Don and Quinn Space Love

Story by David G. on SoFurry

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D-Q Space Love 10-2004







--David G.

[email protected]'


Don and Quinn, space love

As Don reads his book, the hum of the plasma engines were a

constant reminder that he was not at home, but a few hundred

light years away from where he wanted to be. Don was a dreamer,

not a fighter, and the only job in the service that kept him away

from most of the action was being part of the engine crew for a

carrier ship. The work was not hard for him, for he was quite

intelligent and had a lot of common sense to back him up.

Don never grew tired of reading how his Great Grandfathers,

four generations ago, fell in love with each other. A husky named

Don and a mountain lion named Quinn. The book also detailed other

stories of their lives together. Like the one where they adopted

a young pup who grew up and married.

He also considered it a complement that he was named after

both of his Grandfathers. The only time he didn't like hearing

his full name, Donald Quinn Ballet, was when his mother used it,

because that only meant he was in trouble.

The other thing he enjoyed about the book were the

illustrations. They were drawn by one of Quinn's friends named

Abe, who preferred the nickname Karabiner. The artwork he created

was so impressive, so detailed you almost forgot they were drawings

and not photographs. Don's biggest disappointment was after his grand-

father handed control of the book to their first grandpup; she never

really kept up with the artwork or photographs and the cycle continued

from that point on so Don had very little idea of what his past relatives

looked like.

Being lost in thought, the little husky never heard the soft

steps of the fur that was coming up behind him. All he felt

was his chair being pulled back. The shock of this caused him to

drop his book, as he kicked out his legs hoping to stop his fall.

He gave out a yelp and closed his eyes in anticipation of his

body hitting the floor, but it never happened. Slowly he opened

his eyes and saw Kit looking down at him.

In a demeaning tone the brown bear moaned, "You are such a

wuss. What if I was one of the enemy, I could have slit your

throat, and taken over the ship."

"Fine, I'm dead. Now the ship is yours," Don replied

sarcastically. "But the next time you capture the ship, do it on

time, I should be having my dinner by now."

As Don made his way to the chow hall, he always walked

through the exercise room enjoying the view of all the large

males who were working out. He also daydreamed of finding his

life mate in there, the same way his true namesakes found each other.

Ninety percent of the ship was male, and seven-five percent

of them were immense, muscle bound, warriors and fighter pilots,

and it did not take Don long to notice the one commonality they

all shared. All these males seemed overly well endowed for some

reason, which Don had no qualms about.

Don never used the workout room when it was full of these

magnificent works of the male form. Though he was a good-looking

husky with striking pure white and ebony fur, he felt somewhat

deficient by the other males with his average build and what he

considered his slightly smaller then normal male organ. After

getting his eye fill of these massive males he continued for

the chow hall.

After dinner he headed to his room and changed clothes. Back

at the exercise room Don peeked in and saw only a few furs

working out, and most of them were the ship's crew.

'Good time for a workout.' He thought to himself.

After his shower Don was still feeling buff after his

little workout. So he stood in front of the mirror looking

at himself. He flexed his muscles; and even after two year

of working out he gave out a sigh for there was very little

change in his slender appearance. His eyes then dropped and

he looked at his crotch, then back at himself.

In a sorrowful tone he said to his reflection. "Donald,

you have the brains but not the bronze, and even less of what

you really want."

The cold voice of the room's computer interrupted his

thoughts with his nightly reminder. "Time for your sleep cycle

Crewman Ballet."

As the port hatch closed behind him, Don found himself

walking through the workout room. The room was empty except for

one lone fur at the far end of the room, bench-pressing a gravity

bar. Don stared at the well-built fur as he slowly made his way

across the room.

Some of the workout equipment obscured his view, so the

little husky had no idea who the other fur was. As he approached

he noticed the furs shorts fit extremely tight, and while straining

to lift the bar, it seemed that every fiber on the shorts were

ready to brake free.

Once he had a clear view of the well-formed bulge of the fur,

Don's wish came true. The fur's shorts could not hold out against

the extreme pressure as every muscle in the furs body extended

and strained beneath the weight. The center seam on the furs

shorts broke free splitting his shorts right in half. Don's

eyes stayed glued to the fur's crotch as he took in the

wondrous sight.

Without even a thought, Don's tongue gingerly slipped along

his thin lips as he looked at a perfect pair of oval orbs

attached just beneath the most beautiful sheath he had ever seen.

The fur on the other hand quickly shut off the gravity bar

and let it drop to the floor. It was only then that Don shifted

his gaze to look the fur in the face, but what he saw was totally


The fur's mouth quickly opened obscuring his facial features

and a loud obscene noise came bellowing out, quickly followed by

the fur saying. "Time to wake up Crewman Ballet."

Shocked at the strange site the husky quickly turned to run

away, but found himself pressed up against the wall, which felt

soft too the touch. The other fur again gave out another obnoxious

sound, which made Don gasp in horror.

Don in an attempted to flee, pushed himself away from the

wall, but to his surprise, all it did was force him to sit up in

bed. Heart pounding and breathing heavy, Don's fuzzy mind started

to clear and he realized he just had the strangest dream.

Once again he was startled as the computer sounded an alarm

and stated. "Time to wake up Crewman Ballet."

"I'm up, already. Now shut up!" Don growled at the computer.

"Stupid thing, waking me up right at the best part of my dream."

After giving himself his morning scratch he got up and

walked over to his closet. Dressing was a no brainier, since all his

work clothes looked exactly the same. After strapping on his boots,

he headed out to get some breakfast.

Halfway to the chow hall he remembered he left his book in

his room. Quickly turning around he headed back in a rush and

just as he rounded the corner he ran into another fur.

"Whoa! Slow down there pup. We're not in battle mode."

Don regained his footing and looked up at the fur. "Sorry,

it's just... I... wasn't," his words drifted off as he found

himself staring at an extremely handsome raccoon.

"Something wrong Mr. Ballet?"

It finally sank in that he was almost muzzle-to-muzzle with

Anton Wheeler, second in command of the ship.

"Ah, no Sir. Nothings wrong. I was just in a bit of a rush. I

left something in my room."

With a flicker of a smile Anton said. "I see.., Well in the

future I would prefer if you walked. It would be safer for all of


"Yes Sir."

The handsome raccoon gave Don a little smile before walking

off. The smile weakened Don's knees and he almost forgot why he

was there. When his thoughts straightened out, the first thing he

did was peek around the corner to get one last glimpse of the


Don knew there was nothing wrong with being attracted to

another of the same gender, and if he was back on home world, he

might even have a mate by now. But here abroad this carrier

filled with very macho type males, he thought it would be better

for himself just to keep quite about his preferences. Besides he

received enough harassment from Kit.

After breakfast, he headed for engineering by way of the

workout room. As he passed through he again casually glanced around

getting an eye full of the best looking males. His eyes fixed on

the last fur in the room, which was Commander Wheeler.

