Adoptive Needs Chapter one - Urges

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#1 of adoptive needs

Mitch a young wolf morph finds out one of the family dogs is in heat, what will he do? This is the first in a five story series I'm doing. Will work on more if there is sufficient interest.

Adoptive Needs 1 - Urges

Grumbling, the wolf morph wandered around the yard, he had gotten kicked out of the house by the nanny, Ruth. "This sucks." Muttering slightly. She told him that he should spend time outside since it was cooler outside, saying that he was spending too much time playing video games. It was spring time so it wasn't too bad so far with the temperature, but soon it'd be a bit hot for his preference. Sighing, the young wolf morph had already wandered through the gardens and explored the new flowers and plants that were added this year. Pausing slightly for a moment, his nose sniffed the air catching some sweet smelling in the air. He thought it was odd; he had wandered away from gardens following the scents in the air. He couldn't place the scent; it wasn't anything that he had ever smelled before. Making his way towards the smell, his tail was wagging a bit more with each breath he took. Wandering around the maintenance shed, he glanced over at the dog runs looking at the grounds keeper. The grounds keeper was moving one of the dogs to the solo run. The dog didn't seem hurt or anything, so padding over he smiled.

"Hey John. What's wrong with Anna? She looks okay... She's not hurt is she?" The young pup looked a bit confused when John laughed. He held up his hand telling him to wait a moment. The older gentleman escorted Anna to the run and locked her inside. She paced slowly up and down the run, tail held high as it watched. Mitch couldn't help but watch her as she paced, panting softly. It seemed almost like that sweet scent was coming from Anna. He blushed slightly and shivered slightly, feeling his penis stirring in his baggy shorts.

"No she's fine young master. She's just come into heat, and your father, Mr. Roland hasn't decided if he's going to breed her this time around." Mitch was a bit confused, heat? He tilted his head and glanced at John quizzically.

"Heat? What's that? I mean is she getting too hot or something?" He listened attentively as John explained it.

"Well, twice a year a bitch comes into what's called a heat or estrus. It's when her body is signaling it's ready to be mated." He gestured to the other dogs, Mitch's eyes following his hand. Several of the male dogs were pacing as well, whining slightly. He couldn't help himself; he noticed most of the male dogs were somewhat aroused. Giving a little giggle, he could see most of the dog's sheaths were more prominent than usual.

"Yah, I'm hoping we caught her soon enough. From what we could tell, she hadn't let any of the males try and mount her yet. I would have given it maybe another few hours and those males would have been all over her." Mitch blushed brightly, then he batted his paws at John, the old grounds keeper ruffled his head fur. "Bet as a wolf morph you can smell her can't ya lad?"

Mitch shook his head. "No. I just heard the commotion over here and wanted to see what was going on?" It was a blatant lie, he could smell her quite clearly now. He padded over to the run and stuck his paw through the bars. Softly he smiled, rubbing Anna's muzzle as she licked his paw. "Poor girl, well hopefully you'll be fine soon." Glancing back at John, his tail wagging, the old man nodded. He explained that she'd be in there a week or so. Mitch panted softly, Anna smelled so good, and he listened to her whimpers as she licked his paw. Standing up, he was so glad he was wearing a baggy pair of shorts; his young cock was stiff and aching under his shorts. Perking his head up, "You want me to check up on her from time to time? Make sure she's got water and stuff?" His tail wagged slowly behind him.

"Sure if you really want. It's going to be a boring few days for her, unless your father decides he wants her bred. I can let your father know you want to be responsible for her." Mitch nodded, figuring this way he could get close to her and enjoy that sweet smell. Glancing over at Anna, the beautiful black and tan shepherd squatted down on the concrete and urinated on the ground. Several of the dogs whimpered slightly, and a shiver went down his spine, nostrils flaring as he inhaled that smell. All the eleven year old pup wanted to do was push his muzzle under that lifted tail and breathe in her scent. Folding his ears back, he blushed brightly at the thoughts racing through his head.

"That's just nasty; I mean... she's just a dog that's all." Thinking to himself, he smiled at John and blushed. "Thanks John. Hope I can prove to my dad I can be responsible." Quietly, he made his way back to the house, telling his dad he was going to help take care of Anna during this heat, proving he could be responsible. He figured that this way he could prove that he deserved that dirt bike he wanted for his birthday. His dad nodded and told him he would make sure that John he knew he wasn't supposed to assist him. Smiling, he did a few things for the rest of the evening before going to bed. He tried everything he could, but he couldn't get Anna out of his thoughts.

