Iconoclast Chapter 2

Story by Bennu on SoFurry

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#3 of Iconoclast: an Elder Scrolls series

Hrothmund thinks he can have a quick expedition until he realizes Khajiits really like to party and ramble on about cousins while eating piles of moonsugar, but at least he's having sex with his Khajiit woman every night. There's more talking and lore stuff in here, things I mostly skipped over earlier in my excitement.


Legal stuff: This is fan fiction based in the Elder Scrolls universe, everything relating to Elder Scrolls is copyright Bethesda and I am not connected to them other than buying their games, etc ad nauseum. Due to my inability to find certain lore, I have shamelessly fabricated a reasonable facsimile in places: may Sheograth have mercy on me.

Chapter 2

The third night of our marital celebrations I go with Makari to visit at Jidargo's tent to visit with him since we were planning a return trip, using the town we found as a base on the way to another ruin that supposedly had interesting mechanical artifacts. I sit cross-legged holding a cup of herb tea sweetened with moonsugar, and I ask her-

"Since there are several places to investigate around here, do you think we should base ourselves at the village for a year or two?"

"Year!? Makari didn't expect you to become a Khajiit, just make mom happy."

"It's the best logistical option, instead of going back to Chorrol, wasting a week on the road, and the Thalmor keep an eye on the border."

"You would become very brown." she said with her mouth askew.

"Hah, no I'd be very burnt- if we kept travelling across the desert for days, instead of making short trips in the morning and heading into ruins. Besides, I'm dressed the Khajiit way-" gesturing at my robes and budi.

"Could you tolerate it though?"

"How much have I complained?"

"You are too stubborn to complain."

"Well, either I can be sunburnt, sand infested, sweaty, hot, and footsore, or all of the above and have my butt rubbed raw from riding for days. Pick one."

"Well if your butt is going to be hurt, it should be from Makari spanking you for not listening to your wife!"

"That's not a Khajiit custom!"

"It is for my parents."

"I see."

After some rambling and joking and more sweetbreads and fruits I ask her- "So, no rush but are you ready to go back north?"

She picks up a sweetroll and says "Oh yes, visiting more can wait, it won't be long... I hope we can make it, I'd forgotten about the Thalmor controlling the border, and I'm sure news has spread about us... you know their propaganda saying Khajiit are kin to the Elves and shouldn't mix with humans."

"I'm not worried about the Thalmor yet, there are too many smugglers to chase to waylay us."

"You don't know, I should have told you more, how they control all the cities now, they don't bother with the desert for obvious reasons but they have magic, and the Bosmer with their animal affinities... if they want to spy on us there is no escape."

"Hmm, well we should give them things to watch then!" I grab an ankle and tail and start wrestling with her while her cousins take sides on who will win. It was a tie, as she wound up riding me yet again, and after we went to bathe and go to bed early, to head out in the hours of Azura, my mind full of geography as we go to sleep.

The dry part of Elseweyr is the top of a giant plateau, largely flat except where eroded, and in the middle where a core of ancient harder rock rises up in a convoluted heart. The rainclouds hit the escarpments and dump their rain on the lowland forests of Valenwood, the Niben Valley, and Tenmar in southern Elseweyr, leaving little for the higher elevations. However it is not all sand, the small highlands where Makari is from (between Dune and Orcrest in the northwest corner) are scrubby in rocky areas but small hardy trees grow in places (like olives and peaches) and to the south are grasslands, green if not overgrazed. In fact, large areas were said to once have been greener, but had been cleared for fuel and by short-sighted abuse.

Makari's village, called Tokhari, is in a low valley. To the east the ground rises sharply into the badlands we adventured in earlier, with the houses strung along the foothills where a few small springs and seasonal streams are funneled into cisterns. To west it transitions from the small fields of corn, squash, tomatoes, and various vegetables, into dusty pasture that blends into stony rolling scrubland, with asses, camels, and lank longhorns wandering freely. As the sun hits the horizon we ride that way, heading for Dune across the shifting eponymous sands that surround it before taking the main road north in Cyrodiil. Despite our worries, the border is wide open, and we return home safely.

We rest a while in Chorrol, spending a day packing things for storage, then taking trips into the woods for picnics and brazen naked sex in the wild. Up the river, far enough that nobody goes but close enough to be safe, we found a small rock shelter with just enough room to stay out of the sun and leave our clothes while we played naked in the water and woods. It was wonderful to spend time alone with her, laying in the dappled sun, swimming and finding shiny stones- there were some gem fragments even- but after the first day we thought it best to have company, and invited Bob since of course Argonians swim, and he brought his sister and her kid for a while, so we had to avoid being too naughty until they went home.

He also had a new girlfriend, an Argonian lass just old enough to wed, so he was twice her age, but no matter, she was nice and at least knew how to be a housewife, and it was time he settled down. Makari and I had come out early to catch fish and make a nice lunch, and they arrived soon after, he introduced her- "Makari, Hrothmund, this is my fiancee."

"You can call me Sha-mei. My proper name is a long one, after a yellow marsh flower, as you might guess."

Makari smiles at her "Oh yes, I've not seen a yellowish Argonian, though my experience is limited."

"We are a minority, yes, everyone expects red or green and asks if I am sick."

Now I'm curious and ask- "So are there other colors as well? Blue maybe?"

They laugh and she says "Oh yes, it's not just Khajiits who have many forms, but we are getting hungry, that food looks good!"

I'm not overly fond of fish but Makari grilled it nicely, seasoned with herbs we found growing nearby, and a few vegetables from the house. We eat and talk about marriage again, and I poke fun at Bob for giving up the bachelor life, and he blamed us- "Oh I've had my fun, but with you two married now there are few single people in the company and well my sister wants cousins for her kids someday." he sighs dramatically, and she pinches him.

Makari asks the obvious female things- "So where are you from? How did you meet? Do you have a pretty dress yet?"

