Wrestling with Change - Chapter 8

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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#8 of Wrestling with Change

Breaking News

Ricky fills the guys in on what's going on.

This is a shorter chapter with less action than the previous one so in exchange I'll post a another chapter on Thursday.

Chapter 8 - Breaking News

Cameron wasn't the only one though to find himself dwelling on the sensation of a possessing a firm canine cock. Ricky had awoken from a fitful night's rest with a throbbing erection. After getting off the phone with Jack he was both relieved and excited about what was happening to him, not to mention confused about what was going on between himself and his teammates. He had fired off texts to both Max and Cam so he could get the rest of his gear back in the morning and maybe find out where this ride was going to take him. After that he had fired off a few shots from his altered cock as he jerked himself to orgasm thinking about those same teammates. When he eventually drifted off to sleep, his dreams were just as confusing as his waking thoughts and centered primarily around being pummeled on the mat by a large wolf while Max and Cameron made out on the team bench.

When he awoke at the break of day, it was to a raging hard-on and he had to fight to keep his hands off himself lest he make a mess all over the warm-ups he still wore. He jumped in the shower and took his time thoroughly washing his nearly complete fur coat still careful not to over stimulate himself in the process. Once he was cleaned and dried, he located the Westfield shirt on the floor by his dresser and pulled it on, with the added bulk of his increased muscles and fur it now fit more like a compression shirt than a tee yet still felt extremely comfortable. His biceps strained the sleeves to the limit and grey fur extending down to his wrists contrasted quite nicely with the red and blue fabric. He grabbed his warm-up pants and pulled them on, followed by his shoes, before slinging the jacket over his shoulder and heading down to breakfast. He sat down at the table and tried not to laugh as his father unblinkingly served a plate of bacon and eggs to his bulked up and fur covered son.

After a quick internal debate Ricky decided to don the jacket for the walk to school. His dad might be ok with his massive hairy arms but he didn't know about the rest of the neighborhood. It was a little odd that he didn't run into Cam or Trick on the way in like he did most days but then he was trying to get there a bit early. The school seemed mostly empty as he slipped in through one of the doors by the office. The only other people about were those coming in for early bird classes, most of teachers were probably still at home in their second cup of coffee by this time. He expected the wrestling room to be as equally deserted but was surprised instead to find Max already there along with a small knot of about six JV wrestlers. The team captain nodded at him as he stood back and leaned against the wall and watched. Max was still wearing the sweats and it was amusing to Ricky to spot a bit of movement or a shift in the bulge in the back of Max's pants as he demonstrated some maneuvers for the other guys. He kept picturing him wrestling without those pants, his tail free to weave about as he grappled with his opponent. Much too quickly Ricky found himself getting hard at his little daydream and had to shift his position slightly to hide his arousal from casual view.

In short order Max wrapped up the little practice session and practically shoved the other wrestlers off to the locker room. Ricky found a towel in his duffle bag and tossed it to Max who caught it and gratefully started to wipe away the sweat that was dripping down his face.

"I hope this isn't a new time you're considering for regular practice, I don't usually enjoy being at school this early." Ricky joked as Max cooled off.

"Naw, this afternoon is the first JV meet and those guys needed a couple of last minute drills to get focused, they were a bit too relaxed at practice yesterday."

"You're the man Coach Krieger."

Max laughed as he tossed the towel back at Ricky, "So what's up Cowboy, I got yer message. Did ya talk to that sales rep last night?"

"I did."


"Well I should probably wait for Cam so I can tell you both at the same time."

"Aww shit! It's bad ain't it? I'm gonna be stuck with a damn tail forever." Max groaned as he dropped his head into his hands.

"Hey, I didn't say that," Ricky said grabbing his teammate by the shoulder. "It's uhh, well it's complicated. I just don't want to have to repeat it all."

"Come on man yer killin me here, just tell me already! Is it the uniforms like you thought?"

"Yeah it is, but really..." Fortunately Ricky didn't have to explain any further as the locker room door opened and Cam walked in followed closely by Trick.

Ricky watched as Cameron loped in with a bounce in his step, the wrestling shoes still covering his enlarged feet and smile on his face like the cat that ate the canary. Trick however was harder to recognize. If not for his slight form and shuffling walk you wouldn't be able to tell it was him with his face hidden in a grossly oversized hoodie.

"Hey guys, so we gonna get in an early morning workout or what?" Cameron asked still grinning.

