The Corrupt - Part 1

Story by tribual on SoFurry

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Please do not ask about anything about the story once you read it. I just randomly typed what I thought.

_ ~If anyone can hear me, please report to the Radiation Tower! I repeat, please report to the Radiation Tower!~ _

The city was now a burning rubble of ash and cinders as the last of the Invaders escaped into the massive red portal. Survivors of the Invasion managed to get into "Safe" Rooms in the homes of the burnt. One survivor, a dragon named Shudmeyer, made his way into the Radiation Tower and called out for survivors, which was highly doubtable that anyone had survived. Taking one last look out the Tower's roof trapdoor, he starting to wonder what had become of his brothers, his sisters, his wife. Shudmeyer heavily sighed as he slung the M14 rifle over his shoulder and climbing down the ladder which led to the top floor of the Radiation Tower.

The young foxess ran down the street as she led a middle-aged dragon away from the burning Safe Room and torwards the Radiation tower.

"C'mon dad!" she shouted over her shoulder "We have to go see who this survivor is!" The dragon following her, grabbing a fallen U.S. Soldier's AK47, nodded and smiled at the thought of the Invasion.

"I warned you all about this day, but no one listened. So the price of ignorance, is death."

Dragonette stopped after she heard her father speak.

"What are you talking about?" Dragonette asked, placing her revolver in it's holster. The dragon stayed silent for a few moments, then spoke.

"Let's just get to the Radiation Tower and hope that Surge's there."

The dragon ran past his daughter and unwrapped his wings. Dragonette followed him and grabbed onto his ankle before flying off into the air.

As Shudmeyer waited for what seemed like an eternity, he heard the bullet-proof doors being hit. Preparing the M14, Shudmeyer ran torwards the door with the key in his mouth.

Hope someone is there and not one of those frickin' Invaders. Shudmeyer thought to himself. Once the tan-scaled dragon reached the door, he saw a black-furred wolf with eight other survivors with him. Shudmeyer sighed in relief and ran torwards the door, placing the key into the lock and turning it. The door opened and the nine survivors ran inside, the black wolf slamming the door shut and locking the door with Shudmeyer's key.

"Damn Surge," Shudmeyer started "you look like hammered shit."

The black wolf smiled and gave the key back to Shudmeyer.

"Nice to see you, comrade. It has been a long time since we last seen each other." Surge happily exclaimed to the dragon in his usual Russian accent. Shudmeyer smiled and embraced his friend, then leading the rest of the survivors to the living quarters.

Dragonette started to feel her grip loosen on her father's ankle, so she grabbed his other ankle with her other paw.

"Surge..." The foxess would repeat her lover's name over and over again until her father would snap at her and tell her to shut up.

Hours passed and Dragonette's father had landed to rest his aching wings and ankles. Dragonette kept guard of the area incase if she saw an Invader or a survivor. At one point, the scarlet-furred fox would see the shadows shift into what looks like a fur, but then shift into an Invader. Without realizing, a figure formed down the alley of where Dragonette and her father were and started advancing torwards them with long steps. Dragonette's father soon lifted his head in attention as the figure stopped about 15 feet where they were.

"Dragonette..." The foxess looks at her father with curiousity.

"Yes father?"


Surge sat down on the futon where his bedroll was laid out, stabbing the floor with his commando knife.

How will I tell the others about my secret?

The wolf would stab the floor each time he thought this, then looking at the marking the Invaders gave him when they made Surge one of them. Without thinking, the memory of the initiation began to replay in his mind

\ **Flashback!* *

A loud clanging of metal was clearly audible beside the captive survivors' screams and shouts for freedom. Surge sat in his cell in a meditating position until one of the guards came to him.

"Stand, you pathetic worm!" The guard's voice was deep and louder than the screams andclanking of metal put together. He wore large chunks of red metal that was fused into his skin to make it look traditional.

~ Translated from Russian ~ "Kiss my Soviet furry ass you large piece of walking fuck!" Surge shouted at the guard. The guard was angered by his saying, for it knew every language there is.

~ Translated from Russian, yet again ~ "Get up now or your ass will be hanging form the ceiling of this Air-Station!" The guard shouted back at the wolf, making Surge stand up and push him out of the cell block. Surge started thinking of a plan to get out of this situation, but the guards were 8 feet tall which made it impossible to get away from them. The black wolf was led to a room with only a stool in the middle of the room.

"Sit!" commanded the guard. Surge did so and sighed once the guard left the room.

I will be free, or die trying!

The wolf waited five minutes until a very familiar form walked into the room.

"Hello Surge!" the form joyfully said.

"Hello Christophe." Christophe smriked once he heard his name.

"I see that you're still getting into tought scenarios, like so..." the dragon said as he gestured the room.

"And I see that you haven't told Dragonette about your betrayal?" Surge could see sympathy in the blue dragon's eyes and anger.

"What my daughter doesn't know, won't hurt her," Christophe deviously grinned "Unless there are circumstances." Surge growled and stood.

"If you ever hurt her..."

"What will you do Surge? You are my prisoner here and I intend to keep it that way." Two guards came into the room after Christophe finished talking.

"The Unholy Matron wishes to see this little furry bastard." one of the guards said. Christophe shook his head with shock and gawked at the two.

"If she is doing what I think she's doing, then she better not do it!" The other guard looked at Christophe and formed a horrid smile, showing his messed up ogre and shark teeth.

"Ha ha, looks like your boss would like to see me now." Surge triumphly said as the two gaurds led him out of the room, leaving Christophe, now petrified, in the room.

The two gaurds stopped at a barrier that only Surge could go through, so they parted and the wolf continued along the corridor.

Who's this Unholy Matron anyway? Surge thought to himself. The wolf seemed to be more and more eager everytime he thought of who the Matron might be. Soon, Surge began to feel his crotch stir a few times but the Soviet shook the stirring away.

If I can fight off a U.S. Carrier with an UZI, I'm pretty sure I can fight off a hard-on. The Soviet wolf finally reached the end of the corridor, seeing another barrier which only furries and reptilians were aloud through. Once passed the barrier, Surge saw the Unholy Matron's throne. The throne consisted of bones stacked amongst one another and topped off with a large Invader's head, on a spear-tip, at the very top. There, sitting in the throne, was the Unholy Matron. Surge gawked at her beauty for she wore a magnificent white robe with red spirals and blood stains everywhere which made her jet black scales shine to her complexion.

"Ah! If it ain't the Soviet dog!" The guards chuckled at her comment.

"Correction; Soviet wolf." Surge crossed his arms as the Matron raised her clawed hand.

"Big difference! Now let's get to why you are here, shall we?" The Matron, still having her hand raised, stood and walked away from the throne and torwards the wolf. Surge could feel the dragoness' dark vibe as she took slow steps torwards him.

Something is telling me that this one has a powerful aura or something, unless she truly is unholy!

The Matron stopped advancing once she two inches away from the wolf. Surge could really feel the vibration coming from the dragoness, soon being aroused by the sensation.

Must fight off the sensation!

"There's no need to fight, Surge." the Matron exclaimed "This is all part of your initiation." Surge soon began to feel the Matron's vibrations pierce through him, infiltrating his mind and sinking in to his nerves. The wolf started to grunt at the sudden pains that coursed through him, then feeling the Matron slash Surge's wrist.

~Translated from Russian ~ "Goddamn! This pain is too much for me!" Surge screamed, flinched, then blacked out onto the blood red floor.


In my dreams, I floated around in a mass black convoi with my arms spread open. As I floated around, I seemed to notice a light that appeared every once in a while. I tried to make my way over to the light, but it was so fast that could hardly take a...

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