"Well, my family works as traders based in Bravil, so he knows my brother some- drinking buddies right- but we've had money troubles, and my parents wanted to marry me off to some old rich Imperial pervert with a lizard fetish. Well, I got my brother to help me leave, and west seemed the less obvious way to go. He knew the store here was run by a female Argonian who might be sympathetic, so we stopped here, and she suggested if I married someone else, as I'm an adult now and can if I wish, then my parents would have to accept it. That and she wants cousins for her kids but not yet, heehee."

We had some sips of cyrodiilic brandy and it burned in my throat as we lazed about in the sun, stripping down and inspecting each other curiously, finding things largely the same, just in a different skin. Then after lunch settled and we were warm from the sun, we went to play in the river, watching them having sex in the water Argonian style, and trying to imitate it ourselves, Makari swimming well for a cat and slipping her legs around me, her warm soft wetness tightly holding onto me, as I concentrated on keeping my head up and she made gentle suggestions on how to move and float and fuck simultaneously. My agility isn't very high but I managed to not flail, and it helped that I was allowed to cheat and hold onto a low hanging branch as she gripped me with all four limbs and did some kind of sinuous dance on my dick, slipping wet fur on my belly as she drove me deeper and deeper, bouncing me back and forth as she shuddered and briskly finished, both groaning as my seed shot inside her. Next to us Sha-mei growled as they fumbled, Bob taking advantage of his water breathing as her enthusiastic riding kept knocking him under. We giggled at this and she fussed and adjusted her angle of attack, making a more graceful approach and finishing loudly. She rested on his belly while he floated on his back and finally she slipped off and drifted to us.

"Gosh there's this scale right above, in the perfect spot to hit my clit." Makari laughs, and I feel it in me as I am still inside her, fully hard again, practicing staying in despite the seed and juices that filled her now. I feel her shudder slightly with every ripple before she slips off, strands of semen floating up as we paddle over to the bank to go rest in the shade, kissing and cuddling until it is time to eat again, and we all decide to get a big meal in town.

We dress again, and stroll back enjoying the evening. Oh the things that happen and are hidden by appearing normal. Well, as normal as two giant lizards and a guy with an overgrown housecat can be.

We go to their house, having treated them to a meal, it was their turn to give us one. I was outvoted three to one, so we had fish again, but also some Argonian delicacies Sha-mei knew how to cook. I was impressed and poked Bob- "Oh no wonder you're rushing to marry her!"

"Well you'll be stuck eating Khajiit food, enjoy it while you can!"

"Oh, yeah, I guess you'll not be coming then, I hadn't asked yet so everyone would have time to recover- but don't worry, I want a small party to move as fast as possible, do like before and follow a large group to Dune and head off on our own."

"Hmm, will you be able to go fast, you have many things in your house."

"I only have one mule load to take with us, mostly machine parts and books because her family would have everything else we needed. Her parents gave her a tent- yes, her, not us, it's the Khajiit way, so if I ever displease her she can just throw my clothes out."

She scoffs and says "Ha, if you made me that mad I'd leave you naked!" We laugh and lick our plates clean, and I remember-

"Oh yes, I'll have my house still, I used my money to rent it for the year, the landlord is very reasonable. Plus, if I come back early, well I have a place to live. Although it's tempting to go live at our swimming hole." Sha-mei laughs and says "Oh I think we will be living there too, much better than in this dry town."

Bob nudges me and goes "First Khajiit, now Argonian, are you going to play at being every race in Tamriel?"

"Pff, I don't think I could get fat enough to be a Sload!"

The next morning Makari and I went to see Zed, he had a small house near Weynon Priory, which had seemed unremarkable but... He let us in his small kitchen, and his wife quietly cleaned while he offered us a proposition-

"You know I'm a bit taciturn, and it works good for my line of work, but I've mentioned horses enough times right? Well, it's useful for having casual contacts with all levels of society, and it so happens the count's brother Orpheus is a familiar face- the one with a Khajiit wife."

"Yeah, ok, I got an idea of where you're going."

"Yes, she comes from a noble family living in Corinth before they had trouble with the Thalmor, and still secretly has ties to Elseweyr."

I ponder this for a bit, feeling paranoid. It's one thing to have the Altmer bastards sneering at a mixed race marriage, but another to sit next to a historic site associated with the Blades, master schemers who wound up destroyed by underestimating the Thalmor, and suggest we go guerrilla. Not for the first time i thought about the Redguards still fighting them and if I could wonder if Zed was an operative posing as a humble caravan guard, the Thalmor would have a dossier on him for sure. My thoughts are easily read, and no doubt he had considered this carefully, as he said-

"I know, a great risk, but at least talk with them- there is already an excuse, your mechanical devices are interesting, the Empire might need such help, so the count wants you to come to dinner."

Subtle threat, that I was already in danger, and my only hope was to throw in with the Empire. Plus he already knew my plans to live in Elseweyr and my rapport with the natives, who were only conditionally happy with the Altmer.

I had painted myself into a corner, so the only fault was mine. I looked over at my wife but she just smiled slightly, and I say- "Well, then, we'll need to see what we can wear."

"Oh it's not that formal, just something nice will work."

We get some decent clothes, for the dirty peasants we are, making sure to add ethnic touches to amuse the Imperials, although a bloody ax would cause more trouble than fur and feathers, even if I found one of those gag ones that you put on your head like it's been buried there. After a short stroll to the castle, we are greeted at the gate and asked for invitations (it would be silly to let random adventurers just wander in where they could sneak around behind idle guards and loot everything or assassinate someone) before being led into the grand entry hall lines with hundred foot pillars, then the throne room and right into the old dining hall, rather small compared to the rest but still nearly the size of my whole first floor. The carpet had some paint stain but they insisted it was historic and dated from the Oblivion Crisis when some hero found a painting and I wondered why that excused not cleaning up or at least flipping it over, two hundred years later you'd think they could get a new one... but I digress.

