life with a dragon drunken shenanigans

Story by schlusky on SoFurry

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#12 of Life with a dragon

what happens between getting drunk at the bar and waking up with two horny dragons. sorry if it is disappointing, I am not really good at writing porn. come to think of it, I don't really know how to write a decent sex scene. anyway, when I can actually write some good descriptive porn I will redo this to be more satisfying to the readers.

hang on guys im working on redoing this one right now. i just dont like the way I ended this one.

Whoops, got some names mixed up at the end there. I think i got em fixed but if you guys read it and it doesnt make sense let me know because i probably messed something up

I wake up in a daze with a painful headache and an unpleasant smell in the air.

"Bout time you came to. You've been out cold for about three hours! Not to mention the fact that you threw up in the bathroom sink" Sarven says behind me.

"Ugh. What happened?" I ask groggily.

"You got drunk again" Zerinnon says as he slithers by the bathroom door.

"Shit did I really?" I ask slowly.

"Yup!" Zerinnon says as he pokes his head around the door frame. "Now come on, let's go to my room where it doesn't smell like puke"

"I rather like that idea" Sarven comments as he drags me to my feet.

"Uhh, yeah sure. Whatever you say Sarven" I say with a slur. I slowly walk out of the bathroom and over to the nightstand by the bed where I find a bottle of water and a few pills.

"You should take those Drosmine, they will make you feel better" Sarven tells me.

"Thanks" I say slowly before grabbing the bottle of water and downing the assortment of medications. I quickly down the rest of the water before following Sarven and Zerinnon to one of the other rented hotel rooms. As Zerinnon opens the door I am assaulted by a variety of scents and sensations. The most powerful and prevalent scent is that of lavender, but there is a hint of incense to the scent. The air in the room is warm and humid, and the room is dimly lit only by a few candles. Immediately something feels wrong and I try to turn around and walk out but Sarven blocks my path. "What the hell is going on here? I may still be buzzed and maybe hung-over but I can still recognize a bad situation when I see one. What the hell are you getting me into Sarven?" I ask, fear edging its way into my voice.

"I am getting you into something I know you have wanted to do for quite some time but were always too afraid to ask about it for fear of causing problems in our relationship" Sarven replies enticingly.

"Quit worrying and come to bed" Zerinnon says seductively from the other side of the room. That's when it hits me. Oh my god I'm getting into a three-way with Sarven and Zerinnon! Wait a minute... HOW THE HELL DOES SARVEN KNOW IVE WANTED TO DO THIS!?! Sarven pokes my thigh with a talon to get my attention. I snap back to reality and slowly walk to the bed. As I take my shirt off I hear a voice in the back of my head screaming at me to just run out of the room and find Berrwain or someone else I can trust to keep me from doing something stupid, but I ignore it as I catch the scent I have almost forgotten that I recognize as Zerinnon's arousal. I toss my shirt aside and reach for my belt only to find that my belt is gone.

"Wait what the hell? Where did my belt go?" I ask as the confusion sets in. "I had it on earlier today where did it go?"

"Don't worry about it we can find it later. Now get this damn shirt off my face if you want to keep it intact" Sarven says behind me. I turn to face him and can't help but laugh as I see my shit draped across more than half of his face. I reach out and grab the shirt yanking it off Sarven and dropping it to the floor in one fluid motion. As I turn back to face Zerinnon I am surprised by the sight of his now erect member. DAMN! I don't remember him being quite so big... nor do I remember those ridges being there. Did he have alterations made?

"Like what you see? I've changed since the last time you seen it" Zerinnon says as if reading my mind. How did he know I was thinking about that? "You know Drosmine, it isn't all that hard to guess what you're thinking about when your staring at it" Zerinnon comments with a grin. Oh. I'm such an idiot.

"You know Drosmine, staring is rude. You should stop doing that" Sarven whispers into my ear playfully.

"Oh come on you. I haven't seen him in almost eight years! I can't look?" I retort teasingly.

"Oh you'll be doing much more than looking at him" Sarven says slyly behind me. Did he just say that? Is he implying what I think he is? "Yes, I did just say that and yes it is implying what you think it is. You should really stop thinking openly like that, there are some thoughts better kept to yourself if you know what I'm trying to say" Sarven teases.

"He's right Drosmine. Sarven isn't the only one that can hear those thoughts, I can too and so can any other nearby dragon" Zerinnon tells me.

"And we wouldn't want some random dragon we don't know hearing these dirty thoughts now do we?" Sarven chides.

"I get it I get it. I haven't been doing a very good job concealing my thoughts recently. I will take care of it" I reply testily. "So what's the plan here?" I ask as I unzip my pants.

"I think that should be pretty obvious, and if it isn't then you're blind" Zerinnon replies.

