A night to remember pt3

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#3 of A night to remember

Note: Again, Genevieve is shortened to Jeni at some points.

Another RP log colaboration with the ever-amazing Cerine.

In the Flexible Survival world.

The vixen rubs her throat with one paw as the other rubs her belly softly, quickly pulling away with a silent gasp as she feels how sensitive it is, and she tries to pick herself up after a few moments to rest in the sunlight and try and regain her focus, with her backpack and supplies left in the darker parts of the house, she most definitely doesn't want to risk getting them as she tries to gesture, pointing back to the street as she tugs on Jeni's arm.

Nodding, taking a last look back at where their gear would have to stay, Genevieve follows after Erin, not wanting to get separated from her friend, not when there next few moments together might be their last. She can already feel, in her mind, the need to spread her wings, to fly off, to find some- NO, she would not let it take her.

Erin is wandering as if somewhat dazed, trying to make her way back to the streets where she might be able to try and get back to someone that could help as she tries to fight the instincts and urges flowing through her, the urge to go back somewhere dark and safe to protect what's inside her.

Keeping her hand... talon, in her friends paw, Jeni keeps up with the pregnant girl, wanting to be sure she knows she isn't alone in this. Running with her friend, she does notice just how well this new body moves. In the clothing, the dragon form seems to restrict itself, holding back to the form the outfit she chose molds it to, a very petite and feminine dragon. The day seems to move on around the pair, caught in a daze, almost entranced by their gradually completing transformations, it's only in late afternoon that alarm bells start to ring in their heads. Night is coming.

The darker it gets, the more the vixen looks around for possible shelter, sniffing at the air for traces of any other mutants at some of the houses she approaches, the girl nearly operating on instinct alone at some times, but one paw stays against the dragon's talons, squeezing and not wanting to let go as she leads her friend through the streets, behind a van and towards another house that smells to the vixen like there's nobody home.

Looking up at the sun, trying to judge how long they have, Jeni follows her friend, unable to ask her what she is doing, and, to some extent, not caring. Noticing she has made up her mind, she pads up, beside her friend, toward the building. Tapping Erin on the shoulder, she gives her a slightly worried look. It's dark inside, very dark. The things inside them like the dark...

She nods in return, gulping a little and silently cursing the fact her torch was left behind. But with night getting closer it's going to be dark around them regardless. Clutching her belly with one paw she looks around, walking through the yard to try and get into the garage, hopefully she might get lucky and find a torch, though with the door locked it looks like the only way to get in might be through the dark house.

Whining, but not a hint of the sound passing her lips, Jeni pads over to the house, already feeling a slight tingle in her rear, she begins to panic and, finding the house door locked too, snarls silently and kicks at the door, shattering the door frame and sending a jolt of pleasure through her as she stumbles into the dark house. Amazingly enough, her eyes seem perfectly able to see in the pitch black room, her body now heating up, the worm-dildos waking from their daytime hibernation. She spots it, a torch.

Erin tries to follow, looking at the shattered door in concern as that means one less barrier to try and shield the pair from any other kinds of mutant out there. Though that thought gets stripped away as once she's in the shade, she can feel faint movement inside herself.

Reaching for the torch, turning it on, Genevieve is dismayed at the dull light it puts out. Reaching out to Erin, she pulls the girl close, shredding both their pants with her claws she turns the dull light to their groins, giving a silent sigh as the worming, wriggling seems to slow. Looking around the room again, she tries to spot another torch, batteries, anything and ends up in a noiseless growl. Nothing.

Puffing steadily for breath, Erin huddles close to the dragon, trying to focus as she looks around for anything she could use, maybe to even start a fire as that might help them, at least for a little while. She looks up at the dragon again, leaning over to try and reassure her friend with a gentle rub of her fuzzy face against her cheek.

Smiling, Jeni can feel the worm in her throat working away to full effect, her lips and face quite sensitive from it's efforts, the glowing worm leaching something into her, down into her stomach. The one in her breeding passage slowly moves about, not fully awake, thanks to the dim torch, but certainly still there, still wearing away on her self control. Slowly, she notices the torch beam dim a little and she realizes it wont be enough for the night. The idea of setting the place on fire comes to mind and is discarded. A fire produces both a lot of light and smell, a beacon to ferals.