It's fairly simple, the actual His Grace The Count! and Her Grace The Countess! and their heir The Honorable Sublime Baron!, and Lord Orpheus Valga Knight of the Oak!, and his matrimonial wife the Lady Artemis Princess of Corinth Countess of It's Pronounced Kheir-val-jokh Not Hairball Joke. After the servants left the food the noble personages immediately tore off their ties and lace collars and the yellow onions on their belts and slurped soup, twirled pasta, and guzzled beer while belching and talking whether their mouth was empty or not. Entirely how I imagined it.

Orpheus was saying "So I told him, you need to either add a couple of R's or T's to your name, every good fantasy Arthur is Joe R R Smithin or Jerry Hatchett or something with double letters, and he said, well maybe the doubling just makes it easier to remember..." I was looking around for the shrine to Sheogorath when a servant whispered to the Count and he said "Alright, the spies are gone, now to be serious... unfortunately for him, this is entirely my brother's business and I can't offer any more help- no offense to anyone, I have enough troubles." and after formalities left with his wife and son.

My head was hurting from more than the Skingrad wine sampler and I asked him to make it simple, the floor looks very comfortable, and I'm sorry if I add stains other than paint to the carpet. He looks very serious, tall, dark, handsome in a mad wizard way, and looks us over before speaking. "I am always direct, but this is actually not my plan. My wife can explain it well enough."

I noticed she was tall, taller than me, a giant among Khajiits (at least the bipedal forms) and her fur was snowy white, with silver and black markings. She moved smoothly and spoke clearly... in Ta'agra.

"Yes it is so, this thing I am doing, heard you have my family is from Corinth, great noble lineage, few years ago some of us left because tall ugly elves had anger at our tongues. Kittens and mothers in danger now, sneak over sands to new campsite, where can we go? You find safe place, plenty water, plenty room, only two hands worth of fingers to feed, skinny cats happy with small fish."

Oh, about ten friends and family members want to hide out at our ruins. She could say it more plainly but I think it is a test of my speech skills. I look at Makari and she continues in the Khajiiti language "Do you have anything to say?"

and I reply as best I can "No it is your clan and territory, you tell me if you think help is good, then I tell if I can or will."

Orpheus laughs, "It's prudent to act like you're the one Nord that gets sick instead of happy. This is serious stuff, the Thalmor aren't sentimental, but you know that."

I look at my wife and say "I'm not happy with getting more attention, but I can't make any decisions without her- it's her home village we'd be near, and I don't want to endanger them as well."

Makari kicks me under the table for throwing the load on her, but it's true, if the Thalmor are psychotic despots then wiping out one little known village would be a standard form in their paperwork, or an acronym, like 'Where were you yesterday?' 'Oh I was off WOLKV again'. I don't say it though, or 'excuse me mister quest giver but I got life going on and don't have time to change your diaper when you sit around in a castle all day'.

Apparently I was saying it with my face as he coughed and said "We'd both be going and risking our lives as well, and remember the Thalmor have explicitly made their goal the destruction of the Empire." I blurt out "Bugger the Empire." and Makari kicks me really hard, the dishes rattle as his face stays still but his grin gets wider and we start to sweat expecting anything except

"Your dick is that big?"

and I lose it, laughing so much I knock things over, upsetting the waiter. He waits and says "We need people who can be honestly self centered, optimistic do-gooders are too easy to spot. I am too- I have plenty of people to worry about myself- you like it here, don't you? Nice prosperous city, low crime rate, paved roads, aqueducts, every race welcome as long as they behave reasonably..."

"Thalmor spies crawling about, thugs openly abducting citizens... another reason to vanish into the desert, I'm no Dragonborn, even the Emperor isn't- not that he's a bad old fellow."

"Indeed- we were just talking to him this morning. An informal monthly meeting of regional leaders, where we float various ideas. Having Elseweyr in play helps us greatly and my wife's connections can help." She sits sphinx-like, glancing at everyone from time to time, and I start to think this is a political marriage, I feel sorry for her, forced to flee her home and then into marriage- but aren't all the nobles like that- no wait this is the younger brother he can do as he wishes- but Khajiits can't breed with humans, at least it's never been proven, that much is burned into my mind...

I arrange my napkin and say "I still stand where I was, we can only help in getting you to Elseweyr, the clan mother would have to agree to the rest. Even that could get everyone tortured and killed, here or elsewhere, you can't even guarantee anyone's safety within your own borders, but expect convenient people to turn their lives over to you at your convenience and risk their family to save yours. I know the Thalmor won't stop but I never expected I'd be in a position to do anything, so it's hard to adjust to."

He appears more relieved than anything, perhaps hoping that getting me to speak openly will build trust, although nobles tend to define that as 'the fear to displease me any more lest ye learn what those funny machines in the dungeon do'. Finally he says-

"Yes this argument is growing thin, when the enemy causes more fear than your own government... and I already know the risks, my dear wife has explained them several times. If you help us save her people, they can help us drive the enemy out of one province, at the risk to all of us here as well as some of your people. If we do nothing then her people will be incapable of helping anyone, and our entire southern border will collapse. In fact we think the Thalmor will invade before they finish in Hammerfell, if they can get a chance to fracture the empire further. With Cyrodiil and Skyrim overrun, all resistance in Tamriel will be left in shatter, shrinking pockets."

I look at my goblet and say "Why the fuck didn't you summarize to begin with?"

He shrugs and say "If we fight about it now, we will be less inclined to do so later."

I look at my wife and say "There's no way we could pretend to be innocent, it's brazen aiding and abetting spies, et cetera, so the first question is, how do we get to the ruin? We only know the way through the village and that add complications, like getting the clan mother to help."

She sighs, "My mother would help, in the desert we still scorn the elves and have little idea of their danger. Also if city dwellers are going into the wild they will need local help, but that is also a problem as we do not like them much, in theory of course Lady."

Artemis smiles and says "Ignorance is best solved with experience. I'm certain your clan would profit if they aid us... and we are lucky, of course. Please, take time to think, sitting here overlong can't help, and the air grows stale in this cave. We could walk above, look out over the city under the stars, yes?"

