Secret Dominator

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You could say this story is loosely based on an RP I did over a year ago. As said in my other stories, please check the tags first, before reading to make sure you won't be disappointed nor disgusted by the content, though I myself don't think there's anything that disgusting about this story (Thank god! :D).

But yes, for those people who like the cheating aspect, I can tell that this story is not about cuckolding and it's told in third person. (Just mentioning it, since I do like 'em more when they are told from cuckold's perspective, tho like said, this story doesn't contain such.)

Once again enjoy the story and if there are any pointers, errors or anythin'.... don't be afraid to bring 'em up!

_ Secret Dominator _

It was just another rather basic morning at the suburban neighborhood. The sun already soaring at the sky and people waking up, heading to work, making breakfast... you know, the usual morning routines everyone had.

The same went for the house where a curvy, thirty something years old lioness had just woken up, walking down the stairs and over to the kitchen to fry some bacon, get the coffee coming, maybe even make some toast. Now she never really cooked for herself, but she had to cook... it was really the only way of getting any kind of attention from her husband who's snoring could be heard all the way downstairs.

Surprisingly their marriage had started off strong, don't they all? But this was different as it stayed fresh for a few years, before things began going haywire and now her husband wouldn't even kiss her a good night unless he was wasted off his ass, but would you want to be kissed by a guy who's breath reeks of old booze and vomit? The lioness; Kara to be exact, certainly didn't like that, which is why she was forced to find the attention she needed from elsewhere... and what better place there was for such, than right from the house next door.

Kara stretched with a mighty yawn, standing in the kitchen with only her nightdress on as she looked out the window. Staring at that house next to theirs with a sigh as she could see their neighbor's dog, a rather massive malamute running around the back yard. Oh how she wanted to be over there right now instead of at home... listening to her snoring husband who would be waking up soon, coming downstairs to eat breakfast and then head off to work, it was the same... every... single... morning. Well except for weekends when he would sleep in late and then root that spotted ass down to the couch to watch television.

To be one hundred percent honest, she was bored with her husband... hell, for the past half a year she had been wondering how could she even have married such a boring ass hyena, Chad as he was named. There was a much kinkier man in her life now and a boy... not to mention a dog, but with how little she was getting from her husband, she just needed everything she could get right now.

Of course Chad had no idea about any of this, which made everything even more arousing, carrying on a day after another as if everything was normal. Making herself a cup of coffee; Kara smiled to herself, hearing her husband's alarm clock going off upstairs and knowing that the hyena would soon be stumbling downstairs. She didn't mind though, since she knew the faster her husband would be leaving, the faster she could head to meet her neighbor. Oh how she taking a perverse joy from the fact her husband didn't know. She couldn't even count the times she had been over there whenever his husband did as much as turned his head to look elsewhere. That hot lioness body of hers deserved a man like the dominating lion, a man of same species who knew how to get her going.

Back upstairs the very same, lazy hyena was getting his ass out from the bed and stepping over to the closet to start rummaging through the shelves for clothes. Picking up his usual work clothes; those being jeans and a white t-shirt, he left the room and could be heard walking down those creaking stairs. He took a turn to the right though and to the living room, being a bit of a multitasker he began pulling on his jeans and shirt, while at the same time checking he had all the documents papers he'd be needing at work today.

"God damn it... Hun! Have you seen my wallet?!" Chad's voice rings from the living room as the hyena soon walks into the kitchen, tugging his jeans all the way up to cover up his black boxers which clung to his hips and adjusting that shirt of his as he takes a glance over his wife. It was surprising that Chad had not noticed any kind of change between him and his wife, since it was not in every relationship where the wife was asking for sex and husband turning her away, but that was the case with them. As far as Chad was concerned, the two of them were still just as much in love as they were at the day they got married.

Now like most guys, the hyena was nicely endowed... of course not anything overly big, but he was tiny bit above the average, which he was rather proud of. Too bad he just didn't whip out his equipment as often as Kara would have liked. However that was not the only reason why she had taken such an interest in their neighbor, the main interest that she had on the lion was that she had always been a bit adventurous. Just a quickie fuck one evening wouldn't keep her satisfied... he wanted a kinky man which is where their neighbor stepped in, now that was a kinky man.

