise and shock it was Sabeth, kneeling and grabbing the tail in both hands.

"MMmphh... meeehhh... taaahhhk me toooohhh" said Sabeth in a barely understandable muffle.

Tamira jerked on her tail but the kneeling, and suffering unicorn has it in a tight grip. "Let go, Sabeth... I can't take you, you know that!" Or maybe she didn't. Sabeth was STILL wearing that leather bag over her muzzle, scented with unicorn stallion musk and sweat. Worse, Master Rahmor had stuffed her mouth with his own undergarments before shoving the bag back on. Tamira could SMELL the two scents as Sabeth knelt there. The intoxicating smell of stallion made her sway on her hooves for a moment. "Let go, damnit!"

"Pwuuuueeeezzzzzeee!" said Sabeth, moaning as she slow-humped the air. Even if it wasn't air it would do her no good, the shining metal covering her wet and needy lips kept her, or anyone else from touching her sex. "Urrrrrrrghhh...." she said, eyes half-rolling up as a wave of desire flowed through her, gasping in the hot confined leather bag.

"Touching a guard? Disobeying a direct order? Bad girl..." said Nella as she walked around Tamira to advance on Sabeth. The poor unicorn let go immediately, shrinking back but Nella was having none of it. She pounced, slamming Sabeth onto her back and kneeling down over her chest. She wasn't a massive cat, she didn't have the bulk of her fellow leopard guard Ralean, but what muscle she had was well toned and she knew how to use it. And a horny, half brain-dead bitch was no match for her. "Time for a lesson, cunt..."

Sabeth whined in fear. She had been punished before. Severely. She struggled helplessly under the cat and moaned weakly through the gag and muzzle.

Nella reached for Sabeth's big, firm breasts... and caressed them. Stroked the orbs. Gently toyed with the heavy pendants hanging from her pierced nipples. Leaning down the housecat gave Sabeth's throat a soft lick, "I'm going to give you SUCH a tongue lashing..."

Sabeth ugggghed at the touches, fire spreading through her body, making her even MORE horny. "Noooooommmrmrrrrrrrfff!"

Tamira didn't have time to help, and wasn't sure if she even could, or wanted to. She gave a gentle tug on the leash to get Dana's attention, and led her on.


Tamira paused outside the door to her Master's bedchambers. She clenched the leash tight in her hand, angry at the bastard dragon, angry at herself. Tamira stared at the door like it was a portal to some kind of terrible demon realm. If she stepped through, if she took Dana in there it wasn't Dana who would be condemned. It would be herself. What other fate would be fitting for someone who could bring their friend to a dragon. Offer them up for a night of rape. If she walked through that door, she would be condemning herself. She turned her head at a mmmphing sound and winced anew, seeing her friend gagged and tied, leashed like some animal, a sacrifice to an angry dragon. Her hand gripped the leash in a tight fist, frustrated, angry, helpless. How could Dana ever forgive her if she did this?

Tamira screwed her eyes shut, she couldn't do it. She had given her word, her vow to serve Master Rahmor. She had done it to save Dana, but this.. how could she offer her friend.. her... more than friend to his terrible grasp? Even if part of what he was offering was a release to the terrible heat that had claimed both of them. She would rather suffer the maddening itch of heat than be granted release from it if it came from a dragon cock. She was sure Dana felt the same way.

"Tahhhhmmmmmmahhh..." said Dana, mumbling with the large ball in her mouth. She worked her lips and teeth around it, drooling a bit as she said, "Duhoooo ehhhhht." She took a step forward, facing the doorway, waiting. She jerked her torso forward, pulling on the leash in Tamira's hand. "Ithhhs ahhhh-kahhhh" she said reassuringly.

Tamira blinked back tears as she looked into Dana's expressive eyes, like a calm sea in the midst of whirling storms of chaos. Dana;s eyes were needy, suffering but... understanding. She knew there was no real choice here. Tamira knew it too. All she could do is delay, and who knew what Rahmor would do to her, and also to Dana if she disobeyed. Terrible things. There was a time when she couldn't imagine anything worse than being fucked by a male dragon. Now she knew better. She took a deep breath and knocked.

Inside, Rahmor sprawled naked on the bed. Alone but for his skunk slave, muzzled and kneeling at the side of his bed. He nodded to her and watched her ass sway as she crawled to the door, unbolting it from the inside and pulling it wide to admit the pair of unicorns. His breath caught at the sight. Tamira, his precious little lesbian warrior leading her love on a leash. He studied the scene, committing it to memory. Such a pair of lovelies. One tall and strong, full of deadly grace and power. The other all curved and feminine softness, her fur nearly glowing with it's soft lushness. Her muzzle comprised of delicate features and lines, the equine form perfected. Her soft lips wrapped around a ball gag didn't hurt either!

Dana mmphed a bit as she saw her Master on the bed, naked of course. She jumped as the door shut, and locked behind her. Dragons were paranoid and adored security. Being locked in a room with no escape only made her more aware of how helpless she was. She panted through her nose, her sex heating up at the sight of a male. She wanted him so bad. No, that was a lie. Her body wanted a male, any male. She wanted nothing to do with him.

Rahmor beckoned Tamira forward, "Come, bring me tonight's toy."