We agree and go up many steps to the top of a tower, skies unhindered above and weak street lights and window-glow below. Orpheus lingers to speak with the guards, and I am alone with my wife and Artemis, who suddenly speaks,

"Please- think of how rare this chance is, to even get you to consider it! How many traders pass through, only thinking of profit? You are special, and surely the gods are behind this- there is the Chapel of Stendarr, god of mercy, and surely Mara brought you two together?"

Makari scrunches her face around- "S'rendarr the runt and Mara the mother? Yes, my husband is a bit of a runt, and I could be a clan mother, that sounds like a joke the gods would play on us..."

"I know, I am in the same sands, to know your love can never... if- well if I was male and my husband female, haha, I would offer an arrangement, ha yes that would work, though your man is having trouble imagining doing his part. But if we save my family, we can combine with your family- you left home because there are too many there so send some to join mine, make a real town where they will all be our children, surely that will provide an excuse enough we can worry less about the Thalmor- sometimes the best sneaking is in the open."

It sounds better than just hoping nobody notices such a thing, and building our own town sounds interesting. I did want to settle there for a few years, and at least one of us would be near relatives... I hold her hand and shrug. She sighs again, turning to me-

"You'd better say something, dear."

"OK, it's not a bad idea, and it would help my plan to explore ruins by having a nice base with plenty of help. Just humble adventurers living out in the desert, oh we're not all Khajiit? Well we've been all over Skyrim and Cyrodiil and even maybe Morrowind so why not Elseweyr."

"Hmm, well, my mother would be proud, she never expected me to be much... it is still too soon to say yes but we can visit again, we don't know many couples that are mixed race like us, right?"

Artemis smiles "Well I promise you, if we do have children somehow, I will put yours first on my list of recommendations. You never know what other tricks the gods will play..." She hugs both of us, soft fur on my cheek, then we go downstairs and slowly walk home, strip down, and hop in bed where we think we're too tired to do anything, but feeling her against me makes me hard, and I bite her neck and mount her, gently slipping in and out until we cum, and I nuzzle her, whispering love and wondering if my seed will ever grow in her womb. Certainly it is convenient that it doesn't now, but...

The next day we visit in the afternoon, taking them down to the river, sharing our favorite place and gently going over possibilities trying to think of weaknesses and how to be agile if things go unexpectedly. Finally we relent and agree to help start a village at the ruin, which after a short debate is named Inconvenient Bath, a good Khajiit style name. Returning to the city, we pass the temporary camps that have been here since the war years ago, grown from tents into shacks now but still spiritually broken. This was no giant slum, just those too unlucky or unable to escape, and I'm already agitated, I feel swept along when my life was flowing freely and now I was as trapped as they... and then get frustrated at myself for letting my emotions distract me, forgetting my training- slowly, softly, even when the bear has you cornered find a way to delay and survive...

I notice butterflies are everywhere, and see Makari twitch with the urge to chase them. It's hard to worry for long with a full grown cat person going wild eyed thinking about pouncing on fluttering insects, and I take her to the Oak and Croissant (they changed the name since nobody could remember what a crosier was) so we could have some Argonian T-Ale and Titus Mead... as they say, the only bad things here are the puns. We spend the rest of the day organizing, and entertaining each other until we have to sleep.

In the morning we hear knocking while all is still dark, and Artemis greets us saying it is time, still sleepy eyed herself. Our party is three couples, two men with Khajiits, and Zed comes with his wife, grunting he wants to kick some Altmer ass before he gets old. Orpheus provides a horse apiece for Makari and I, so we can all be mounted and swift. We left Chorrol soon after dawn, heading east before skirting Lake Rumare, before turning almost straight south to Fort Black Boot (rebuilt as border defense recently) where we stop to eat and rest; then across the border through Riverhold before veering southwest up ever climbing slopes towards Dune before turn southeast to pass through the eponymous sands, over the ridge and into the valley of Tokhari as the sun sinks behind us. Despite my earlier complaint that it takes a week, it is still tiresome. Every few minutes I expect an attack, or to see a scout following us. Certainly we are eyecatching, brazenly riding out of the Empire, but the unexpected move is hard to comprehend in time to counter, and no Thalmor try to stop us.

We meet with her parents, conveniently they are the clan parents and willing to listen to Artemis in spite of the risk, and of course are unwilling to help too much but suggest a few villagers that might go with us to settle at Bath. Most of the surplus locals had gone off to be traders or live in the cities, but they had a few kin around who could be trusted. There is an older brother of Krinrah, named Ziraj, who has a wife and two cubs, and is willing if he gets a large farm along the river. I soon realize that there will be a great deal of bargaining, and leave Makari and Artemis to handle the details. I merely second Artemis in suggesting we limit it to essential settlers for now, and started taking a census- Makari and Artemis were both archers and alchemists; Orpheus, Zed, and I were both capable of close combat as well as repairs; and we had one farmer already, which didn't help since crops would take time, but there was plenty of game and wild plants for a handful of people. We'd be off the trade routes and have nothing other than any machines I could build, so the rest of us would have to be busy farming and hunting in between adventuring, but it sounded more exciting than bothersome.

Then Makari, her mom, and Artemis talk about marriages to form an alliance between their clans, 'kari explaining to me - "I don't expect noble blood but it's important when mixing Khajiit clans to mingle blood by marriage instead of claws." I find room on my paper and ask her "OK so who is available?" "There's my sister Tsukari and brother Shavirr... there are a few other kin but I'm worried about them most, right mother?" Her dark fur rippled as she nodded "Oh yes wild kittens, not like you, need patient firm lovers." I snort "So I'm impatient and soft?" She laughs at me "I don't know, I've never bedded you... yet!" I glance at 'kari as she rolls her eyes, and I ready myself to pounce on the plump mother Khajiit before my wife grabs for a tail I don't have and falls over, and we both laugh at her. Artemis raises an eyebrow and gently continues "Well I have a younger half-brother, and a cousin perhaps, as well as several that are of other families that are still respectable. My brother is near your age but still tall, strong, and handsome." Makari smiles "Obviously my sister can marry your brother, if they wish of course, and my brother can take his pick of nice girls- we'll have to get them to pretend to be bad though..."

