Pets are better

Story by gone_toDevArt on SoFurry

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This is a 'short' I whipped up today that I had in my mind. It turned out much longer than I originally thought it would be. Just in time for a holiday bonus though, right?


(oh, and please leave comments so I know what you think about it!)


Pets are better

*Tinkle, tinkle* went the bell as the door swung open announcing the entrance of a new customer. It was nearly time to close and the cashier looked ready to go home. He could tell she was a female, and that was pretty much it, as her breasts could easily be seen poking through her outfit as it conformed to her body. Her outfit, though, covered up almost all of her as far as the clerk could tell.

She wore a long black raincoat, still glistening from the light sprinkle outside. Tall mud boots enveloped what was visible beneath it, not the clunky kind, but the type that are made to be fashionable too, caressing her calves to show them to the general public. She must have been wearing some sort of cloak under the coat as well, because her face was almost completely hidden underneath a hood of dark fabric, making it difficult for him to get any better of a look at her unless he shone one of the lamp lights directly on her face.

Still, he didn't think much of it, or at least tried not to, as he really did want to keep the customer happy enough to deal with her business quickly and he could close up. He watched her as she went along the wall of cages running past the counter, observing them for a moment before looking in on the next one. She took a while to decide before returning to the counter, and looked the clerk over too. She noted that he was a tom cat, possibly in his mid-thirties, with a pepper and salt color to his fur, his chest, palms and face lighter than the other areas of his body.

"Hello, Sir?", she asked the clerk kindly. "Could I take a look at the one in 36B?"

"Yes, certainly miss." he replied in turn.

Well, whoever she was, she seemed nice enough, he thought as he led her back to the cage she had stood by longest, opening it and stepping aside for her to see.

The female went closer to the cage and bent down, gesturing the occupant to come closer. The chocolate lab inside whined, laying his ears back a bit before cautiously edging closer to her to sniff the outstretched hand.

"That's better, I'm friendly, see? My names Tamura, what's yours?"

The owner pointed out to the little index card affixed to the front of the kennel. "Oh, Max, I like it!"

When Max became adjusted to Tamura's presence and figured she wouldn't harm him, he let her scratch him behind the ears. He wagged his tail in reply, showing her he enjoyed the attention.

"I'll take him!" she announced to the clerk, and he finalized the transaction as she attached the leash to his collar.

They both said their farewells and Max took one last look at the pet shop, the light catching his name tag, before he trotted along after Tamura, happy to finally have a home.

Unknown to Max, Tamura had some big plans for him when they got home. She had always had problems with men, and could never seem to find a nice guy. A lot of her friends had been in abusive relationships, and one even had to go to the hospital after her man beat her around pretty good. She had to plead with Tamura to not go and 'visit' him after she was settled in (her injuries were so bad she had to stay for the night). Tamura made her promise not to go back to him in return for her not doing that, and she never did.

Now Tam (this is what her friends called her most of the time) she was not the type to let anyone be abusive to her, so if any male she was going out with so much as lifted a finger against her, she would break it off. She also wouldn't stand to be someone's one nighter, and if she felt all they wanted was to try to get into her pants, she would drop him like a rock.

No, men were no good to her. She was never able to get into good relationships with any of them, at least not with any 'good guys'. All the men she ever had relations with in her life were scum, as far as she was concerned, she wouldn't want them even on the bottom of her shoe.

It was not long after her last failed relationship that she decided to get a pet instead. They would behave much better than any man and wouldn't hurt you if you didn't abuse them. You didn't even have to worry about them wanting to get in bed with you! She wanted to have someone around though, and decided that Max was it.

For a long time, she had walked past the pet shop on the corner on her way to work, or as she went around shopping. That seemed the place to get herself a companion, she thought, after she got back from work, intending to catch the place before it closed.

They didn't walk too far before they reached her pad, and she unlocked the door, letting both of them in. It was dark inside, and the curtains were drawn so you couldn't see anything, but Tam didn't bother to turn on the lights. She just led Max into the dark structure, past a door frame, opening another door before stopping.

Kneeling down, she unclasped the leash from his collar and patted him on the head before gently nudging him into the room. He saw her close the door before he could react, but told himself not to worry, it was just a dark room after all. Maybe this was his room? He thought about it for a while, before he was interrupted by a dull glow of lights coming on, its source leading up from the corners in the ceiling.

The female rushed about preparing everything as soon as she shut the lab in. She had specially installed red lights in his room along with the regular white bulbs, both on different switches, so he wouldn't be blinded when it was dark if the lights were to come on. Zipping in the shower, Tam quickly washed of the scent blocker she applied before going, not wanting Max to know what her master smelled like.

