Welcome Home ch 07

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#7 of Welcome Home

Welcome Home

by Winter

Chapter 7

They spent the afternoon in the playroom, where Tanya read Call of the Wild to her brother, and after that they went out for dinner again. Like the first time, she found Terry so handsome wearing his best clothes that it was all she could do to keep from throwing herself around his neck. Terry was less shy this time, and he greeted Martin as if they were old friends. After an excellent dinner, he led her home by the arm, holding up both the gate and the front door for her and over all being a perfect little gentleman. They spent the remainder of the evening in front of the TV, not really watching it but instead talking to each other. Terry told her all about his old school, about what teachers and what subjects he liked or didn't like, and about his friends. He hadn't been a loner, but not really surrounded by friends either. Still, parting with them hadn't been easy, even though they had promised to keep in touch through e-mails or phone calls. Tanya made a vow to herself when she saw how much he missed them, to invite some of his best friends for a visit during spring break. She decided not to let Terry know this right away, though. Better to let it be a nice surprise.

The sun had barely set when Terry started yawning, and they soon decided to call it a day. Tanya wasn't really tired, but she figured she could always get up once Terry was asleep. Because they would share her bed tonight, too. There was just no way she would sleep alone, and luckily Terry seemed to feel the same way, because his eyes lit up like fireworks when she pulled him towards her bedroom. But before they got there, he pulled out of her hand and made a run for the stairs. Feeling slightly puzzled, Tanya still went into her room and started getting ready for bed. She hadn't changed the sheets since last night, so she made the bed while she waited for her brother. He soon returned with a sheepish grin on his face and with Mr Cuddles in his arms. Tanya managed to hold back a giggle, and instead they placed the teddy bear on one of the pillows while they started getting undressed. Terry seemed to get a bit fidgety when she told him she thought they should make do with a quick shower, rather than a bath, since he was already tired, but he didn't object when she led him into the bathroom. The shower cubicle was large enough for both of them, so Tanya turned on the water. While they waited for it to get warm, they took off the last of their clothes, stealing glances at each other regardless of whether or not the other noticed. Once inside the warm jets of water, Tanya picked up a bar of fur soap, but Terry stopped her. His hands were shivering slightly as he took the soap from her.

"Please let me. I'd like to return the favour from last night."

"Are you sure?" She winked. "If you start it, you'll have to finish it."

He nodded, swallowing nervously as she got down on her knees and handed him a bottle of shampoo. His hands soon stopped trembling as he started washing her hair, taking good care to massage her scalp. She closed her eyes and purred with pleasure, something that brought out a giggle from Terry. As soon as he was done with her hair, he had her stand up to get rinsed, then he went to work with the soap. Tanya was soon lost, so caught up in feelings of bliss as his hands touched her all over that she wouldn't have noticed it if the house had burned down around them. He washed her hands, arms and shoulders, rubbed his hands up and down her back all the way to the tip of her constantly wagging tail. Then he got down on his knees and did her feet and legs, his fingers just barely avoiding her sex before moving on to her stomach. She found herself wondering whether he was showing courtesy or saving the best for last. In a way, she both feared and hoped for the latter. He drew slow, sensuous circles in her stomach fur, moving upwards until his hands brushed against her breasts. Tanya held her breath, her knees shivering slightly, but the touch she expected didn't come. Instead, Terry started washing her face, giggling at her grunts of impatience. She was so excited by now that it wouldn't take more than a touch to set her off, but she resisted the urge to masturbate. If she were to have release tonight, it would be Terry's doing, not her own. He wasn't so much washing as caressing her face, brushing and cleaning each and every strand of her face fur slowly and gently as if he had all the time in the world. Tanya was on the verge of telling him to hurry up before they ran out of hot water, when she felt his lips brush against hers. It wasn't really a kiss, just a teasing touch that forced her to open her eyes. Terry was smiling as if it were his birthday morning, but she could see that the skin beneath his cheek fur was burning a bright red. The next time he leaned in for a kiss she was ready for him, but he dodged her attempt to turn it into a passionate kiss, giggling again as she growled with mock-anger. They kept this up until Terry was done washing her face and had rinsed her off. Tanya held her breath, waiting for what would happen next. Ever so slowly, Terry reached up with a trembling hand and cupped her chin, holding her muzzle still while he pressed his lips against hers. This time, he didn't move away or resist as she slipped her tongue into his mouth. While they kissed, she could feel his hands touch her thighs, then travel slowly up her hips, her buttocks, her back, then around her body. She gasped as he touched her breast, fondling it gently while his fingers searched for and found her nipple. He froze, but when she moaned with pleasure and pulled him closer to her, he continued. Tanya's head swam as jolts of pleasure shot through her. She could feel Terry's straining erection press against her hip and she knew that, for good or bad, they had now taken the next step. The next step towards... what?