Don slowed his gait, stretching out the time he had to watch

the gorgeous coon. He watched as the raccoon lied down on the

weight bench. Once Anton picked up the gravity bar, Don had

visions of dream dancing in his head.

Anton turned the power on and the bar was drawn to his chest

with only a mere hundred pounds of pressure. The coon used his

thumb to increase the pull to one hundred seventy-five pounds to

warm up. He then changed the settings, first, two hundred and

fifty, then three fifty, then up to a muscle straining four

hundred pounds.

Don's watched as the raccoon's muscles strained as he lifted

the bar. The husky held his breath as if he was trying to

help Anton lift. As the raccoon reached the peak of his stretch,

he spread his legs, and without hesitation, Don's eyes quickly

shifted in hopes that he might see a bit more of the coon.

Unfortunately Anton's shorts were custom made and gave with his

body showing no signs of any seam splitting.

"Impressive, huh."

Don almost jumped out of his fur as he heard the voice and

felt a paw land on his shoulder. He quickly turned his head to

find Kit standing next to him.

In a relieved tone Don said. "Oh, it's only you. Hey

shouldn't you be in sleep mode?"

"I'm not worried about it. It's not like I have to show up

to work on time."

"Very funny, fur for brains." Don replied in a biting tone.

"And speaking of getting to work on time, you have only five

minutes to get to engineering." Kit replied.

Don's eyes grew as he glanced at the time. Lucky for him he

knew a short cut through an access tunnel down the hall.

The poor grison on duty jumped back when the panel by his

legs fell off the wall and Don came crawling out.

The husky looked up and smiled as he said. "Just checking

things from the inside out."

The grison showed no signs of being impressed, as he shook

his head and walked out.

Don laid there and for the first time noticed just what a

nice view he had from his spot as the mustelids tail swayed from

side to side teasing him with just little glimpses of his

crescent shaped rear.

Don's first duty was to do a systems check. When done

property it could take up to five hours. But Don being the

cleaver husky he was created a program to do the job in only

three hours. Using his extra time to do a bit of daydreaming as

he read his book.

Just before shift change, Don decided to get back at Kit for

some of his practical jokes. So he hid behind a supply cabinet by

the door.

After hearing the familiar sound of door opening, he counted

to three before jumping out . He wrapped his arms around Kit's

waist and yelled out. "Gotcha!"

The second after grabbing his shipmate, Don noticed

something was wrong. The tail that protruded from the back of the

suit was not short, brown and fuzzy. This one was long and

slender, light gray with black strips.

The next second Don had the feeling of flight, which was

confirmed when his body came back down hitting the floor. He

blinked his eyes a couple of times just to get them to focus on

the large figure that loomed over him. His heart sank when he

recognized Commander Wheeler, and the large raccoon did not look


Anton growled, "Before I have you arrested, you have ten

seconds to explain why you just attacked me."

"Sorry Sir.. It's.. Ah.. It's just.. Ah, training. Yea

that's it, training. You see Sir; sometimes Mr. Baker tries to

sneak up on me, simulating an enemy attack, and sometimes I set a

trap for him. It helps too keep us on our toes, or in this case,

on my back." Don then tried giving Anton an innocent look as he

finished with, "Please forgive me Sir."

Anton offered up his paw, and as he did he spoke in a stern

voice. "Mr. Ballet, I suggest the next time you do something

like this, you make damn sure whom you are attacking."

Just then the door to engineering opened and Kit came

sauntering into the room. "Tell you what Donny-boy, there is

nothing like getting an extra 10 minutes of sleep in--.." The

rest of Kit's sentence choked up in his throat as soon as he saw

who was standing next to Don.

Anton walked up to Kit and glared at him. "Mr. Baker,

consider yourself on report for being late to your post. And in

the future, don't be surprised if I come down here to check to

see if you make it here on time."

Kit snapped to attention as he said, "Yes Sir."

Anton then turned and looked at Don. "Get your evening meal,

then report to your quarter's for the rest of this cycle. I'll

come by and let you know what the punishment will be for your


Kit looked at Don and once they were alone, he asked in a

shocked tone. "Just what did you do!?"

"I'd rather not talk about it." The depressed canine replied

as he walked out.

Don sat quietly in his room reading his book and wishing the

commander stayed too busy to stop by. But as with most of Don's

wishes, this didn't come true as the computer let him know some

fur was requesting to enter

Knowing there was no avoiding the inevitable Don stood up

and moved over to the door. His heart sank and he started feel

sick just before saying, "Open".

All he saw was a flash of gray and black, before finding

himself on his knees, with one of the intruder's arm's locking

his arms back and another arm around his neck with a grip on the

back of his head fur.

The warm breath of the aggressor flowed by his ear. "That's

the way you subdue the enemy. Now all I would need to do is let

my paw slip around and as I grabbed your muzzle I'd pull hard and

snap your neck."

Don recognized the low rumble that was Anton's voice. Now

with most of his airflow cut off he could only respond in a

strained tone. "Yes Sir, and may I say, I'm quite impressed with

your moves."

"And I was a flattered when I saw you in the workout room."

Anton replied.

Confused Don asked. "Excuse me Sir. Just what do you mean by


"In the weight room, I noticed you checking me out." The

large raccoon answered.

Don felt his ears warming, a sign he was becoming


Anton then added. "I tried making eye contact, but you were

busy looking somewhere else."

Don was now so embarrassed he felt his ears would surely

burst into flame.

"When I figured out where you were looking, I moved my legs

apart to give you a better view. But I knew my shorts fit so

well, that you most likely didn't get a chance to see anything

worth while."

Don emotions were torn, on one paw he was terrified that the

commander knew where he was looking, and on the other, he was

excited at the fact that the handsome coon tried to give him a

better view.

Anton stood up and as he offered a paw to Don he asked.

"Are you still curious?"

As Don's mouth went dry, and he barely squeeked out the words,

"Yes Sir."

Anton moved in close and warped his muscular arms around the

trembling husky. Don didn't even realize that just before they

shared their first kiss, he muttered the word, "Bed."

The couch folded up into the wall and from the floor rose

his bed. Don was in canine bliss as the raccoon lad him down, and

even before his thoughts could clear, Don found himself lying

there in nothing but his underwear.

As strong as Anton was, Don was amazed at just how gentle

the coon could be, as he softly caressed the husky's hips while

working his paws into the waistband of his underwear.

Once Don was fully exposed, Anton removed his shirt exposing

his muscular chest. Don licked his thin lips as he continued to

watch the show unfold before him.

Anton unzipped his pants allowing them to slip partially

down, snagging low, gapping in a most inviting way. He reached

behind himself and unhooked his tail flap allowing his pants to

gently fall off his slender hips. At that moment mere words could

not express the pleasure Don received from viewing the raccoon's

exquisite form.