I asked her to explain more but got in over my head as she started rattling off relatives and I had to scribble out family trees as she went along- "The seven generations of clan mothers before me go back to the Third Era- Ri'Karima, Ri'karitsa, Ri'Tsavishi, Ri'Tsukari, Ri'tsalani, Ri'tsanarra, my mother Fire in Darkness Like Coals at Midnight, and then me, Oranges and Virgin Cream." "OK... what about husbands though?" I ask, a bit insecure I admit, and she shrugs- "Eh, most aren't important, or not the biological father. I'm sure somebody knows, but female descent is the important thing. Like, my dad's father is of direct female descent from a clan mother, so granpa is my mom's cousin, but my dad isn't. One of those things. They're fourth cousin anyhow so in a distant isolated village it's practically unrelated. Especially since everyone here is descended from the first clan mother or related by marriage." "So that's why marrying outsiders and being gay is perfectly fine, you've got cousins out the ears." "Yeah, it's a rarity that my dad only has one brother, but he has three sons- you know Krinrah, plus there is DroZahn, and Ziraj who is married to Jidargo's sister Khisa- double marriage between the families isn't common unless there is no other choice but in this case it was encouraged since of course two men can't make babies, but are both uncles of the kids so if they ever need to babysit it's kind of like the kids are their own, yaknow?" "Logical." "They have three other siblings that have moved to other places... and then of course there's siblings. Oh, and my mom's scumbag brother Radiir raped some nomad girl, their daughters are over there, Ahnarri and Mavishi... they'll make decent wives for anyone who can overlook their dishonorable birth- I know, not their fault, just- well, we can find some outsider that's less picky and more sympathetic. If some of the nomads want to live with us they'd be great to hire for the caravan, and marrying them to my cousins would help tie everything together." "Goodness you are a schemer." "I'm a daughter of the clan mother, and could be one myself someday, so I was raised to do such things." she says firmly with a smile, and I am pleased to see her looking proud. "Indeed... so, we have four Khajiits to marry, two cousins for nomads since their mom was and your two siblings for some city cats?" "Yes but don't just blurt it out, we have to do... yaknow, diplomatic stuff, just let me talk and wait to see if I need a head bashed or clit licked." "Oh? You don't talk very well with my mouth down there..." as I slink over to grope her a bit, and she pretends to fight whispering in my ear "No, not me- I might need you to go down on Artemis for me." I blink, "Oh really." "I know you won't mind." "Why me, why can't you do it? You could both at the same time..." "Pervert! No, I'll explain later. I'm surprised you'd turn down the chance to get..." She blushes- as much as she can under fur- and pushes me back- "Well, what dirty things you think are your own business... as long as you remember I love you." "Enough to have me go down on a hot woman and not some old crone?"

She smiles with fangs and I realize that I should shut up before I give people ideas. Also, her mom and Artemis are patiently waiting for us to stop fooling around- pretending not to listen is hard work. I decide it's time we had that talk about where kittens come from. "So with all this talk about men and women and making babies... I keep hearing different stories about whether..." I point back and forth between us "So since you have that long family tree and such, any non-Khajiit in there?" Artemis starts thinking, and clan mother says "Well of course my son, it is something you need to know now, at first we were afraid you would not stay and left things out, and my daughter has been eating the herb of stopping sperm- you have right dear? OK."

She stretches and gets up, looking through her small collection of scrolls, and brings me one with a chart of moon phases, pointing as she speaks- "The first thing to know is our shape is determined by ja'Kha'jay, the Lunar Lattice, the phases of the two moons Jone and Jode at our birth shape us as we grow. There are at least eight named forms, and each of the eight has a variation with raht added to the name. So, Ohmes look like Bosmer, and Ohmes-raht like furry elves. Suthay and Suthay-raht are both 'cat people', only the former have cat feet and the later have flat feet. Some of the villagers here are Ohmes-raht, but most are Suthay-raht like me, though you noticed Krinrah has cat feet, he is plain Suthay."

I nod and say "I've seen those different kinds lots of times, just never thought about it, I assumed it was like hair color or something." "Ah, yes, we often accept things as normal and don't think. Well, those other forms, Cathay are like us only big- Artemis is that kind, yes?" She nods, "My half brother is as well, most of my family are the common kinds though." Clan Mother continues "Let's see- Tojay and Dagi live in the jungles, I've never seen any so ask southerners about them. Alfiq, Pahmar, and Senche are quadrupedal forms, small, medium, and large. I have a cousin who is Pahmar, but he is living in the wild." That is a lot to digest, but I simplify for myself- it ranges from elven to animal, all sentient and I assume interfertile, which gives me some mental images.

Artemis speaks "Not to interrupt, I am not a clan mother but in the cities we see many things. Yes all the kinds of Khajiit can interbreed, as far as I know. As for other races... even in the city it would not be easily accepted, and also, since we know in the races that do mix the child resembles the mother, if say a Bosmer fathered a child with a Khajiit, how could you tell? That is why the Thalmor have been so successful with their propaganda telling us we are just a different kind of elf and should join them against the humans." "But elves mix with humans- I'm part Breton, generations back, but I know they're basically a mix of ancient man and mer. And there was the story of the Arena champion the Grey Prince, back at the time of the Oblivion Crisis, who was half orc." They ponder this, clan mother saying "Obviously you have done research. Anything else interesting from Imperial lands?" "I do remember one line from 'Racial Phylogeny'- 'Khajiit differ from humans and elves not only their skeletal and dermal physiology -- the "fur" that covers their bodies -- but their metabolism and digestion as well'... but if Khajiit are all the same at birth, how much is genetic and how much magical?" Clan Mother frowns "We do not often ask such things, and we have heard stories of things wizards do when they get curious. You should not ask others too much, keep all your questions for me, you are my son now and should look to your mother for advice. However right now I can't answer such things, I have already been thinking hard about this business we have. Tell me though, do you think you can give me granchildren?" "I think it is possible, but I am not in a hurry to prove it." They snicker and clan mother says "If you did, I think it would look as Khajiit as us, yes, and that is why nobody believes it for certain, as the Lady said, since there is no way of proving who fathered who. Which worries me child, if you do, I don't want my grandchildren to be called bastards. Enough of this though. Perhaps the man should go worry about manly things, talk to the boys about hunting yes? Let the women chew on sugarcane for a while, while you go pee on some trees. My daughter tells me you are well equipped for it so you should get it really far up the trunk." she snickers, Artemis tries to look unconcerned, and 'kari is just embarrassed. I say goodnight to them, kissing my wife discretely before heading out.