Tamira clenched her teeth, but with Dana at her side she was unwilling to show the slightest sign of hesitation or disrespect. She knew he would be watching her, ready to punish Dana for any mistakes. Tamira would have taken any punishment, any at all to spare Dana this, but knew that Rahmor would make sure Dana suffered the brunt of the punishments. Walking forward, she led Dana to the waiting dragon.

"Take off her gag, and free her hands."

Tamira nodded, "Yes Master." She undid Dana's hands first, untying the ropes that bound them. Standing at her side she unbuckled the leather straps of the muzzle, pulling it, and the attached ball gag off of her friend.

Dana worked her jaw in relief, sore from the large gag. She swallowed, flexing her hands at her side, standing nervously.


Both Dana and Tamira dropped to their knees, fast enough to bring a grin to Rahmor's muzzle. He wriggled his toes at the bottom of the bed, only able to see the two horns as the short unicorns knelt down. Easily enough to see Tamira's, it was capped and taller. The top of her head showed, although her eyes were hidden. "Lick, girls..."

Rahmor counted off in his head, seeing how long it would take. Not long. It was only a half dozen heartbeats before a pair of tongues began to caress the underside of his toes. He watched soft pink muzzles bobbing and moving behind his feet, felt the wet, warm touch of equine tongue to his taloned toes. He ahhhed in pleasure, enjoying the show of submission. He had spent many hours like this in his harem, the girls all taking turns, an endless series of tongues and lips and soft caresses. Tonight however, he had more important plans for these two. Dragon talon's closed around Dana's nose as he grabbed her muzzle with his foot, making her eep and pant with worry into the underside of his foot.

"Tamira... you have brought her to me as requested. That task is done."

Tamira nodded, not wanting to leave Dana's side, but not really wanting to WATCH as she was raped. The taste of dragon was on her tongue, making her want to spit, but a scent from higher up tickled her nose. She backed up, turning and crawling for the door.


Tamira froze, turning her head back in worry and confusion.

"You have not been dismissed."

Tamira trembled, hoping she had not made a mistake that would be taken out on Dana. She knew he couldn't see her from his perch on the bed, but flattened onto her belly anyway. "I'm sorry Master... please forgive me." The words hurt to say, but she would say them and a million more to save any mare from paying for her mistakes. Let alone Dana.

"Come back here, slave..."

Tamira nodded, crawling back and kneeling at the foot of the bed once more, looking at Dana with her muzzle held in that strong, powerful foot. She trembled, knowing all the things he could do to her in such a vulnerable position. All the things he was going to do to other, even more vulnerable parts of her.

Rahmor grabbed Tamira's face with his foot, holding both girls, then pulling them up and forward.

Dana and Tamira crawled onto the bed helplessly, drawn forward by the dragons grip. It was Dana's turn to worry, hoping Tamira wasn't going to be punished for making a mistake. She huffed into the foot against her nose, then sighed in relief as it lowered, the dragon stretching both legs out as he rested his head on a pile of thick pillows. She dropped her eyes quickly.

"Dragons don't always engage in foreplay, but I think I shall tonight," said Rahmor. He patted the bed at his side, eyeing Dana. "Lay down here, rest your head on my thigh."

Dana did as she was told, moving slowly and carefully, resting her head on the dragons muscular thigh. If he was smaller, and white and covered in soft fur she might even have enjoyed the feeling of her cheek pressed to the firm flesh. But Rahmor was none of those things. That was evident from her close up view of his balls and sheath. She licked her lips unconsciously, letting out a small whimper of need.

"Now... lick, slave. Lick like a GOOD sex slave. Suck at my balls, nuzzle... even nibble a bit. Do everything you can imagine to please your Master."

Dana gulped as she lay on her side, and slid her nose forward and did exactly as she was told. She nuzzled.. she licked the soft flesh.. kissed the delicate sac and sucked at the skin, her mouth and tongue moving mechanically. She could see Tamira kneeling on the other side, and focused on what was in front of her, embarrassed at the humiliating task. What should have been a loving act he had turned into something degrading and humiliating.

Tamira stared straight ahead, she wasn't going to watch, not if she could help it. It was the only way she could keep from getting angry. She didn't even want to think about what she really wanted to do, lest she make a fist or glare by accident.

Rahmor snorted, "Even Tamira can do a better job than that. Show her, Tamira... show Dana what a good ball sucker you are. I do have two you know..."

Tamira thought that if she had her way, he wouldn't have ANY! But she pushed those thoughts down and curled up on the other side of her Master, and pressed her muzzle to his other ball, staring at Dana only inches away. She gave his ball firm, long licks... the hard, firm kisses. She sucked, and opened her mouth wide to suck a ball into her mouth, hating the sensation of the nasty thing but doing it anyway, sucking, caressing with her tongue.

Dana watched, eyes wide, but repeated the motioned. It took her a few tries, but she managed to get a ball into her mouth, moaning around it. It felt so strange... she couldn't even begin to describe the hot fleshy thing rolling around under the skin, inside her mouth. She snorted at the taste, the scent.

