01Winter10's Colliding worlds Chapter-1

Story by 01Winter10 on SoFurry

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#3 of Colliding Worlds

Colliding worlds Chapter-1

"AHHHH" screamed jack as he was sucked into the dark void but he felt no one could hear him in the noise that void was unleashing jack looked around his whole body spinning around like candy floss machine until the void released its grip and he was able to control himself but only so much for he felt he was getting pushed further away from where he first entered unable to control his fear he screamed a couple of times and said "this is only a dream!, this is only a dream, this is only a dream" only reducing his fear by so much.

As time went by he slowly lost his fear and became surprisingly calm but very bored "ugh....... I have been in here for an hour is this my fate? To die in a void? NO I can't give up I will find a way out of here!" jack screamed when all of a sudden he felt a sharp pull on him and slowly saw a bright light ahead of him, not letting this chance go by he began to try and swim speeding himself up faster and faster "I have to get out of here, where ever this leads me to its better than this place!" it took 30 minutes to reach the bright light "ohh heck yea freedom!" he thought in his head and before he knew it he was engulfed by the bright light.

A few moments later he appeared high in the sky looking over a very large city but jack failed to notice where the first thing that jack said in the new world was "OH SHIT WAALLL!!" 'Smash' "oOoffff" Jack hit an apartment building 10 stories high leaving a great hole with his body and then fell straight down an ally landing on a pile of rubbish bins and squashing them like a can, still feeling the impact jack tried to get up but began to phase out his vision blurry he blacked out.

23-30: 30 minutes before

In a high tech building somewhere

"Sir! We got an emergency" a female technician shouted getting the attention of the boss "we got an Bio emergence at sector 1-4 I tried to identify the threat but it was untraceable the target will emerge in 20 minutes" the boss walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder and said calmly "well done its very rare that digimon try to illegally bio emerge now all things considered, right as of now send in team delta to find the target and analyse the potential threat also have a few tamers on standby just in case" without delay she replied "Aye Sir!, sending orders now" as soon as they finished the room became a bee hive everyone doing what they can to try and track down this 'Digimon'.

2 hours later Jack woke up his whole body hurting from the impact "Ugh that was some ride I am lucky I didn't die from the fall" he says quietly to himself carefully pulling himself up and does an inventory check "Right,...I still have my sidearm, blade erm... damn it" jack pulled his rifle from his back to see the barrel has been bent 90 degrees "just my luck I better dismantle my gun and then scavenge for..." 'rustle' "is anyone there help! Please!" jack turned right pulling his knife and pistol at the same time and walked slowly to the rubbish seeing that one was damaged and had its lid wedged inside "help is someone there" a voice chirped jack cautiously put his hand on top of the lid and pulled the lid 3 times making the lid loose its tight grip when 'whoosh' the lid flew open and before the trapped person could react jack had his barrel in-between his eyes "AGHHHHH DON'T SHOOT ME!!" in shock jack took two steps back and said "what the fuck are you!" the creature jumped out prompting jack to aim at it again "no need to be so mean you are the one who trapped me mister!" the creature roared at him, jack stood still un nerved not letting his fear taking over and in a stern voice said "what are you!?" the creature laughed hard almost choking itself to death it tried so hard to speak

The creature was small like the size of a football it had 4 small stumpy legs 2 long pointy ears and had great white fur but what caught jack the most was the 2 dark blue eyes which felt they could see through his soul.

"I I am a diigimon you mmade me laugh so hard yyou are funny" jack didn't flinch his mind still trying to process this beast talking to him when he got confronted again from this Digimon

"I believe introductions are in order, Well my name is Vixi I am a Viximon and you are?"

jack replied very unsure to trust this 'digimon'

"My name is ja..., No my name is Grey niice to meet you ermm Vixi".

While Vixi and jack got acquainted at the top of a building someone was watching.

"Sir!, We found Him sending video feed over now!" the man said over the radio, suddenly the main screen appeared showing the back of Jack

"So is he it, he does not look like a digimon?"

The female technician queried and got a reply "Yes it does seem weird but digimon vary in their thousands and new ones are discovered nearly every day we may just of gotten lucky"

"Delta Team continue scouting do not engage unless he threaten the safety of Tokyo City!" the sternly voiced the microphone

"Yes sir!"

Back with jack and Vixi

Jack walks to the edge of the ally with The Viximon his only company for the time, he looks around scanning the area and thinks "its too quiet where is everyone if this is a city...."

"So what brings you here, you don't look like a tourist" Vixi queried interrupting jack and got a harsh reply

"Because I am not one I don't know where I am how I got here except a through a bloody void" Vixi seeing jacks anger quickly defused him saying

" I can help you, well If you need help that is getting home" seeing this kindness jack was stopped right in his tracks and had to ask "why are you being so nice, I have not done anything to deserve it !"

Vixi chuckled "everyone I have ran into have either kicked me, verbally abused me or just plain ignored me but you I felt something inside of you some kind of good locked away don't ask me how because I just know it's a Viximon thing" jack shook his head and wandered off into the quiet dark street.

"Target Is on the move" a mysterious voice said over the radio

"Hey wait up" Vixi said as she rushed to his side

"It's not safe to be by yourself you should have some company," Vixi chirped to jack

Jack suddenly stopped and looked down

"Maybe it's not me you are worried about maybe you are scared of being alone?"

Jacks words hit home as the young Vixi eyes widened and started crying but jack just looked coldly at her until he let out a sigh

"Okay you can stay with me for now"

Without warning the Viximon jumped up onto jacks shoulder and hugged him affectionately freezing jack in shock

"Thank you Grey you won't regret this!" Vixi said while hugging jack

"Erm Viximon what are you doing?" jack quickly said startled by Viximon's sudden movement

Viximon Giggled, "Hugging you silly, what you never been hugged before"

"Yes I have a...a very long time ago" jack tone went suddenly quiet

Jack suddenly snapped


Tension filled his voice, as he just could not shake the feeling of being too harsh, Vixi stopped and jumped off him lowering her head in shame

"i..i am sorry grey!"

Jack hesitated a moment realising she was quite young and could get easily upset

"No Vixi!, I am sorry I was a little too harsh on you, 'sigh' you see I lost my family when I was two years old and well before they died I got a Long hug and they said goodbye, After I heard their screams which have scared me till this day so if I snap at you don't take it personally please"

"I am sorry to hear that Grey" Vixi said in a sad tone

"Grey? Grey what are you doing!?"

"This" Grey said in a light tone

Jack kneeled down and picked up Vixi with both hands and cradled her

"You have been so alone I think you deserve this"

Viximon started to cry in Happiness

"Thank you Grey thank you so much"

After walking around the city for 2 hours still with Vixi Within his arms jack finally asked Viximon an important question which he should of asked when they first met

"Erm Vixi do you know where I am, I mean the city"

Viximon opened her eyes and slowly smiled like she has never been so happy

"Well Grey You are in Tokyo and the place we are in now is The central park" Vixi mumbled

"Yea I figured as much Vixi, at first I thought china but my mind would not let go of it" Jack

"Also I need to find a place to rest, I am bushed"

Jacks words went unheard as Vixi fell asleep again jack smiled behind his helmet and but could not shake the sorrow of losing his dog foxyy

"Foxyy where are you, please be alright I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you girl" jack says in a sad voice

While walking jack notices a good bunch of trees with a bush and decides to walk over examining the trees he thought it would do for now and rested himself against a tree facing away from the public path "I hope tomorrow will be a better day" jack says in his head before falling asleep