Spawning Season, part 2

Story by chickenboy on SoFurry

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The second part.

Story (C) me.

Spawning Season, part 2

by Chickenboy

Kayla had been hiking for about a week, looking for the rendezvous site that her professor, Doctor Flynn, had told her to meet at. Kayla was one of Flynn's graduate students, about a year away from her master's degree in ichthyology. Dr. Flynn had convinced Kayla into helping her with her newest project and co-publish the results on her. It also helped that Kayla had a secret crush on the woman ever since she began studying with her, giving her even more motivation to go. Because Kayla just didn't have one of those minor crushes, she thought of Carry as the woman of her dreams. She was kind, caring, intelligent and strong, everything she admired. She had had relationships on and off through high school and college, but never found anyone who she wanted to be with more than Dr. Flynn.

The plan was that Carry would hike in two weeks before Kayla arrived. Dr. Flynn would spend her time monitoring the final days of the salmon run in the river system and they would both monitor the spawning of the local trout populations about a week after Kayla arrived. She flew into the small airstrip by a delivery plane, then set out following the route Carry had laid out for her. Heading up into the headwaters of the river system, Kayla had hoped to run into Dr. Flynn around the large lake the maps showed was in the area. As she hiked, however, she thought it strange that there was no sign of Carry anywhere. She expected to see various stream monitors set up along the bank, but saw nothing. Eventually Kayla came to what was obviously a campsite, but with the tent empty and the supplies still kept in a nearby tree. Kayla assumed that Carry had proceeded up to the lake. So tightening her backpack straps, Kayla proceeded upriver towards the lake.

After another day and a half of hiking, Kayla emerged from the woods to the glistening blue waters of the lake. The natural beauty was amazing, and she couldn't help but take a moment to enjoy the view. After a few minutes, however, Kayla turned and began walking along the shoreline, hoping to eventually run into Dr. Flynn. She spent most of the day following the shore, only to find no trace of her professor. As afternoon started to wear on, Kayla decided to pitch camp and relax for the rest of the day. Setting up her tent and storing her supplies quickly, she decided a good swim would be nice to wash off.

Striping off her clothes, Kayla waded into the cold water. The area she camped near had many large boulders along the shore and a short distance out into the lake, giving a bit of privacy. Not that it mattered much, being far removed from pretty much everywhere. As she bathed, though, Kayla couldn't help but feel someone was watching her from just out of sight.

Finishing up and turning to walk back towards shore, Kayla heard a splash from behind one of the larger rocks. Spinning around, trying to cover her nude body, all she saw was rippling water. Another splash to her side made her spin around, again seeing nothing but water and boulders. Yet another, behind her this time, made her spin so fast that she fell flat on her rear end. With a large splash, Kayla was now sitting in the shallows on the sandy bottom. As she wiped the water from her eyes, Kayla suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Glad you made it, Kayla." Said the voice.

"Dr. Flynn?" Kayla asked, darting her gaze around.

"In a matter of speaking." Carry replied, still hidden behind a rock.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Kayla.

With that a strange creature emerged from behind the rock, pulling itself through the shallows towards the startled young woman. It looked like some kind of fish, like if a giant salmon had its head removed and a human torso in its place, with the salmon face on top. It was clearly female from the scale-covered breasts on its front. The deep red and greenish-gray colors were a perfect match for a sockeye salmon. It moved to within arms length of Kayla then reclined on its side so its full length was showing.

"Well?" It said.

"Dr. Flynn is... is that you?" Kayla asked as she stared at the creature.

"Of course." The fish creature replied with a slight grin on the corners of her snout.

"H... How?" Kayla stammered, mouth hanging open.

"Well that's kind of an odd story." Carry said. She proceeded to tell her how the fish had penetrated her, transformed her body and caused her to spawn. Kayla, meanwhile, sat naked in the water utterly stupefied at the story. She was both a bit disturbed but also incredibly intrigued. And Kayla had to admit, Carry did look great, for a fish creature that is. The corves of her body were more streamlined, mingling with her lower body perfectly. It was a bit strange to look at, but amazing nonetheless.