Rahmor mrrrrred and let the two mares suck and toy with his balls, enjoying the feeling. He controlled his arousal, for now... it wasn't yet time to show Dana her prize. And prize it would be to her... her body wanting cock BAD. She was deep into heat. He knew how bad she must be needing it. He sat up, looking down at the two muzzles on his thighs, and reached out to place a hand on each of their equine rumps.

Dana mrrrrmped at the hand on her ass, hooves kicking a bit from the firm grip. Then she relaxed, snorting in and out of her nose as the hand patted her, dragon resting his hand on her. But it only rested for a moment before squeezing and fondling, and sliding down between her legs to.. oooooh! Dana let out a hard snort, and felt Tamira's return breath blast against her face. She moaned loudly, if muffled as a finger traced her hot, wet sex... stroking in... nnnnnngh... pleasurable ways. She whined and looked into Tamira's eyes seeing her return the gaze, eyes wide with lust and strain. He must be touching her too! Dana mmmphed again as that finger did such... uhhhhhmmph... wonderful things down there. She moaned hotly and sucked harder, licking and massaging the ball in her mouth.

Rahmor mrrrred as both mares began to do a MUCH better hob... their bodies reacting as he teased them. He could feel their panging getting harder, faster, their tongues pressing and licking desperately. It may be hormones making them horny, but they were horny none the less. He was panting hard now, and slid his hands up their sides.

Tamira felt the dragon's hand moving along her body, her pussy tingling and hot from the gentle touches and stroking. She knew he was not doing it to be nice, but to turn her on.. to tease her body even more. Turning a gentle, tender touch into a terrible torture! She felt her hand lifted by the dragon, guided over his legs and between a set of softer white ones. She mrrrrrrmphed at the ball gag as her fingers were pushed into Dana's crotch. She heard one word... "Stroke" and obeyed, caressing the wet folds, her fingers moving expertly... THIS was a task she knew well!

Rahmor leaned back a bit, his hands now moving to pairs of soft, warm and yielding breasts.. caressing, kneading.. fingering the nipples... watching the show.

Dana hurrrrrrred as soft, gentle fingers played with her sex, and her breast was played with as well, but to a firmer, more insistent and rougher tune. She wanted to explode, feeling those fingers against her, in her... knowing EXACTLY where to touch. And they were not large, hard and taloned fingers like a dragon. They were smaller, softer.. like a stallion. Her hips bucked at the thought, wanting one so badly now. She distantly remembered longing after stallions, doing things in bed at night thinking of them. She couldn't quite remember WHY she could never have one. Her mind couldn't think of anything but the ball in her mouth and hands in her sex and... and... the cock that was emerging right before her eyes. The red length gleamed wetly, emerging from its sheath, quickly rising up and up and up like a giant tree towering over her.

"Yes, my slave... all the cum in your mouth is going to come out of THAT..." said Rahmor, leaning back against the pillows, his hands now cupping the backs of the mares heads. "Come get VERY familiar with it..." he said and pulled their heads upward.

Tamira felt the ball slide from her mouth, strands of drool running from the soaked surface to her lolling tongue. The her tongue dragged against the dragons short protective sheath and found the shaft itself. She felt so hot, her body burning from the tip of her horn to the sole of her hoof, fingers sink deep into the wet sex of Dana, the mare so close.. just on the other side of the dragon. Her pussy burned, having gone into heat a full day before Dana, the need so much greater. Worse yet, the object of her desire was right there.. inches away, while Dana only wanted a stallion. Tamira moaned in desire and lust, and the agony of being denied.

Dana licked and moaned against the shaft, the hand on her head guiding her up inch by slow inch. Salvation lay at the end of this, she knew. Her body knew. She no longer knew where her bodies desires ended and hers began. She just wanted what was before her eyes, even if it was nothing like a stallion cock. Red and bumpy.. but the sides were smoother, and her tongue glided along it so nicely. Wetly. She would have been ashamed at such slutty thoughts and feelings if she had the concentration to think them.

Rahmor pulled their heads up further and further, moving slowly.. inching their noses up the length of his cock. the tip leaking pre as he watched them.. watched Tamira fingering Dana... their soft bodes pressed to his... a dragon sandwich of blue surrounded by soft white. He licked his lips in lust, so close now...

Tamira's nipples were hard as they pressed to Rahmor's thigh, her tongue licking slavishly now. Her mind consumed with desire. She didn't REALLY want that cock. She wanted a mare's pussy against her tongue, but the damn heat wasn't going to settle for that. She moaned as her nose brushed the tip of the thick cock, then her tongue was on it, licking as her lips pressed to it, kissing and sucking. She could TASTE the pre and it was like drinking stale water after crossing a desert. Awful, tasteless, unappetizing... but needing it so fucking bad!

The big blue dragon ahhhed as the two pairs of tongues and lips caressed the sides of his cock. He felt it twitch once in pleasure as Dana managed to find a particularly sensitive spot on his glands and gave it a hard lick. He murmured, "Now now the GOOD part..." softly as he pulled the two heads further up.

Tamira hurrfed as her head was pulled, her tongue reaching out for the tip as it came within reach, and then went by. She had a split second of frustration before her head was pushed forward and met another tongue, and mare lips. She mmmped in surprise, and the moaned hard as that tongue pressed back and she was kissed... hard!

