Leonardo - Chapter 6

Story by Kaynyne on SoFurry

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#6 of Leonardo

Chapter 6.

I heard people talking to each other, exchanging the daily gossip of the day before; hearing footsteps of different people, listening to the cool, crisp noise of the trees. My fur bristled in the breeze from the wind, feeling comfortable was I was still somewhat sleeping. I felt like I was home again...I wished I was.

I later figured out that it was too bright outside; the trees were not blocking the sunshine as it was before. I woke up, seeing only palm trees scattered around. I was still on the roof, seeing others on level ground talking to each other. Why do I feel more of the breeze...? I wondered. I looked down, not sure what to believe.

I wasn't wearing anything. It was just the fur on my body and back.

I looked around for the clothing, finding nothing. "What the hell!" I told to myself, "I know the clothing was stuffy, but..." ...it was needed to blend in. I only looked around the roof I was in, and the lower level roof; but I found nothing. "Screw it..." I looked on my left, seeing several trees, less than some being palm trees in the distance. I also saw something more. There were footsteps on the sand beside the patches of grass to the trees. I looked closer, seeing they were paw prints...only 1 trail going in that direction... from the building I was on.

I ran toward the end of the building, jumping off from it. I thought I would land safely...but I was wrong. I almost slipped jumping down, not giving enough time to maneuver around to land on my paws. Not only that, I didn't even jump far, to a pile of grass.

Some people of the city looked at me, on the ground, laughing. "Haha..." one said, "Qui le no sabo e brinquebe bach."

The person beside him responded, "...Stupido. Que quen de Kryn chincaban pariba que ni tener de ropa." It didn't even sound like the other language I heard a few days ago. I simply ignored them and ran out, following the footsteps to the trees in front.


They didn't sleep in the bed; they slept in the couch. No blanket; no pillow; just the two on the couch. Myla was huggin on Jake, pressing herself on him. He probably forgot what had happened last night; I'm not sure.

Jake slowly opened his eyes, seeing where he was. He just remembered he was in Myla's house...and just remember what happened the night before. He looked around, not moving his body, seeing Myla still had her arms wrapped around him. He was freaking out again.

Myla slowly woke up then, already knowing she was still cuddling with Jake. She slowly leaned over him. "Morning, sweetie," she said. Jake flinched at the phrase, calming down seeing it was only her.

"M-morning..." Jake responded, slowly moving his head towards her.

"You enjoy last night?" she asked. Jake paused at the question. He slowly shrugged, not sure what to say. Myla didn't seem to be offended by it, still smiling. "Hmhm, glad to hear that." She released her arms from him, getting up from the couch and walking to the room. Jake noticed that Myla was wearing different clothing than the day before: a longsleeve, black hoodie shirt and jeans. She probably changed in the middle of the night, not remembering that she had cuddled with him right before he went to sleep.

Jake only moved up from lying down, now sitting up on the couch. Nothing has changed since the day before.

She walked back from where she went, seeing her on the front side. Jake first looked at what was...most revealing, and looked away. She looked at him, tilting her head. "You don't have any shirts to wear, do you?" Jake looked up at her, trying not to look below her chest, and nodded. "Hm...I got an idea." She simply took off her hoodie shirt, revealing an undershirt underneath, really shortsleeve with a light green tree for a design in the middle.

She tossed her the hoodie at Jake. "Here. You can have it." Jake caught the hoodie and wore it on. It was a perfect fit for him; the sleeves were halfway to his paws, stretchy enough to catch on to his paws. He caught on to the sleeves, touching his paws together. "Aw..." Myla said, "You look so cute!" He simply blushed at the comment. "Well then...want something to eat?"


I kept running towards the paw prints on the sands, some of them losely dissapearing, but still seeable. More patches of grass were around, the distance less foggy while the back was more foggy. It was hard to say who, or what, took my clothing, just that I wanted it back.

_ ...Wait..._ I stopped running. "...The clothing were stuffy...whatever." I kept running as I was already more than halfway there; there was no point in stopping any longer then.

After about five minutes, I reached to the forest. Remembering what it was called, "Rivalry Forest", I looked around the front of the area of green. Nothing seemed to be different than the Crescent Forest, only that there were several palm trees scattered around. The leaves on the trees were more green than it was on the other forest. Some of the trees were surrouded by a shallow ring of water.

The pawprints were still there in the forest, the scent of who took the clothing being stronger. I walked forward, looking around at what was around me. Most trees seemed to be old, not very many young ones; it was easy to climb up one and stay there for a long time. Remembering the map, how could so much green block off something humid and timid from something dry and hot?

I heard cracks up on the trees, looking at where I thought I heard the noise. The second I turned to the noise, a blur ran out from my sight. What the hell was that? I wondered. A tree was rustling in the air...it was weird because no wind was around yet. I looked at the tree, seeing another blur. The hell's going on? I continued to walk on, swooping up a rock on the way.

