"Baby" Sitter

Story by Paul Rueger on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Yiff Tales

A short yiff tale that'll have NO CONTINUATION. Just one!



This story contains adult material; if this is something that may possibly offend you please click something else to go away. If this suits your fancy please do what you will.


Connor sighed at this turn of events, his parents having left him with a babysitter. A babysitter at the age of 17, he knew his friends would laugh if they ever found out, and he grumbled sadly as he sat with his back against the wall of his room.

"Connor, honey, me and your dad are leaving! Behave well ok?"

Connor shifted his head and looked at the door, yelling a moody, "Kay mom!" his tone sort of a sad whine and an angry what the fuck.

"Love you sport!"

Connor sighed with angst, not understanding what had happened. His parents had won a contest they never signed up for and had gotten a reservation at the city's one 5-Star restaurant, the same day that he was to go to a party for a friend, but when his parents found out they forbid it.

His friends knew he wasn't allowed to go so they gave up on him and told him next time, thinking he'd be staying at home. What they hadn't learned from Connor is that he was to have a babysitter to keep him at his house.

Connor looked down at his hands, their soft grey color and fur offering him some security.


About fifteen minutes later, even though it only felt like 5 to Connor, the doorbell rang. Connor reluctantly got up and went to get the door. He was met by a human girl, who was dressed rather provocatively.

Her hair was blonde and her eyes were blue and she was 6'5. She had an air of "Popularity" and "Manipulative" all about her, and Connor was entranced. She was wearing a tight pair of jeans, that seemed to hug all about her bodacious ass and thighs, and her top was a simple garden variety pink tank that had a fleur-de-lis printed right in between her breasts, her breasts looking like at least a sizable E-cup.

"Are you Connor?" She asked with an eyebrow raised, "Mrs. Aerans son?"

"Uh-uh... Y-yea!" Connor said in disbelief, looking up at the girl who had 7 or so inches on him.

"Good! 'Cause I'm your babysitter." Her inquisitive look turning into somewhat joy, "Lemme grab my purse and keys and I'll get started on watching you for the rest of the night... and tomorrow."

"O-ok..." Connor looked at her blue eyes and she turned away walking toward her car, which was a white 2006 Toyota Corolla

Connor turned away and started walking up the stairs of his house. "Wait..." he thought, "Tomorrow!? What does she mean tomorrow?!"

Connor raced back down the stairs, and stopped himself in front of the 6'5 human girl, almost panicking. "What did you mean tomorrow?!"

The girl looked down at the 5'11 wolf hybrid teen. "Didn't you parents tell you, they're gonna be gone till Sunday do I'm here till Sunday morning, so the rest of tonight and tomorrow I'm here."

Connor looked crestfallen immediately. Saturday was supposed to be hanging-out day with his friends. Yet another day ruined by his parents. "God damn it!" He cried out without meaning, "Why do they keep pulling this shit!?! GAH!!"

The girl without warning reached out and pulled Connor into her ample bosom, stroking his head. "It'll be ok, you got a friend here." She said smiling down at the wolf, whose muzzle was pointed up at her face. She smiled warmly and looked at Connor.

Connor was surprised and looked up in wonderment as to what she was doing, and then he noticed where he was and panicked, landing his butt on the stairs. Not knowing what to do Connor's first instinct was to run and that he did all the way to his room.


In his room is where Connor stayed for the next hour, letting time pass from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Finally the ailment of Males involving the stomach affected Connor. He was hungry, so he ventured out down the stairs and to the kitchen.

When he stepped into the kitchen he found the girl with his mothers cooking tools, chopping away at bell peppers cutting them into slices. Beef was simmering in a pan and she slid the peppers into the mix, getting a wonderful aroma made. She had his mom's white frilled apron tied around her and she was wiggling her hips while singing something, that he somewhat recognized.

He stepped closer trying to get a glimpse of the wonderful smelling food, his footpads silencing his steps as he inched himself closer to the pan. What he didn't count on was the girl backing up a little as she danced, edging herself closer to him as she sung her little tune.

Her ass was firm but still somewhat soft, leaving that comfy looking rear moving side to side and backwards toward him. Connor's nose dragged him further along bringing him closer to the pan, and unintentionally toward her ass.

This continued for less than a minute when the inevitable collision happened. Connor was snapped out of his aroma enticed daze and the girl's ass hit his midsection causing him to bring his arms around to her front and fall backward, bringing the girl with him.