Dana groaned as the cock slid past, but suddenly there was something better. Lips. Real, equine lips. She felt her nose pressed against the other and kissed deeply, passionately. Her eyes closed, tongue pushing, questing.. tasting male dragon, but also tasting unicorn. She lost herself in the soft lips, the fuzzy and downy soft fur, the tender and warm nose. Nothing at all like a dragon... this was what she wanted! What she had been denied so long.

Rahmor mrrrred, holding the two mares gently as he pushed them together, his cock forgotten, for the moment as they made out. Yess...

Tamira forgot her surprise and lost herself in the kiss, her hand working expertly between Dana's legs, loving the feel of the slick juices on her fingers, the soft, wet sound of her explorations. Oh gods.. Dana! She kissed back, forgetting the dragon belly just below her, the cock so close.. the hand on her head. Nothing mattered but the hot mare flesh she was kissing, and was being kissed back by!

His cock throbbing in pleasure, Rahmor continued to hold the two mares together, watching their lust, not all of it due to their hormones. Furries were like open books to a dragon. He could SEE the flash of heat in Tamira's face every time she looked at Dana. He knew of her lesbian crush even before the poor mare herself had noticed. Dana was more complex, but he saw how she relaxed when in Tamira's presence. How her face hardened whenever Tamira was under his foot. He knew that Dana loved Tamira, as a friend, like a sister. But he knew deep down she wanted more. All she had needed was a little guidance...

Dana moaned and kissed for what seemed like an eternity, locked in an embrace with her lover. She huffed as fingers worked her tenderly, so much better than her own... knowing JUST where to touch, what to stroke.. how fast to, unngh... probe. She let out a little gasp as her head was pulled back, stretching her tongue out to keep contact as long as possible. She didn't want this to end. Then she felt that soft equine tongue on her neck and she quivered. "Oooh.... yes..." she said, feeling a nose nuzzling downward, then a hot mouth closing over her breast, suckling on a nipple. "Ahhhhh!" she said as her nipple was licked and caressed, held by that curved and pressing tongue, rolling her hard nub in it like a cradle. Her hands moved to hold the unicorn head at her chest, running through the silky hair, stroking and hugging the soft head and long muzzle.

Tamira moaned hotly, licking, sucking... not happy to it be a dirty cock in her mouth. She switched from one nipple to the other, giving them equal time... loving the sensation of closing her mouth over a willing mare's breast. Dana's breast. She had wanted to taste her for so long. Every day when she helped milk her it was a struggle to just be dispassionate and not fondle in her work. But now she raised her other hand to Dana's left breast as she worked on her right, stroking and kneading.. but not too hard... gently caressing as she sucked and licked. Oohhhh...

Rahmor mrrrrred in deep satisfaction. He gently pried the two mares apart, pushing them a bit back to sit on their knees on either side of him, still facing each other, still close enough to smell each other. He let out a hiss of pleasure as he watched Tamira lustfully suck on her wet fingers, then blush in embarrassment, and look at her friend with wide, apprehensive eyes.

Tamira panted, biting her lip as she watched Dana sway in erotic pleasure. There was no way to take what had just happened other than Tamira's true feelings coming out. She had not been ORDERED to kiss and make out with Dana... she had done it because she wanted to. Needed to. She waited for Dana to react... fearing what she would see, her face so close that she could nto help but see every twitch of emotion that moved over that silky white muzzle.

Dana's eyes slowly opened, letting out a whimper at the loss of that tongue, her mind fuzzy with heat and lust. But not so fuzzy now to realize what had just happened as she saw Tamira staring at her. Her fantasies of a strong stallion lover were swept away as the fact of just who had been doing all those.. things to her. Her eyes widened a bit, and then softened as she saw Tamira's expression and pose. She looked so... vulnerable. Like she was about to break out into tears. Dana's heart lurched for her friend. She had always known Tamira's true feelings. Seeing Tamira express them was no surprise. But her own reaction was. She had imagined a stallion, but knew deep down it wasn't. She loved Tamira, even if her body wasn't what she wanted. But she didn't want to be a slave either. Or to have sex with a dragon. But if she could do those things... was Tamira not being EXACTLY what she wanted really so bad?

"Dana... I..." said Tamira in a soft, choking whisper, wanting to explain. It was the heat. It was...

Dana leaned forward, and kissed Tamira on the lips, not as a friend, but as a lover. "Shhh... it's ok..."

Tamira moaned in to the kiss, relief and happiness flowing through her. She had expected to see shock, disgust, disappointment.. anything but... love. She leaned forward to hug her friend, her lover, holding her tight for several long moments before blue hands pulled her apart once more. She flushed hotly in embarrassment, then confusion and worry... had she done something wrong? She felt a twinge of fear run through her belly at the thought of what punishment Rahmor might do if she had somehow upset him.

Rahmor let out a soft chuckle as he lay on his back between the two mares, his cock jutting straight up. He gave his belly a pat, looking at Tamira. "Sit!"

Tamira nodded and gulped as she eyed that huge cock with distrust. She moved, turning to straddle the dragon but stopped as he made a grunting noise and ordered her to turn around. She complied, turning around, her back to her Master, facing the cock and his legs. Her mind still fuzzy from the make out, and whirling with emotions over Dana's willing and eager kiss just moments ago, she let herself be moved without much thought or resistance. Hands on her back pushed her forward until she was kneeling over Rahmor's groin, her sex pressed up to the his cock. She wandered what he wanted of her. Was she to rub against it? Her legs were too wide to squeeze it. Stroke it? Lean down and lick it? She waited for the order to come, and was surprised when she heard him direct Dana instead.

