The way she hunted me

Story by vulpes noctis on SoFurry

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this is my first fan fiction, and its a prologue for things to come :) please give feedback

Life can be confusing sometimes, especially for a teenager. My name is Aaron and I live a stressful life, not because I'm a high school senior or because I have too much to do like normal people. It's because I'm a minority, not your typical one like "I'm Spanish" or "I'm black"........ Well technically I am black, but that's not what I mean.

I'm an Anthromorph, to those of you that don't know, that's the politically correct way of saying "Furry". Not the kind that wears the suits, I like you all, but I mean my Dad is a human............ and well, mom's a bitch...... the literal kind. Yeah, I know, Dad had some explaining to do when they started teaching about sex in school....... but I guess it's not too weird considering there are more like me, and thank god im more man then wolf....... that would have been a problem when I was younger........ Parents don't usually like bite marks on their kids.

Though my problem didn't start when I was a kid, as a pup I was adored. After all, what kid can resist petting a puppy type person? No, the problems started when I was in middle school, I matured faster...... plus I was part wolf, so I wasn't allowed to play sports with the other kids my age.

Things got a bit worse in high school, I didn't make many friends.......... because the fact that I have razor sharp teeth and claw-like fingernails (I try to keep clipped) sort of turn people away. But so far I've managed to make a few friends, 1 human and 2 furry. The humans name is nick; he's very supportive and doesn't really judge me because I'm a wolf........ Plus he seems to be curious about what makes me..... Me. The other 2 are Thomas and Charlie, twin German Shepards, they aren't the smartest, but they are very loyal..... I guess they get that from their dad.

But enough about my childhood, this is supposed to be about HER......The day we met was a normal one. I was walking with nick to math, he's always been a curious human, but I didn't mind much. At that point he was using his favorite test on me "what did I eat" ..... Which has always been easy, like it or not, for my canine nose..... But I humored him. I pretended to strain my nose while sniffing the air and I squinted, maybe pretending a bit too much. There it was, plain as day, steak and mash potatoes..........and what was that....... vanilla?

Suddenly I was on my back with what I could only conceive as a ball of fur, vanilla and giggles.

"GOT YOU!" cried the ball of fur

"Um...... yes you have.... who're you?" I said more the a bit surprised, while having to fight the instinct to fight back..... Before suddenly realizing the furry mass on me at the moment was in fact a vixen and a cute one at that....

"Oh shit!" she said "I'm so sorry, I saw the blue on your tail and I thought you were my friend Rachel!"

"So I look like a girl?" I said teasingly "and you were looking at my ass..."

A streak of red went across the vixens white muzzle, clearly embarrassed about being caught

"Um.... yeah, I guess I was..." she said

"..... And you're still laying all over me in the middle of the hall" I said.... still very confused about the situation

By now quite the crowd had shown up, and everyone was watching.

The vixens' mood suddenly changed and she looked teasingly at me

"From what I'm feeling it doesn't seem like you're minding" she said gesturing downward, her tail twitching back and forth a bit.

At this point I decided it was time to get up, we picked up our stuff quickly, disengaging before there was a problem with the teachers.

"My name is Mary by the way" she smiled and handed me a piece of paper which I opened quickly. While I looked at the paper I felt the fur of her tail run down the back of my leg and then the feeling of a kiss on my cheek, when I looked up I saw her walking away, making a show of how her hips swung as she walked.

"GET SOME!" one random stranger yelled, as another whistled (ironically) the wolf whistle

"What was that?!" nick said, as confused as I was

"I think I was asked out..." I responded

"....... You know there are no furriers at this school named Rachel right?" nick replied

I felt a sudden mix of confusion and pleasure at the same time.......... I'd been played....... and I liked it

"Then I guess I've been hunted........"

END prologue