Speaking of what the lioness liked, it seemed like their neighbors had woken up a bit ago as well as the backdoor of house opened up and a rather muscular and big lion leaned out slightly to let out a sharp whistle after which the feral malamute went running inside. With Kara staring out from the window, she could feel herself getting wet just from seeing that lion and Chad could see him surely as well from where he was standing, but he had no idea where his wife was actually looking at.

The hyena had not actually met the lion more than once when passing their house with his wife and even back then he did not really talk with him... if there was such thing as love at first sight, with the two of them it was the complete opposite. As far as Chad was concerned, the only things he knew and wanted to know were that the lion had a dog and a son, that was more than enough for him.

Slowly Kara finally turned her head to look over her shoulder at his husband, forcing on a sweet little smile to carry on through the every morning act that everything was okay.

"Sorry sweetie, I don't know where you've left your wallet is. Perhaps you left it at work again?" Looking back out the window, she was trying to see if the lion was going to look her way at all, hovering like a girl with a secret crush as just a look from the lion made her heart race.

Suddenly Kara grinned to herself, out of nowhere deciding to try and make the lion jealous if he did look through that window. Turning around on her heels she takes a step forward and wraps those slender arms of hers around the neck of her husband with a giggle. Bringing in her lips she presses them against her husband, though leaving the tongue out from it.

"You're so forgetful sometimes. I think you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached between your shoulders..." Rummaging her fingers through the hyena's head fur with a purr she continues. "...When you do go to work today, don't forget to come back again."

It really was terrible that she wanted him to leave the house. Sure she loved her husband enough that she didn't want him to leave her, since he had a good job and did spend quite a bit out from the house during the week, but she sure as hell wouldn't have minded if the hyena had to leave for a business meeting for a week or something as it would give her all the time she'd need with their sexy hunk of a neighbor and his pet dog. What sort of a wife would rather have sucked on a feral cock than have her husband home for the weekend, the answer was a nasty slut like her.

Chad was a bit surprised as his wife suddenly leaned in like that to kiss him, something he was not used to since usually she seemed too tired at morning to seek attention from him, but now he was getting a kiss and actually some sweet words from her. He did return the kiss tho and even hugged her softly, before stepping back with a soft smile on his face.

"You're just as smart as always... I don't know what I'd do without you." He says, before feeling a pair of eyes on him. Turning his head to look out from the window he could see the lion looking right at the two of them. Was it his competitive nature or just the fact that he didn't like the lion, just having the guy looking at them like that made the hyena lean in to kiss his wife once more to the lips as if to show she was his property... oh yes, he was the jealous type and didn't like it when someone did as much as looked at his wife.

The truth was that for the couple past days Chad had been staying home, working on some paper work on his computer that he had to get done till today, which meant he had been around, but even so he hadn't done more than hugged his wife maybe once or twice and thanked her for the food. This had been driving Kara crazy during these couple days, since with her husband around she had not been able to meet with their neighbor. She couldn't even leave the house without her possessive husband calling her every five minutes to check where she was.

"Go on then, hun. You get back to work and see if you can find your wallet. And when you come home, you think you could stop at the grocery store on the way and buy some milk, meat and toilet paper? Oh and the post office for a package I'm expecting? I've got so much to do here that I'm not sure I will have time later." Oh she was such a wicked lady, neatly wrapping her husband up for a whole afternoon in one swoop which would give her some extra time with their neighbor. Her mind already on that fat, uncut slab of lion dick.

Just thinking about it all was getting her even wetter and making her purr softly. Quickly leaning in once more to kiss her husband was only to keep herself from moaning out loud with her husband still in the house. As she does lean back finally, she passes him the keys to the car, followed by a faint giggle. "See you later dear, I'm going to water the garden now."

Grabbing the keys Chad smiles to his wife for a moment longer, watching how she headed for the backdoor and taking one more glance out from the window. At least the lion had gone back inside now, so he was at least feeling better now, knowing they weren't being watched anymore. Rather soon after that, the front door could already be heard closing, Chad walking up to the car and getting in before the rumbling engine could be heard starting. And with that the hyena was gone, driving down the road and disappearing around the curve.