Erin gulps and stuffs a paw into her mouth to bite it hard, forcing her focus on that than the things slowly waking up inside her as she keeps looking around for any other source of light, even contemplating trying to find a car that might work for the battery in it, if she could find a way to rig up a light from it.

Noticing her friend looking around, seemingly adept at seeing in the dark as well, Jeni lifts one eye-ridge. Completely out of ideas, knowing that all too soon the light will fail, she silently looks to her friend for ideas, for anything they could do. Suddenly, without warning, the torch seems to flicker and stop.

Even if she had an idea, she couldn't communicate it to her friend with her voice stolen away by the thing in her throat which feels like it's coming to life more and more, especially as the torch goes out, which leaves the vixen trying to take the dragon's claw to lead her back outside into the light, maybe they can find another house or a shed, possibly a generator?

Moaning silently on the floor, the dragoness tries to focus on her friend as, inexorably, that worm in her depths comes to full life and, in a duplication of what happened to her friend, Jeni finds her insides growing tight, constricted. Slowly, the winged girl's belly starts to swell, her eyes wide as she screams, without a sound, as pleasure burns through her body. Dark... darkness is where she needs to stay, she needs her... her children, to grow strong in the dark.

Those thoughts would get a little disrupted as there's a slight pain in one of her arms, the vixen shaking her head and nipping at her friend to try and bring her back to her senses as she tries to pull her up and lead her outside, even as the worms inside her writhe about and twitch, throwing her thoughts and instincts into chaos.

Pulled from her lust-dream, Jeni looks up at her friend, giving a soft whimper as she digs her claws into the floor, pulling herself toward the mangled door. Seemingly having to pull and urge Erin along now, she reaches the door and stretches her head outside, looking around but, to her horror, realizing that while they were inside, huddled around the torch, night had fallen.

With that realisation the vixen pulls the dragon back inside, her vision hazy and a little unfocused at times as instincts tell her to find somewhere comfortable, dark and safe where they won't be disturbed, especially not by the morning light.

Her will broken by the setting of the sun, Jeni's own mind seems dominated now, by thoughts of finding somewhere nice, dark, somewhere to lay her eggs. That last bit, is enough to break her free for a moment, 'EGGS?!?' she thinks but is quelled back, the strong thoughts dashed by particularly strong rubbing and rippling in her slit and rear as she looks over to her friend, reaching her arm out to wrap around the vixen, to support and be supported as she sets about looking for the basement door.

The feeling of the dragon's arm wrapping around her is a comfort that drives away a little more of the girl's resistance, the vixen sniffing and slowly trying to lead her way to the basement door, which looks heavy, like it might be part of a storm shelter. Erin's thoughts around her own eggs and the wiggling things inside her distracting any thought or attempt to fight with warmth flushing through her body and constant pleasure.

Watching her friend, belly swollen like her own, work at the door lock, Jeni nuzzles her friend softly, her thoughts dulled by the constant attention of the worms, the things seeking to pacify and control their hosts, keep them docile but not disabling them, not until they are safe.

With a click and a very soft puff from the vixen, she pulls the heavy door open and tries to go down the stairs first to see if there's anything dangerous.

Jeni looks about, her dark-piercing eyes looking for danger. With a quiet giggle she notes that someone was actually living down here, before the virus hit. A bed in one corner, couch, television... it's a full living environment and would be perfect for them, were there power. Of course, the worms find such places as perfect too. Closing the door behind her, locking it, the dragoness makes her way down, after her friend, warmth and pleasure building, the worms rewarding their host for finding exactly what they need.

Erin settles herself onto the couch with a silent groan, rubbing at her breasts and belly with both paws as her body is just thankful for a chance to sit down somewhere soft. Looking over at Jeni, she tries to mouth something, but whatever it is, it's impossible to tell, it might have even just been a muted cry of pleasure as she's presumably getting the exact same sensory rewards that her draconic friend is.

Floping down, on the thickly carpeted floor, beside the couch, the scaled girl doesn't want to be far from her friend, the bond of their time together strong, even stronger than the worm's ability to break down the mind and render it useless. Rubbing her own belly, she feels a pressure, something strong needing to push, needing to be out. Rolling to her back, she lifts her legs up, bracing, and begins to push down, the first contraction timed perfectly with her action.

