LoS: A New Age Chapter 4

Story by devink32 on SoFurry

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It has happened, Adult rating. Thing made me add Male/Female tags in -_-

All characters in this story belong to Sierra and/or Etranges Libellules. (Finally got that company name right from my head :D)

"Cynder, wake up."

Cynder's vision was blurred as she opened her eyes. She took a second waiting for it to go into focus. "Why did you have to..." Cynder yawns, "...wake me up?"

"Volteer didn't finish what he was saying yesterday. He wants to just say a few more things, he's waiting in the hall.

Cynder got up groggily and walked into the hall. "Yes, Volteer?"

"I also wanted to say something else and I was kind of getting impatient waiting for you to get up. I noticed how you two seemed a bit bored sometimes and I just wanted to say that you don't have to stay in the temple."

Cynder hadn't really thoguht about that. Would she want to leave? "What do you mean? Are you kicking us out?"

"Oh no, I meant if you wanted to leave you could. Of course, that's up to both of you."

Before either of them could say something he walked away.

"That's interesting. You think you want to leave? You did say you were bored of peace." Spyro questioned her.

"Well, I don't know. I mean we can't just go wherever we want. We have to both agree on it. Besides, life is simpler here. I mean eventually we will want to go our seperate ways." "I won't like that, I will never see him again." Cynder thought.

"Well...ummm...we don't have to go seperate ways."

"Yeah we will, eventually you'll want to find a mate and so will I. How will that work?" "Nobody would want me, I'm just the evil Cynder coming to kill everyone. Spyro and the guardians are the only ones that understand that and Spyro won't want me." Cynder thought, making her a little upset.

Spyro turned away and blushed thinking how he would wan that to work. Then he wished he had black scales like Cynder so it wouldn't show. Once he got through that he turned his head back around. "Well this is awkward." Spyro paused. "I'll be right back, I'm going to talk to Cyril."

A couple minutes later he found Cyril, looking into Ignitus's pool of water. "Cyril, could I ask you something?"

"Yes, Spyro?"

"How or when should I tell Cynder..." Spyro paused

"Tell her what?" Cyril was actually interested now.

"Tell her that I...umm...Well, tell her that I love her?"

Cyril's went crazy "Spyro, your kidding right? I would think you, of all people, would be brave enough to just say it."

Spyro felt like he had did something wrong until Cyril added, "That would of probaly been a bad thing. You need to find a moment to say it, to make all the more emotional. You will know when you should tell her. Now then, have you decided if your going to leave the temple?"

"Actually that's why I asked you that. Cynder thinks I'm going to want someone else and with the looming presence of Malefor's snakes, that wouldn't be possible."

"You need to convince her to leave then. If that's what you both want then you need to give her a reason. Just don't take advantage of her. If you will please excuse me, I need to go talk to Volteer."

He went back to Cynder's room finding her sleeping again. He laid down near a window and looked out at the horizon. His thoughts kept going back to Cynder and he turned around and admired her slim frame. He wanted to see her face so he got up and walked over to the other side of her. He laid down, not to close, and stared at her. He felt it was wrong to be just staring at her but couldn't move his eyes from her body. His eyes were begging him to look down over her body but he simply wouldn't allow himself to do it, knowing how wrong of him that would be. He turned back away and tried to focus on other things. He thought of what he could do outside of the temple for a while. He heard Cynder wake up and turned back around to her. She looked into his eyes and waited a moment, just staring into his eyes before saying, "So what did Cyril have to say about a question i'm sure you won't tell me about?"

"Oh nothing, he did mention us leaving the temple again, although it really didn't have much to do with my question."

"Is that what you really want? It would just complicate out later lives."

"You said it yourself, it's boring here at the temple. Besides I'm sure we'll find some way past certain...barriers."

Cynder sighed, "Well, I guess if it's better then the temple then we could go. First, though, promise me you'll never leave me." Cynder almost instantly regretted the way she worded the last part.

"I can't leave you anyway but okay, I promise I will never leave you." Spyro already had suspicions in his mind from that.

At that moment they both heard a sizzle and then a flash of light. They looked at each other and saw what they had dreaded would happen. They saw the snakes on each others neck, binding them together. "Should we tell them we're leaving?" Cynder finally said, ignoring the magical chains upon their necks.

"Of course, let's go now. Unless there is something you need to do first."

"Nope, i'm ready."

They went to Cyril and told him the news.

"So you'll be leaving then?" Cyril winked at Spyro, Cynder not noticing.

"Yes, we'll be leaving and we want you to tell the other guardians. We may be back to visit sometime though." Spyro said.

"Okay, please excuse me I'm going to bring the news to the other guardians and you can be on your way." With that Cyril turned around and left.

"He never was good at good-byes." Spyro said

They left the only real home either of them ever knew. They turned around once to see the place for the last time for a long time. They then turned around and took off, flying into the horizon.

* * * * * *

After about five days of traveling they came across a mountain range that towered into the clouds.

"This ought to be fun." Cynder said.

"Over or around? Either will be difficult."

"How about over?"

"Okay then lets do it." They both started flying upward until they no longer could go up due to the air. They flew over the the mountain and continued walking up.

"I'm already tired." Cynder stated.

"Look around for a cave, we can take a break there."

they walked around a little until they found a small crevice in the ground. It wasn't wide enough for both of them to lay comfortably next to each other so the had to lay down Sppyro behind Cynder. The crevice was relatively long so they weren't pushed up against each other. Spyro curled up and Cynder layed on her side and they took a short rest. Spyro woke up first and looked at Cynder to find her sleeping still. He thought of when he would tell her he loved her, what would happen afterwards. He looked harder and realized he was staring straight at the spot he forced himself not to the last time. He admired her frame and most of all, after seeing it, her beautiful slit. He only looked a moment before tearing his eyes away. Feeling ashamed he got up and climbed out of the crevice and looked up the mountainside, trying to get her off his mind yet again. He wondered how long it would take to reach up high enough to ease their way through the mountains when Cynder climber out of the crevice.

"Well, are you ready to keep moving? I think we can get pretty far before night."

"Okay then, we better get moving."

They walked for hours until the sun started going down. They had got over a few mountains and were almost out of the range, which turned out to be quite thin. They again set off for a cave and easily found one, much larger then the crevice. Spyro was relatively exhausted and laid down right away and went to sleep. Cynder on the other hand was curious. She wondered if talked in his sleep so she could know his deepest thoughts. She laid close to him listen for him. He muttered a few things she couldn't hear so she moved closer.

"...the mountains...why, Ignitus...Cynder...I...I..." Cynder was holding her breath waiting for what he would say. His voice was a little clearer now as he said,

"Cynder, why can't we leave the temple?"

Disappointed that she didn't hear what she wanted she started turning away when she heard him say,

"...but I love you."

Her heart stopped dead in it's tracks along with her.