Anton was down to his underwear when he knelt before the

husky and lowered his head to Don's crotch. The raccoon slid

his paws up the husky's inner thighs, sliding them outward at

the last second only letting his thumbs to graze over Don's

furry sac ever so gently before resting his paws on top of Don's


Don's body trembled as he battled two separate feelings.

Part of him wished the raccoon would make un-regretful love to

him, while his other half was enjoying Anton's gentle touch.

Anton put an end to Don's emotional conflict as his tongue

slid along the length of the husky's shaft. A shiver ran through

Don's body as all his nerves tingled with delight and he felt his

senses soar higher then ever before. Don never wanted to move

again, all he wanted was to absorb the soothing heat of Anton's

tongue on his exposed skin until it reached deep into him

touching his very soul. Don arched his back and gave out a soft

moan as he gave into the feeling of being laved.

Without warning Anton placed his hands under the husky's

legs and lifted. Now with his knees pointing to the ceiling, Don

knew what was coming next, and he clutched at the sheet that

covered his bed.

Anton maneuvered his body, placing himself in line with the

husky. Don relaxed as he felt the coon's shaft press up against

his tail hole. The husky drew in a deep breath as Anton pushed his

heated shaft into his warm cavity. Don waited for the hard

pressure of being impaled to turn into a pleasurable feeling, but

the coon was not willing to wait.

Anton started with a hard steady rocking motion, which soon

sped up and all Don could do was hold on. The large coon pressed

his body hard up against Don with each forward thrust, which

Don met by rolling his hips upward just a bit. That subtle move

placed the husky's shaft right up against Anton's stomach as he

pushed in, giving Don the feeling his maleness was being stroked

by a furry glove, which at the time was Don's only true pleasure.

Anton's breathing started to become shallow and his muscles

begin to tighten up. He tried to prolong his enjoyment but the

feeling of the husky's body swathing his shaft in its heat only

caused the coon to push even harder.

As control gave way to pleasure, Anton's inner-dam broke and

his seed was released deep into the husky's body. With each

thrust another ribbon of raccoons hot white liquid coated the

inside depths of the husky.

As Anton rhythm slowed, Don slipped his paw in between them

and began pawing himself. He was already so close to his own

inevitable climax it didn't take long before he gave out a moan

of pleasure, as his canine seed sprayed out, coating both

their stomach's.

After a few more half-hearted pushes, Anton collapsed onto

the husky trapping the heat between them.

Breathlessly Don whispered, "That was great." He turned his

head to look up at Anton. "Will I have to try and tackle you

again to get this kind of attention, ah, punishment?"

"I think it would be safer for you if we just set up a

schedule to meet." The raccoon chuckled.

"Yeah, that would be safer, but not as much fun."

After cleaning themselves up, Don was hoping they would

change places and it would be his turn to mount the coon.

Howevere he realized that was not going to happen as soon as

he walked out of the lavatory and found Anton putting back

on his clothes.

Anton had just redressed himself when the hollow voice of

the ship's computer called out. "Commander Anton, please report

to the bridge immediately."

Anton flashed Don one last smile as he hurriedly departed,

leaving Don standing there like some kind of lovesick puppy

remembering the coon's handsome face and gorgeous green eyes.

After giving out a little sigh, Don whispered, "I just know

this will turn into something so special, I'll be able to write

about him in the family book."

When he finally gathered his thoughts together he readied

himself for bed still caring the smile on his muzzle. He just

crawled into bed when he was unceremoniously tossed across

the room.

With the sound of an explosion still ringing in his ears, he

barely managed to hear the order being given out over the


"All crew members report to your stations. This is a level

four alert."

Fear washed over his body like the cold of space as Don

thought. 'Oh crap! A level four alert. That means we're under


Again his body was thrown to the floor as another explosion

rocked the ship. He covered his head as some small objects in his

room rained down upon him.

Once the ship steady itself, Don wasted no time in getting

into his emergency suite. Once dressed he ran out of his room,

but in his panic state he left his book behind.

Half way to engineering, his route was block by a hull

breach so he was forced to turn around and take another route.

Almost at his station he was stopped again by a large amount of

debris, which filled the hallway. He then remembered the small

access port and headed for it.

He quickly made his way through the winding passageway to

engineering. Almost there he came to a small passage door that

was sealed. He knew the doors were only activated when there is a

breach in the ship's hull, after sealing himself off from the

rest of the ship he was able to override the locking mechanism on

the door.

Pushing open the small panel he crawled into engineering.

Sparks rained down around him as he stood up and looked around in

total shock. He took a few steps forward and gasped as he stared

at a huge hole in the back wall, which allowed him to look out

into the vastness of space.

He was glad the emergency shields were holding, but he knew

they would not last long without a good source of power. He

turned around and spotted the large cabinet that use to be up

against the back wall. The next thing he spotted were Kit's


"Oh no Kit!" Don cried out as he rushed over to move the

cabinet off the trapped bear.

He strained to get the large cabinet to move, and just

before giving up he felt it shift. That little movement gave him

the encouragement to keep pushing.

Once the cabinet gave way and rolled over, Don stood there

looking down at what remained of the bear, and the grison. Even

the little voice inside his head sounded like it was crying as he

thought. 'Shift change, it happened at shift change.'

He wanted to be sick, but his training took over and he

slowly made his way to the computer console. He assessed the

damage and began making some quick repairs. When he made the last

connection, the first voice he heard over the intercom was


"Who's in engineering?"

Don closed his eyes and smiled as the commander's stable voice

helped him to temporally forget his problems.

"It's me Commander, Mr. Ballet."

"Nice to here your voice Ballet. Is it you we have to thank

for getting us back up on line, or do you have company?"

"Just me Sir. I have bad news. Mr. Kit and Mr. Turner are,"

swallowing hard he finished his sentence, "there're dead."

"Sorry to hear that Ballet, but that means everything now is

on your shoulders. You're going to have to show me just how good

you really are. First I need a damage report on our engines? The

readings I have are all over the board."

"Port engine is running at fifty percent. Starboard engine,"

Don glanced over his shoulder and gave out a sigh. "We don't have

one. That I'm sure of because I'm looking out through a rather

large hole down here. I'm just glad that the ships emergency shields

are working."

Don froze as the ship creaked, as if it was moaning from its


"Can you do something about giving the bridge control of the

port engine? We show the unit is there but its not responding to

any of our commands."

Don started working on the problem as he spoke. "I'll try to

redirect the---"

The husky was unable to finish his sentence as another hard

blast rocked the ship sending it into a slow spin. Don picked

himself up and realized he was just inches away from the opening

in the hull.

Panicked he scrambled across the floor trying to put as much

distance between him and the void of space. When he pulled

himself up to the console the first thing he did was to put on a

space helmet, and connected himself to an oxygen lead.

"Commander?" With no response Don began to worry. "Are you

there?" His blood ran cold and he cried out, "Is anyone there?!"

