Wanting To Be Noticed

Story by CardCaptors on SoFurry

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#1 of Being noticed in life

This is the first part of a three part story that will be my first one up on here. Please let me know on areas i did well on and areas where I could improve on. Enjoy the story!!! ^^

Also, props to red tygon for helping me proofread my first story. Thanks again mate!

It was just an ordinary day; well actually it was just like every other day for Cael. Cael was just like any other student you'd meet in college good grades, great work, always paid attention, basically a model citizen for college.

There was only one problem, and that was that everyone resented him for it. Almost every day he was getting pushed around and threatened.

Cael was walking around town after having gone to his classes and looked around at the community. He didn't know when it happened and the government doesn't know either but one day there were furs of all kinds walking around and interacting with humans. This made Cael a little disappointed because maybe if he was born a fur instead of human, he'd be more attractive and people would want to talk to him.

He was of an average build, a 160 pound guy is still attractive for some people, but add in being a computer genius and suddenly people either want to pick on you or avoid you altogether.

This made Cael depressed but unknown to him someone was watching him, waiting for the perfect moment to speak to him.

Cael decided that it was time to head home. When he got inside, he sat down and instantly got on his laptop to work on his homework. It was about 8:00 at night when he finished so he made himself dinner and while it was cooking he cleaned the kitchen.

Cael served himself food and sat down to watch a movie and thought about what would happen tomorrow at the college because he aced all of his mid-terms and a lot of people were pissed.

At 11:00, Cael turned off the TV and put his dishes in the sink and put the rest of his dinner in the fridge for breakfast then went and brushed his teeth. Finally, Cael went to his room and lay down to turn off the light and went to bed.

The next day, Cael woke up around 6:00 and took a shower. After the shower, Cael got out and shaved to get dressed then headed into the kitchen to heat up the leftovers from dinner.

While he was eating, Cael thought about scenarios that could happen when he got onto campus.

When he finished breakfast he realized that he missed the bus and will be late for what he wants to do even though he doesn't have classes. Cael quickly grabs a few items and sticks them into his backpack and heads out the door and locks it to run to the college campus.

When he arrives at the campus, Cael sees a large group of people waiting for him, with a guy taller than him waiting at the front of the group. Upon seeing this, and being the kind of person that tries to avoid fighting at all costs, Cael decides to skip on playing his ocarina for the students and turns to head back home.

"Ha! Taking off to go back to mommy, ya little fucking bastard?" Cael knew who said it and he smiled to turn and looks back at the guy known as Bruce.

Cael flips him the middle finger."Go suck a dog Bruce. You're just jealous that all your good at is at sports and lifting weights because you are too stupid to think reasonably."

With this said, Cael turned and took off with Bruce running after him. "Come back here you little bastard!!!" Bruce yelled running after Cael. Cael luckily did track and field in high school so obviously he's faster than Bruce.

Luckily, Cael knew the city more than Bruce did and went to hide in an alleyway. Bruce stopped near the alley that Cael went into and looked around. "Come out and fight like a man you bastard" Bruce yelled at the top of his lungs.

Cael kept quiet till he knew Bruce left. Just as Bruce was about to enter the alley to check it when both him and Cael heard a loud howl causing Bruce to turn toward the direction it was coming from.

To his surprise, Bruce saw a beautiful female wolf walking towards him. "Hey baby, why don't we leave this place and----" Bruce couldn't even finish what he was saying before the wolf bared her teeth and charged towards him, scaring him away.

Cael was breathing heavily after he heard the howl and tries to keep quiet so he doesn't get attacked next. Unfortunately, he couldn't cover up his scent so the wolf that howled started to head towards the alleyway where he was.

All he saw was a large shadow before he closed his eyes. Cael was waiting to feel the cool touch of death or the intense feeling of pain but instead all he felt was a soft furred hand against his cheek and a soft, feminine voice. "Did he hurt you at all?" the voice sounded worried and pleasant to Cael's ears and he opened his eyes to see a beautiful grey she-wolf standing in front of him in a tank top shirt that can barely contain her DD-cup breasts and short shorts with her tail slowly moving back and forth.

Cael shook his head and the she-wolf smiled at him, glad that he was ok and stepped back so he could admire her beauty. "My name is Sela. What's your name?" Sela asked him. Cael was in awe that a creature as beautiful as Sela would notice him but he knew that it was probably too good to be true so he softly pushed her away and ran out of the alley and headed towards the beach.

Sela was worried about him so she followed him to the beach. Cael ran all the way to the beach and fell to his knees crying. Sela came up behind him quietly not wanting to frighten him and she can hear him speaking. "Why does this keep happening to me? Everyone that gets close to me ends up either hurt or dead." Cael says to himself not realizing that Sela is right behind him as he starts remembering the past of having lost his entire family when he was only five years old.

Luckily friends and other family members have been able to help provide for him and raise him. Cael then remembers that several of his friends ended up in the hopsital because of him. All this time that he is remembering all the pain and suffering he's gone through, a dark cloud as thick as the blackest night has started to surround Cael and Sela sees this and starts to worry a lot.

Cael hugs himself as the cloud tightly surrounds him and makes him very cold. Sela can feel the dramatic change in the temperature around Cael and goes over to hug him close to also become surrounded in the darkness. Cael gasps when he feels Sela hug him and he touches her arms softly to turn and looks at her. "Why do you want to know me? It will just get you hurt or killed." Cael says to Sela as he looks down at the sand and starts to cry. Sela smiles and wipes his tears away.

"I don't cry if I am hurt or killed, I will save u from your pain, suffering and sorrow." Sela said to Cael as she held him close to her so he could feel her love and warmth trying to drive the darkness away.

Cael gasps as he feels her warm fur against his skin and looks at her. "Why do you want to help me? I'm just an ugly human." Cael looks down again after saying this since it was the honest truth. Sela nuzzled his cheek and held him close.

"I don't think you're ugly at all. Actually, I think you're pretty sexy to me." Sela blushed lightly after saying this and saw that the dark cloud had started to dissipate from around them.

Cael blushed red upon hearing this and turn to kiss Sela softly right on the lips, surprising her at first then she slowly relaxes into the kiss and slowly kisses him back making the kiss deep.

Cael blushes and pulls away to hold her arms softly and looks at the horizon to see the sunset. "Well guess it's time for us to depart." Cael says sadly looking at Sela.

She smiles and pulls him close to her. "Why don't you stay with me at my house tonight? It is closer to where we are now then where your house is."

Cael blushed at this. "But won't your parents be mad at you bringing me home to stay the night as a friend?" He was worried that he might be hurt by her parents.

Sela smiled and held him close. "I don't live with my parents anymore. I live on my own in a small house." Cael blushed more at this. and looked at the sunset.

"Alright, I'll go with you." Cael said this as he held softly onto her arms as she held him close. Sela helped him up and held his hand as she led him to her house.

"I'll make sure you're never alone again." Cael blushed and held her hand tightly. He looked at her as they walked.

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Cael. It's nice to meet you Sela." Sela smiled at him as they arrived at her house. "It's nice to meet you too Cael." She smiled and led Cael into her house.