Alan's Story Chapter 10 - Steven

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#6 of Alan's Story

Alright, super slow release on this and this is just another filler chapter with a little bit of side adult showing thrown in. Enjoy! Getting to the juicy parts soon I hope.


A month and a half later, things hadn't much improved with the whole Nathan situation. His mother was having him watched at school and the teachers were reporting whenever he talked to me, which they were more than delighted to do since they got to torture Nathan a little bit more. The only thing I could do was stare after him with an ache in my chest.

We did manage to converse over facebook every night, since he spent so much of his time on his computer anyways his mom didn't take any notice and I didn't mind the brief messages in between games that he was playing.

It wasn't enough though. Every day we didn't see each other I grew more and more anxious about seeing him, and finally, when Christmas Break was coming, we managed to set up our first long term thing in a long while. His parents were going to go on a trip and Nathan was going to stay with his 'aunt' during the break, who was in on it as well.

Of course, having these plans in place, I was quite ready for Christmas Break, which meant that these last two days and then the full moon were going to be even longer and more torturous than usual. I sighed and kicked at my foot and then looked at the door as I opened it. "Mom!" I called out, "I'm home!"

I kicked off my shoes and hung my backpack and jacket on the coat rack before walking into the kitchen and seeing my mom sitting at the table with a little fox. "Hey there..." I said to the fox slowly when he said hi. I looked at my mom curiously and she smiled.

"This is your cousin Steven, Alan." She said, "He's seven, so he was born after you left, so you won't know him well at all."

"Ahh," I said, "I've seen him in pictures I think." I walked over and knelt down in front of him, smiling, "Hey little guy," I said, holding out my paw, "I'm Alan."

"Hi Alan," he said shyly, looking at my paw for a second before clutching his bag tighter to his chest.

I smiled briefly at his shyness and ruffled his head fur and looked at my mom for a second before saying, "Wanna go play video games little guy?"

That perked his ears up a bit, "What do you have?" he said, his tail flicking behind him a bit.

I grinned at him and said, "I've got a gamecube upstairs in my room... got Mario Kart and Mario Party and..."

"I wanna play Mario Kart!" he said, grinning up at me and I chuckled.

"Come on then cutie," I said with a grin, taking his paw and leading him upstairs.

He followed me with a little bit of hesitation, looking to my mom for her nod before he actually followed. I took him upstairs and sat him on my bed before kneeling at my TV and starting to set up the console. "Have you ever played before?" I asked him as I pawed him a controller.

He shook his head and said, "A few times, but my mommy and daddy won't let me play video games at home because they say they rot my brain."

"What?" I asked, rolling my eyes as I started a quick race to teach him how to play, "They don't rot your brain! That's just a story!"

The kit giggled and said, "I know it is! I know plenty of people who play video games and are just fine!"

I chuckled and ruffled the kit's head fur, pulling him against me I smiled and played the game with him. He won a lot of the races, which brought on a noogie every time he did, and after a few hours he was yawning widely. "Tired little guy?" I asked him.

Steven nodded and yawned again. "Yea," he said, smiling up at me. I picked him up and laid him down in my bed, pulling a blanket over him and tucking him in.

"Well then, go to sleep."I told him, ruffling his head fur and smiling.

"But I'm not in PJs." He said.

I kissed him on the cheek and said, "We won't worry about that tonight. You had a long trip today, just go to sleep."

He smiled up at me and when I reached to turn off the lamp he whimpered and said, "Can you leave it on please? I-I'm afraid of the dark."

I pulled my paw away and ruffled his head fur, nodding my head. "Ok cutie." I leaned down and kisses his forehead and said, "Good night."

"Good night!" He said, laying his head down on the pillow and curling up on his side.

I smiled and stroked his head for a second longer before turning and leaving, turning off the overhead light as I went and I walked downstairs to the kitchen, where my mother still was, reading a book. "Why is he here?" I asked her, sitting down.

She put her book off to the side and looked at me. "His parents were attacked by werewolves." She said straight out.

"Ok?" I asked, "I was bitten by a werewolf and I didn't have to be hospitalized except for a night."

My mother sighed and reached out, patting my paw. "Their cases are significantly worse sweetheart." She said, "They were bitten multiple times all over their bodies... their transformation schedule won't be the uniform once per month, they'll transform at completely random times throughout the month, and they don't necessarily transform for one night only."

I blinked a bit and looked down, saying, "Oh... so is he going to be staying here?"

She sighed and let her head drop, she sighed a bit and said, "No. I can't afford to support an extra kid on my own, and he'll be more expensive then both of you because he still needs to have yearly checkups, his dental work costs more, I'd have to order diapers for his bedwetting issue..."

"Bedwetting issue?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, "Crap... I just put him to sleep in my bed."

She chuckled and said, "Oh well, just let the poor kid sleep. If he wets the bed I'll clean it up."

"Poor kid," I mumbled, looking up towards the room, and my ears perked up a bit as an idea came to my head, "What if I get a job? To help pay for everything?"

She smiled at me and said, "That could work sweetheart. But it'd have to be a steady job, no possible work on week days, you'd have to put your nose to the grindstone and work."

I nodded my head and said, "Anything as long as he doesn't have to go to an orphanage."