Don's heart jarred in his chest as the sepulchral tone of

the computer's voice bellowed out another command.

"The integrity of this vessel has been compromised beyond

safety perimeters. All personal report to evacuation pods."

Don ran to the first door and waited for it to open, but it

stayed closed. He then turned and ran over to the second door and

waited again.

His body as well as his voice quivered as he softly said,

"Please open."

When his plea went unanswered he knew his only hope for

except was the small crawl space under the console. He crawled

about twenty feet, before he found his last vestige of retreat


Back in engineering he slowly walked over and stared out the

large gaping hole. 'It's so beautiful out there in space, and so

deadly.' He thought, as there was nothing he could do now but

wait for the ship to explode.

He then saw one of the enemy's small attack ships lining

itself up for another shot. Don could clearly tell that the

engineering department was his target.

"Well at least my end will come fast." He softly said as he

watched the small portals under the nose of the little ship start

to glow.

Just then a laser blast hit the small ship blowing it into a

pieces. Even though the resulting explosion knocked him back on

his rump, Don gleefully cheered, but his cheer quickly turned

into a scream as he realized a large piece of the enemy's ship was

now heading right for him.

Simple instinctive reaction caused him to turn and run to

the other end of the room, and as the two ships collided he was

tossed about once again.

He remembered the room going dark as most of the power shut

down, then a brilliant flash of light, followed by his body

hitting the deck at a high rate of speed.

Once his head cleared he slowly opened his eyes and smiled

realizing he was still alive, and better yet, in one piece. However he

wasn't quite sure what to make of the vast nothingness before

him. He wanted to push on something to help him sit up, but as

his paws grasped at nothing and he began to feel sick.

He finally twisted his body around and watched as the ship

that he was once in, finished breaking into several large pieces.

Now able to see what was going on and the fact his plight seemed

hopeless, he started to shed a tear.

As he was ready to give up all hope, just before he spotted an

evacuation pod. However his excitement was cut short as his

attention was drawn to a small battle between two fighters. A few

shots were exchanged and with a small bright flash of light it

was over.

"Who won?" he asked himself as he watched one of the

fighter's head his way.

When the fighter was close enough he knew it wasn't one of

his. He watched as the small portals under the nose of the ship

started to glow. He looked at the ship then at the pod. He could

see a couple of his shipmates looking out of the little window.

Then, as if it would help, they moved back trying to move away

from the porthole. Don screamed out, "NO!" as a laser blast made

the pod vanish right before his eyes.

The enemy ship started slowly moving around. Don knew the

pilot was looking for more pods or other things that might hold

life. The heartless enemy blasted two of the larger pieces of his

now dead ship, confirming his suspicions.

Don lowered himself behind a panel to hide, and just as he

peeked out to see where the enemy ship was, he saw it take off at

a high rate of speed. Don turned his head to look for the ship

when a flash of light blinded him. He blinked a few times and

when his eyes finally refocused, he saw the fighter coming back.

Taking shelter behind the panel he was clinging to, Don

waited for the ship to fly by. What he wasn't expecting was to

hear voice over his headset.

"You can't hide there for long. You'll run out of air."

Don reluctantly peered over the panel. His eyes widened as

he quickly recognized the paint job and emblem on the fighter.

His eyes shifted and he saw the fighter number. He smiled as he

read the number zero, zero, two. His smile grew even more as the

blast shield on the fighter lowered revealing Commander Wheeler

siting in the pilot seat.

"So what's a nice fur like you, doing in a place like this?"

The raccoon asked.

Jokingly Don responded. "Oh, I just decided to check out the

area. I am looking for some nice property, say a small ranch

house with a fishing pond near by. Have you seen anything like

that around here?"

"If I find one, you'll be the first to know. But on a

serious note, how is your air supply?"

Don looked at the bank of digital gages on his suite and

answered. "Half hour."

Anton knew that might not be long enough, so to keep Don

busy while he thought of something, he gave the husky a job to


"I want you to search every piece of debris you can get you

paws on, and see if you can find any useful items. I'm going to

fly around to see if any other furs are floating about. While doing

that I'll send out a distress signal. So they'll know there are

surveyors in the area."

Anton quickly stopped talking and looked down to his gages.

He then whispered. "Looks like we have company, and its the

uninvited kind, so no more talking. I'll be right back."

Don smiled and gave Anton a salute just before raccoon flew

away. Don wanted to watch to see how many enemy fighters were in

the area, but they were still so far away he couldn't see

anything but tiny specks of light.

Switching his train of thought Don started looking around as

he was ordered. He decided to start with the piece he was

clinging to. It had some exposed pipes attached to it, so he knew

it came from the lower section of the ship. Any other real

markings were smudge and scrapped beyond recognition.

'The other side might give me a better clue.' He thought as

he floated over the piece. He gave out a gasp once he saw the

other side.

He instantly recognized the changing room from the main

flight deck. He looked at the only flight suit that was still

attached to its hanger. The name on the tag read Captain Taylor.

"So captain where were you when all this happened?" Don

asked the empty suite.

His gaze shifted lower and he spotted some containers

attached to the panel. Don pulled one loose and read that the

container held one hour of air under optimal conditions. Don

removed all the little containers and attached them to his suite.

As he strapped on the last one, an enemy ship came flying

by. It was followed closely by Anton's craft, which was followed

by two more enemy fighters.

Don watched the little specks of light moving in the

distance. From his point of view it really didn't look that bad,

but he knew Anton's life, as well as his own, hung in the


There were a couple of large flashes that obscured his

view, but as soon as the light faded all Don could see were two

small lights dancing in the distance. He knew Anton had somehow

managed to destroy two of the enemy ships, which made him smile.

The little lights started to grow, which meant the battle

was heading his way. He watched for as long as he could before

taking cover behind the panel. As he settled in he notice it was

becoming hard to breathe. He checked his oxygen supply and found

it running low. He attached an air bottle to his suit and as the

influx of new air entered his suite he inhaled deeply.

Just as he peeking over the top of the panel, a ship came

flying by. The ship make a hard turn and came back around with

lasers firing. It happened all so quickly he didn't even have

time to notice which fighter it was.

All of a sudden a bright light surrounded him, and a large

piece metal pierced the panel he was holding. Don gave out a

scream as the fragment lodged itself just a few inches from his


The impact of the shard impaling itself into the panel

caused Don to lose his grip. And as the panel spun over it just

missing the husky as he floated clear of it. However the sight on

the other side caused him to freeze. The metal fragment that

penetrated the panel had the Royal Fighters Squadron emblem on

it with the fighter number double zero two

under it.

"Anton! Oh Gwad No!" Don screamed as tears filled his eyes.

The husky's reached out a trembling paw to touch the last

remnant of the coon's ship.

Knowing if he spoke up the enemy ship would pick up on his

signal, but at this point in time he really didn't care.