Once again Jidargo and Krinrah are hosting the menfolk, apparently everyone has decided the gay guys' tent is the perfect place to be manly and hide from the women. Tonight they're playing cards and talking about titties, while Krinrah sits out front leaning back smoking a hookah. I sit next to him just to say hi and he hops in my lap, offering me a smoke and a drink, and I'm like "OK." "Oh, I have permission, wonderful. I just feel left out when they get all macho and need some comfort." and leans back. I go with the flow and hold him around the waist, his cool fur making me notice the chill in the air. I ask "Is that better?" and he says "Oh, yes, nice to be cuddled platonically- oh well, almost, shift that over-" as my penis decided warmth and pressure were an invitation to join the party. He laughs and says "Yaknow, I always wanted my husband to hold me like this, while we secretly had sex without anyone noticing..." "Hey, I put my hand there for convenience." "Bah, you and your monogamy, I wanna try a smooth penis- yaknow she keeps talking about it, causing all sorts of problems with the womenfolk." "Oh that'll go down in legends- his penis was so smooth, it started a war!" "Oh gosh... well the offer is open, my husband won't mind. I sometimes wish he'd be more jealous, but it's better too little." "Well, if something was going in my butt I'd want it too little. I don't mean to leave you cold but I was gonna update everyone on negotiations, lapwarmer." He grunts and shifts over beside me, and I sooth him "You can come visit our tent anytime you wish, cousin." and he nods as I go inside and tell Orpheus- "Well the women are conspiring together, so the plan seems to be working. Mother thinks I should be talking about manly things like hunting though." "Ha, do we actually need a conversation about it?" "No, I think there is enough game if we ration wisely, and enough vegetation for livestock if we wish. Crops, we'll see, that's more long term, but we'll have a few locals coming with us to help with that too." "Ah, well, problem solved eh." "There is one thing- fire. I'm sure you aren't excited about using dried dung like they do here, so we'll have to see how much wood we can sustainably gather from the trees and bushes on the riverbank. Warm food and boiled water are too important to risk running out of fuel." "Oh yes, and don't want those tasting off. Bloody good planning. I feel justified in pressuring you into accepting our arrangement, no doubt an ordinary trader would have abandoned us to the jackals. We are in your debt." I'm a bit abashed but don't want to look uncool, "No big deal- just looking out for myself yaknow." "He who doesn't ask for rewards seldom receives any- don't expect a Nord to not be assertive... right, you're not the usual kind. We are just starting but if this goes well, you said you were returning to Chorrol in a year or so- coming down regularly to explore, but based there at least... well, I'm sure my family will find it profitable to underwrite your endeavours, and my wife and myself would be happy to be your hosts on holidays, as you both lack family in town." He meant cousins and such, but I thought of babies, all that talk of marrying off Khajiits and hoping they'd have kids to mix everyone together.

"So when you married Artemis, did you think about children?" "Hmm, a very casual question, but considering our surroundings, plus you are in the same circumstances... Yes, a great deal, nobles are thinking of having children while they still are children, with all the arranged marriages... which is why I was rebellious, and never settled down. Plus there are so many wonderful women to enjoy time with while we have it. Heh. Artemis, well we have no noble Khajiits in Cyrodiil, so for an alliance she had to marry a human... we aren't very romantic, I can't hide that, but we are good friends and respect each other- which is what love and marriage require, right?" "Oh, yes, my wife is my best friend, that is where our romance came from." "Often it does, and other times... I do feel badly not being starstruck by her, but it's a better marriage than many nobles have." "True. My marriage is better than many that peasants have." He guffaws- his laugh actually sounds like the word- and stretches, pondering his cards. He makes a bet and softly tells me sideways "You know, all this good luck- aside from my hand- seems like the favor of the gods. Like I said, the Thalmor want to destroy humanity, and the gods will use us to stop their mania for we are their children to protect." I mumble agreement, though it worries me when people insist they know what gods are thinking.

Later I go back to check and the women are done talking, 'kari is yawning and I take her to our tent and cuddle her in bed and she snoozes while absentmindedly petting her, enjoying the feel of her body on me and in my hands. Eventually I sleep, and awake as she grows restless and lays herself on top of me, belly to belly, holding me with all her limbs until she wakes up more and nibbles on me. I grunt and nibble back, so she slips my morning wood inside her and lays there for some time in silence. Soon my belly rumbles, and she sits up straddling me in the dimness, pouting "Would you like me better with fur like starlight?" "No dear, orange and cream suits you fine." "What if I was taller?" "Then I couldn't pick you up as easy." "I could speak more noble, be restrained like a lady." "The only restraint I want you to have is when you get careless with your claws and fangs." "You already forgot about what I said about Artemis, haven't you?" "No, but it's been pushed aside by other things, like Krinny climbing in my lap." "Oh!? When? After you left? Hmm. Well he is a bit forward. As long as you can keep your dick in your pants, if only so -I- don't get some crotch rot. My love." "Of course love... now are you going to move or just sit there?" "Make me move!" "Oh, I can do that..."

