Wrestling with Change - Chapter 6

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Wrestling with Change

Things have been changing enough for Ricky, maybe now he'll figure out why.

PS - The next chapter will be delayed a bit. I'm going camping next week so unless I find a tree in the woods with wifi I won't be on the computer for a while.

Pinning Down the Truth

Ricky weaved his way across the gym to find Max with Jordan and Michael, a pair of freshmen. Standing next to the team captain he watched as the other two wrestlers attempted an advanced single leg takedown only to foul it up rather badly.

"Hey Stetson, how's it goin?"

"It's going I guess. How are you doing, are you feeling ok?"

If Ricky hadn't been watching closely he might have missed the slight flinch and involuntary movement Max made to pull his sweatshirt down again.

"Yeah I'm fine, why?"

"I was just wondering if you've, well noticed anything different, with yourself, in the past couple of days?"

"Naw, I don't think so," he answered much too quickly.

Before Ricky could press him further they were interrupted by a loud thud on the mat next to them followed by a yelp of pain as Jordan suddenly found both his legs bending in a direction they weren't meant to go.

"No damn it! I told ya to break the grip ya bump with your hip right then roll left. Cowboy help me show these two how to do it right."

Without hesitation Ricky found himself squared off against his teammate. They went through the move in slow motion first then took it full speed a second time through. In just a matter of seconds Ricky found himself pressed into the matt with Max's full weight on top of him. In the past he might have had trouble moving somebody this size off, but after the past few days events it wouldn't have mattered if it had been four people piled on top of him. Ricky bridged up slightly and grabbed Max by the ankle before flipping him aside and reversing the hold causing Max to grunt in surprise. It was with his face pressed into the small of Max's back staring right at a rather pronounced bulge in the seat of his pants. He was still looking at it when it suddenly twitched.

Max held his breath as his entire body stiffened in shock. The unexpected sensation had him close to panic but he was able to hold off the rising fear that somebody else may have noticed. Neither Jordan nor Michael were paying attention at this point as they went back to practicing the takedown. Ricky however, has tensed as well before rolling away and gazing back at Max with a questioning look on his face. Without a word Max got to his feet and quickly backed out of the room and racing back to the locker room. HE paced the floor and periodically reached behind himself to rub at the problem that had quite literally been growing all day. He felt it twitch again and stopped to punch the nearest locker out of frustration but the newly exploding pain in his hand did little to dispel the sensations originating elsewhere in his body.

"You ok Max?"

"Stetson, oh, yeah I'll be fine. Uhhh just a cramp is all." Max lied still trying to keep his back to the lockers.

"Right, you sure you don't have anything you want to show me?"

"No, course not, why should I?"

"Fine, well I got something I need to show you then."

Max felt his jaw drop as he watched Ricky unzip his warm-up jacket and let it fall off of his shoulders. His furry shoulders.

"Sweet god in heav'n, you too?" he exclaimed.

Ricky grunted, "More like me first I think. So what do you say Max, still got nothing you wanna share with me?" He tossed his jacket aside and flexed his greatly enhanced muscles, causing his gray fur to ripple across his chest.

Max swallowed hard, trying to take in what he was seeing and force himself to believe it was true. A few minutes before he could only hope that he wasn't alone in what was happening to him and here stood his teammate with a thick coat of fur. He actually smirked a bit as he nodded his head before pulling his sweats down his legs. He ditched the remains of his light blue briefs next before he turned around to show Ricky his tail.

When he went to bed the night before he had a small lump on his backside, not much more than a bruise he had thought. After years of wrestling he was used to strange pains and unexplained injuries so he hadn't thought that much of it. When he woke up that morning though, he had nothing but questions. The lump on his rear had grown and was now actually protruding from the small of his back by several inches. It had continued to grow throughout the day and it was all he could do to hide it from everybody, especially in the confines of the wrestling room. That last twitch he felt while wrestling with Ricky was the final push though as he felt the growth tear through the seat of his briefs and snake its way down his leg. He had long since realized it was a tail he was growing but now with its full length wagging slightly in the air the pleasurable sensation it was creating in his brain was undeniable.

Scratching his head in amazement Ricky watched as Maxwell's tail flicked from side to side. It looked like his new appendage had sprouted out of his skin just above his ass crack and now dropped down just short of his ankles. It was covered in gray fur strikingly similar to his own, maybe a shade more silver than his own steel gray. The oddest thing was instead of questioning why his friend now had a tail, Ricky was wondering why he himself didn't. After all he had the fur for it, he had the muscle now, why not a tail.

"Cowboy? Stetson!" Max had turned back around and pulled his pants back up though he left his tail hanging out above the waistband, and was snapping his fingers in Ricky's face trying to get his attention.

"Huh? I'm sorry, what?" he stuttered shaking his head to get his focus back.

"I said what the hell is goin on here? You just sprouted fur all of a sudden and I'm gettin' a tail?"