With the black car out from the sight, Kara let out a soft sigh and took a glance around herself. It was always just as dangerous to sneak in to see the lion since like at each and every neighborhood, there were some gossiping ladies living both sides of the road and if even one person saw her sneaking to her neighbor's house, rumors would surely start going around.

With how needy the lioness was by now, she threw the caution to the wind and actually climbed up and over the fence just to get to the lion's backyard, almost face planting to a mud puddle when jumping off the top of the fence, but luckily she kept her balance and sneaked in to the backdoor to knock it with her knuckles.

It took a good ten seconds, before footsteps could be heard approaching the door... each step getting closer and making Kara's stomach do a flip from how anxious she was to get her daily dose of real man cock and manly seed, especially since she had been couple days without even a single drop.

Finally the door opened up and the face of a boy appeared through the crack... a boy who must not have been older than eleven or twelve, standing there in nothing more than his blue shorts and the white waistband of his undies showing slightly. The lioness recognized the boy right away as Max... and even though he was as young as he was, he also was a lion and as far as she knew, Max and his father shared maybe a bit too loving relationship. It wasn't like she minded though as Max had been a bit of an early bloomer and living with a pervert dad was sure to rise the boy up to be just like his old man.

"Oh hey Cath!" Max says with a happy voice and a smile on his face as he yanks the door open as soon as he saw who it was. "Daddy is in the bathroom, he's washing Paws, since he got all dirty while running in the backyard." The boy explains quickly, until a deep voice from further inside the house interrupted them.

"If it's someone we know, let them in, otherwise we're not interested!" That voice alone made Kara curl her toes and bite her lower lip, just that booming voice gave off how big and dominant a lion actually was.

"Hey sweetie. Been awhile since I've seen that hot little body." Kara only says, flirting with Max bluntly as that as she stepped into the house with the boy closing the door behind her. Right away the lioness marched down the hallway and towards the bathroom with her cute, round ass swinging from side to side, which was sure to catch boy's attention who was following right behind her.

Upon entering the bathroom, there he was... that big lion on his knees on the bathroom floor and scrubbing the dog with soap. If Max was wearing little, the big lion was wearing even less... in nothing more than white briefs, with that nice, fat and round bulge at the front. Those yellow eyes of the lion soon enough turn to look at the door and a small smirk drawing over his lips as he saw who their visitor actually was.

"Oh why hello there, been a while since your last visit... three days if I'm not wrong." The lion says while his hands keep on working on malamute's muddy fur, but the lion's eyes remain on Kara all the time. "Guess the spotty bastard has been spending more time home lately, huh? The car hasn't moved till this morning."

"I'm sorry about that. I keep trying to get rid of him, but thank god he had to go to work today. I don't think I could have handled another day without seeing you." Kara replies as she drags her eyes down at the floor with an ashamed purr, blush on her cheeks and chewing onto her lower lip once again. "But I'm here now... to please each and every cock in this house, master Allan."

Max could be heard giggling behind the lioness as he listened to the two adults talking, obviously amused by the dirty way the two were talking to each others. Allan himself let out a small laugh, followed by a wide grin as his left hand could be seen slipping between the dog's hind legs and grabbing that sheath which he jerks backwards just enough for the pink tip of a malamute's cock to show. "Why don't you keep little Max entertained while I get finished with this."

Max was obviously now stranger to sexual things anymore since that small paw could soon be felt on Kara's ass, giving that gorgeous rump a small squeeze while grabbing lioness' wrist with his other paw. "Come on Mommy, I just cleaned my room. I'll show you." It had been quite some time since the lion and his wife had divorced and after Catherine had entered their lives, the boy had taken her as a sort of mother figure, especially with how often she came over lately.

Kara did not seem to be able to shake the blush on her face away, not with that little paw on her ass, groping away and even making a small moan escape past her lips as she's lead off, leaving Allan to finish off washing the dog. The boy's room really did not look like it would belong to a twelve year old with all the adult posters on the wall, condoms on the nightstand, but what would one expect from a son of an incestuous pervert.

"Oh very nice Max, you've cleaned it well..." Kara speaks up, before trailing off slowly... remembering easily the last time she had been there, on her all fours with that feral malamute on her back with both the lions sitting on the bed, tugging on their dicks to the hot live show they were getting. "...What would you like to do with mommy today? She is very aroused right now, so you can order me around like you would boss around a little girlfriend, does that sound like fun to you?"

