Mimic settled down again and told cole the goal; he would even get a fish or two. after about 2 hours of this, they had 2 large fish, 3 medium sized and 8 little ones in the bucket.
In truth, the fish is a lot lower in the water than it seems." "fine, you win!" the male growled, his head drooping in defeat. "i'll admit it: you are a better hunter of fish than me." "oh, solis!"
I can see the whole room from where I'm standing. Subdued pop music plays from hidden speakers as people mill about, talking and laughing and socializing. All while I watch from my little corner, back against the wall. I wish I could...
Adaro -- The Wrong Lake
You sniff out fishing sites with that keen sense of yours, and i keep track of where we fish, so we don't overuse the best areas. we split the spoils."
Fish in the Clouds
fish nodded before ozone put the goggles on her head. "are they okay," she said gently. "they're fi...." fish squeaked as stratus stood up and took off in one swift motion.
Fish in the Loch
Heh...guess ah do taste like fish fer ye ah guess...mmmmm...ohhh aye lick doon there, thass good..."
Another Fish
The Sixty Hour New Years Party of Dorm 7 showed no signs of stopping. Students and non students alike partied their hearts out, as if they had all chosen "no more partying" as a new years resolution. A DJ in the corner blasted out party tunes for...
Gone Fishing
Jon-tom was sitting on the shoreline, watching the dim outlines of the fishing fleetnestled along the horizon. he figured that was where the fish were, but he hadno desire to spook the normally superstitious sailors with his unwarrantedpresence.
Feeding the Fish
Gingerly, with light and sound returning, the boar picked up the small fish, gently carrying his greatly diminished form over to the glass of water.
Gone Fishing
# gone fishing. by rui lil'sid it was a nice day to be out fishing and that was exactly what ken, a 36 year old fox, was doing. finally the weekend arrived.
Fish and Bird
#1 of fish and bird more old work that i'm kinda proud of.
The Worm and the Fish
As the worm dangled on the end of his line, the fisherman became frustrated that none of the fish were biting, and began to curse the worm for being lousy bait. "stupid worm", he said, "wriggling around like that and warning all the fish away.