"Fur and then some," Ricky thought out loud.

"How do ya mean, you got more than just fur?"

:Ricky just grinned sheepishly, he could feel his cock getting stiff yet again but he just wasn't sure he had the stamina to go a third round in as many hours.

"I'll show you later. I'm not real sure what's going on here, but Cameron's been affected too. Like I told him, it has to be something to do with these new uniforms. It's the only thing different that's happened lately."

"What's up with Cam, what happened to 'im?"

"It's his feet, they're, well they're paws now," Ricky shrugged.

"I thought it looked like he was walkin funny. So what do we do about it?"

"Well for right now just try and keep this to yourself, though the funny thing was my Dad thought nothing of it when I showed him this morning. I'm gonna call Jack at Gene-pool when I get home and see what he has to say about this."

"Right, I guess in the meantime I should go get practiced wrapped up," Max said as he tucked his new tail back down one of the legs of his sweats. "When we're done though why don't you and Cam hang back till everybody else clears out, I gotta get a look at those feet of his."

"Sure. I have a feeling he's going to say the same thing about your tail." Ricky added as he slipped his jacket back on.

He was certainly right on that count. As practice broke up Ricky was barely able to keep Cam out of his pants long enough to tell him about Max, and after he did he had to hold him back from chasing after him. They managed to hang back until everybody else had cleared out and the three of them gathered in the showers to clean up, at least in theory.

That theory also applied to being the last ones there, and that didn't quite pan out either. Trick tried to drag his feet as much as possible until he was out of excuses to stick around. All the same he propped the outside door open and waited until he was sure the only guys who hadn't left were Max, Ricky, and Cameron. Silently sneaking back in to the locker room he couldn't hear much above the hiss of the showers nearby but he was certain all three of his teammates were in there. He was quick to spot three open lockers and the hastily shed practice clothing spread across the floor between them. Max's sweats were flung halfway across the room, while the warm-ups Cowboy had been wearing were in a balled up pile at the foot of his locker. The blue and red singlet though was draped neatly, almost reverently, over the closest bench with the unique pair of wrestling shoes resting on the floor beneath it.

Running his fingers across the fabric of the singlet, he bent over and scooped up the true objects of his obsession. It was funny, the shoes didn't seem nearly as big now as they had when they were firmly stuck on Cameron's feet. The material the shoes were made of didn't seem like any other shoes he had ever seen. Not leather and not rubber but not really fabric either. Somehow it was like a combination of all three. They were just as smooth inside as they were out and Trick could only imagine what they must feel like to wear. He brought the left shoe up to his face and buried his nose deep inside, inhaling with deep breaths and drawing the rich scent into his very core. If he were any bolder, perhaps more like Cam he thought, he would have just taken them for himself. Instead he had other ideas and he could wait, at least a little bit. The noise level from the showers seemed to increase but he didn't dare poke his head around the corner as he slipped back out, there was no way they would fail to notice him. Besides after what he saw Ricky and Cam doing earlier he had a pretty good idea of what was going on in there. He desired a little more one on one time when he put his plan into action though.

Ricky was pretty much drained when he fell on top of his bed that evening. Mentally, physically, and literally. He was amazed he could cum so many times in a single day. He doubted he could squeeze out another single drop of seed right now if his life depended on it. Even so he still felt slightly aroused as he buried his face in his pillow, trying hard not to picture it as the crotch of one of his teammates. He was still wearing his warm-ups and had even consented to allow Cam to keep his singlet for the night. It was just so hard to believe that these new uniforms could really be causing all of this and yet he had no other explanation that could possibly fit. Ricky had to call Jack, he pulled the business card off of his night stand and lay there staring at it, trying to figure out what he was going to say. "Hi Jack its Ricky, the new clothes are great but I think they are turning me and my teammates into animals and we keep getting off on it." Yeah that would be a great way to start the conversation.

He dialed the number into his phone still not sure how he was going to broach the subject with Jack but in the end it didn't really matter much.

"Hey Ricky, I figured I'd be hearing from you about now. Actually I expected this call a day or two ago." Jack started in before Ricky had even said hello.

"What, wait why?" Ricky said, his confusion was immediate.

"Oh come on Ricky, you've been wearing the uniform haven't you?"

"Well, yeah."

"So, what do you think?"

"About what?'

"Oh jesus kid you have got to have noticed the effects by now!"

"Wait a damn minute! Are you saying you knew this would happen to me? What the hell is going on here?" He shouted into the phone.

"Didn't you watch the DVD I gave you?" Jack asked sounding admonishing.

"No, you said to show them to our parents so my Dad watched it."

"Ok I see what the problem is here. You have to be the first guy I've given this to who didn't watch the video himself first."

"Well shit, why didn't I think of that, of course the DVD would explain why I've sprouted fur all over and gained enough muscle to put Mr. Universe to shame!" Ricky snarled back, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Hold up a sec. Just fur?" Jack asked, the confusion now evident in his voice.