"Umm... well..." Max mutters out at first. Sure he had done this before, but still found it a bit hard to get the words out from his mouth sometimes, though with how many times he had seen his father doing it, he was beginning to mimic the older lion's ways as well as the porn videos he'd surely seen already. "Get down on your knees and jerk me off." Even for a young boy, those words came off very naturally, like he was meant to be a big and dominant male just like his father when he'd grow up.

The lioness really did not bother wasting any time, this was what she had been waiting for these couple past days, so it took only a second, before she was down on the floor, nudging the boy backwards to sit on the edge of the bed and then prying the boy's legs apart with her paws. "Mmm, yes my young master, tell your mommy what you want." The eager lioness was already yanking Max's shorts down around his ankles, admiring the cute bulge that was pressing up against the fabric of the boy's underwear. She was not there to just admire the outlines though... she wanted a real thing and slowly brings her hand up to grab the front of that underwear to peel it down just enough for boy's junk to flop out and for her to hook the waistband below those balls.

Kara was naturally able to get most of the boy's cute, hardening dick in her hand, only able to rub and squeeze it at first, before it got big enough for her to actually start moving her hand up and down lightly. Her other hand's fingers moved to tease those small balls with a giggle, even dipping her head down for a short moment as she took both balls into her mouth, sealing her lips against the underside of that dick so she could suckle on lion boy's ballsac like a dirty, cheating bitch.

Max himself was moaning by now, his good four inch cock at full mast and throbbing in Kara's paw which was working over the whole length of a lion, making the boy squirm around from how good it felt to have his 'adoptive mom' there, pleasing him like this again. "Oh mommy... that feels so good."

Kara herself was still sucking on those young nuts, before pulling away with a slutty purr, a paw still working his dick so nicely. "Oh such a big cock! I can barely get my hand around it, you have such a big dick, I wish my husband had as big a dick as you Max." She sure was flattering the boy. Of course his husband had a bigger cock, but just the thought of how taboo this was made her feel so horny. The thought of her husband walking in on them right now; finding his wife down on her knees and jerking off a twelve year old boy, even that made the slutty lioness wetter than anything that Chad could ever do for her.

"Suck on my dick... slut." Those words coming from such young boy's lips made Kara almost cum right there and then, her juices dripping on the floor below her nightdress, looking submissively up at the lion. The boy sure was learning fast... maybe even a bit too fast since, since before she even had time to do as Max asked, those paws were already at both sides of her head and tugging her face down and against the boy's hard cock.

Kara found that cock soon rubbing and smearing precum all over her face, thank god Max was an early bloomer as the lioness did not care whether it was cum or precum she got as long as she got it and to get it, she showed just how much of a slut she was by parting her soft lips and wrapping them around boy's cock. Just the taste of it was so much better than her husband's cock, even a boy like this tasted ten times manlier than his wimpy hyena husband who couldn't even keep his own wife satisfied for one lousy day.

"What do we have here... already with your mouth full of cock." A very familiar voice booms through the room and Kara could feel those yellow eyes gazing down on her form, though even with Allan entering the room, she didn't pull off to even reply. Oh no, she was beginning to bob her head up and down, only turning her head slightly to the side to show the older lion how she was dragging her lips all the way up and down that five inch boy meat, trying to get the boy to cum quickly so she could get her first taste already. She did do something however which was leaning forward and hoisting her nightdress up and over her bottom to expose her aroused, dripping pussy towards the door.

"Always such a cock hungry little slut... your husband doesn't take care you get enough meat on your diet? What an uncaring little sissy..." The older lion keeps on talking, which only kept arousing Kara, hearing his neighbor actually badmouthing his husband, but she knew it to be true, Chad couldn't even hope to compete with a father and son pairing.

Only a muffled moan escapes past Kara's lips once she could feel Allan's fingers rubbing over that aroused pussy of hers. The big lion was grinning over her form as he moves his eyes to his son's blissful face. "How's she doing son? Sucking like a horny, cheating housewife should?

"Ooh Daddy... Mommy sucks it so good... she really likes my dick." It was all that Max could moan in response with his cock leaking that salty, young precum all over lioness' tongue which was working the underside of boy's cock. She wanted him to cum right now, wanting the boy to fill her mouth already, but too bad it wasn't going to happen.