Joining her friend on the floor, the vixen finds herself on her knees, her tail lifted high as she feels the urge to try and push. The creature within her keeping her distracted with another wave of pleasure and the urge to do nothing but try and lay whatever is inside her, and imagine being filled up again and again with worms.

Pushing and pushing, Jeni can feel Erin beside her, her friend going through the same thing. The pressure seems to build slowly, forcing down, stretching her entrance, with one last push she feels the widest point of the egg breach her entrance and the mass pushes free. Just as another enters her birth canal.

Erin too feels this pressure, the eggs moving a little, her body adjusting their position. Where the worm went is unknown, but it likely dissolved itself to make the eggs. Again, the pressure crests and breaks, the first egg spilling from the vixen's hips and, both the girls can feel a tingling in their limbs, fingers feeling almost numb.

It's not something Erin notices, not with her passage stretching and leaving her silently gasping as the egg is forced from her dripping slit, the vixen trying to focus enough to look down at it before she feels the urge to start pushing getting worse, washing away her attempts to think or resist once again.

Her mind awash in the pleasure of laying these eggs, Jeni is dimly aware of the tingling getting stronger, but moving. Slowly, she feels it flow over her hand and to her wrist, her fingers now not just numb, but as she lifts one hand up before her snout, she notices her fingers are gone altogether.

Were Erin to look, she would see her own paws and fingers diminishing, pulling back and being drawn back into her body.

Her eyes are closed though, the tingling just another sensation distracting her as she feels herself shivering, her body going through what feels like a mini-orgasm after laying every egg, though she does try and reach over to rub at her breasts, which feel quite sensitive in turn, but finding her arms feel a little funny and don't respond, assumes it's some manner of side effect from the sheer pleasure she's feeling.

On and on the two work, their bodies shuddering and bucking under the assault. The worms work on the pair's minds, conditioning them with short bursts of chemicals to feel pleasure, need and love for their eggs and, as the last one leaves each of them, they would feel an amazing burst of orgasmic bliss, their bodies shuddering and convulsing again and again.

So distracted were they, however, that neither of them noticed, when they entered the room, that there was a pair of small windows on one side, and come morning, the easterly facing of them would see bright light let into their world once more.

As the morning light hits her in the face, Erin groans, trying to roll herself over, though her body feels a little odd, the vixen laying on the carpet on her back after the exhausting effort of laying the eggs that were deep inside her.

Feeling her friend moving, Genevieve rolls to her, reaching out to wrap her arms around the girl. All she can feel though, is her wings, snuggled around Erin. "Erin, what?" she gasps, realizing all at once that her voice worked, distracted from the implications of her arms not working as she wanted them to.

"Mhh... 'name's Aaron remember?" The vixen mumbles softly, her ears twitching as she feels something wrapping around her to snuggle her, slowly opening her eyes to look up at the dragon and lean to try and bump her muzzle against her neck. She still sounds half asleep though, that trait not having changed along with her body.

Giving a little chuckle, distracted from her predicament by the vixen, Jeni bumps back with her snout, "Sweetie, I hate to tell you this, but that name doesn't fit you anymore. For one, your breasts are perkier than mine." she says, glad to have her voice back, if not her... "What happened? I felt the eggs pass, they... they are gone... but my arms..." she tilts her head to try and examine her shoulder, or, more to the point, her lack of even a shoulder, not even having the 'anchor point' on her body any more.

"Ngh... I can barely remember what happened but... erm Jeni? You don't have any arms, at least not where I can see them, did they merge with your wings or something?" she asks with a bit of a groan, trying to look at herself and move about against the dragon girl to look over her form, though Jeni would be able to hear a very panicked squeak come from the vixen as she realises what's happened to her as well!

"Yeah, I think... I think whatever those worms do, they try and trap their host, guess we got lucky with the windows." the draconic female replies, only now noticing, as Erin had, that the vixen is not quite all there either, "Oh hell, are you okay?" she asks.

"Umm, I think so... I can't quite see what it's done though save well... leaving me with these" she squeaks, looking at the stumps her arms and legs have been reduced to as she tries to stand up and clumsily crawl about, though it looks like the mass from her limbs went somewhere else, with the vixen's bustline having increased overnight, along with the addition of a second set of breasts beneath the first. "Do you think we'll be able to get out of here?"