"Good bye Anton. I know you did your best. The only

consolation is that soon I'll be joining you, and we can pick up

where we left off."

With a heavy sigh Don looked around to find the enemy


"You have to be here you slimy piece of crap. And since you

are not in front of me there is only one place you can be."

Don spun himself around and found the fighter. The little

husky put his arms out to his sides.

"Well you bastard, looks like this time you won."

He closed his eyes when he saw the laser portholes start to

glow. But when nothing happened he opened his eyes and looked at

the pilot.

"Now what! Or do you need a reason to fire. If so, I'll give

you one."

The husky grabbed a piece of debris and with all his might

he threw it at the fighter. The small piece of twisted metal

bounce harmlessly off the nose of the ship. Don then noticed it

looked as if the pilot was laughing.

"Oh you think that was funny, then how about if I get

something a bit bigger."

Don grabbed another piece of metal and threw it at fighter.

This time the refuse drifted low and slid along the bottom of the

fighter coming to rest right inside one of the laser portholes.

Don rolled his eyes in disuse.

He held up his paws, gesturing to the pilot to remain right

where he was.

"Hold on double ugly, let me get something really big."

Don grabbed a large pipe, which he planned to swing like a

club, but just before he could the fighter pulled back.

Frustrated Don yelled out. "Where you going? Get back here

so I can hit you!" He watched as the ship slowly moved farther

away. "Fine, I don't need you to die out here, I can do that all

by myself. I'll be running out of oxygen in just a few hours,


Don stopped talking as he realized the pilot knew that fact

as well, and now left him to a most painful death. Don knew he

didn't want to die like that, so he made one last attempt to

upset the pilot enough for him to come back.

"So you won't even face me. Well that's fine with me,

because you Tsitpab's disgust me, if you don't understand

something or it's different in any way you fear it and what you

fear you hate and then you try to kill it without even trying to

understand it. All of you are truly just cowards."

A small blast from the maneuvering rockets spun the

Tsitpab's ship around, and Don saw the unmistakable glow of the

lasers as they powered up.

"Oh crap." Was all he said as the glow of the lasers reached

their peak. Then a blinding flash engulfed the area. Don covered

his eyes excepting to be fried by the lasers, but just as fast as

the light appeared it disappeared. The little husky looked around

and discovered that the Tsitpab's ship had exploded.

Don spoke in a stunned voice. "Oh no way. It blew up?"

He then remembered the last thing he threw at the fighter

and how it slipped into the laser opening.

"Alright, it blew up! I got one. Hey I got one! Let's hear

it for me!"

His ecstatic mood changed as he realized that there was no one

around to help him share his moment. And his mood deepened even

more as he heard his oxygen alarm go off. 'Why bother.' He

thought to himself, but just as it became hard to breathe, he

quickly plugged in a fresh tank of air. After a couple of quick

breaths he thought, 'You're only delaying the inevitable.' as he

slowly drifted off to sleep.

Images of Anton fill his mind until his oxygen alarm woke

him. As he looked down to attach the new container, he noticed

something floating below him. He used the suites small

maneuvering rockets to move down far enough to get a better look.

A smile crossed his muzzle and tears of joy started to fill his

eyes as he reached out and took hold of his most prized

possession, his family's history book.

The cover had a few burn marks and the sides of the pages

were charred a bit, but other then that the book was in good

shape. He clutched it to his chest and with it came such a relief

he drifted back off to sleep.

Awaken again by his oxygen alarm, he went into a small

panic. Not because of his lack of air, but because as he slept

his book had slipped out of his paws and drifted away. Once he

fond it he tried putting it into one of the pockets on his suite,

but it was too large. Not wanting to lose it again, the clever

pup grabbed some fiber cable and tied the book to himself, so no

matter where he drifted off to, the book would always be with


He closed his eyes and whispered to himself. "I always

wanted to meet you grand-pa's, and now it looks like I will get

that chance. And wait until I introduce you to Anton. I know

you'll like him."

With that said, he reached down and disabled the oxygen

alarm, not wanting to be awakened for the end of his life. He

closes his eyes waiting to fall asleep.

Slowly one eye opens then the other; his face shows signs of

disgust as he thought. 'Just my luck, now that I need to fall

asleep I can't.'

He reached down and slipped his book out of the makeshift

binding and starts to read. Half way through one of his favorite

stories he is starting to find it hard to concentrate. He then

notices that the words are becoming increasing blurry, and it is

becoming hard to breathe as well. The reality of what was

happening sank in quickly, so he retied the book to himself.

The pain in his extremities began to increase, and breathing

became painful, as if some fur was filling his throat with a hot

liquid. Flashes of lights filled the inside of his eyelids as

they began to flutter uncontrollably. He opened his mouth to

scream, for his body felt like it was going to explode, but with

no air it was a silent scream. As his world went black the last

thing Don felt was pain. Mercifully his mind shut down to spare

him from the rest of the agony he would have gone through as his

body went into its final convolutions.

Slowly his mind returned from its self-imposed shutdown and

he quickly noticed a few things. Like the fact he was breathing,

a slight pressure along his back, as if he was lying on something,

and the most noticeable thing was a tremendous headache, all of

which made no sense to the little husky.

'If I'm dead why do I feel such pain?' He thought. 'Or maybe

this is how it is to be dead.'

He managed to barely get his eyes to open, and through the

meager slits all he could see were dark shades of gray. He then

tried to speak but couldn't, nor could he move his arms or legs.

'Ah fur balls! Death is turning out to be a real

disappointment.' He complained to himself. 'Can't move, can't

see, and the only thing letting me know I'm here is a headache

that would kill a mammoth. Death sucks!'

He tried opening his eyes again to look down at his body,

but like the last time he only saw shades of dark gray. Suddenly

his attention turned to one shadow, which seemed to be moving

closer to him.

At first a low rumble filled his ears. When the sound

started to clear up it sounded like an echo coming from the back

of a large cave. "Good your awake. But you still need to rest.

I'm going to give you something to help you sleep."

Don was really confused; none of this was making any sense.

As he tried to think about what was going on, he felt something

press up against his neck and his mind started to go blank once

again, but just before loosing consciousness he heard the

mysterious voice say.

"I'll be back in a bit to check on you."

As the husky laid sleeping, thoughts and images of his last

day alive filled his mind. Twisted nightmarish scenes plagued

him. All he wanted to do was wake up, to free himself from the

memories that haunted him, but it was not to be.

Visions of his crew-mates crushed beneath the weight of

falling wreckage, evacuation pods disintegrating, and his ship

being blasted apart. The loss of what he hoped would be his future

mate and his own painful death.

All Don wanted to do was leave all those horrible thoughts

behind, and at that moment the only way he knew how was to run

from them, but he couldn't. Something was holding him down,

keeping him in place, so he started to fight back in hopes what

held him would let him go.