Mitch woke up, jerking upright in bed as he shivered slightly. He couldn't remember what he was dreaming about, except that it was fairly intense. The young wolf morph was on top of his sheets, the weather still a little warm for his preference. There was a breeze coming in from the window that he usually left open. Glancing down, his boxers were tented, and a rather large stain was on the fabric. Blushing, he ran his fingers along the bulge; the sensation caused him to growl out in pleasure. Slipping out of the bed, he sighed and tossed off his boxers into the laundry basket on the floor. Moving over to the window, he glanced outside. From his view, he could see Anna in the run; the dog was pacing back and forth. Drawing in a deep breath, he whined slightly and could smell her scent all the way up here. Looking over at the clock, he saw that it was three thirty in the morning; he knew everyone in the house was asleep in the main house. A little thought raced through his head, putting on a fresh pair of underwear on and decided he should check on him. His erection was still stiff under the fabric, and was still leaking into the fabric.

Silently he tip toed his way through the house staying as silent as he could. Slipping out the backdoor, drawing in a deep breath. Sighing softly in pleasure, the air always smelled so good at night to him. Padding across the yard, he stopped the run with the other dogs, letting them sniff his paw. Most of them were asleep, only one of the males was awake, and he growled at Mitch. Looking at the dog, he bared his teeth and snarled deeply, watching the dog cower after a few moments. He made his way over to Anna's run, and looked at her. "Hey, Anna you okay girl?" Letting her lick his paw for a few moments. Glancing around, it was late and no one around to see him. Unlatching the run, she stepped back and he slipped inside with her. "Poor girl, well soon you'll be out of heat and you can join the other dogs..." He rubbed her ears softly; tail wagging as he let his nostrils flare drinking in that thick scent. It smelled a bit stronger and sweeter than it did earlier. The young wolf morph moaned out, Anna licking his underwear pressing her muzzle against his bulge.

"A... Anna." Mitch moaned softly, he stood there while she licked and pressed her muzzle against his crotch. Panting softly, he spoke. "That feels so good." He hooked a paw into his underwear, tugging them down and letting them fall to the concrete floor of the run. Normally the wolf pup never went around anywhere naked, but for some odd reason his clothes felt terribly restrictive and itchy all of a sudden.

His cock stood at full arousal, growling lightly as he looked down at himself. He had never been this hard before, his cock aching and hurting slightly from how stiff it was. Moaning, he didn't try and stop Anna as she kept licking him, coaxing more fluid to drip from the tapered head of his cock. Stopping after a few more licks, she turned around and lifted her tail, squatting down and urinated on the ground. Mitch stepped back so that he wouldn't get splashed, but he didn't think to grab his underwear, so they ended up getting soaked with most of her urine. Once she was done, he stepped forward and picked up the damp fabric, lifting it to his muzzle and sniffing. Closing his eyes, a deep growl escaped his muzzle.

"Smells good. Just like you Anna." Dropping them back onto the ground, Mitch moved and knelt behind Anna on all fours. She had lifted her tail and was stood there like she was waiting for something. Leaning in, he pressed his muzzle against her rump, sniffing slightly. He felt his cock lurch slightly between his legs, jetting out some more fluid. His broad tongue snaked out, lapping at her mound tasting her for the first time. The taste and smell had caused Mitch to whimper, and the attention was causing Anna to whimper with need.

Pausing when he heard a mixture of growls, he looked over at the other run. Unlike earlier, more of the dogs were awake now and most of the males were showing. One or two of them were fully unsheathed, and on some level, Mitch knew what they wanted. He knew that they wanted what his muzzle was pressing against at the moment. Grunting, he lifted his muzzle and looked at Anna, the bitch was looking at him, her eyes pleading with some sort of need. Mitch slowly rested his paws on her back, feeling her stiffen and brace herself. Being a little unsure, he slowly crawled forward covering Anna with his body and licking the back of her ears lightly, his own ears perked up, listening to the angry growls of the other canines. "Mmm you smell so good... now I know why the other dogs want to be close to you."

Mitch wasn't even paying attention as he rolled his hips, his cock tip jabbing against her rump as he felt Anna shift slightly underneath him. Whining out softly, he felt himself slipping inside her and moaned softly. Wrapping his paws tightly around her waist, she felt so hot and tight around him, pushing his hips forward. It felt absolutely wonderful; the young wolf morph was in heaven. He wasn't as big as some of the dogs, so he wasn't worried as he pressed forward until his groin was flush with her own. She stood under him firmly, not moving just letting him push inside her, and he knew that she could handle his entire length, and didn't make any sound until he was fully sheathed inside her.