"We will see, I think... yeah, I still have my legs, if nothing else, I can tear my way out and you can follow. I just want to see the sun." Jeni replies to her friend, arching her body back and rolling her tail. The longer mass, seemingly taken from her arms, get the dragon-come-wyvern to her feet. "I will..." as she reaches the door, she growls, realizing she had locked the door.

"You've got quite a tail though" Erin says with a slight chuckle, watching the almost wyvern get to the door before trying to follow. "Do you think we can open it without arms?" she asks, flicking her tail and looking up at everything as she feels so much smaller on all fours.

The wyvern girl's mind clouds a moment, anger and annoyance building until, she opens her mouth and just yells, a gout of flame building and pouring forward, first tickling at the door until the heat starts to warp it. At last, the flame burns right through the door, slagging it and leaving what wooden parts of it that remain smoking. "Think... think I got it..." she replies, a little dazed by what she just did. As if on queue, a small wriggle inside her, as the flames decrease, a worm still within her, growing active as she leaves the lit basement.

Erin falls on her backside with a faint 'yip' in surprise as her friend does.... well whatever she did it was certainly unexpected! "H-hey wait for me... if you can do that does that mean we still need to worry about light so much?" she calls out, clumsily trying to follow the wyvern as she slags the door and steps through.

"I don't... I am not sure how I did that and... I think whatever part of me did it is drained." Genevieve replies stepping through, her long tail trailing, the girl figuring her body can just look after that part of things without her trying to mess it up. "Augh, I shouldn't have torn that door down, stinks like a... ahh shit, gryphons..." her deep growl at seeing the blue mutants cutting off her words as she stares down, yes down, at the ferals, her height now quite intimidating.

The vixen however, creeps behind her friend to try and hide, having no idea what she'd be able to do in a situation now with her body like this. "More Gryphons? Umm... Jeni I don't think I'm going to be much help with well... anything in a fight like this though I guess I could bite one if they get close enough."

The gryphons are feral, and they smell the vixen and lust for her, but fighting over ten feet of annoyed wyvern that just burnt through a steel reinforced door... no, they are not suicidal. The bird-cats make a run for the door and taking to their wings as soon as they are free.

Fighting her instincts to give chase, Jeni grins, "I think... I think I like this." she hisses, turning to check on the vixen, "You okay there?" she asks, a tender side, a motherly side outing in her, her instincts wanting to take care of the girl.

The vixen crawls out from her little hiding space, nuzzling the tail to let her friend know where she is as she comes back to her side. "I'm alright, I'd hate to think of what would have happened if you weren't here."

"What did you tell me, when you pulled me out of that damn slaver pen?" Jeni replies, one of her wings dipping down to rub at the vixen gently, "I won't leave you, you are safe." she adds, smiling, "But we need to find somewhere safer and... can you feel one of the damn things in you still? I think I have one..." her voice is calm though, "We need to stop at midday this time, find somewhere like this place, set up so that it is filled with light the moment we finish... well, laying."

"I'm still here for what it's worth too, but that's a good idea I swear I feel something wiggling about inside somewhere" Erin says, licking the wing a little in the closest thing she can give to a kiss as she reaches to try and caress it with what used to be her arm, but is now almost like a pudgy teddy-bear like limb.

"You could, um, ride on my back, just above my legs..." Jeni offers, leaning down, her legs crouching, the limbs having, if anything, grown more powerfully muscled. "I should be able to keep you balanced up there. I need your nose to guide me, after all."

"I'll try, Just don't drop me okay?" she squeaks, clumsily trying to climb up onto her friend's back to try and hug her as much as she can. Jeni can feel the vixen's weight settling in just above her legs before she calls out. "Okay I think I'm ready."

Unable to stop her swaying gait, the wyvern girl makes her way out the broken door, her tail sweeping away the remnants of the wood, Jeni feels the fox girl settle down a little more, breasts bracketing her scaled spine. "How is this? Working for you?" she asks, walking out.

The swaying gets a bit of a whine from the vixen, but she soon settles into it, her tail swishing against Jeni's back in a slightly ticklish manner on occasion. "It's different but it's definitely working. Thanks Jeni"

"No problems sweetie, lets find some food and find a fortress. I don't want to see this place again." the be-scaled female replies, grinning and making her way onto the street, for once feeling not tied to a need for a gun, confident in her own strength.

Right then, lightly, a little twitch, a reminder, one worm still lives in each of them.