"So after the spawning was finished," Carry continued, "I found this great spot on the far shore to kind of live at. Secluded, a nice hot spring right at the shore, and plenty of other fish that like to hang around there in case I need a snack."

"So you're... you're not freaked out at all by this?" Kayla asked.

"Well I was at first." Carry said as she reclined against a smaller rock. "Now the more time I spent like this, the more I started liking it. I feel great, I get to live in this beautiful area and I don't have a care in the world. Frankly now that I think about it, I don't think I was ever this happy in my old life. The way I see it, I've sort of become the ultimate ichthyologist."

"So you're not gonna go back I take it?" asked Kayla.

"Nope." Carry said bluntly.

"So what about me then?" Kayla asked.

"What do you mean about you?" Carry wondered.

"Well, now that I've seen you like this, what's going to happen?" the young woman inquired.

"I'm not some kind of movie monster, Kayla." Carry replied. "I'm not going to kill you for trying to leave. I also don't think you're going to exactly haul news crews out here."

"So you're just gonna let me leave?" Kayla asked. "Leave you here like this?"

"Sure, if you want." Answered carry. "Although..."

"Although what?" asked Kayla.

"Well," began Carry, "I knew you'd be out here eventually so I started thinking. The only thing I could really use up here is company, so I thought maybe you'd like to stay here with me."

"What!?" Kayla blurted out.

"Something to consider." Carry said. "I thought maybe you'd like to stay out here with me, given the circumstances."

"What circumstances?" asked Kayla.

"You really don't think all you're staring and helpfulness over the last couple years have gone unnoticed, have you?" Carry asked with a smirk. "Not to mention those nice flowers that mysteriously find their way onto my desk every month. I can tell you like me, and not just in one of those good friends ways. Hell, with all the late nights together in the library and the lab it's like we've been dating for two years already."

Kayla blushed, averting her gaze slightly. She was a bit surprised when Carry's webbed, scaly hand touched her cheek and turned her gaze back towards her.

"And frankly," Carry began, "I always liked you too."

With that she pressed her snout against Kayla's lips. Kayla didn't know what to think. She was kissing both the woman of her dreams and a strange fish-woman at the same time. Still, it felt amazingly good. She knew this was Carry, the woman she had her heart set on, and all she could do was go with the kiss.

"Dr. Flynn, I-" Kayla began.

"Please, just Carry now?" she replied.

"Carry," Kayla said smiling, "I do want to stay with you. I've wanted that since we first met. But, with you like, I mean, it's so strange."

"True this is probably a bit different from what you were expecting." Carry said looking over her body. "But I think we can make this work if a few changes are made."

"Changes?" Kayla asked.

"If you're willing." Carry said with a devious look. In an instant, Kayla got the message and grinned.

"Sounds kinky." Kayla said.

"Great fun too." Carry replied.

Sometime later, Carry, having ventured out into the lake, surfaced near where Kayla was sitting, having returned from the deeper part of the lake. While she was gone, Kayla had dug a small pool in the sand and ringed it with stones, creating a small enclosed basin of lake water.

"Did you find one?" Kayla asked.

"Yes I did." Carry replied. From out of the water she held up a fish roughly two feet long, covered in scales going from silver on the bottom to a dull green along the top with bands of pink running down its sides. Its sides, back, top of its head and the dorsal and tail fins were covered in dark spots. The animal was also lively, wriggling against Carry's grasp. "Meet Oncorhynchus mykiss, commonly known as-"

"The rainbow trout." Kayla said abruptly.

"Glad to see you remember you're classification." Carry said.

"You taught me well Dr. Oncorhynchus nerka." Kayla answered, Carry smiling back at her student.

"Now, you're sure you want to do this?" Carry asked as she placed the fish in the pool Kayla had dug, the stones keeping it from getting out.

"Absolutely." Kayla answered as she knelt in the water. She ran her hands over Carry's body, feeling the smooth, slick scales under her palms, making her excited for the changes to come.