"As long as who doesn't have to go to an orphanage?" Travis asked as he entered through the front door, dropping his backpack on the floor and walking in.

"Steven." I said, looking at him.

"Our cousin Steven? What happened?" he asked, making himself a glass of tea and sitting at the table.

My mother went back to explaining and I leaned back in my chair, closing my eyes and yawning. My mother eyed me up and down and said, "You better get some sleep. Tomorrow is the full moon and..."

"I know, mom, I know." I said, yawning again. I stood up and stretched, "I'll sleep on the couch tonight."

My mom smiled and opened her mouth and then there was a crash from my room and everyone rushed to it. I walked into my room first and saw Steven on the floor. I knelt down next to him and pulled the crying kit into my arms. "I-I fell off t-the bed." He cried into my chest, "I-I was trying to turn away from the lamp cause it's too bright."

I held him in my arms and rubbed his back, "It's alright buddy," I told him with a smile, "you're fine." I pressed my lips into the top of his head and smiled at him, rubbing his cheek with a smile. "Hey mom," I said, "do you know where I put my night light?"

She raised an eyebrow for a second and said, "I wasn't aware that you ever got rid of it."

I blushed a bit and stood up, walking over to my closet, "I've been trying to get over the dark for like, a month Mom." I rummaged through the junk in my closet and when I found the green tinted night light I smiled and walked over, replacing it where it had been above my bed and flipping it on. I turned off the lamp and looked at Steven, "Is that ok bud?"

He nodded his head and I smiled and ruffled his head fur before going over to my dresser and getting some pajama pants and a night shirt out of it and walked to the door, "Good night Alan." Steven said.

I smiled back at him and said, "Sweet dreams bud."

I waited for my brother and mother to leave the room before closing it gently behind me and walking towards the bathroom. Travis patted my back and said, "You're a good daddy bro."

I turned back and hit him on the shoulder, "Oh shut up."

He just laughed and walked into his room and I turned back and went to the bathroom where I promptly stripped and got into the shower. I leaned into the wall and turned on the water, letting the hot water flow over my body and through my fur. I murred in content as the water washed away all the tightness in my muscles. I sighed a bit in relief and got to thinking about Nathan.

I closed my eyes and smiled at the thought of finally having him over here again... over here and in my bed. My paw drifted down to my sheath where I began to rub myself slowly, teasing my cock tip out of my sheath. This is the first time I had ever fantasized about Nathan before, in a sexual way at least. I rubbed the pink tip of my cock and let out a little murr,

As I began to rub my cock with my paw, my paw slickened by a little bit of shampoo, I groaned Nathan's name out softly, panting as I leaned against the wall, supported completely by my head and my other paw rubbing my balls slowly. I let out a louder groan and started to stroke myself more furiously, my paw going faster and faster on my cock until it was practically a blur, the feel of my paw amazing since I hadn't felt it in so long.

I felt myself getting closer and closer as I stroked myself despite the fact that I just started, my knot growing larger steadily. I panted and groaned louder. "Ooh Nathan," I panted, fantasizing Nathan naked, in between my legs, that cute face of his covered in my seed...

I moaned loudly as I came, the thought of covering Nathan with my cum bringing me to an orgasm that had been building up for weeks. I panted as I rode it out, my cock spraying the seed into the bottom of the tub, the water washing it down the drain as it hit the bottom. I finished cumming, a smile on my face before I quickly washed myself, rubbing the shampoo into my fur and massaging my muscles as I did so, taking care to clean any excess seed off of my cock.

I sighed happily as I turned off the water, my eyes closing as I dried myself off and dressed into my pajamas, stretching in front of the sink before brushing my teeth thoroughly. I yawned as I left the bathroom, stepping into my room for a second to check on Steven who was sleeping soundly. I reached down and gently ran my paw over his head and smiled a bit before turning and leaving. The little guy was kinda cute.

I walked downstairs and stretched before plopping myself lazily on the couch where my mother had left out blankets and a pillow for me to use. I grabbed my laptop and powered it up, logging into facebook almost immediately and sighing a bit when I saw that Nathan wasn't on. I updated my status with: Met my cousin Steven today... poor little guy, feel so bad for him and his parents.

After this, I powered off my computer and laid down, resting my head on the pillow and sighing before closing my eyes. Two days until Christmas Break...


Comments, feedback, vote please, fav if ya like, etc ^_^ (Mostly the comments parts)

Alan's Story: Chapter 11 - Christmas Break

I woke up slowly, stretching my arms above my head and groaning a bit. The first thing I noticed was the gnawing at the inside of my stomach and I blinked twice, letting out a soft groan of pain. The second thing I noticed was a very delicious smell...

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Alan's Story Chapter 9

\*\* "She did what?" my mother screamed at me mere seconds later. She was angry. She had been angry from the first word and right now a feral snarl was on her face. I was afraid of her. "I swear to god I'll..." "Mom!" I said, putting my paws...

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Alan's Story - Chapter 8

Here you go! The next chapter. Hope you guys enjoy ^\_^ Also, this chapter is rather short. \*\* Later that night, I smiled at Nathan, leaning in and pressing my cheek to his gently as I placed my paws on his hips, swaying gently to the slow song...

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