"Not exactly. Glad you got my message. Hey Trick, we can catch up with you in a bit but I gotta talk to Cam and Max alone for a sec." Ricky said.

"Actually Cowboy, I think I'll stick around for this if it's all the same." Trick said cocking his head to the side.

"I'm not sure that's good idea right now," Max spoke up.

"Guys, I really think he should stay. Trick has a little something he can add to our discussion." Laughing as he did so, Cameron reached over and pulled down Trick's hood.

"Son of a bitch." Ricky swore, running his hand though his hair. He looked back up at Trick and his white furred muzzle and large ears before glancing over at Cameron who was almost giddy. "Do I even want to ask how this happened?"

Cameron stepped up close to Ricky and whispered in his ear, "Probably not, but I'd be happy to demonstrate for you if you'd like," he said before leaning in to kiss Ricky on the lips.

"Ahem," Max cleared his throat, "You two wanna break it up so Cowboy can explain what's goin on here?"

"Right," Ricky said breathing a contented sigh as he backed away from Cam. He slowly detailed everything Jack had told him on the phone the night before. He had assumed the other guys would probably get mad about what was happening to him but he should have expected better from them. Like him, they were actually excited by the prospect of what they were changing into. He decided to leave out the question he had asked about his teammates becoming attracted to each other and it didn't seem as if the thought occurred to any of the others or that they were concerned by it.

"So anyway what I needed to see you guys about this morning... is that I gotta have the rest of the uniform stuff back."

Cam and Max seemed less enthusiastic about this request though.

"What? Aww come on, I'm having too much fun with this stuff." Cameron whined.

"Yeah man, I'm gettin kinda used to havin a tail. And since all you other guys are becoming wolves too, I don't think I wanna change back." Max added sternly.

Ricky furrowed his brow a bit, surprised, albeit pleasantly so, that his friends were so accepting of all of this. He only hoped they remained as accepting of their new feelings towards him as well. "Come on guys, it's not that big of a deal. I need to wear all of this to finish off my change. You guys are going to get your own uniforms on Friday anyway."

"Well I do want to see what you're going to look like in the end, but how am I supposed to hide my feet in the mean time? I certainly won't be wearing my shoes unless this wears off super fast."

"Shit I didn't even think of that. I mean I can hide my tail in these sweats but I know I won't be able to fit it down the leg of my jeans. What about Trick too? I don't think he'll be allowed to keep that hoodie on all day."

"I don't know guys, maybe we should skip class or something." Trick offered.

Max shook his head emphatically at that idea though, "No way fellas. We cut class and we can't wrestle on Friday."

"I'm sure we'll come up with something. For now let's just go to the locker room so we can swap clothes." Ricky said starting to feel anxious. He hated asking for something back that he gave away but at the same time he was desperate to find out what he would look like at the end of the transformation.

All four of them went next door to the lockers and three of them started to strip, Trick just sat back with a grin on his muzzle as he enjoyed the show. Cameron pulled off the shoes and tossed them over to Ricky before doffing his shirt and pants leaving only the singlet on. He reluctantly pulled down the shoulder straps and slowly slid the lycra down his torso, pausing to leave the garment draped about his waist. He had actually hoped to spend more time with Ricky in private to show him his new addition. Instead he just tapped Ricky on the shoulder to get him to turn around then performed a short strip tease for him. He gradually pulled the singlet down across his stomach, slowly revealing the increasingly dense patch of short black fur. He pulled the fabric down further and enjoyed the sensation of it catching on the tip of his sheath, stretching it away from his body slightly until it slipped free and bapped slightly against his lower abs. He laughed as Cowboy actually gasped at the sight of the ebony furred tube of flesh, even Max stared at it in wide eyed amazement and barely concealed jealousy.

"What do you say Cowboy, want to compare equipment now... or later?" he asked grasping his sheath in his hand and giving it a firm squeeze.

Ricky dropped his warm-ups to the floor, his own member already swelling as the bright red tip of his cock started to extend outwards from its grey furry home. He stepped up closer to Cameron until their sheathes touched then thrust his hips forward to rub his junk against his teammate's. The touch of their fur together was electric and Cam's cock quickly matched Ricky's as it slipped out, the coolness of the air against his moist flesh offset by the equally hot touch of Ricky's shaft. Both of them continued to grind on one another with Max and Trick just as turned on and showing it quite obviously. In fact Trick had dug into his shorts and was rapidly jerking off, his unblinking eyes fixed on the two larger wrestlers. Ultimately the two of them stood together, their cocks now fully extended and even their knots exposed as Ricky grinned in triumph, his was easily a good three inches longer than Cam's even though his was slightly thicker. They probably would have continued on like this if not for the interruption of their captain.