"Shh, puppy. Calm down, you're safe. It's only a bad dream."

The soft words and a soothing touch started to calm him, and

it wasn't long before Don's mind started to clear. Don then felt

warm air fluttering by his left ear as he heard the mysterious

voice again.

"You are so cute. I can't wait until you're no longer my

patient." The voice paused for a second when Don's eyelids

started to flutter. "Ah, hello Mr. Ballet. Are you with me?"

Realizing that me might not be dead, Don couldn't help but

smile to himself, which outwardly showed as the corners of his

mouth begin to move.

"A smile Mr. Ballet, very good. Now try opening your eyes.

At the stranger request, Don started to open his eyes, but

shut them quickly.

"Sorry, let me turn down the lights." There was a slight

pause before the stranger said. "Okay try again."

Don's eyelids fluttered a bit as he took his first real look

around. He was happy to see a bit of color, but his eyes were

still unable to focus.

"Good, but we still have a bit of work to do here. My guess

is you are seeing nothing but a large blur. Not to worry though,

we'll get that taken care of. Now try to say something."

Don strained at first to get his mouth to open, and when he

did all he was able to squeak out was the word, "Dead?"

"No Mr. Ballet, you're not dead, you're aboard the medical

ship, Savior. I'll explain more later, right now you really need

to let your body repair itself as much as possible. So I'm going

to give you a shot and you'll be out of a couple of days. We'll

talk more then."

Just as predicted a couple of days later, Don was just

waking when he heard someone approach. He opened his eyes and

saw a large blurry figure walking up to him. He squinted trying

to bring the image into focus and what he thought he saw made his

eyes widen. When the figure leaned over to look at him, Don

reached up and grabbed the collar of the fur and with all his

might he pulled the fur down towards him.

Lifting himself up as much as he could they met halfway. Don

managed to give the fur a big kiss on the muzzle, just as what

little strength he had left him. Don came crashing down onto the

bed, with a large grin crossing his muzzle.

As gleefully as he could Don muttered, "Anton, I am so glad you

are alive. I thought I would never see you again."

The fur he had just kissed put his paws on Don's shoulders

and calmly said, "Lieutenant Ballet, I'm not Commander Wheeler. I

am Doctor Quinntona. I'm sorry to inform you that Commander

Wheeler died in a fighter battle after your ship was attacked.

Just remember he did not die in vain."

Sadly Don replied. "Are you so sure about that?"

Though Don turned his head away, Quinntona could still see

the husky's tears.

Since the doctor had lost his mate in battle as well, he knew

the pain the husky was in and not wanting to upset him any

further he said. "Rest up, I'll be back in an hour. If you're

strong enough to pull me down the way you did, you're strong

enough to start your exercises."

When the doctor returned, he found Don trying to sit up.

After the husky gave up on that idea, he lied back down and

looked at his paw, then around the room. Don's gaze fixed on the

blurry figure by the door. His sight was still off, so he was not

sure if that was another fur or a cabinet, when it moved Don knew

who it was.

The husky spoke in an apologetic tone. "Ah doc. I'd just

like to apologize for what I did and said earlier. I should have

made sure just whom I was grabbing, and once you confirmed that

Commander Wheeler was truly dead.. Well I kinda took it out on


"There is no need to apologize. I know the pain your

feeling, I lost my mate two years ago."

"Sorry to hear about your loss, but Commander Wheeler and I

were not mates,.. yet. We just found each other the day before we

were attacked." Don sighed.

"So there was not even enough time to find out if you two

were really meant for each other?" Quinntona questioned.

"True, but still it would have been nice to know." Because

it hurt Don, he didn't feel much like talking about Anton, so he

tried to change the subject. "If you don't mind me asking Doc, how

long were you and your mate together?"

"Eight years. Robert and I were roommates at the University,

and after a year we knew we would always be together. And as long

as I never forget about him, we will be."

It was at that moment Don felt a bit stupid thinking he

could compare his liking of Anton to the doctor's real love."

"So Doc, do you think you will ever find some fur to replace


"Replace him, no. But I do feel I will find someone new to

love. I just have to be willing to open my heart once again." A

bit of awkward silence fell over the room. Quinntona broke it by

turning his attention back to his job. "Okay lets start getting

you back in shape."

As the two worked on getting Don's muscles back in shape,

the doctor told him about the battleship that arrived and found

him, and how they put him in cryogenics until they were able to

transfer him to the medical ship. The doctor went into more detail,

but Don found himself paying more attention to the ambrosial tone

of the Quinnton's voice, as he found it to be quite claming and

pleasant to listen to.

As each day past, Don's strength returned, but what he

really wished for, was for his sight to clear up. After three

days of intense exercise Don was feeling a lot better, but he

didn't want to tell Quinntona, for fear he would lose the personal

attention he had been receiving.

When Quinntona walked into the infirmary he found Don next

to the bed. Don had been looking down at his feet until he heard

the door open. The two furs stared at each other for a second

before smiling. Quinntona walked over and stopped about five feet

from Don.

"Not bad Lieutenant, now how about you finish by walking

over to me."

"Without a walker?" Don complained.

With a sly grin crossing his muzzle, Quinntona replied.

"I'll make it worth your while."

Don held onto the edge of the bed for his first few steps.

Then on shaky legs he took four more small steps, which put him

almost within arms reach of the doctor. He looked down and took

another couple of unstable steps. When he looked back up he

noticed the doctor's blurry figure seemed still out of reach.

Feeling frustrated at his slow progress he took two larger steps

before looking back up.

"Hey!" the husky spoke up in a plaintiff tone. "I may not be

able to see very well, but I can tell you're moving."

"And what do you propose to do about it?" Quinntona asked.

"That's low, and what's worse is you're not keeping your


"That's not true. All I said was if you walked over to me,

I'll make it worth your while. I never said that I wouldn't move.

I'm still here, all you have to do is get to me."

Don gave out a little growl before taking a few more steps.

He then looked up to find how much further the doctor had moved

in his cruel attempt to get him to walk farther.

"OK now where did you go?"

"Behind you." Quinntona whispered.

Don carefully turned around and found himself muzzle to

blurry muzzle with the doctor.

"Tilt your head back." The doctor ordered. Don felt him put

a couple of drops of liquid on his eyes. "Keep your head tilted

back and your eyes closed." Quinntona continued to speak as

he placed patches over the husky's eyes and a wrap around his

head. "A few veins rupture in your eyes as you suffocated, which

is not an uncommon event. Even though your eyes are able to

focus, the blood that escaped is keeping you from seeing clearly.

I had to wait to see if my other repairs to your eyes would hold

before I could give you this medicine, which should dissolve the

blood clots."

"So how long do I have to keep this bandages on?"

"About twenty minutes. Now why don't we get you back into

bed." Once Don was lying down, the doctor added. "And don't touch

the bandages."