"S... such a good girl Anna." Closing his eyes, Mitch began to thrust slowly into the bitch under him, feeling her thick juices coating his flesh and staining his groin fur. Giving a soft growl, he leaned in and clamped his muzzle down on the scruff of her neck. That action caused Anna's passage to clench tight around him, keeping his grip on her waist he began to thrust harder into her now. Mitch stroked himself fully in and out of her, almost slipping out several times as his knot began to swell at the base of his shaft. He knew from the occasional times that he masturbated that the base of his cock swelled up, but he didn't quite understand the logic behind it. Slowly, the wolf morph grinded himself against Anna's rump. The action caused both the dog and himself to whine slightly. Bucking his hips firmly a few times, he suddenly felt himself fully inside her, his knot swelling rapidly and locking him within her heated passage.

"Oh god Anna..." He wasn't prepared for the sensations that flooded him. She gave a yelp and her walls started to clench hard around his length over and over, milking his young flesh. Biting his muzzle, he whimpered out, shaking his head slightly. Mitch's balls drew up against his body, tail jerked slightly behind him as he climaxed. His eyes were closed tightly, he felt himself spurting inside her. Savoring the feeling as he flooded her hot body with what he thought was immature seed. He didn't realize that wolf morphs were different than the humans they were based upon; their bodies produced both human, and wolf sperm. While he wasn't a fully mature wolf morph, the wolf sperm that his body did produce was fertile, even if his human sperm wasn't yet.

Once he rode out the waves of pleasure from his climax, he growled softly. Glancing over, he could see the other dogs pacing and growling at him, he slid off Anna's back lifting a leg and staying on all fours. There was a certain perverse thrill that made him feel elated, being watched as he mated with Anna by her pack mates. If it wasn't for the longer arms and legs, he could have easily been confused with some stray wolf. Roughly twenty minutes later, he slipped free of Anna, his knot having shrunk down. He blushed and gave a soft whine, watching his fluids drool slightly out of Anna. Realizing that people would be waking up, he needed to get back to the house before he was caught. Grabbing his damp underwear, he didn't even think about it as he slid them up. Mitch gave a slight shiver, both at the realization of what he had done with Anna, and that he just put on a pair of urine soaked underwear. Oddly enough, it was the fact he had sex with his father's dog, rather than the wet underwear he was wearing that bothered him.

Sneaking back into the house, he made it back to his room without anyone seeing or hearing him. Carefully he closed his door, making sure it was locked as he slipped off the underwear. Lifting them up, he sniffed the fabric slightly and groaned. Blushing, his cock twitched slightly between his legs starting to stiffen again, he hurried up and put the underwear into a bag and hid it between his mattresses. For some reason, he really didn't want anyone to find them and wanted to enjoy that scent later. Glancing out the window, he could see Anna lying on her back, muzzle buried between her legs. He whispered softly to himself. "What a good dog. Clean up my mess so I don't get caught."

The rest of the week had gone by fairly uneventfully. Mitch resisted the urge to go out and have sex with Anna again; even though she whimpered slightly each time he gave her water and food. A few weeks later, he realized that the damage had been done though. John told his father that Anna was pregnant with pups; Mitch figured he was going to be dead meat. His father sighed and thanked him though, explaining that they must have gotten to Anna too late. Mitch glanced out the window of his bedroom at night over the next few months, watching as Anna grew heavy with pups. He felt a certain sense of pride knowing they were his, but also a sense of dread as he'd be discovered when they were born that they weren't from his father's dogs.

When the pups were born, other than a bit of gray fur that streaked their muzzles, they were almost spitting images of their mother. No one could figure out which of the guard dogs had gotten her and they decided they were going to need to keep a better eye on the females when they got near their heats. Mitch felt a little sad when they got rid of most of the pups, keeping only two of the nine. His father said that the pups would get obedience training, and then both Mitch and his sister Bethany would get one.

Mitch didn't seem to mind, he used that night with Anna as a source of masturbation material for quite a while, and enjoyed the scent of her heat on his underwear for a week or two afterwards before washing them. What the young wolf morph didn't realize was by giving into those urges with the guard dog. He started to awaken urges that every wolf morph had, and that it would affect him more than he realized.

Any donations would help, please direct them over on paypal to SteamPunk Stallion. It helps make my life a bit easier, and I can keep putting out more stories. My Paypal Address is: [email protected] Please don't mention anything bout adult content. Thank you.