Becoming lovers?

She hoped so with all her heart, but somewhere deep within she was still afraid that they might end up hurting each other or, more accurately, that she might hurt Terry. But she couldn't resist her own longings, not any more, and she definitely couldn't resist Terry. Both his hands were washing her breasts now, while he kissed her with more fervour than ever before. Maybe he, too, had been having doubts, Tanya thought. Doubts that were gone now, or at least as good as gone. Soon her chest was cleaned and rinsed, but Terry's hands still lingered, feeling the softness of her large, round breasts and playing gently with her now both very sensitive and very erect nipples. To show him that he was doing the right thing, Tanya slipped a hand onto the boy's chest and found one of his own nipples. He gasped as she pinched it lightly, then started tweaking it. With a purr of pleasure, he mimicked the roughness of her touch, and brought out a loud moan from her. But before they could get lost in this new kind of playing, he broke the kiss and stepped back. She caught his gaze and found in it a hesitant longing that she knew must be reflected in her own eyes. He tilted his head as if to ask for her permission to move on, and she gave it with a nod. However, as she tried to kiss him again, he slipped out of her embrace. She watched him put away the fur soap, then pick up a smaller bar. This one was skin soap, milder and with a fresh apple scent that Tanya loved. She nodded her permission once again, and he fell back into her arms. This time, though, he didn't even try to kiss her. Instead he leaned down and started nuzzling her breasts. Tanya almost cried out as his lips found her nipple, then parted to let his tongue brush against it. He started a slow, gentle game of licking, kissing and suckling, and as she all but drowned in pleasure, Tanya at first didn't even notice it when one of his hands touched the inside of her knee, then moved higher. She did feel it when a soapy finger touched her labia, though, parting them to rub against the opening to her vagina. This time she couldn't hold back a cry of pleasure. A cry that seemed to give her brother the last bit of confidence he needed, because now the fingers of his other hand found their way in between her buttocks. While he gently rubbed soap onto her anus, he also moved from her slit towards her clitoris, pausing slightly to touch the rim of her urethra. She found herself wondering if he knew what he was doing, or if he were just exploring and found her hot spots by pure chance, but when he moved on and started caressing her clitoris with well-lathered fingers that doubt vanished. He definitely knew which parts of her were made for pleasure. It only took her a couple of minutes before she felt her orgasm approach. Between his mouth on her nipple and his fingers touching her most private parts, he was almost giving her more than she could take. The pleasure was so strong she had to clench her fists tightly and bite her lip in order not to yell out how good he made her feel. And then it was all over her. She felt a finger push against her anus, slipping in up to the first knuckle, and somewhere behind her eyelids and deep inside her stomach, she exploded.

"Oh, Terry, Terry..."

His name was all she could say as the orgasm hit her, stronger than anything she had ever felt before. She tried to tell him how much she loved him, but nothing more than his name escaped her lips. So instead, she repeated it over and over again.

"Terry, Terry..."

She opened her eyes, but all she could see was bright flashes of colour from having squeezed them shut. She tried to hug him, but all her body could do was to shiver each time another jolt of bliss shot through her, emanating from her nether regions and reaching out to every part of her.

"Terry, oh..."

And then it passed. Ever so slowly, her five senses returned to let her enjoy the afterglow of her peak. Terry was still touching her, still suckling her nipple, but now she gently pried him away and made him stand up. His face was all a deep blush, and his lips were pulled back slightly with a shy, hesitant grin. She smiled at him, and was rewarded with the happiest boy face she had ever seen. His smile almost blinded her. Not trusting her voice just yet, she instead opened her arms and immediately found them filled with her baby brother. They laughed, giggled and grinned at each other, then found themselves locked in another deep kiss. This time, Tanya was the one who broke it.

"We have to get you washed as well, baby," she whispered. "Before we're all out of hot water."