"It's only what you've secretly wanted for the past couple of years now. You goanna get sandwiched between the two dragons you've laid with" Sarven declares. At this news I stand up and drop my pants and boxers and crawl into bed with Zerinnon, before I get a chance to get comfy Sarven crawls into bed with Zerinnon and me. I roll over to face Sarven and Zerinnon draws himself closer to me pressing his manhood against my hindquarters in doing so. I can feel Zerinnon's hot breath on the back of my neck as he slowly presses his manhood further between my cheeks. As Zerinnon thrusts yet deeper Sarven quickly draws close to my encasing both Zerinnon and me in his wings creating a small envelope around the three of us. Sarven croons softly as he caresses me licking my face the entire time. Sarven pulls me into a deep kiss and uses his tongue to force something down my throat. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?! I mentally scream at myself. Damn it I knew this was a bad idea! Sarven breaks the kiss and Zerinnon begins to pull back and thrust rhythmically at a slowly accelerating pace. A few minutes later I grow drowsy and pull myself closer to Sarven. As I try to fight to stay awake my mind clouds over with exhaustion and pleasure.

"Sarven what did you do to me?" I ask groggily as the darkness of sleep beckons to me.

"Don't worry about it" Sarven replies as he presses his manhood into Zerinnon's slit. Zerinnon hisses with pleasure as he quickens his pace and thrusts deeper into me. I feel a pinching sensation in my abs and look down to find out that I am bulging with Zerinnon's manhood in my depths. I slowly arch my back to adjust the angle of penetration and alleviate the pressure against my abs and Zerinnon thrusts sharply latching onto me as waves of pleasure wash over him. Sarven licks my face affectionately as I feel Zerinnon's seed flood my insides. I feel my heart thundering in my chest and my body flood with warmth and for just an instant pure clarity of mind before growing weary and quickly losing all strength in my body.

"Sarven?" I manage to say before falling into the drug induced sleep that Sarven worked so hard to cause.

"Right here Drosmine. Sleep well" my love.

Why are you doing this to me?

_Because I love you Drosmine, because I love you_Sarven replies before I completely lose consciousness and succumb to the beckoning darkness that is sleep. As I fall into the deepening pits of darkness of rest Sarven and Zerinnon both draw close to me and lay down to rest as well.

This is going to be a long night. You might as well get comfortable because we are definitely going to be here for a long time. Sarven says.

I'm fine with that. After all, this is the last time I get to be intimate with Drosmine isn't it? I should savor this night because I know it will never happen again. Zerinnon replies.

If you truly love Drosmine you will let him go because you know he is happier with me. We share over fourteen years of history Zerinnon. You only share a few months with him. He has feelings for you because you are the first to have lain with him. I know your feelings for him fun deeper, but at current the root of Drosmine's feelings for you stem from the first night in bed with you. I'm sorry to break your heart but it will take a lot of work on your part before Drosmine has real love for you and I don't think he is going to leave me for you. Besides, giving him that choice without flat out making him choose would be cruel to him! It would tear him apart from the inside out and eventually drive him mad! Neither of us wants that. But I am not without compassion Zerinnon, I am willing to share a more open relationship with Drosmine if he so wishes. Maybe you should bring it up with him tomorrow morning. Sarven offers.

I know you mean well Sarven, but I don't want to come between you and Drosmine. You are right about him, he has feelings for me but not for the reason I want him to. What the two of you have is beautiful and is something sacred that I shall not tamper with. I don't want to be the one to drive a wedge between two that were meant for each other. Zerinnon replies dejectedly.

I respect your decision Zerinnon, but I must tell you that Drosmine would never allow anything to come between us. You would not be able to kill such a stable mateship such as ours simply by expressing your feelings for Drosmine. Sarven replies softly.

I just can't bring myself to tamper with something so sacred. You have something real with Drosmine. Me, I'm just chasing shadows if I think I have a chance at having with Drosmine what you do now. I love him and there will always be a place for both of you in my heart, but I will never be able to have Drosmine and even if I could I wouldn't want to take him because I can't make him as happy as he is with you. That you would offer to include me in your relationship means as much to me as Drosmine himself, but I can't accept your offer. It just wouldn't feel right to me. Zerinnon replies sadly.

Well the offer is ever present. Should you ever decide you want to be with us all you have to do is talk to Drosmine. I love him and I want him to be happy in life, and if you being with us will better bring him joy in life than me alone then I would rather share a relationship with you than have an exclusive one with Drosmine. I know you cant bring yourself to tamper with what you consider to be sacred, but if it makes Drosmine more happy in life then I want you to be with us. Sarven croons softly.

If it will make Drosmine happier in life I may consider your offer, but if and only if it will truly make Drosmine happier. Zerinnon replies thoughtfully.

I appreciate it. Now we should really get some rest, it is midnight and we need to be out of here in less than twelve hours. Sarven croons.