In the morning we had a visitor- a young nomad, Ja'Qanar, who was in town and so we talked to him about joining us to help with expeditions into the wilds. I let Makari speak with him, as he is not familiar with humans and somewhat confused by me. She gives him tea and asks why he is here. "I was injured and the clan mother here knew more than ours. Your clan is more kind to us than others, though we know it is because of the woman your uncle stole and married, forcing us to be kin." "Yes, that was awkward, but their daughters are good girls, of an age to marry now, but we asked you to talk to us about going east." "Ja'Qanar has travelled far yes, but seldom to that area. He does know the plants and animals, the signs of the sky and how to survive, all those things, so he could help you, if all of you know these lands." He looks at me funny and says "Your family is fond of outsiders, they are very open minded, my clan will fight before fucking, haha. But this is not a bad thing you do. We have a shortage of people to marry, poor Qanar is surrounded by lovely sisters he cannot touch." "Oh? You need a bride? it is not good to be tempted. We have women you can marry, my cousins, they have a nomad mother so it would be pleasing to them to walk the sands." "Ah, I see, they shame you by their presence but you are too kind to cut their throats, you will just sell them like camels and let the desert do the rest." "We love them but we have no eligible bachelors, and we are going to a place where we can have a good camp with lots of water- an entire pond inside a cave- and we will rest there and be lazy in between expeditions." "Why is there nobody living there now then?" "It lies in a hidden place, off the trails that are used now, forgotten and far. Our village has grown large enough we can send some to live there, now that we know of it, but it will not be many, so we need others to join us." "I don't know about living in a town, this is too crowded here, but if I can camp there and go herd on rich grass nearby, just go with you sometimes yes, until you learn the desert yourself, and being married would let us all get along... very tempting, what's wrong, is she ugly?" "Oh, no, look over there-" She goes to the entrance and opens the flap so he can look out, as Ahnarra and Mavishi are living in the tent across from us, and she told them to sit outside looking pretty and useful. "Oh yes, pretty, not bad, surely there is some other problem, why give me such nice choices?" "Well, as I said, and you said, their presence is awkward here, but there would be a new start. Also my mother said good things about you... don't look awkward, she does that with lots of men. It will not be entirely safe, either, with so few, but raids are uncommon these days. So think about it, at least consider working with us, as that is less binding and risky, you can take your time on the rest. Stay for lunch though, since I know mother wouldn't mind, you can talk with them then hmm?" "Oh, yes, I don't have anything that could impress girls from town though." "My husband has some spare clothes, we got plenty as presents for our marriage. Yes, he's my husband, so a good strong Khajiit should have no trouble wooing Ahnarra or Mavishi... here this is a nice color to go with your fur... oh we won't look, try it on... yes, handsome, let's get you some shiny things, and feathers... good!"

We had to endure lunch at her mother's, I had no reason to be there other than be Makari's pillow while they danced around trying to interest one of her cousins in the nomad. At least he looked handsome cleaned up, and seemed decent company, though I was thinking about long hours walking the sands and rocks, since I'd had enough talking and was hungry for action. I knew Artemis had sent word to her family and was waiting for them to come here, but there was no need for the rest of us to sit around. I had found some things to do when my wife let me play, Orpheus, Zed, and the various Khajiit males around all had started fighting lessons in the evening, each explaining various things they had picked up, and we had fun beating each other up and getting dirty. Most mornings I would go with Makari to gather alchemy ingredients, there were many small shrubs and strange succulents native to the desert, and some were only found in one unique situation, for example a bush that only lives near alkali springs, and another that flourishes in gypsum sands, etc. The only way I could feel useful was to practice Ta'agra listening to them talk, trying to keep up. Finally they started to finish, letting the potential lovers talk more, and I started groping my wife under her robe where nobody could see, and she suggested we walk around a bit since Ja'Qanar said his camels have designs engraved in their fur. Of course it was also since things were going well and we could let him talk to Ahnarra as she seemed more interested, and Mavishi walked with us while Makari asked her what she wanted in a husband. I took the chance to go talk to Artemis and Orpheus about what to do.

"OK, I'm bored with this girl stuff- well, not my girl and her stuff, but the romance- well not my romance- you know what I mean, I want to get out there and make some septims. You don't need the rest of the party here, Lady, we can go ahead and start getting ready, and you can stay here, it should only be a few more days right?" "Ah, yes, I hope, they are going slow, but I think that is good, I have seen you all out training and it is time to put that energy to use, right husband?" "I'm game for it, who did you have in mind other than yourself?" "Well, like we talked about before- if you want to come that is good, and Zed has been there so him too- the locals have taken to you Lady so no danger to stay without us around. I'd like my wife to come, as she has been there, and is a healer, and her mother can negotiate everything herself. Ziraj can come now and his family later. Jidargo and Krinrah are welcome, if they wish, or any other cousins of mine." Artemis smiles "Oh, used to them being related already hmm?" "Ah, yes they remind me constantly. I'll go talk to some likely lads, as you say, though I think it might be a hard sell, miss the party to go shift sand around. Also it might be best to leave someone who went the first time, so Jidargo can stay, I'll see what young men might be willing, bribe them with hunting, and maybe Makari can suggest a girl to go who can keep our bachelors distracted." I spent the afternoon trying to find the best way to convince a Khajiit that something so boring was worthwhile. I decided that the work part should be minimized- we just needed the inn ready anyhow, and then we could go adventure, though lost ruins seemed foolish to them so I talked about hunting in the unspoiled wild patch along the river, how we had caught animals with our bare hands there were so many. They knew I embellished things but started getting interested. After the evening meal I finally had two volunteers, a runty male named Bugeater who wanted to prove his worth, and a tomboy named Tsalani who just wanted to get away into the wilds. Not exactly amazing but I had low expectations. We didn't leave the next day, instead piddling around getting ready and trying to keep everyone convinced to go, as they had half a mind to wait for the city cats, but I was determined to get my business started, and we at least all got together for fighting and sneaking practice. I wanted to make sure they wouldn't do too badly if we ran into some monsters or bandits.