He just nodded and handed her the bar of fur soap. She took her time, making sure she returned every bit as much pleasure as she had been given. But just when she was done with his fur, and was about to take hold of his throbbing erection, the water turned from nicely warm to ice cold. The two of them screamed at the sudden chill, then almost pushed each other over as they hurried to turn off the taps. By the time they were out of the shower, Tanya couldn't hold back laughter.

"You look like an icicle!"

"You look like a drenched rat," he replied, laughing heartily while she brought them towels. "But you're still pretty."

"Thank you. So are you."

"I'm not!" Terry gladly accepted a towel and wrapped himself in it. "Boy's aren't pretty!"

"Sure they are. Haven't you looked in a mirror lately? You're very handsome."

"Maybe." He blushed. "But I'm not pretty."

"Yes, you are. You're cute as a button."

Terry wrinkled his nose, but Tanya could still tell that he enjoyed the compliment. Once they were dry, they took turns brushing their teeth, then went back into Tanya's bedroom. She clicked on her bedside lamp while Terry slipped in beneath the comforter, then she joined her little brother. They cuddled up to each other, but when Terry tried to kiss her, she pulled away.

"I never got to make you come."

"That's 'cause the water got cold." He shuddered at the memory. "It's okay, you don't have to."

"But I want to. You made me feel better than ever before."

"I did?" Terry's eyes lit up, and a proud smile spread across his lips. "Really?"

"Really. Where did you learn all that?"

"Uhm..." He blushed deeply, laying his ears back flat against his head. "Well, my friend Bobby used to print out stories from the internet, for me to read. And... uhm... sometimes pictures, too."

"Naked pictures?" Terry nodded shyly. "Of girls?"

"And boys, too. Anyway, some of those stories told how to make a girl feel good, so when you said I could wash you, I made up my mind to try it."

"You were good, baby. Very, very good."

Terry blushed again, but just as he opened his mouth to say something, Tanya reached down and cupped his sac. All that escaped his lips was a hissing sigh. His penis had retracted into its protective sheath after the cold shower, but as Tanya fondled him gently it soon peeked back out again. She took ahold of his shaft and stroked it to full erection, then pulled his foreskin back and touched the sensitive tip. Terry gasped, pushing up against her hand, eager for more. His penis was warmer than she remembered it being last night, and beneath its soft skin it was bone hard. At the base was a slight bulge, the last remainder of the big swelling Terry's wild ancestors had used to stay locked with the females after mating. She squeezed the bulge, making Terry squeal, then giggle as she tickled his sheath. Just as he had back in the shower, she started kissing and suckling his nipples while she played with him, and soon he was squirming on the bed, purring and growling and panting as his orgasm rapidly approached. Not wanting it to end too soon, Tanya let go of his penis and started caressing his sac instead. This brought another set of moans as she gently rolled his testicles around in her palm, then felt each little almond with her fingers. After that, she reached back to touch his anus. Terry sucked in a lungful of air as she rubbed his hole, then grunted as she probed it with the tip of her finger. She wondered if he knew his own anatomy well enough to know about the prostate gland, while she licked a finger to make it wet and slippery. Terry grunted with discomfort as she slid it into him, but he said nothing. Tanya found it very touching that he didn't even ask her what she was doing; that he trusted her so completely. She soon found the little nub that was his prostate, and when she touched it Terry seemed to go crazy. He let out a wordless cry, then pressed himself against her hand as tightly as he could. She pushed harder and further, now rubbing the side of her finger against his sensitive spot, while her mouth left his nipple as she slowly kissed her way down his stomach until her nose touched the tip of his erection. His entire body tightened as she took it into her mouth and ran her tongue up and down the shaft, making sure to lick the entire tip on every 'up', while she closed her lips around it and suckled lightly. After no more than a minute of this, Terry let out something that was half howl, half cry as he came, pressing his crotch as tightly against Tanya's muzzle as he possible could. She could feel his penis jump and buck inside her mouth, trying in vain to shoot semen while his anal muscles clamped down on her finger. Then suddenly he went all limp, collapsing in a heap on the bed while his penis slowly went soft. Tanya didn't want to let it out of her mouth, but she had no choice as it returned to its sheath. With a final kiss on the tip of the foreskin, she crawled up the bed and embraced him. She held him for a while, then turned off the light, certain that he was asleep. She nuzzled him gently, then tucked them both in.

"You've no idea how much I love you, baby brother," she whispered. "No idea at all."