Max's eyes adjusted quite readily to the light as the red bulbs came on first, then the brighter ones minutes after. He looked around curiously as he kept his place by the door he came in. The room seemed to be padded mostly, at least the walls and the majority of the floor. He padded over to the raised area that he figured was a bed of some sort, noting that the areas of floor that were padded were the ones closest to the bed, even a little of it was by the door.

What caught his eye was the smaller door, almost like that of a doggy door, but half the size of the one he came through, so obviously much larger. He wondered if she had another dog, and wagged his tail in hopes of meeting his roomies soon. As he thought he might be waiting for a while, he decided to take a nap, and hopped up on the bed, circling around until there was a nice dent formed in the mattress.

Twenty minutes later, a series of ticks, like that of a chain or lock being undone, were heard across the room from his bed, but he didn't wake. The flap was pushed open by a gorgeous german shepard female, but she was not like him. He was feral, and she was not. What woke him up though was the incredible scent his nose picked up in her general direction.

Suddenly, his ears pricked up and he lifted his head to see the newcomer. Max realized she was not what he was, even though she was a dog species as well. Though he wasn't paying much attention to that. The pheromones, female pheromones, that were coming from this new arrival were anything but unnoticeable. His prick poked slightly out of its sheath at the smell of her.

He wagged his tail happily as he came to greet her, and saw that she was acting very feral like, walking around on all fours, wagging her tail in reply, even going to sniff him too! He did not mind too much though, because he was interested in her a lot. It wasn't just the smell, but he liked the way her body looked too. It was very appealing to him somehow.

Tam was glad he responded well to her entrance, and allowed him to sniff her, moving her tail out of the way to give him better access. The pheromones she used had a better effect on him then she thought they would when she sprayed it on her after her short shower.

When all the introductions were complete, Tam sat down cross legged and called Max to her. He scooted over to his nude master and happily let him pet her. Spreading her legs wide, she waited to see what he would do.

He bent his head down to sniff her gender, but did nothing else as he returned his head to her hand, wanting to be rubbed some more. She sighed, knowing she did not put enough of it on her for him to want to do that anyways, but that was not her intention. She just wanted to introduce herself with the pheromones.

Walking back to the doggy door she bent down, going under the flap, jogging to her kitchen to fetch something. Max watched her as she went, curious about what she was doing. He decided she didn't want him to follow, so returned to his bed, Tam joining him some minutes later with a bottle and dish in her hands.

Opening the bottle, she squeezed a meaty paste into the bowl, Max catching the aromatic scent as it hit the bottom of the dish, drooling at the delicious smell. He hadn't eaten yet, had he? Only some dry dog food the clerk gave them for dinner. He heard of the canned stuff, but didn't know he would actually ever get any!

As she placed the dish on the floor, Max jumped off the bed and hungrily lapped at the food until it was gone. Tam sat on the edge of the bed and waited for him to finish before giving him some water. He lapped that up too, before she returned to her seat. He sat there cleaning himself for a while before returning his attention to his new master.

"Hmm, she's a very nice person," he said. Though he didn't realize he was talking, he was, and Tam could understand him clearly. But she said nothing, and acted as if everything were as it was when they got there.

He could still smell the pheromones on her, and now that he was content with his hunger and thirst, put his attentions on this new want.

"Tam, that's what she said her name was," he told himself. "I like her, she's a very attractive female."

Tam suppressed a giggle as he went on.

He started getting horny again and said, "I like her a lot, she could be a great mate." Stopping himself, he laid his ears back, sheath enveloping his member slowly again. "But I couldn't do that. I'm her pet and pet's aren't supposed to mate with their owners." His ears lay back further and his head drooped in sadness at the thought.

Tamura, on the other hand, wasn't going to let him give up that easily. She brought her leg up to his sheath and began to play with it. "It's okay Max," she told him when she saw him jump in reaction. He didn't realize he could understand her better than before either.

While he was letting her, she took the opportunity to entice him some more, running his hidden member through her toes, jacking him off with her feet.

"Ohh," he moaned. "Ohh, that feels good." He started humping in reply, but stopped himself again. "N-no, I'm her pet! I'm not supposed to do that, I'll get p-punished." He didn't have a lot of experience, not having had an owner himself for long, but the pets he stayed with while he had owners told him what would happen if he acted up like that. Fortunately, they didn't think it necessary to neuter him once they got him, of course unless he DID act up.

At that thought he ceased his movements and backed away from the shepard slightly, hoping she was not mad at him enough to do that. She accompanied him on the floor, realizing she would have to explain to him and reassure him so he would know it would be okay.

"Max." she stated. After no further comment, he decided she wanted him to reply.