"So what do we do first?"

Carry gave Kayla a little shove, knocking her onto her butt, sitting right at the water's edge. She gasped suddenly as she felt Kayla's cool, slick hand rubbing over her femsex. The fish-woman's hand glided over her nether lips, teasing and drawing excited moans out of the young woman. Carry worked Kayla into an excited haze, her juices starting to leak out and mingle with the water. Carry continued pleasuring the girl for several minutes, getting her to an excited and well lubed state.

When Carry finally stopped, she turned and dragged herself over to the pool. She quickly grabbed the trout, holding tightly against her chest as she slid back through the water to where Kayla sat panting. As she saw Carry approaching, Kayla lay back on the sand and spread her legs. Carry smiled as she came up right between Kayla's legs, seeing the girl waiting to receive the same changes that had transformed her.

"Are you ready?" Carry asked.

"Y... Yes." Kayla said between pants.

Carry held the trout by the head with one hand and used the other one to part Kayla's vaginal lips. Kayla gasped slightly as she felt the fish's cold head being lightly pressed against her crotch. Her muscles tensed at the sensation as the fish wriggled against its captors. Carry pressed slightly harder, the tip of the trout's snout entering Kayla's birth canal. Shivers ran up Kayla's spine and she let out a yelp as the fish suddenly got the message.

With a strong thrash of its tail the trout freed itself from Carry's webbed hand and buried its head in Kayla's cunt. Kayla's eyes went wide as the trout's head pushed in enough to become lodged as her muscles clamped around it. She was stretched incredibly wide, sensations of pleasure coursing through her body. The fish paused in its movements, giving her a few brief seconds to catch her breath. All too soon, though, the animal beat its tail fin, driving its head further inwards through her slick passage. Every few seconds another inch would work its way in as Kayla's muscles seemed to begin drawing it inwards. Soon Kayla could feel its snout pushing against her cervix, the widest part of its body stretching her to almost painful limits.

Carry watched anxiously as Kayla writhed in exotic sensations, remembering how good it felt when the salmon entered her. The fish's tail stuck out of Kayla's vagina, wriggling wildly as her hips bucked. Kayla could feel the pleasure building, quickly reaching its pinnacle. With a loud series of yells Kayla hit her climax, her vaginal muscles tensing around the intruder that pressed against the entrance to her womb. As her climax hit, her cervix gave way to the intruder and allowed the trout to push its nose into her uterus.

Carry smiled widely as the tail began to quickly vanish inside the woman's body. Kayla's mind had gone blank from the sensations, making her unaware of anything else that was going on. Carry felt her excitement building as the tailfins became flush with Kayla's crotch and then get pulled inside. She watched as Kayla's belly swelled with the fish moving completely inside her. She saw Kayla twitch as the fish moved within her, settling into its new home. She saw the woman's face smile slightly, her eyes fluttering shut as she passed out.

Kayla lay limply on the sand, her chest rising and falling as she breathed deeply. Her stomach looked like she was several months pregnant and her pussy still leaked fluids that dripped into the lake. Carry reached out, gently pulling Kayla into the water, resting her in the shallows. Carry placed a hand on her companion's stomach, feeling the movements of the animal inside her as it tried to settle into its confined surroundings. Over several minutes the movements became more and more subdued until they ceased altogether.

The two females laid in the cool shallows, Carry holding up the other woman while she slept. For about an hour neither of them moved, Carry wondering how long it would take for the change to start, or even if it would happen at all. Suddenly Kayla let out a load moan, drawing Carry's attention to her face.

Kayla's features seemed to start flowing, shifting into something different. All hair on her body receded, her ears melted into the sides of her head as her nose and moth pushed outwards. Her head flattened as her snout continued to form. Carry reached around Kayla's body, feeling a protrusion growing out right above her ass. Even as she felt it, the small tail rapidly grew longer and thicker. Kayla's hands and feet had become webbed and her snout was filled with sharp teeth. As the transformation progressed, Kayla's stomach began to deflate as its occupant became one with its host.