"You too, Dana... kneel here... face me..."

Dana felt the curl of dragon tail go around her neck, pulling at her. She moved with it, letting it guide her down the bed and over, crawling and turning to face the dragon, and the mare sitting on his hips. She blinked... looking down at the thick red cock jutting up from... Tamira's legs? If she could ignore the big blue dragon Tamira was sitting on, it looked almost like she had grown a cock, albeit a dragon one. She flinched at a poke to her back from the tail and moved closer, now face to face with the tip of it, wet from both her and Tamira's earlier licking. She mmmphed as a blue hand pressed her head down, pushing her mouth over the cockhead and she suckled by reflex on the hot, wet thing. Her eyes drifted up, meeting Tamira's and she groaned, seeing the lust in them, knowing they mirrored her own.

Tamira hurrfed, watching Dana suck on the tip of the thick shaft. She had never been a huge fan of using dildos orally, but had done it on occasion. For just an instant she wished it WAS her cock down there, so she could feel Dana's tongue and lips on it... and give the girl what she wanted, what she needed.

Dana gasped as her head was pulled up and was given another poke against her back, making her straighten up and move forward, kneeling up against Tamira, breasts touching, nose to nose, and that thick dragon cock resting hotly against her belly, trapped between two unicorn mares. She pressed against that length reflexively as she stared into Tamira's grey eyes.

Rahmor murrrred, enjoying the view of Tamira's shapely ass. He wanted to shove her forward to get a better view, but there would be plenty of time for that later. Instead he leaned up, pulling her back just a bit and licked at a horse ear, enjoying how it flicked and made her tremble. "Fuck her, Tamira..." he said, loud enough for both to hear.

Dana let out a small gasp at the command, looking down again, once more almost able to imagine Tamira having grown a cock. Tamira was very clearly a mare, but a hard and muscled one. Like... a girly boy? No... nothing at all like that. Like a stallion with breasts? She shook her head in confusion, seeing so many conflicting things, feeling just as many in her head. If Tamira had been a stallion she would have gladly taken her to bed ages ago. She looked a bit uncomfortably at Tamira, nose to nose with her again. Then it was her turn to blush as Tamira kissed her... and she kissed back. Either love or lust made her respond, and she neither knew nor cared which it was.

Tamira panted... pushing forward a bit both to get closer to Dana, and to push her sex against the base of the cock that now jutted from between her legs like a living strap on. She nibbled gently at Dana's lip before whispering gently, "I'm sorry.. I have to..."

Dana nodded, her sex wet and aching with need. She wrapped her arms around Tamira for support and nodded, "It's ok... do it..." She moaned as she felt hands grab her ass and squeeze, strong but equine hands. She allowed her hips to be guided, rising up and then lowering down onto the tip of the shaft below her. She groaned, feeling her wet, ready lips spreading over it. "Oooohh..." she moaned. It felt so big, but so right. So exactly what her body wanted. She felt those strong hands sliding up from her ass to her hips, gripping in ways that made her shiver. She stared into Tamira's face, knowing it would be all right as long as she was here, comforted by the glinting silver eyes looking back at her.

Tamira swallowed, so turned on by the positioning... Dana kneeling before her, so very similar to what she had done with other mares... but this time with someone she cared SO much about. She had had other lovers, before. But such things were frowned upon with other members of the militia. She had flings with other girls in villages she passed through.. one again, off again. She had never spent as much time with any of her lovers as she had with Dana, and while she had seen some pretty mares, she never had seen one with such beauty. Or with such kindness and who so BADLY needed her protection. Her own pussy clenched as she pushed down on her friend, her lover, her WILLING lover's hips and began to guide her onto the cock between her legs.

Dana gasped, feeling the push, feeling that thick, angular head spreading her. She was ready, so ready... her body turned on by her heat, her sex stretched and loose from the fingering... and soaking wet from the kissing and fondling. She was as ready as any mare could ever be when it came to taking the shaft of a dragon. She gritted her teeth and ngged as she felt herself stretch so very wide. "Ahhhh..."

Tamira whimpered, seeing the pain in Dana's eyes, knowing how it felt, knowing EXACTLY how it felt to take that cock, to feel it being shoved into your body against your will. She faltered, easing up with her hands, unable to push down any harder. She wanted it so bad.. wanted to see Dana riding in front of her, wanted to kiss and nibble and lick.. but could not, would not force her down. But if she didn't... Master surely would. Rougher, harder and brutally.

Dana groaned, her lust filling her mind again, whimpering at being pushed down, then whimpering as it stopped. She saw the conflict in Tamira's expression, and reached down to take Tamira's hands, pulling them up to her breasts. "I'll do that part... you just... make me feel good..." she said, and with a deep breath, sat!