"You want a mate, right?"

"Yes, I do." he told her. He wasn't sure where this was going.

"Well, if you want, I will be your mate."

Turning his head at her, he wondered about her for a moment before saying. "Y-you will?"

"Yes, I will. But if I do become your mate, you have to follow the rules." He nodded in reply, still very much unaware he was having a conversation that he couldn't usually have.

"First, if I have any friends over, you can't go off and hump them too, unless they tell you it's okay. Second, you can't do that to their pets either, unless both them and their masters comply. They might not want to get their animal pregnant. Also, don't mention it or bring it up, only let me or them do that alright?" she asked him.

"Alright," he said. He still was curious about the relationship they would have and still didn't fully comprehend what she was implying.

"Okay, well, now we can get to the good part," she smiled as he cocked his head.

Her hand this time found its way to his sheath and was playfully pumping at it. Max let out a slight gasp, still trying to avoid his instinct to hump with it even though she told him it was okay. Her reply was just to pump faster and harder, sending him into spasms of pleasure while mumbling to himself.

"No, n-no, not gonna do it, not gonna do it. Not goooonnaaa do iiiit. I'm the pet, I'm the peeet." he whimpered, until he couldn't take it anymore and his restraint broke. "I'm the pet!" he cried, as he vigorously humped her hand as it went up and down his shaft, now leaking pre. Releasing him, she climbed up on to the bed, Max clambering after her when he assessed the situation.

Tam was lying on her back in a very open position, her legs tucked under her, lifting her up higher off the bed. Max saw the juices leaking out of her sex, knowing that she wanted him as badly as he did for her now. He stuck his cold wet nose in her slit and began to lick it, moans coming from the other end of the bed.

"I-is this okay?" he asked, really wanting to keep his balls attached.

"Yes pet, it is." she sighed, slightly exasperated at how long it was taking to train him. She rolled over onto her belly, lifting her rump invitingly in the air, her tail tucked to the side.

"Pet!" she commanded. His ears perked up at the dominance in her voice.

"Yes?" he complied, putting a slightly submissive whine into it.

"Jump up!" and she swatted lightly at her rear as she said this.

He obeyed her and mounted her from behind, his cock sliding out of it's sheath already.

"Pet, mount and ride your master when you have fully unsheathed." she prompted.

Max waited for just a few more moments until his knot popped out, his entire member now exposed, pulsing in anticipation. Being a feral dog, it was harder for him to enter her, so it took a couple tries until he got on his target. Tamura moaned as his hard prick poked her while it tried to find her sweet entrance, a shiver running down her back when he did.

Pushing herself onto him slightly, she signaled for him to continue and he began to slowly hump her at first, pre dampening the both of them, making their sexes slick against each other. Soon he began quickening his speed, his front paws grasping at her middle as he thrust himself deeper into her vagina.

"M-max," she gasped.

"Hrn, hmph, huh?" he replied, becoming more and more horny by the second as he darted in and out of her hot body.

"Fuck, f-fuck me harder!" she cried. So he did. She could feel his claws digging into her soft belly fur as he got a better grip, humping faster than ever, his knot banging into her clit each time he returned.

Desperately wanting release, she began to pump her body against him too, sending moans coming from her new partner, writhing with ecstasy. They began their climb to orgasm, their bodies aching with pleasure, Max enjoying the way Tam's hot walls sucked on his dick, while she was loving the way he felt inside her, knowing he was close to cumming too. A few more thrusts, then 'pop' went the knot, inside of his mates tender flesh, making her whine in pleasure, paining for more.

Now that his knot was engorged inside her, he could only do short thrusts now, but did his best, pushing himself deeper and harder into the shepard as she helped him by ramming against his body in time to his thrusts. So over the edge, it did not take them long to orgasm, their hot juices spraying onto one another as they collapsed on the bed, drained from the intensity of it.

Panting heavily, they lay there together, Tam reaching back and patting Max's head, who 'roof!ed" in reply, giving his tail a swish or two before slowly pulling out, making a wet, squishy sound as he retreated. Tam watched as his member slowly returned to it's sheath, before rubbing her pets ears.

She knew now that the formula she gave him lasted a good part of the night. It was what made him capable of speech. It was the only way she could think of to train him quicker if she could properly communicate with him. It was too bad, that she didn't have much left (the stuff didn't come cheap), but now that she finished her goal in their first session, she could use the rest to play with.

Nuzzling her pet as she prepared to sleep with him, she thought, I think I might get another pet after all. It's always nice to have more than one. I'll see what Max thinks about it tomorrow, though I'm sure he won't mind, she grinned to herself before drifting off to sleep beside her new pet.