"Mostly yeah," Ricky didn't quite feel comfortable discussing his cock over the phone even though he felt it stiffen as his thoughts dwelled there for a moment. "But my friend Cam had something happen to his feet and our team captain grew a tail today."

"Huh? Haven't you been wearing all of the stuff I gave you?"

"Just the warm-ups and the singlet mostly. I gave the sweats to Max the team captain and Cam borrowed my shoes yesterday."

"I see, I guess I didn't realize I would have to take into account your generous nature Mr. Stetson."

The laughter on the other end of the phone wasn't exactly what Ricky was looking for. He wanted an explanation. Then an odd thought struck him. Was it only an explanation he wanted? Didn't he want things set right, changed back to the way they were? The short answer was no, he didn't, and that only created more questions.

"And if you had been wearing all of it you would have completed the transition by now." Jack was saying.

"Excuse me, what was that? Transition into what?"

"Your team is the wolves, so what do you think?"

"I'm turning into some sort of wolf-man?" Ricky shouted into the phone again.

"Yes and no. Like I was saying a minute ago the clothes themselves bond with and modify your DNA, they are performance enhancing after all. Once the entire sequence is completed you would be able to revert if you stopped wearing the uniform for a time."

"Seriously? And coach and everybody are just okay with this? What about my dad, I showed him my fur and he reacted like I told him I had just taken the training wheels off my bike. What's that all about?"

"Well that's thanks to the marketing department. There is a subtle layer of subliminal messaging implanted in the presentation, it more or less turns off the shock and surprise factor to the changes allowing for an easier chance for acceptance."

"So this stuff bonds with my DNA, but it wears off?"

"No not really, you would be able to revert if you stop wearing the new stuff, but the change in your DNA is permanent. The gear will act like a catalyst allowing you to change at least until you can control it better, then you'll be able to make the change at will, that's something new our R and D department came up with."

"You mean I'll be a werewolf?" Ricky asked excitedly, the prospect of such a possibility sending tingles down his spine.

"If that's the way you want to think of it, sure. So will the rest of your teammates, once they get their own uniforms of course."

"Oh my god, this unreal."

"Yeah I know, but our company is pretty used to making the unreal, real."

Despite his drained state Ricky found himself fully erect again at just the mere prospect of being a werewolf. His mind swam with images of what he thought he would look like when he had finished the transformation. With those images also came thoughts of his teammates, of Cam and Max, and how they would look as wolfmen too. That thought only made him harder, however it brought to light one more question about what he had gone through in the past few days.

"Uhhh Jack, does this change in DNA, does it change anything else, you know like mentally?"

"I don't think so, why do you ask?"

Ricky felt himself squirm, there was no real easy way of asking this and he felt his face flush even as he spoke the words aloud. "Does it change anything sexually? I've been horny like nonstop since the other day and well, me and the other guys who I gave my clothes to we kinda, you know... and I didn't realize any of the other guys might have been gay like me."

"Oh- oh! Ok, I see. Well, no as far as I know our stuff doesn't do that. Now you may be producing a lot more testosterone and so that could affect your drive. As for your teammates, you're probably creating a higher level of pheromones and they could have increased sensitivity to them, making them more likely to act on impulses that they already had."


"That's my guess."

Ricky thought about this for a couple of moments and actually found himself hoping this was true. That his teammates really felt the same about him as he did about them, that this wasn't just some side effect of the other changes they were all going through.

In his own room Cameron was in fact still experiencing these feelings. None of his family seemed to think anything of his larger feet or the fact that his was still wearing the odd new wrestling shoes, even when he was so bold as to place his massive paws up on the table as the dishes where cleared. His mom simply admonished him to take them off the table, just as he she did every time he tried it, even whacking him on the soles with a serving spoon. After dinner he had shut himself up in his room and had quickly donned Ricky's singlet again. He loved everything about wearing it, the smooth feeling of the fabric on his skin, the tight confines as it hugged every curve of his body, they way it made him look and showed off every muscle. Most of all he loved the fact that it was Ricky's. From the moment they met at the start of the school year there was just something about him that drew Cameron's attention. Now that this attention had become affection it felt even better. Wearing his singlet was the next best thing to being with him again.

Everything that had happened over the past few days, hell the past few hours, was starting to feel like a dream come true for him. Cowboy's fur, his own feet, and after practice when he got a load of Max's tail it was almost too much for him. That they had spent their time in the showers examining Ricky's new cock, closely examining it, felt so right. Now wearing the singlet again he ran his hands over his own body still picturing his teammates, feeling their touch, his fingers playing across their skin. His cock felt ready to burst again as it pushed outward into the slick spandex garment. He was so wrapped up in his own imaginings that he lost all sense of the rest of the world, even when the door to his room creaked open.

"Still practicing some of your new wrestling moves, Cameron?" Trick asked with a knowing smirk on his face.