Rahmor hurrrrred as he felt those silky smooth lips pressing down over his cock, a ring of tightness moving down the head and shaft. Gods it felt good! He turned his head to the side, looking at well positioned mirror on one wall, placed specifically to give a good view from the side. He loved to watch himself fucking a slave, being served by them. Nothing pleased him more than to see bodies moving, obeying, fitting together perfectly. He let out a loud moan of pleasure as he saw Dana grimacing, then moaning as hands worked over her breasts, Tamira doing all she could to fondle and caress and pleasure the slowly impaled mare. He watched them kiss and lick at each others necks, throwing their heads back to let the other nibble and nuzzle, then doing the same in return. Dana was tight, but so needy she went down with ease... her weight pushing down and down until he felt half his shaft covered in her warm flesh. He ran his hands over Tamira's legs and ass, up and down her back, feeling her soft fur, the flesh underneath, both his. Fur and flesh and body and mind... his property. His slave.

Dana groaned from the thick cock sunk deep into her. It was what her body craved, but did it have to be so big? She groaned and moaned, never knowing if it was from pleasure or pain, for she felt overwhelmed by both. She began to move in reflex, lifting up and settling back down, fucking herself on the thick cock, holding Tamira in a tight embrace. She groaned as nimble fingers played over her body, touching everything that felt good, seeming to find every hidden bit of pleasure and draw it deep from her body to the surface of her so sensitive skin. Breasts and nipples and neck and lips and ass and tail and arms... her body melted into the touches, and bit by bit she rode that cock harder and faster. She hufffed and nggghed as she fucked, staring with half-lidded eyes at Tamira... moaning in desire. "Love..." she whispered, shuddering from it all.

Tamira groaned, her own pussy flaming with desire, but no cock was there to service it, no mare tongue. But her hips moved too, pressing against the base of the thick cock, rubbing at it as she caressed and stroked and used every trick and technique on the sexy body of the mare before her. She had fantasized for so long about doing all of these things, and now she was... showing Dana how GOOD she could be to her... being an expert lover... and getting to grasp and touch and lick and smell her like she had so desired to do. Her hips moved in time with Dana's, two mares fucking with their Master's cock, the two unicorns loving each other, not caring, or even knowing anymore that the dragon shaft between their legs had nothing at all to do with unicorn flesh and blood.

Rahmor groaned and shivered under the humping assault of Dana's pussy. He groaned, wanting to spend HOURS doing this... and he would. But not tonight. He had his plans, his schemes, and it was time to give Dana what she needed before she was fucked TOO sore. He panted, grunting and finally threw his head back into the pillows and let out his breath in an explosive hiss.

Dana gasped and cried out as hot, thick cum spurted into her body. She moaned and shuddered, feeling it pulsing inside her. She was on the verge of climax herself.. but as ready and loose and NEEDY as she had been, that thick cock with all its bumps and ridges just hurt too much to allow her over that edge, until now. She cried out again, this time a lusty gasping wail of pure pleasure. Nose to nose with Tamira she shuddered and bucked, her eyes locked, lost in climax and that comforting, lovely gaze... seeing Tamira moving with her, feeling her outside, and inside. She groaned.. her vision narrowing until all she could see, all she could comprehend was the sight of the unicorn, and then not even that as the orgasm finally took her.

Tamira felt Dana holding her tight, saw her shudder, heard her scream. She pressed as hard as she could to that cock, wanting to feel Dana's climax, like one did with a strap on, feeling that firm grinding against her pussy as she took her lover. She saw Dana's lust and love mixing in her face, happy to have pleased her... even if it was with Masters cock.

Dana moaned as she slowly came down, eyes blinking back into focus, and then pulling Tamira against her in a tight hug, resting her chin on the strong warriors shoulder, eyes closed, not even noticing the breasts the pressed against hers, only caring that it was a warm, furry unicorn that held her back. Her friend, protector.. and lover. She sighed as she felt Tamira's arms around her, pulling back, lifting her a bit, and gasping as she slid up and off the cock. "Uhhhhh..."

Rahmor groaned, tingling from the orgasm. She was good... so tight.. so full of energy and beauty. He was going to enjoy taking her again, and again. Seeing Tamira so turned on was a bonus. He murrrred, resting for a bit, letting the two hug before he patted Tamira's rear... "Time for your reward too, slave..."

Tamira broke the hug reluctantly, feeling dragon hands grabbing her ass, pulling her back until she knelt over the broad blue chest of her Master. A hand moved to the back of her head, pushing her to all fours, staring straight at a messy cock. She sniffed, and her pussy twitched. The scent... it wasn't stallion, but somehow her body KNEW that was what it wanted, even if her mind didn't. She extended her tongue in reflex and took a lick, hating and loving the taste. Oh how her pussy burned with desire... even more so after her lovemaking. She gasped as a tongue touched her sex, then slid in and out several times. "Ahhhhhhnggg... oh... ooooooohh!"

Rahmor licked his lips at the sweet taste and said, "Lick Dana clean, Tamira... don't let it all go to waste..."

Tamira looked up, seeing Dana's gaping pussy, groaning as she lifted her nose to bury it, and her tongue. She ignored the taste of dragon and concentrated on the smell of Dana, unicorn mare... her heat making her scent and taste even stronger, strong enough to block out the taste of male dragon seed. Mostly. Then that OTHER tongue touched her again and she dove in mindlessly.