The two collapsed in what seemed to be slow motion, Connors hands holding themselves on the front of her apron, near her crotch and the two falling back onto Connor.

Connor landed with his hands clutching for dear life onto the girls apron and the girl landed with her butt planted on Connor's crotch. The two sat there for a moment taking in what had happened. Connor panting slightly as the bulge of his sheath had landed between her jeans enclosed ass, and pleasurably let him rub against her by accident.

The girl on the other hand was slightly dazed from her fall and didn't notice the bulge of Connor's sheath for a few minutes, leaving her sitting there asking what had happened. When she finally noticed she blushed and quickly got back up, turning around to look at the dizzy looking wolf.

After looking at the wolf she saw his nose twitching in the direction of the pan which held the sizzling meat and veggies, "Hungry, aren't you Connor?" The girl said while smiling down at the slowly orienting wolf, "Well come on and get up and we can have supper." She held out her hand, smooth and looking hairless as all humans practically did.

Connor looked at her hand as saw the girls smile, this time not worried that something was going to happen to him but knowing that she was a good person. Gladly, he took her hand and stood up.

After standing up Connor thought about her rump and how pleasurable it had been to rub up against, but quickly he eradicated those thoughts and washed his hands, then moving to take a seat at the dining room table.

The girl moved with grace and poise throughout the kitchen, taking out plates and cutlery, and setting them up at the table. After setting the table she quickly went to the pan, dumped the meat and veggies into a container to hold it, and brought it to the table and set it in the middle.

She quickly moved back into the kitchen, placed the pan into the sink, put her apron up, and moved back into the dining room.

When she stepped in she found Connor, tail wagging happily and mouth drooling slightly. "Heh, it's ok Connor," She warmly said, "Dig in! Made most of it for you seeing as you seem like that guy who enjoys food."

Connor smiled and was about to dig in, but paused. "What's your name?" He asked quite bluntly, "Sorry for asking weirdly but I wanna say thanks for the food."

She blushed briefly, happy that the younger teen would thank her before eating the dish. "Christie," she said happily, "My name is Christie."

Connor smiled back warmly, "Well thank you Christie, for the food." And with that, the young wolf boy dug into his portion and Christie took hers and ate her own food. Both were happy and content that they had gotten to accept the other, and with that the meal went on.


After the meal Christie had decided to get to know Connor a little better so as he wasn't defenseless when talking to her. "So, what kind of guy are you Connor? The person who likes sports and stuff, or the one who likes knowledge?"

Connor looked at Christie and pondered the question, while looking at him-self. His eyes wandered over his animalistic humanoid form. "I don't know which. I value Athleticism and Knowledge equally I would say. Neither is more important."

Christie nodded, somewhat accepting his ideal. "I can see what you mean, because being too physical limits your work situations and being too smart can leave you with a weaker physical being, right?"

Connor looked dumbfounded at Christie, who blew out the blonde stereo-type he had. "Y-yeah! Exactly!" He smiled, enjoying a person more than he normally would have, "That's how I would put it, at least."

And with that both parties both soon began enjoying the other's company a bit more, Connor no longer resenting his parents stupid decision.


After talking like that for about thirty minutes Connor had an idea, something in his mind wanting to get closer to Christie. "Hey, do you want to watch a movie? We got lots of them."

Christie looked at the grey furred hybrid and smiled, starting to think how cute he was. And also starting to think about how to get him to cuddle with her...

"Sure! Got any of those funny romantic comedies?" She questioned.

Connor scratched his head and thought about it, finally nodding his head yes. "Mom has a few; I think its something like Confessions of a Shopaholic or something. That what you mean?"

Christie nodded her head, "Yeah! If you get the movie started I'll go get us some popcorn."

Connor's tail happily wagged, " And some soda?"

Christie smiled and said, "Sure, maybe some soda too."

"Ok!" With that Connor went to the cabinet that housed the family's DVD's and picked out a few. He grabbed a few that he thought Christie would like and moved to set up the TV and stereo as he heard popcorn starting to pop.


After getting the movie setup, Connor sat on the couch in front of the entertainment system and grabbed his soft fleece blanket. Christie came in with a big plastic bowl containing the popcorn, and set it on the coffee table, as well as a couple of cans of Mountain Dew.