"Move over sonny. She likes yours, but she loves mine." Allan says rather suddenly as that hand of his had already moved from Kara's cunt and over to her head, yanking it backwards and off the boy's cock to leave it throbbing in the air. All the lioness could do was to admire the boy's dick, god how she craved for it so much more than her husband's cock.

The big lion kept holding Kara's head still while moving around and presenting that thick, already growing bulge to the lioness. It could be seen throbbing through the thin material of the underwear, but this time she didn't have to do anything. Allan was the one who used his free paw to yank his underwear down with the semi-hard lion cock that was a good eight and a half inches slapping her right at the face... an inch longer cock than what her husband had.

"Oh gods... mmhh. Max, take care of Mommy's pussy. I'm gonna give Daddy some much needed attention..." After that she trailed off and really went to town on that dick. She dove down mid-throb, catching lion's cockhead between her lips and then sinking her head all the way down onto Allan's musky lap, till she was kissing the older lion's groin with the throbbing piece of lion meat lodged down her tight little throat.

"Oooh, mm... you heard Mommy. Go on Max." The lion speaks out, before leaning backwards with his eyes locked down to the lioness who held herself down, her lips squeezing that cock harder than any pussy or ass ever could, forcing it to a false hard on and to fill up her throat, blocking off her air. Kara didn't seem to mind though, she was right at home... actually even more at home with another man's cock in her throat than she was back at her house with Chad.

The truth was that she didn't even seem to notice when Max went around her and began rubbing that small boy cock against her leaking pussy, of course it didn't feel nearly as good as having a full grown man breeding her, but just the boy's age and the fact that it was this man's son made up for it and kept her juices running down her thighs.

"Mpph... such a big cock up my cunt. I'm not sure I can handle it!" Kara gasps out as she pulls head head back for a second to admire Allan's cock which was now fully hard, hovering above her face and dripping precum down onto her face. Upon feeling the head of Max's cock spreading her pussy lips, she quickly guides the older lion's cock back between her lips and let's it slide back down her throat once more, this time with a couple gags with the swollen foreskinned tip stretching her throat open in it's way.

"Compared to your husband's cock... I bet mine is like out from this world, huh? A dozen times better than what the little spotted sissy could ever provide you with..." Allan just keeps talking down to the lioness, while Max slides that five inch cock all the way in, not stopping even once till the boy's hips were pressing up and against her ass and thighs. Only thing Kara did to reply was a faint nod and a muffled moan, followed by a gag as the older lion suddenly thrusts his hips forward as if his cock wasn't far down enough.

The lioness was in heaven right now, both the father and son beginning to slowly move their hips, quickly picking up and pace with each thrust and making sure to fill both her cunt and her throat. "Ahh... Mommy's so tight and wet..." The young lion begins to pant slowly, thanks to the little blowjob earlier he was not going to be able to hold it back for long, but it only encouraged him to thrust harder. With how rarely she got fucked by her husband, even a five inch dick brought her so much pleasure.

This was like a dream come true to her, a nightmare to Chad if he'd ever find out, but all she could think to herself was how lucky she was... if she had never married the hyena, she would not have moved to that neighborhood so if anything, she was grateful to her husband for taking her there and moving right next to the lion family who ended up making her their personal slut.

Kara could not just keep thinking about her fantasies forever, because the two uncut cocks ravaging her kept bringing her thoughts back to the present and that was how she liked it. She didn't need to think about her husband, she had everything she needed right here; a man and his son, both ready to fuck and degrade her whenever she needed it.

"Mmm, work that cock you cheating slut... suck it like you'd be married to it!" Allan keeps talking through his panting as his cockhead keeps drilling lioness' throat open with each thrust, making her feel slightly sore. Even so her lips and tongue were working on that cock as eagerly as she possibly could, using her lips to tug the foreskin back and forth with her tongue rubbing and sliding over the sensitive helmet head, collecting up the precum and savoring the taste as much as she could.

"Ahh, Daddy... I got that feeling again, I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum." Max's voice was getting higher which could be signaling only one thing, the boy was approaching his climax very quickly, which was why he also kept picking up his pace. Those small balls were slapping against Kara's pussylips and the five incher throbbing wildly inside her.