Dana gasped and panted as she was licked... her sex was sore, even maybe bruised.. but even with the soreness, even after she had JUST climaxed.. that tongue was like magic, licking and touching and... gods... doing VERY good things down there. She reached out and stroked Tamira's head, eyes closed, enjoying the sensations. There was no mistaking this for a dragon, and a mares tongue felt much like a stallions she imagined. She groaned, her body slowly reacting to the cum that filled her belly, dulling her heat, but not fast enough that she couldn't be brought quickly to another climax. "Oh... ohh... ahh... T... Ta... Tamira... nnnnngggaaahhhhh!"

Tamira was so turned on, so needy that it did not take much at all before she screamed her own climax, muzzle buried in Dana's sex, gasping and howling into it as she licked and swallowed.

The two mares shuddered as they came... and the dragon watched, pleased and satisfied. Dana's relief would last for several days. Tamira would be horny again in the morning, only having got an oral dose. More fun would be had then, but the important part, the BEST part was seeing the two of them collapsing into each other's arms again, bodies twitching and rubbing against each other as the heat slowly drained off them. Dragons knew, they just KNEW how things fit together. Put two dragons in a room, or two hundred and they could see with a glance who was dominant, who was submissive. Who was in charge. Who led, and who followed. He had seen very early on that these two fit together, and as a dragon, seeing them apart was painful. Like clashing colors or musical instruments out of tune. Seeing them finally click and mesh made his dragon instincts relax and glow in the pleasure of making something FIT. Putting them in their place. If it also gave yet another hook to control and guide them, that was a bonus. They both now had something precious to guard and protect. Each other.

Dana moaned and shuddered from the second powerful orgasm, this time it was all Tamira's doing. She shuddered... her heat-crazed mind letting her simply enjoy and appreciate Tamira's tongue. The complications could be dealt with... later. She stroked Tamira's muzzle, seeing the obvious pleasure and happiness there and for now, was content.

Rahmor murred, leaning back lazily as he watched, letting the two unicorns get used to each other while their heat slowly faded from the dose of cum. It wasn't unicorn, but dragons were magical in their own, smaller ways and could substitute. He let them snuggle until he felt himself stirring, and reached out for Tamira's ass.

Tamira mrmped, feeling the paw on her butt pulling her back. She quickly found herself repositioned on her knees, her back to the head of the bed frame, hands at her sides. She groaned at a squeeze to her breast, then watched Rahmor moving about, guiding Dana to lie on her back, her head in Tamira's lap. She blushed anew, her wet pussy making the back of Dana's neck wet. Her mind was clearing now and she flushed as her eyes met Dana's. They were going to have a lot to talk about once their Master was done with them. That time was not yet up it seemed.

Dana lay on her back, looking down her body at the large dragon crouched at the foot of the bed. She had to tilt her head far forward to keep from poking Tamira with the tip of her horn, her muzzle nearly pressed between her own breasts. Her horn was in a similar position, looking up she saw it nestled between Tamira's cleavage.

"Spread," said Rahmor.

Dana obeyed, spreading her legs, watching nervously as Rahmor moved to kneel in front of her, taking her legs and lifting them, hands sliding along the underside of her thighs, pushing her knees up to her chest, then outward, leaving her sex exposed and wide open. She shivered, seeing that cock once again thick and stuff. So huge.

"Grab your knees and hold them, slave"

Tamira repressed a growl at Rahmor's attitude. She gave her head a small shake, she had to hold it together. It would do neither of them any good to get upset or insult him. If she could have DONE something she would, but knew that enduring it was all she could do for her friend... her lover.

Dana grabbed her thighs, holding the underside of her knees and pulling, keeping her legs back. She pressed the back of her head against Tamira's crotch, comforted by her presence, ignoring the wetness down there. Soft hands stroked her cheeks and she let out a soft whinny. Her whinny turned into a whimper as Rahmor used lengths of rope to bind her wrists to her thighs, and around the outside of her legs to keep them bent in a complex winding pattern that left her room to squirm and wasn't TOO tight, but was far to secure to escape from.

Dana moaned as firm hands slid under her ass, squeezing, then lifting as Rahmor slid his knees under her, his cock angled down, pointed right at her pussy. She let out a grunt as that angular tip sank in. It was so big! How had it ever fit? The answer was, it hadn't. Not all the way at least. She had not looked before, not once she had sat on it and hugged Tamira. She hadn't WANTED to look. She wanted to pretend it wasn't a dragon's at all. There was no pretending now. Now way to imagine it was a stallion she was with now. Smooth blue hide, and that cock. "Uuunnghhh.." she said, squirming as he shuffled forward, leaning in to sink more of his cock into her. It wasn't just the size that made it so hard to take. Each ridge, each fin pressed into her tender flesh. They may look rounded and soft, but inside her, with her sex stretched so TIGHT around them, they dug in with a fierceness. She could do nothing but watch with wide eyes as he forced it in, inch after inch. She felt it going in all the way... but so much of it was still outside her. "Nnnnnghhh..." she said as she realized that while she may have THOUGHT she took it all the first time, she had not. Not by far. And now he was going deep, deeper than she had dared, even in her orgasmic pleasure. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

Tamira winced as she watched that cock going into Dana for the second time, could see her sex stretching around it, could imagine what was going on inside. Organs being slowly pushed aside to make room, tight walls being pulled apart, spread as that tip invaded deeper and deeper. She hugged Dana's head to her, making sure she served as a pillow for her poor friend, comforting her as best she could.