Connor eagerly hit the play button on the DVD player's remote and the movie started, Christie settling into a spot near the end of the couch, and they slipped into mirth and happiness for the first 45 minutes of the film.


About 50 minutes into the film Connor noticed Christie starting to shake, and he questioned her. "You ok Christie?"

She nodded and smiled, which shook a little as shivers could be seen every now and again through her. "Just a little cold, nothing to be worried about." Christie curled up pulling her legs closer to her, as much as she could with her jeans constricting her a little bit.

Connor shook his head no and scooted closer to her. When he was right next to her he offered her his blanket. "Here Christie, you kinda need it. I have fur so it's no problem."

Christie smiled at the young wolf's generosity and took the blanket. But she then decided something all her own. "Connor, there's enough room under you blanket for the both of us, as long as you don't mind me."

Connor smiled at this and said, "Sure. Why not?" Secretly enjoying the idea of being closer to her, for reasons he did not know. Connor then scooted in closer and crawled under the blanket, sitting almost in Christies lap.

Ten or so more minutes of the film passed by in this manner and then Christie moved a bit, landing her hand near Connor's inner thigh. Connor looked up and her with a questioning look, as Christie looked back and smiled, motioning toward the movie with her eyes, to which Connor looked back at, soon not caring about her hand.

A few minutes passed by and Christie moved just a bit more, bringing in her other hand and moving the previous one up further ever so slightly, Connor looked back up again and Christie looked down and reassured him again, leaving her hands where they were.

Finally another three minutes passed and Christie moved again, finally landing her hands onto Connor's crotch. Panicked Connor's fur bristled and he looked up at the talk blond, who only grinned broadly, while her hands started to move up and down slowly.

"Uh-u-uhm..." Connor mumbled as Christie ran her hands up and down his crotch through his cargo shorts. "What're you doing... Christie?

Christie moved quickly and brought the tinier wolf boy onto her lap, him facing the other way. She bent down and nestled the back of his head into her ample cleavage. "I dunno, I thought you might like this... as I recall in the kitchen you seemed a bit dazed as I fell on you... something poking me near my butt..."

Connor squirmed a bit and moved, accidently pressing his crotch further against her hands.

"Yeah, but that was just..."

"Your sheath? I know, I've played with a few canine boys like you before... and I know that the bulge itself was quite... large. So you must be packing something good." She whispered getting a slow nibble on his ear going.

"Would you like that puppy? Wanna have sex with a human girl?" She whispered while licking his ear lightly, sending shivers through him.

"Uh.. U-u-UHM..." Connor started saying, but then Christie started unzipping his shorts and pulling them down off of his toned legs.

Christie continued softly breathing into his ear and adding a lick every now and again, but kept pulling down his shorts all the while. Toying with his crotch through the fabric of his boxer-briefs.

"Wait!" Connor whimpered.

"Yes...?" Christie said, still fondling him the same.

"Why?" Connor moaned slightly

Christie pulled his boxer-briefs down and started now fondling his sheath, "Because you seem to be a nice boy, and you feel built.... I want to see what you can do."

Connor was now moaning, her smooth palms cupping his balls and sheath, while being played with gently.

Christie smiled, and leaned down, pressing Connor further into her cleavage. "Are you ok with that Connor?"

With a bit of hesitation, Connor nodded, accepting what was to come, his dark red length starting to peek out of the grey furred sheath of his to which Christie started touching.

"Mmmmmm... Seems like you're starting to accept it and become hard for me." She said, further coaxing his length out. "Let's see this in the light then." She smirked as she tossed off the blanket, leaving a half naked Connor exposed on her lap.

Connor saw his length throb as the cool air touched it, and it further pushed itself out, before finally stopping and just throbbing at his full 8 ½ inches. 7 inches of his total length was vieny and the other 1 ½ portion was the tapered end of his length leaking pre-cum, getting it glistening in the pale light of the TV

"My my, aren't we a big puppy..." Christie said, while looking at the pre-cum sitting on the tapered end of his length. Slowly she took her hand to it and touched the pre-cum moving it around his cock, getting more lubricant as she spread the amount she already had.

Taking his now lubed cock between her hand she moved her palm up and down it, working it and causing Connor to tense as the pleasure went through his groin.