Carry was enthralled as she watched her former student go through the same changes she did. Her tail continued to grow until its was longer than the rest of her body. Her own cloaca formed, migrating down the tail as it grew in, taking its place where a fish's natural equipment would be. As the tail thickened, her legs dislocated with a loud pop. Gills formed on either side of her chest and fins tore through her skin all over her body. Her face finished forming, giving Kayla the complete head of a rainbow trout as her legs degenerated into a pair of pectoral fins. Her body structure quickly became a duplicate of Carry's, except for the species difference, more of a fishtaur than a mermaid type body structure. The last changes began as scales began to grow out of her skin. Within a few short moments Kayla was completely covered in them, giving her the color patterns of a rainbow trout.

As the changes ended Carry placed the new fish creature underwater, Kayla's gills instinctively beginning to take in water. As soon as she gulped her first breath of water Kayla's eyes opened and stared back at Carry through the surface. She sat up, coming face to face with the other fish woman. For a moment neither one did anything, but Kayla took the initiative and flung her arms around her companion. Carry, a bit stunned at first, returned the embrace, letting their slick bodies press gently against each other. Both women finally let out their emotions admitting how much they truly wanted on another. As the two let go of one another, Carry guided Kayla into the lake, both of them disappearing into its blue depths.

Time passed, Carry had spending the next few days showing Kayla around her new home and teaching her how to better control her body. They also spent much time lounging in the warm spring or on the beaches since their human nature allowed them to spend considerable time out of the water. Both of them had found a new sense of contentment they had never experienced, and loved every minute of it. After a couple of weeks, however, Kayla began to feel an internal drive and had begun consuming larger and larger amounts of food. When her time finally came, Carry accompanied her new mate up one of the local creeks.

The two had a tough journey up the shallow waterway, practically dragging themselves across the last few banks of gravels and boulders. They soon came to a section of the streams where the channel was deeper and the water calm, shaded by trees along the bank. The water was absolutely filled with other trout, all vying for space in this serene setting. Kayla, by instinct, used her tail to arrange gravel in the stream bottom. The two slept that night under the cool surface, Kayla waking the next morning with a start as all the other fish begin to swarm.

Kayla felt muscle contractions inside her lower body, becoming stronger as time went on. Kayla lay her lower fish body in the gravel bowl she had created, readying for what she knew was coming. Carry hugged Kayla as one last contraction hit, a shiver running through her body as her eggs began to pour out. First hundreds, then thousands, then tens and hundreds of thousands of small, perfectly formed eggs were deposited in her nest. Dozens of male trout swarmed around the laying female, releasing their sperm and fertilizing Kayla's amazingly sizeable brood.

All the while, Kayla was lost in pleasure with occasional slight blips of pain as more contractions hit. Her ovaries, far larger and productive than any other trout, kept Kayla laying for several hours as the hundreds of other fish did their own spawning rituals around them. As morning turned to afternoon, Kayla's laying finally subsided, the girl regaining control of her senses as the spawning instinct dissipated. As Carry held her close, Kayla motioned for them to surface. Both females came to the surface, swimming over and hauling themselves onto the sandy bank.

"Did that..." Kayla stammered, "really just happen?"

"Yes it did." Carry replied. "Congratulations. You're a mommy now, or will be when those frys hatch."

"And so are you." Kayla added cheerfully. "Was it this intense when you spawned?"

"Mm-hmm." Carry hummed, nodding her head.

"Wow." Was all Kayla could say.

"Yeah." Her mate replied. "Come on, you need to rest and eat. Let's get back to the lake."

"But, the eggs will-" Kayla started to say.

"Will be fine." Carry answered. "Nothing to do now but let nature take its course."

The two fish creatures made their ways back downstream to the lake, feeding, playing, and finally retiring to the lukewarm water near the hot spring. Falling asleep in each other's scaly arms, both of them were happy and anxious. They both celebrated the start of their new lives and eagerly awaited for the eggs to hatch in the next few months.

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