"Nnh, go on... remember what I taught you. Show Mommy what a big boy you are." Allan speaks up once more as his own hips keep moving still, those swinging balls smacking lewdly against lioness' chin and wet squelches echoing in the room from how messily the big lion was pumping his cock past those lips.

Those sounds were soon hidden below a loud moan from behind the lioness as Max quickly yanks his hips backwards, his small paw wrapping around his cock to jerk and tug on it, followed by the sticky, white streaks of cum landing onto Kara's furry ass. The last dribbles were rubbed onto boy's cock by the paw working on that length, coating it in both his cum as well as lioness' juices which were covering his whole crotch by now.

Kara could be heard whimpering submissively through her nose as she felt that cum landing on her ass. She would have loved to suck it right out from the boy or to get impregnated by it, but of course the latter was not an option, since her affairs had to remain as a secret.

"Come here, son. Let Mommy clean that for you." The big lion speaks up suddenly as he lifts his paw and motions for the boy to come back around the lioness, beginning to pull his hips backwards and even though she was objecting to this by whimpering and clamping down with her lips, that cock did come out soon with a wet pop.

With Max coming over though, she got even better treat and went down, parting her lips wide open to take the whole five inch cock into her mouth with the tongue beginning to loudly slurp and slather all over the juicy cock which was now marinated in her own juices as well as the twelve year old boy's already potent cum.

Kara was too focused on the cock in her mouth to even notice Allan jerking off his own wet cock right next to them, the spit working as a lube as the older lion's fist keeps tugging on his fat and rock hard length, till he could feel his balls boiling with the cum that had been just waiting to be emptied for a couple days now.

"Nnhh, been saving this for you slut... time to mark your cheating, slutty self." Kara was just finishing with Max when she heard that, blinking and turning her head some as she found herself face to face with that swollen cockhead. So close that she was able to see the piss slit opening up, before the thick, white cum came spurting out and right over her face. She barely had time to close her eyes, before her face was already getting painted in the musky and manly smelling seed of the Daddy lion.

She was counting each rope of the salty and slimy cum landing on her face while still keeping her lips wrapped around younger lion's cock. This was another reason why she loved these two, they were very productive. His husband came barely as much as the boy had dumped on her ass just a moment ago and she was literally getting showered right now by the older lion, something her husband would never do to her nor would she even want to, not anymore with this father and son pairing in her life.

Once the climax seemed to be over, Kara could feel the boy's cock sliding out from her mouth, leaving her panting with her mouth open, on her all fours like a dog. As if getting her face painted wasn't degrading enough, the lioness also got it smeared around... both the father and son using their cocks to rub and smear the thick cum into her fur and mark her as their property. She would be wearing that smell proudly until she would have to shower, which would probably be later today which made her pout lightly... but it was necessary in order for her husband not to find out about what an eager slut she was for their neighbor.

It would be a good hour later when she finally left the house, through the backdoor as she had come in at the first place and over the fence. The only difference was that now she had a nice and even coat of cum coating her face, dripping down from her chin and cheeks as she makes her way to the backdoor of their own house. She was able to see the lions leaving... Allan had to take his son to a football practice as he had promised to, which did make her feel a little blue, since she didn't know when she'd be able to pay them a visit next time. At best tomorrow... at worst, it would be a couple days.

Making her way into the house, she walks over to the kitchen and looks over the room quietly. Slowly she walks up to get herself another cup of coffee, followed by a glance around till they fall down onto the phone on the counter with a light blinking along with a red number one, seems like someone has left her a message.

Taking off her nightdress she was beginning to get ready for the shower, to get cleaned before her husband would get home and while getting ready, she listened to the message that someone had left her.

"Hey sweety. I guess you're still taking care of the garden, but I hope you get this soon. I'm calling you from work, because my boss chose me to represent our company at a very important conference. So... I gotta fly to New York today and I have to stay there for a week. Just so you don't wonder why I'm not at home for dinner, heh... well anyway, I'll call you later honey. Hope you can manage without me around. Bye."

With a beep the message came to an end with the lioness having one of the widest grins on her face as she deleted the message and used her finger to scoop up some of that slowly drying mess of lion jizz from her face and then sticking the finger to her mouth to savor the taste for a second.

"I think I can manage..."