It felt like the longest twenty minutes of his life as he

waited for the bandages to be removed. All the while Don kept

listening to the doctor walk around the room wishing he would

walk back over to him.

The husky was sure twenty minutes had pasted so he started

feeling the bandages to find a spot where he could lift them up

and take a quick peek.

In the distance Don heard Quinntona say, "I swear, no fur

ever listens to their doctor. Quit playing with your bandages, it

only been five minutes."

What seemed like an hour later, Don heard the doctor walk

his way. "Okay let's take a look at your eyes."

The little husky sat up so fast he gave himself a massive

head-rush, almost causing himself to pass out.

"Easy there pup, you don't need to fall out of bed after we

just got you back into it."

Don wanted to reach up and help the doctor remove the

bandages, simply because he thought Quinntona was moving too

slow. Once the patches were removed Don slowly opened his eyes

and started to look around.

"Well besides the room being a bit dark. It looks like I can


Quinntona began raising the light level in the room until it

was back to normal. Don blinked a few more times then began to

smile, as everything he looked at was crystal clear.

"Well?" Quinntona asked.

In an exuberant voice Don replied. "I can see, I can see

everything." Don looked up at Quinntona with the same look that

any pup would have, as if he had just received the birthday gift

he had always wanted.

Don blinked a couple of more times as he stared at the large

mountain lion that was looking at him. "Wow, you're so handsome!"

The doctor gave a shy smile and turned his head as he

blushed. "I bet you say that to all the furs who save your life."

Though embarrassed, Don felt a bit better that Quinntona

felt comfortable enough to kid about what he had just said.

"Oh by the way, I believe this is yours."

The mountain lion opened up a draw and pulled out a plastic

bag, which contained Don's book.

"MY BOOK!.. Oh thank you.. I had given it up for lost."

As he clutched the tattered book to his chest. Don gave out a

sigh of relief

"Must be something very special." Quinntona said in an

inquisitive tone, hoping that Don might share the contents. But

all the young husky did was close his eyes and keep the book

pressed to his chest. 'Maybe later I'll ask about it.' The doctor

thought as he placed his paws on Don's shoulders and helped him

to lie back down. "Now get some rest and I'll see you next


Just as the doctor reached the door, Don softly said. "Ever

wonder where you came from?" Quinntona stopped, but did not turn

around as he waited for Don to continue to speak. "This book

tells me who I am, where I came from, and who I have to thank for

my life."

"A book of your family tree." Quinntona replied.

"Yes, my Grandfather started it four generations ago, but there

is more to it then just my roots. Maybe later, if you like, I'll

read some of it to you."

The mountain lion glanced over his shoulder and watched as

Don thumbed through the pages. Smiling he answered, "I would like

that very much. I'll see you soon."

Over the next couple of days Don shared his families life

with Quinntona. They didn't make many commits about how much

their names matched Don's Grandparents, and they said even less

when they looked at the drawings, though to any other fur it

would look as if they were the ones who had posed for them.

Once Don had read most of the stories his grandfather had

written, he read the one about how his grandparents adopted a pup

who grew up got married and started a family of his own.

In a disappointed tone Don told Quinntona how once the book

was passed on, the drawings stopped, the stories were not as well

written and soon the only enters were ones of who got married and

the names of their offspring's.

"So have you written anything in the book?" Quinntona asked.

"Not much, other then that I'm now the caretaker of the

family book. I guess I have been waiting for the right moment."

"Well I hope that moment comes soon."

Don slowly nodded his head.

As he had been over the past couple of days, the husky was

sitting up and waiting for the lion to arrive.

Quinntona walked in and with a smile on his face he said.

"Time for walkies."

Though Don didn't really want to leave the safety of the

medical ward, he made himself ready and the two went walking.

Quinntona gave the husky the full tour of the ship with the

exception of the bridge. Don had forgotten just how big a star

cruiser was, since on his last ship he only covered the parts he

needed, or wanted to. Don's tour ended in the corridor of a very

unassuming part of the ship.

"Here, this is yours." Quinntona said as he handed Don the

folder he had been carrying around.

With a bit of apprehension in his voice Don asked. "What's


"It's your new assignment. Remember you still have Three

month left before you can be officially discharged."

Don just stared at the envelope; not wanting to open it and

find himself assigned to another warship.

"I don't feel so good doc. Maybe I could just stay in

sickbay for another month or two or three?"

"Sorry Mr. Ballet, I wouldn't like that very much," Though

Don knew the doctor was joking; he caught a bit of seriousness in

the tone he used. "Because then you would still be my patient,

and I wouldn't be able to do this."

When Don looked up, the mountain lion leaned in and gave the

husky a kiss that made his weak knees, even weaker.

After Quinntona broke off their first real serious kiss, he

looked deep into Don's eyes.

"Of course I would not be opposed to making a few cabin

calls if you like."

Don smiled back and quietly said, "I hope you mean a few

calls every day."

The doctor picked up Don's paw and placed it on the door

sensor, and once it opened the two stepped in. Inside Don looked

around. The room was a bit bland, not at all what he thought the

lion's room would have looked like.

Still looking around Don softly said. "I see you like to

keep a simple room."

"Who said this was my room." The lion replied.

Don's mind shifted thought and he realized that he would not

have been assigned a cabin of he were to be transferred. The

husky pawed at the envelope. Finally, with nervous fingers he

pulled out his orders. Quickly scanning them Don saw the name

of the ship he was assigned to was the Savior, and his duty

station was engineering. Don looked up to see a large toothy grin

on the lions face.

"Do you know what the odds are that I would be assigned to

this ship?"

Cocking his head just a bit the lion replied. "Pretty good, if

some fur put in a few words on your behalf."

Don knew who he had to thank for this, and he wrapped his

arms around the large mountain lion, letting his head come to

rest on doctor's shoulder.

In a happy tone Don stated the obvious. "This means we are


"And more, if you will have me." Quinntona replied.

The doctor felt Don's body starting to quiver. So he gently

pulled back to get a look at the husky's face. Don couldn't hide

the tears that now filled his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Quinntona asked with concern in his voice.

"I don't want to lose you. You are only the second fur that

ever made me feel special. I know I can't stay in the service, so

when they discharge me we will no longer be together. I don't

know if I can handle that."

"Not to worry my sweet pup. I have enough time served that I

can put in for a discharge as well. I have a place back on Eden,

it's just over 1000 acres. On it there sits a big house with a

large lake behind it."

"Oh Quinntona that sounds so wonderful. But whatever can I

do for you?"

The lion gave Don a little kiss then said. "First, just call

me Quinn. Using my full name sounds too formal. Second, you can

start referring to me as your mate. And third, when we get back

to Eden, I know a fur there named Den, he comes from a long line

of wonderful artist. We can have him add new drawings to your


Don felt a bit weak as held back his tears of joy the best

he could. Feeling his legs were about to give out on him he sat

on the edge of the couch. Quinn joined him and the two stared

into each other's eyes.