"Uhh guys... As much as I hate to stop you, and trust me I do," Max said grimacing, his own dick clearly tenting out the sweatpants he was still wearing, "but we got about two minutes before the bell rings and people start comin into this locker room."

"Damn it, I've got about two minutes before I start coming in this locker room too." Cameron joked as Ricky managed to pull himself back.

"I know what you mean. I don't think this is going to go down by itself in time." Ricky laughed.

"Well I guess we'll just have to settle for covering it up." Cameron dropped the singlet the rest of the way down his legs before picking it up and handing it over to Ricky.

Ricky performed a kind of reverse strip tease as he bent over to step into the singlet. He wiggled his furry ass in Trick's face even as the smaller guy continued to stroke himself, though at a much slower pace than he was a second ago. With deliberate slowness Ricky tugged the spandex garment up his legs letting it ruffle up his fur as it went along. He took exquisite pleasure in feeling the smooth fabric rub across the underside of his cock, further stimulating his still swollen knot as he slipped the uniform up over his torso. The mammoth bulge of his member was positively obscene as the tight material vacuformed its outline against his well defined abs. Ricky was grateful he wasn't heading out on the mat right now as he was sure he would bust a nut if he so much as touched another person right now.

Max was much more reserved about taking off the sweats and handing them over, though clearly no less aroused by the situation. He dug into his locker and produced a pair of jeans. He tried to pull them up but as suspected couldn't get them on over his tail. They were about to give up and look for another option when the first bell rang out. TV monitors around the locker room and all over the school came to life and started playing the morning announcements, though none of the guys were paying any attention to the typical fare about blood drives, drama club, and yearbook sales. That changed though when an announcement concerning their upcoming wrestling meet came on. All four guys looked up quickly and Trick's large ears actually perked up a bit as the details of their upcoming match were given out to the student body. That was unusual in itself as their activities almost never drew public attention from the rest of the school, though Ricky had suspected that was because Coach never took the time to submit the announcement forms, but then the announcement was followed by the playing of a video that Ricky was certain had come directly from the Gene-pool product DVD.

"Hey, that looks like it's from that DVD we took home the other day. I recognize that part from when I watched it with my folks." Trick said scratching his head.

"Yeah, I know. I wonder why they're playin it here?" Max asked.

Ricky thought he knew though. He was certain this was Jack's doing. After what he had said the previous night about the DVD contain subliminal messaging it made the most sense. If that were the case though it probably meant the guys wouldn't have to worry about covering up their changes at school anymore. It didn't take long to test his theory either. With the announcements finished a crowd of guys filed in from the gym to get changed for first period P.E. Not a single one of them batted an eye as they passed the four wrestlers. For a minute Trick tried to cover his face but one of his other friends spotted him and said hi without another word. One guy actually came up to Max and commented on his tail looking good today. Cam went out of his way to stick his feet up on a bench next to another couple of guys and got no reaction what so ever.

When the crowd thinned leaving just Max, Trick, Cameron and Ricky behind, three of them had dumbfounded but happy looks on their faces. "Well that solves that problem I guess." Ricky offered. He then explained to them about the DVD and its properties which definitely seemed to ease the minds of his teammates. He then had an idea and went into the trainer's office and returned with a pair of scissors. He helped Max cut a large hole in the seat of his jeans which he was able to feed his tail through. Though the initial impression was a comical one for Ricky he had to admit seeing Max in his street clothes with a long silvery grey tail hanging out the back was rapidly becoming another turn on.

Ricky finished getting dressed himself; layering up with the t-shirt he had first received in addition to the sweats he had lent to Max and finally the warm-ups. He pulled the shoes comfortably onto his bare feet to complete the outfit. It was actually a bit hot with that many layers of clothing on but he found he didn't mind all that much. Cam actually changed into a pair of shorts to better show off his new feet and Trick ditched the hoodie. Ricky wished he could just stay and hang out with these guys all day but as Max had stated earlier if they missed class they wouldn't be allowed to wrestle on Friday. Actually part of him just wanted to check out the reactions they were going to get throughout the day.