I heard another tree bristle in the air, and just turned around and threw a rock at the tree. Apparently, I hit the blur I saw twice.

"Ach," it said. Its voice sounded male, a little deep, "Damn it!!" He fell down to the ground, landing on his front first. The clothing he had...it was the same I had the day before, but he had a white undershirt. I walked forward to him, seeing he was getting up from the ground. His fur was similar to mine: mostly black with some white fur detail. His hair was white, also spiked up in a fohawk-like fashion. The base, not the tip, of his tail was white as the rest of it was black. "Chill with the rock."

I didn't respond back to him, only looked at him. "I'm guessing you're the one who owns these clothes..." he said, "or at least...stole the clothing."

"...How did you know...?" I asked.

"These are really firm," he answered, "Too firm, like new clothing." I didn't respond back. "Well...might as well give you your clothing." He took off the sweater, including the undershirt, and tossed it to me. I caught the clothing and put them on.

He almost stripped the shorts, until I said, "No...you can keep the shorts."

"What?" He asked. "Are you kidding?" He tosses a hand at me, "Just the shirt and you'll look like you just got raped in the ass." I didn't say anything but blush.

"...Just give it to me." I looked away, still talking to him. "Who are you, anyway?"

He didn't respond back until he tossed the shorts to me. "Quittelo." Key-tellow. "Or just Quilo." Kilo. "And you?"

I didn't respond back until I put on the shorts. "...Leon. Leonardo."

"Hm...Leon, eh?" He looked at me, eye to eye, looked down, then back up. "Strange name for a skunk..."

"Same for you for being a sk--"

"Wolverine." I was confused for a bit. "Not a skunk. I may look like you, in species by the pattern and color of our fur, but we are not one of the same species." He turned around and walked away.

"Wait..." I started. He suddenly turned around.

"You're not from around here, are you?" he asked.

"No, I'm not." I responded.

"Why are you here then?" he asked.


"Kicked out of your home, eh?" he asked. How the hell did he know? I wondered. "Not the first time that someone said that before saying the answer. You know, running away is not the answer."

"Like I haven't noticed," I remarked, "Only that I was banned from my communty--"

"Banned?" He asked, giving a weird look. "Community? First time I heard that; Thought you were from like Alpha or Omega, but a community? In a forest? Something's wrong with you." I didn't talk back; I just looked at him. "Well, someone's probably trying to find you at this point."

"What makes you so sure?" I asked. He didn't answer; he only walked up closer, face to face. We met eye to eye, not saying a word to each other. I didn't know where he was getting at, or what he was trying to do. The iris of his eyes were black as the light was not reflecting back at it; yet, it was shiny enough to where I can see myself. I started to look into his eyes, and started to think. I finally got the idea where he was getting at, and I couldn't last any longer. I moved my muzzle away from him.

"There is someone looking out for you," he finally answered. I didn't look back at him. "...And you weren't proud to leave them behind...are you?" I didn't respond back on the spot; I choked up. "Hm, the fuck were you thinking?" I turned around.

"I was banned, okay?" I yelled out at him, realising what I was saying. I was still choking up, but the words kept escaping. "I can't be at my home anymore, I can't see my friends anymore--not even my family! I know how things go over there-- The last time someone was banned and came back without notice, they killed him." He didn't respond back to me, only looking at what I had to yell at him. "They tried to keep the murder a secret, but us, the kits and litter, saw.

"We were innocent. Seeing what actually happens to what we did when we played around, we changed. We were never the same from there on. Our parents knew something was wrong with us, but they couldn't say how--they could never know..." About then, a tear went to my open wouth, not knowing I was crying. I ignored it. "They c-could never...know..." He was still in front of me; I fell down on him, catching me. I suddenly hugged him, not knowing I did. I didn't know if I freaked him out, but he hugged back, not saying a word.

"Leon?" he asked. I didn't respond back, but I listened to him. "...It's not even noon." ...I couldn't believe he just said that. "N-nevermind. C'mon." He didn't wait for me to walk; he picked me up like one would do to a stray cub. I didn't know where he was taking me, but I didn't care. I cuddle near his furry body, his scent the opposite of horrifying.

"Okay," he started, "I don't even know your age yet..." I didn't look up at him; I only listened, "...but this is getting awkard."

Like I cared. He started it.

Leonardo - Chapter 7

After their breakfast, breakfast tacos, tortillas made of flour, of eggs and bacon, they decided to walk to the docks of S.S. Delta. They didn't hurry; they took their time into talking about other things... "So..." Myla started. Jake looked at...

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Leonardo - Chapter 5

Seeing outside, only several were outside, looking away to the entrance, presumably waiting for the people inside the ship. If I went later, many would see me, wondering why I was there. It was around twilight; barely anything can be seen with the...

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Leonardo - Chapter 4

Same day. I reached the docks within ten minutes, seeing several people waiting to go into the ship. Some were humans, some were animal-like. All were heading towards what I wanted to go...for the most part. Rivalry Island: the annex of Powerage....

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