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Story by AlexCubed on SoFurry


Not sure what to say about this one really. It's something I had worked on before and scrapped it and started a new.


It was just one year ago, one year ago when life was normal. It's odd how I can remember it like it was yesterday. I had just finished eating dinner and went outside to put out a few scraps for the stray cat that hung around. He was pretty much all white, except for his pink pads, my family and I called him David. I had just sat down on the porch when he came up, the food attracting his nose. I put down the small plate and lightly touched him as he ate, his fur was somewhat dirty, and I could feel it. Looking down the road I saw the sun going down, just a little while before another day was over. I went back inside leaving David to eat, and climbed up the stairs to my room. It was pretty normal I would guess, at least for a 17 year old guy like myself. Oh I'm sorry, I forgot to even tell you who I am. I'm Joshua, but most just call me Josh. I'm a 5'10" orange and brown fox, I played the piano and don't get out too much. I was in my Junior year of high school, planning on majoring in philosophy when I went to college. I was somewhat laid back, at least when alone, other people petrified me quite a bit especially when getting too close. Something high school tends to have a lot of, bumping and shoving. I grabbed some clothes from my closet, because for the first time I was actually supposed to go somewhere on a Friday night. Just some friends from band and all. My father was actually pushing me to do this once I mentioned it to him. I didn't exactly want to go but you know parents, always wanting what's best for their pup. I changed into a better sporting outfit, brushed a bit of my fur and headed back downstairs. I said bye to my parents and went back outside, to an empty food dish and a cat who disappeared. I shook my head and sat on the steps, waiting for my ride to get here. Except it never did get to my house, instead the heavens decided to grant rain upon the Earth. Hot, fiery, rain.