Werewolf on the Roof

Story by Erigawn on SoFurry

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First story chapter thing...hope someone likes it.

Sirens drowned out my sleep as I woke in my bed. The flashing red and blue lights giving everything in my room a certian dream like state. I looked out the curtians and raised my window from my two story house to find only that the widow down the street had another heart attack, and by the looks of it, it was her last. Bad things happened in the ghetto we call Earth, but we choose to ignore it, and I was no exception, I slammed down the window and curled my 15 year old body into the false saftey of the covers that mixed with my sheets in my un-made bed.

My name's Leonardo, Leo for short, most recently known as Leotard, thanks to the highschool football captain, Andrew Cane. Anyway, back to the story.

The sun would rise in an hour, give or take ten minutes. The innavoidable school day following, the loud, bright, school day. The only bright side that I was willing to look at was that school would be over in a matter of days, and I'd be free to roam the forrests that seperated my street from the rest of the world. I let my mind free itself and dream until dawn where mom would make me get up, dress, brush my teeth, shower, eat breakfast, then walk to the bus stop with the only two people I interacted with outside of school. Annabel more commonly known as Anna, and the stray cat that Anna and I decided to name Sylvester after the Looney Tunes character.

Sad to say that time had come. I rose a second time and went the dresser a pulled over a green T-shirt over a brown longsleeved shirt, perfect for blending in in a town like mine. Following that a pair of jeans and my regular sneakers and quick deodarant disguise I used to get away from showers in the mornings and I was down stairs at the kitchen table eating a meager breakfast of toast and jam. The clock read 7:00 AM, in five minutes I'd be out the door, and mom still wasn't awake. I wondered what was with her, probably up all night figuring out how'd she keep the family home, and feed a single child, those thoughts were not mine, mine were as follows:

"Probably drinkning all night again..or took one to many pills and won't wake till noon," I mumbled to myself out the door, locking it with my spair key. I slowly walked down the barren street, rain clouds above, the side walk below.

"Hey Leo!" called Anna, making my jump out of my skin "Leo! Wait up!"

I kept on walking, pulling my hood further over my face.

"Hey you little shit! whatcha ignoring me for?" Anna said as she caught up.

I turned my head to her giving her the "Shut the hell up" look from under my hood, she got the message.

"Another shitty night hunh?" she asked, opening her umbrela as the first raindrops started to fall. Anna wasn't a bad person, not at all, I in fact was a "little shit" as Anna puts it. I nodded in response anyway.

"You really need to get out more, your so pale!" trying to change the subject wasn't one of Anna's good spots. I have her the STHU look again and continued to walk to the bus sign standin' in the rain.

"Guess, it's kinda hard with this weather hunh?" She smiles, trying to cheer me up.

"I appreciate your tries Anna, but they won't even make a dent untill I've had my coffee," I said, pulling back the hood and revealing my shaggy brown hair, plae blue eyes, and of course...my pale skin.

"Where the fuck do you get coffee at school?!"

Smiling wolfishly I replied "Teacher's lounge,"

"You shitting asshole! You little!....wonderful bundle of joy! Your gonna share right?" She said, getting uncomfortably close, as she did when ever she wanted something from me. I chuckled under my breath.

"We'll see," I said

"Little shit," she said as the bus pulled up, the familiar smell of exhaust choking me. On the bus ride to school, the usual route, stops that HAD a rain shelter, etc, I began to think to myself while Anna talked non-stop. The clouds made it look more like 4:00 AM than 7:13, I listed off all the things I see every day through September through May.

House 102 House 104 House 106 Bank Fire hydrant Mr. McGuire in his rocking chair Yellow eyes in the bushes House 12- Hold on a second...

Yellow eyes in the bushes? I took a double take and for certian there was big yellow eyes in the bushes the hid themselves two meters behind my house, and if I didn't know any better they were starring right back into my eyes, and I knew for certian they weren't Sylvester the cat's eyes. The rest of the way to the High School I was on egde, watching every bush, swearing that the same eyes were in the bushes being paranoid. "Hey shit head! Bus's stopped!" Anna nudged me as I came to my senses and stepped off the bus to the hell hole I call school. We had at least 10 minutes before the bell would ring for first period. I stopped by the library to return all my books I had checked out before I had to pay a fine. I then sat in one of the chair watching the rain makes it's music against the window pane, and just before the bell rang, those yellow eyes, those animal eyes starred at me from the bushes right across the street. They did not waver or even blink, just stared into my eyes. Then the bell rang. I quickly grabbed my belongings out of my locker and basically ran to my first class. The entire time I starred out the window as the teacher let us goof off since Summer was only now two days off. The rest of my classes were the same, even lunch which was always chaotic, was quite to me as I watched. I was a little startled, nervous as well as what was "watching me".

The last bell rang 6 minutes before I realized it, and I had missed the bus sitting under the awning of the school. My only option was to walk home. The sky and rain did not lighten up all day, so I concentrated on how I'd dry out my shoes for tomorrow, I didn't even think of the eyes once untill I got home to my relief mom was awake by then.

"Afternoon sweety," She said "Sorry for no breakfast this mornin'..I had the best dream though," she said mixing something in a pot.

"Yeah mom..hey can I take the last two days of school off?"

"Why on Earth would I let you do that?" mom answered, adding some spice to the mix.

"Because my shoes are soaked so the soles." I said for her to see for her self.

"Well.." She though "I suppose, but you gotta clean while I'm at work!"

"Deal" I said, placing the 95% water shoes in a tub by the door for such occasions. walking up the stairs to my room I began to think what the eyes could've belonged to. "A raccoon? No to small, a dog? Perhaps...still to small I'd think..a wolf? I don't think a wolf would come this close to civilization would it?" I didn't even want to think about that. So I sat in my chair, logged on to my laptop and went to my usual websites.

7:13 PM

I had just finished sending an email when a light flicked on in Anna's room across the land line, the sudden change, I couldn't help but to look. I found myself watching Anna undress, her shirt first, pants, bra-

"NO!" I said to myself mentally "Anna's my friend..I can't!" but that didn't stop from my pants starting to tent, and then my hands running down along my crotch area. I stopped myself and undressed myself then into my sleeping pants, and then curled into the covers again for another fitful, but certianly not uneventful night.

I dreamed of the eyes again, at least I think it was a dream. The window was open, and mom was there, lying still, dead. And the eyes in the dark, creeping forward towards me. I felt a fur covered hand grab my from behind and pull me into the dark. I sat up , with sweat covering my forehead, I was breathing heavely. I grabbed the clock, midnight. I put it back down and got out of the bed and walked over to the window, open.

"I though I closed you." I said, talking to the window. I looked out the window to be greeted by a night wind, the trees rustled as the wind blew the hair out of my face. "Just a dream..." I said to myself, but I knew that I wouldn't go to sleep again, so I ended up dressing, hoodie and all and climbed onto the roof and sat. I watched for hours, which in actual was only 15 minutes as I noticed a moving truck across the street, they started to unload things into the house, soon a van and pickup truck entered the driveway. The van into the garage, the truck outside. I listend to the man open the truck door and then close it again, he seemed to be no older than I was, 17 at most. He seemed familiar...not him really, his eyes, the way he looked at things, the un-wavering gaze he sat upon everything his eyes tread upon. It was..something..I couldn't place my finger on it.

I stood on the roof, and as I started to climb down, hidden with shadows, the boy looked at me, I noted everything about him, his green eyes, his leather jacket with fur inlined in the collar, everything. I snapped out of the trance and climbed into the window. The last thing I saw from the boy was a back pack he pulled from the back of his truck.

perhaps I'd go to school tomorrow after all.