"Yes, I do," came the sleepy answer. "I love you just as much back."

"I thought you had gone to Dreamland." Terry giggled. "Did you like it?"

"No, I loved it. I've never, ever, ever felt anything so good."


"Ever!" She felt him scoot over to press his body against hers, and rolled to her side to spoon him, wrapping her arms around his chest. "But what was that you were doing inside my butt? It felt like I was gonna turn inside-out."

"It is something called the prostate gland. They never mentioned it in those stories your friend gave you?"

"Oh yeah, so that's what the prostate is! It's what's gonna help me make sperms when I get older, right?"

"Not really. Your sperms come from down here." She reached down and tickled his sac, enticing a bout of her favourite crystal bell laughter. "The prostate only makes the fluid that'll carry them out of here."

"Aah, Tanya, stop!" Terry squealed as she moved up to rub his sheath. "It tickles too much!"

"Sorry, baby." She kissed his ear. "The prostate also happens to be a hot spot to most guys. Right?"

"Right! It felt great." Tanya could hear a faint giggle, then Terry reached up with his nose to nuzzle her. "But how come you know all that, Tanya? Have you also been reading naughty stories?"

"As a matter of fact, yeah, I have." She blushed as she returned his nuzzling. "But don't forget I'm also older than you. I've had a couple of boyfriends while I was in highschool."

"Oh." He fell silent for a couple of seconds. "How come you haven't got one now?"

"I thought I did." She pinched his buttock lightly. "If you don't mind, that is."

"I don't, honestly. I love you, Tanya."

"I love you too, Terry."

"My girlfriend..." He giggled. "That sounds kinda wicked."

"Wicked in what way?"

"In a kinda good way. I never really thought of finding a girlfriend before."

"Just so you won't be jealous, none of those boys were ever as precious to me as you are."

"Wow. I'll try not to get jealous."

"That's good." She hugged him to her chest, hearing him grunt as the air was squeezed out of his lungs. "Try to get some sleep, now, and we'll see about cleaning up the attic tomorrow."

"Cool. Good night, Tanya."

"You, too."

She laid her head down on the pillow and released her grip on Terry. He sighed deeply as he got his breath back, but he didn't move so much as an inch away from her. Instead, he pressed himself even closer, so that her breasts were pushed against his back. Finally satisfied that he couldn't get any closer to her, he relaxed, and soon started breathing slower.

After Terry had fallen asleep, Tanya lay awake for a while, thinking. So this was it. They had definitely gone from loving siblings to sibling lovers. The thought should have bothered her more than it did, she knew, but except for a tiny nagging bit in the back of her mind she felt completely happy. After what had happened tonight, there was really only one step left, and as she thought about it she found that she had never wanted anything that much in her entire life. She wanted Terry to make love to her. To... fuck her! The naughty word made her bite back a giggle. No, it wouldn't be fucking. Fucking was just sex. Making love not only sounded sweeter, it was also more accurate as to what would soon happen between the two of them. Very soon, she hoped. Maybe tomorrow...? She sighed, trying but failing to keep from becoming aroused. It could even happen tonight, she thought, running a finger up and down her sleeping brother's thigh and butt. He stirred a bit, but didn't wake up. If... if she were to wake him up...? No doubt about it; he would do it if she asked him to. Ever so slowly, she eased her hand in between her legs and began touching herself. A finger found its way up inside her, while she rubbed her palm against her clitoris. This way it wouldn't take her long to come, which was just what she wanted. She bit her lips as her climax hit, nowhere near as strongly as when Terry had done it for her, but enough to take the edge off her arousal. Feeling better now, she pushed back the thoughts about going all the way with Terry, writing it off as her own horniness getting the better of her. It would happen in due time, she decided. No need to rush things. Before she closed her eyes to sleep she started wiping her moist finger on the sheets behind her in order to get rid of at least some of the smell, but at the last minute she changed her mind. A wry smile crept onto her lips as a naughty thought crept into her mind, and she held the finger in front of Terry's muzzle. Almost immediately, his nose started twitching as he smelled her, and soon his feet were kicking and his hands grabbed at the sheets and at her arm that was draped across him. He let out a whimper, but soon calmed down as she kissed his cheek, trying desperately to keep from laughing. After she had coaxed him back into deep sleep, she closed her eyes and started drifting away almost immediately.