Rahmor growled his pleasure and began to move, thrusting his hips against the spread-legged mare, slamming his cock into her again and again.. truly fucking her this time. His hands roamed all over the two mares, moving freely from belly to breasts to thighs. Neck, muzzles.. he touched them both, fondled and caressed, groped and squeezed.

Dana groaned at the hands running all over her, all the while that great cock hammered into her. Only her long day of heat and preparation from Tamira's touches let her take the massive shaft without it being agony. But it did not feel great, not like before. She was truly FUCKED, her head slamming into Tamira's belly from each thrust, body rocking, moaning and gasping. Nothing like the gentle and awkward sex she had had with the few stallions willing to ignore the rumors about her family tree. This was a pounding, a hammering... a dirty, intense rutting. Pure sex. Pure lust. Dragon's lust, not hers. Rape. She hurfed and howled as her cervix was bumped, and bumped hard. Tamira's hands were on her face, caressing and consoling as it went on and on. She wasn't overwhelmed by the heat anymore, she no longer needed this.. no longer desired it. But her body wasn't done with her yet. It still at some level enjoyed the attention and presence of a hot cock between her legs, and her body moved despite her feelings, her body that knew what was needed, knew what to do, and gave her yet again, an orgasm.

Tamira held Dana's head, cradled it as she screamed, but in pleasure now, her body arching upward under the rough, hard thrusts of the blue dragon. Her warrior body tensed as rough hands grabbed her breasts, the dragon leaning in, head tilted and jaws open, eyes scrunched tight as he came again. Tamira watched him climax, saw his face tensing, lips curling back to show his teeth, breath coming out in snarls and snorts, then great heaving breaths as he relaxed, muscles going a bit slack as the pleasure flowed through him. She thought he looked so peaceful at that instance, his lips pursed into an oval, eyes closed but not scrunched up, eye ridges relaxed and calm. She almost, almost wanted to reach up with a hand and stroke his chin and the strong line of his jaw. Maybe if they had met in another place, as equals, she could have been good friends with this fellow warrior. Who fought and killed and risked death to protect them. But she wasn't elsewhere. She was here. And he had just raped her friend. Again. She couldn't reconcile everything she felt about this dragon. She just couldn't. So she instead dropped her gaze, unwilling to meet his eyes when they opened again.

Dana groaned.. feeling Rahmor pulling back, pulling out of him. Smooth and swift, the ridges like a saw against her tender flesh, then it was out, leaving her feeling strangely empty. Used. She shuddered as her nipples were tweaked by a pair of talons each, then erfed as Rahmor yanked on the ropes, releasing her from her bondage, rearranging her and Tamira once more. Rolled, pushed, bent and turned. She was on her side, half curled up, with Tamira behind her, pressed tightly against her. Strong, furry arms were wrapped around her. Somehow the lights dimmed, and blankets were pulled over her. She saw a glimpse of the skunk slave, Rahmor's bedroom servant as she tucked all three of them in. The bed was so soft and comfortable. A world of difference from the hard stone floor, and sometimes straw padding she was used to. It was luxurious actually. The heat between her legs was finally sated and fading and she sighed deeply in relief. She pressed back against Tamira and let herself be cuddled under the blankets. Warm and comforted...

Tamira squirmed as she was pressed up behind Dana, feeling the luscious rump pressed against her thighs. Damm... even after her recent climax and dose of cum she was STILL horny. The heat was dying down thankfully, she could FEEL her body relaxing, the NEED draining from her. She could also feel her wetness as she hugged her friend, and didn't resist as a dragon hand moved her own... her hand guided to cup one of Dana's breasts. She squeezed it willingly, softly, gently... lovingly. She let out a yawn, and felt Dana respond in turn. It made her giggle. She blinked in wonder that she could still laugh, even after all that had happened to her since her capture. Even after all that had simply happened in this bed, tonight. But that was part of it. Something wonderful HAD happened, and she held that something in her arms now, nuzzled into her neck. She didn't even mind that as she spooned Dana, Rahmor spooned her. Pressing against her, one leg possessively resting on top of both of hers and Dana's. Fingers tracing the side of her breast, hot breath on her neck and face. It wasn't terrible. Even when that tick, long cock pressed between her legs she only let out a sigh, lifting one leg to let it press upward. But instead of claiming her, it slid between them, once more giving her a 'dildo' that was now snugly nestled between her belly and Dana's back. She could feel Dana squirm a bit, then settle down. The hard cock pressed lengthwise against her was only mildly uncomfortable, the line of ridges along the top pressing firmly against sensitive spots. She had a LONG, exhausting day and she yawned again... and slowly drifted off to sleep. No... not so bad...

Rahmor ahhed softly, his cock nestled between two warm unicorn mares. He could take either, or both of them... his a shift of his hips and his cock would be in warm pussy. But not tonight. They needed more time to bond. To cement their place with each other. Under him. There would be time to fuck them both good and hard... they had the rest of their lives to serve him. He smiled and closed his eyes.