Being a virgin till now and never learning how to self-pleasure Connor quickly reaches his limits and starts tensing up, ready to release his virile seed all over her hand. Softly Connor wants that release and starts thrusting into Christies hand, bringing him to the edge. Seeing this Christie gently rubs the tip of his cock, knowing the release will start.

As if on cue less than a second after Christie touches the tip, Connor goes off like a roman candle, and Christie adjusts his length, facing it toward them and not the TV. Cum gushed out and moves in globules, now covering Connors shirt and Christie's hand.

"My my puppy, first time much?" Christie says while softly taking his dick into her other hand and bringing the first hand up to lick the cum off of her fingers. Letting go of his dick she lifts him and sets him on the couch, and starts performing a strip show. Peeling off her jeans and tank top slowly and sensually.

Once her main articles of clothing are gone, Connor see's Christie's red, lacy, panties and matching bra. The sight brings his just spent cock back to life and Christie smiles at his readiness for round 2.

Pulling him closer she pulls him toward her panty covered crotch and moves her panties to the side, exposing her shaven human crotch to him. "Puppy, I want you to use that nice canine tongue of yours and lick me right here...."

Grabbing his ears she shoves him into her dripping snatch and he sets to his task, bringing his tongue out and licking the outside of her cunt like he would an Ice cream cone. As he licks Christie begins moaning and brings one of her hands up to fondle her breasts, massaging them as he further explores her womanly parts.

Taking a leap of courage, and of lust, Connor thrusts his tongue in as far as he can, almost touching her cervix and lapping at her G-spot. Christie above him trembles and cries out, "Oh GOD!! I'm cumming!" leaking her juices into Connor's mouth.

Trembling she starts slowly falling into Connors lap, nestling his length between her thighs. "Beginner's luck puppy... Beginners lick."

After waiting a couple of minutes to let Christie recover from Connor's mind blowing oral, she straddles his hips and places his length near her now very wet cunt she also takes off her red lacy bra and flings it into a corner.. "Now puppy, you're going to fuck me, and you're going to tie me. You're going to fill me full of your canine seed."

Connor nodded understanding her clearly enough. Christie accepting his readiness places the tip at her snatch's entrance and thrusts her hips to take the tapered tip into her, to which she moans as the tip bobs up with each throb of his cock.

Connor now understanding what he must do begins naturally thrusting upward into the willing human girl, getting in five more inches of his wolf dick. His thrusting starts becoming more and more aggressive as the wolf in him finds he's enjoying this.

Aggressively, but not painfully, he brings Christie to her back and plants a hand on either side of her body, thrusting in more aggressively with the new leverage. His length going at the speed he is starts to make Christie scream in pleasure and ecstasy, moaning throughout the rutting Connor's more animalistic side gives her.

However some part of Connor's more human brain still manages to get through and upon seeing Christies large E-cup breasts decides to suckle on them, licking the area around the nipple and the whole of her breast as his large tongue wanders over it, Christie moaning and groaning louder as her breasts get worked over..

Slowly but surely, Connor starts reaching his peak, as Christie has had an orgasm on his dick and milks him as hard as she can. The milking motion of her cunt's spasming causes the knot to pop out of Connor's sheath, adding a three inches to his length and causing his rutting to become more animalistic.

Finally Connor's body aches for release and he accepts it, pounding away at Christie's pussy sinking in a half inch of his knot at a time. With every pound it gets in further and Christie's screams increase in volume and in pleasure. Finally with a wet squelch the knot pops in and Connor's length touches Christie's cervix.

The cum starts pouring out of his cock and her womb is soon being filled with wolf seed. Christies screams reach high levels, her pussy spasming and milking for all its worth. She then passes out as the pleasure continues with Connor continuing to flood her full of semen.

The knot now fully inflated is stuck and situated inside Christie, who regains consciousness after five minutes. She moans and cums again and again further prolonging Connor's knot from deflating. "You're a good puppy Connor, and one thing's certain... I'm not a "Baby" Sitter.... I'm a baby maker.

Connor smiles, and then does a double take, as he collapses onto Christie.

She smiles, and grabs the nearby blanket. Covering herself and Connor she wonders how Saturday will end like.


End story folks! One-shot for sure! Total word count: 3,578 For the story, that is.

As for the ages and blah blah blah of the story all I can say is.... Damn I liked it, Connor was 17 and Christie is 19... so yeah...