Finally, in the morning we sleep late and have a big breakfast, and wander through the badlands to find the ruins as we had left them. Everyone slowly gets to work cleaning up the inn, which goes well, then we rest in the evening talking about how to claim property, and I realized we needed a town council. Obviously it would be in the casual Khajiit way of direct democracy, but I had no idea as i started talking... "So how does this work? We're doing it the Khajiit way right? Who's in charge anyhow, it was my plan to settle here but Orpheus is in charge of the refugees." "Whoa, I'm just helping my wife, and I'm not sure how permanent they expect this to be. A few might stay but once things calm down they'll want to go home." I looked around and said I was open to suggestions, and Ziraj said firmly "Makari is daughter of clan parents so had as good a claim, also this is within the bounds of our territory so we have the right to have a mother of our own clan." The other Khajiits- Makari, Bugeater, Tsalani- all nodded in agreement.

Makari said "I cannot press my own claim but that is the way things are done, although I always expected to succeed my mother in Tokhari, not start my own clan in Bath." Ziraj continued "With Makari as clan mother, we have plenty of heirs already, not to promote my wife but being the daughter of Makari's mother's sister, she is next in line and we already have a daughter. Also Tsukari might live here or in the other village, and you said she might marry the brother of Artemis, that would combine our clans enough to keep the peace." Makari nods, "Yes that was our plan. Also, Tsalani there is in the female line so there is yet another choice. Artemis said she only had one female cousin so it is better for our line to rule."

Orpheus nods and Ziraj continues "Yes, even though you might not have daughters you can teach all your cousins." I take offense at this "Are you referring to my expected inability to have children with my wife?" Ziraj raises his hands and apologizes "I am merely stating apparent things- you'll just have to prove me wrong by knocking her up, eh? You are my cousin regardless, you act Khajiit enough to accept as clan father, a Nord is hardly less foreign than those silly town people from down there anyhow." I sigh, "Alright, no offense taken- but what does a clan father do?" Ziraj grins "Makes more clan mothers!" After some more witty retorts, I managed to get some serious answers- "Hey, I came here to score some loot, are you sure this is easy?" "My mom does it, and with twenty people it's not like there is much to do. Besides, in a year or so we'll go back north and someone else can do it. Just rotate it around as needed." "Do we change our names? You'd be what, Ri-Makari? but Ma is virgin and - ow, I mean a mother can't be a virgin." "Well, ok, the Ma could turn to Sa, but having another Ri sounds redundant, so it'd be Ri'Saka... and you'd be Ri'Rothmun."

I think that over for a bit- "But I can still call you Makari or Kari or sugarbuns..." She frowns at me for making obvious jokes- "Yes dear, you can say anything you like, I might answer to something that sounds good." I hold back my smart ass comments for later, and start sketching a map, talking as I go- "OK, Inconvenient Bath is wedge shaped at the head of the valley. The spring house is at the north end, under the big hill, with the stream running southerly in a stonework canal for a ways before reaching lower ground and a wider natural channel. On the west bank is a short road, with the inn/tavern with a nice house next to it for the innkeep. Then there are a couple of ruined houses and the shrine of Nocturnal, then at the end of the road is a large farmhouse with large area with most of a stone fence still standing." "Ziraj claims the large farm, as we agreed, I already have cubs and need land that can be divided among them." "Any oppose? OK, then take it, I'll make a note here. Who should run the inn? I don't think we'll have much need for it but someone has to keep it repaired." Orpheus clears his throat- "I can do that, while we live here, as my wife's people will need to stay there until they get their houses in order. We can name it the Lord and Lady, and make a tavern too- I always wanted one of my own." "Sounds good, it'll be a different place to go, although I think the Khajiiti are in the habit of visiting friends by house hopping. No problems? Moving on then. On the east bank is the small market square, and up against the ridge is a large store with apartments above and roomy basement below that I want so the wife and I can set up business. Not to be greedy but this is my whole goal." Everyone nods and Makari agrees it is nice, so I continue- "South of the square are three rows of houses running from the bank up to the ridge, and south there are several small farms, who wants what? Zed, you have a wife, want a farm?" "Ah, no, nothing too settled, just a nice house with a garden, we'll move back to Chorrol eventually." "OK that's cool, how about you Bugeater? Tsulani? Want your own houses, or you can live with us since you're kin." Bugeater bites his lip "Can we get farms, or are we too low status? I know I am distant kin but Tsulani is a closer cousin, why not give her one?" "Oh well, I promised Ja'Qanar he would could have one, and the farmhouses are in ruins right now, so this is more temporary. I can still give you one and you can live with us, or wherever you like." "I wouldn't mind staying at the inn so I can hang around the tavern, haha." he says looking pleased. I turn to the quiet, lean female and ask her "Alright, how about you Tsulani? Want land, a house, or just live at the tavern?" "Tsulani would be happy to live with her cousin, she might want to go home eventually, so not ready to commit to her own house... plus it would get lonely." Makari goes and fusses over her saying how it would be nice to have her and such, and I finish some details on my map. After passing it around and agreeing it sounds good, I speak again- "Alright, so there are plenty of houses and two good farms left, I guess we'll see who shows up and hope it's enough. We can always work on irrigation and such. However, for now since we have so few people, I suggest we spend a day of repair time on the roads and trail into town, and then wait for the rest to arrive. We can all stay at the inn till then. Is that good?" Ziraj speaks, "Ri-Rothmun, Ziraj has small children coming and perhaps we could start cleaning his house, when the roads are done, as that is a good thing to do first." Orpheus leans in "Also, the innkeeper's house needs some work, and as it is roomy we could fit more in there as well." I look at the map, and Makari/Ri'saka says "Yes, we should try to order what to do, I think since the innkeepers house is closest, we just go down one side, then the others can help with the rest." I agree, "Yes, having a crowded in will help encourage them to get out working. Now, it's been a long hard day, enough talking, let's have some drinking and dancing..."