Don whispered, "Quinn, I would love nothing more then to do


"I am so glad to here you say that," Quinn replied. "Because

over the past week I-- I have come to grasp a couple of things.

One, it took you to make me realize that I was ready to open my

heart once again and two, I have fallen in love with you."

Don smiled grew so big he thought he might pull a face

muscle, and even with his huge grin he joyfully said, "I love you


The new couple took each other into their arms and embraced.

The warmth of the mountain lion's kiss melted the husky's soul,

and Don now knew how his Grandfather must have felt finding the

love of his life. Don wanted to consummate their joining, so as

they kept kissing, he started unbuttoning Quinn's shirt.

Quinn knew where this was going, so he broke off their kiss.

He then took Don's paw and helped him stand.

In a clear tone Don said, "Computer, bed."

They watched as the couch folded up into the wall and a

large bed rose from the floor. "I think we'll be much more

comfortable here." Don chuckled.

Once in bed the two rolled around trading kisses, licks and

playfully gnawing on each other. As all of that was taking place,

bits of clothing came flying off landing gently on the floor.

When they realized there was no more clothing in the way, the

couple paused to look down the length of each other's sleek


Don rolled onto his back and gently pulled on Quinn's

shoulder so the lion was now leaning over him. The husky took one

finger and ran it over the mountain lion's chest, leaving the

design of a heart on his short fur. He then placed his paw on the

side of Quinn's face and gazed deeply into his golden yellow


"Make me truly yours." The canine whispered.

Don was pulsing with a fabulous ache by the time he wrap his

paws around the lion's body, drawing him down for a long deep


Quinn let a paw drift off of Don's shoulder, following the

curve of the husky's slender body. Don moaned as Quinn's paw slid

gently over his hip coming to rest on top of his maleness. All

the while the large lion placed small kisses on the husky's neck

and shoulders.

Quinn started sliding towards the end of the bed pausing for

a second with his lips gently grazed over one of Don's erect

paps. The lion let his tongue slip out between his thin lips and

he lapped at the canine nipple as Don inhaled deeply.

Quinn placed a few more tiny kisses along the front of Don's

body until he reached his ultimate goal. Without hesitation,

Quinn quickly engulfed Don's member, and began to run his tongue

over the canine's pink shaft.

Don reached down and ran one of his paws through Quinn's

soft head fur, giving him gentle stokes, as if he needed

soothing, but it was more for himself, as he could not believe

just how soft the lions head fur felt.

Don could feel his body giving into his primal urges, as his

hips started slowly rocking in time with Quinn's movements.

Quinn raised a paw and rested it against Don's chest. The

lion could feel the canine's heart racing, which only excited him

even more. Quinn's paw drifted down and around coming to rest on

the cute husky's rump.

Don gave out a shiver, and a weak cry surrounded by a gasp

as he tried to warn the lion he could no longer hold out, but

Quinn didn't care. His only thought was to finish what he had


Don grit his teeth and grasped onto the lion's luxurious

head fur, as he arched his back and released his seed into

Quinn's waiting mouth. When Don finally opened his eyes he saw

Quinn poised over him and smiling.

"Ready for more?" The lion asked.

"I'm all yours." Was Don's only response.

Don lifted his arms, placing one paw on the nape of Quinn's

neck bringing him down. Excepting each other's kiss eagerly,

their tongues slashing in a sensual warfare.

Exultant waves of pleasure washed over the lion as his paw

traveled heatedly over Don's body, caressing, touching the

husky's velvety fur.

Don parted his legs giving the lion full access to him. Quinn,

his need aroused to the fullest, raised himself up and moved over

Don's slender frame. His hardness sought entrance, and once the

head of his shaft entered his new mate, he pressed in, penetrating

the husky in one easy fluid motion.

Quinn made love to Don demandingly, possessing him fully.

Don quickly surrendered with an untethered rapture causing all

his senses to explode at once.

There was something about this mountain lion that effected

Don like no other. The simple touch of his paw was magical, and

as the lion made love to him, the husky could barely contain his


Don felt his body starting to throb with sensation; beating

to the pulse Quinn had set again bringing him close to a second

orgasm. Just then a low rumble started to fill the room as a

strained look slowly appeared on Quinn's face.

The new couple looked at each other, and without a single

word they both knew what was going on. They both smiled just

before Don gave into his second erotic climax. His body trembling

convulsively as he peaked love's fulfillment.

Simultaneously, Quinn reached down grasping Don's hips

firmly as he shoved himself deeply within him releasing his

feline seed, achieving his own breathless satisfaction.

Body shaking, mind spinning, and heart stopping, once the

volcanic eruption of his orgasm had finally subsided; Quinn

collapsed, onto his mate.

The only smell was of their passion. The only sound was of

their short, panting breaths. The only feeling was the heat

trapped between them, which warmed both body and soul.

Emitting a heavenly sigh, Don snuggled intimately, and just

before falling asleep he felt he could make love to Quinn to the

end of time, and still be anxious for more.

After a pleasant nap, Don woke up and smiled knowing he

just had his best dream ever. Just then there was a movement next

to him and an arm came over covering his chest. Don looked over

and saw Quinn still sleeping by his side.

His smile grew even more as he thought. 'It wasn't a dream.'

He looked the other way and saw his book. He picked it up

and opened it. And as it had been done over many years, Don took

pin to paper and started writing.

"My life up until now was nothing out of the ordinary. I

just existed like everyone I knew. Some moved on when they found

that special fur to love, but not me. Well at least not until

now. They say every story has a beginning, and I finally found

mine. The beginning to my story, the beginning to my new life, so

sit back my pup and read the story of how Don and Quinn came to

be, for the second time."


Please feel free to drop me a line, letting me know

what you thought of my little story. Thank you.

[email protected]'

Special thanks going to: Karabiner, who gracely allowed me

to use his name in my story. Thanks again Karabiner

for letting me keep your name in my story.

The story of Don and Quinn Space Love (c) David Germain 05. 2000-2004

Karabiner, Den and Abe (c) Himself

All other characters (c) David Germain

David Germain (c) Hoss

If you would like to see Karabiner's artwork for yourself

or if you have any questions or inquiries about the

story. Please contact me at [email protected]'

NOTE: Flamers will be laughed at, then ignored.

Now for more legalese.

This story produced, stored and printed either

electronically, on paper or both in the United States of

America. All rights reserved. No part of this

publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,

electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or

otherwise, without the prior written permission of the

writer. (That's me.) If permission is given to copy this

story, it is solely for the private reading of said

requester, and may not be sold, or be used to gain

profit in any form.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise

stated, all characters in this story are fictional,

names for characters were drawn at random or made up,

as well as their fictional jobs. Any likeness to person's

real or imagined, living or dead is purely coincidental.

End of legal stuff, for now.