Bear Boutique: Chapter 9

Story by wesley_bracken on SoFurry

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#10 of City of Bears: Series One - Bear Boutique

A new store has opened in the mall, and for three young men who stumble into it, their lives will never be the same.

Max is drawn into the skein, and Tristan's true plan is revealed.

City of Bears - Bear Boutique

Chapter 9 by Wesley Bracken

***WARNING*** This episode contains graphic depictions of watersports and scat. If these fetishes disturb you (and they probably should) I advise that you read no further. This is a work of fiction, and the behaviors depicted in this piece should stay that way. *****

The big bear groaned and rolled over, unprepared for the spike of pain which came from the back of his head as he did. He remembered little. He had fallen, but what had happened to make him fall, and many, many more memories were simply missing. Using the counter next to him for support, he hauled himself up as best he could and looked around, one hand patting the sore spot on his head, checking for blood. It looked like he was in a store of some kind in a mall, but as he searched around for some piece of context to tie it all together, he found there was nothing. No memories of how he'd gotten here, no memories of what he had been doing, and only a few pieces of information about himself, but nothing substantial, not even his name.

He sat down in a chair and thought harder about what was going on. Sure, head trauma could cause memory lapses, but how often did it give someone full blown amnesia? Still, he knew he could remember things--or he knew that there were things in his head to remember, but...couldn't, for some reason. Like they didn't belong to him anymore, and were being kept away from him behind a...block of some kind. Trying not to think about it too hard, since it was just making his head hurt worse, he checked himself for any other injuries, but he seemed fine besides the bump on his head. Dang, he had a hot body though. Good and muscled, with a lot of hair, and a really big cock. He let out a groan as a palmed the shaft through his dress pants, a wet spot appearing on the front. One thing was certain--he was horny. Really horny.

He got up slowly, making sure he could keep his balance alright, and walked over to a mirror. The reflection was both familiar and alien to him. He was definitely hot though, from the well trimmed beard on his face, to his massive pecs and muscle gut, but especially his bulge, which any guy could spot from across the room. He was a real...alpha. Yeah, that seemed right for some reason. He was the kind of guy who could walk into a room, and every guy would take notice. He was the kind of guy who could have any ass or mouth he wanted, and that turned him on big time, although, a strange thought popped into his head that it shouldn't turn him on. That he should push those thoughts away, but he ignored that idea. He liked being an alpha, he thought, or at least he liked the thought of being an alpha, since he couldn't actually remember being one.

Nearby, he heard a loud groan. Wondering who else was in the store with him, he stumbled over to a beaded curtain and peeked through into the back section of the store, where a very fat man was sitting on a stool, licking a dildo clean and moaning as he did so. The man was filthy, with a massive, unshaven beard and clothes that looked like they'd never been washed in the man's life, but there was also something...familiar about him. Like he knew him from somewhere...but couldn't remember from where. All of the thoughts led him back to that wall--that immovable barrier between him and everything in his mind which he couldn't find any way around. Maybe talking to him would help. The man might at least know something about who he was...maybe if he told him something, that would help him figure out what was going on.

He ducked under the curtain and started over towards the dirty man, who didn't notice the bear approaching, he was so caught up in getting every bit of shit off his dildo that he could, but when the big man did catch his eye, he let out a little squeal of excitement and tossed his dildo to the side. After almost falling off the stool, given how drunk he was, he crawled over and started rubbing his face into the bear's crotch, moaning "Master! Master!" over and over as he did.

"Whoa now," the bear said, pushing the dirty man away from him, "Hold on, I'm...I'm your master?"

The man nodded excitedly, "Yes sir!" he said, then noticed the lack of recognition in the bear's eyes, and the excitement faded into confusion.. "Don't...don't you remember, sir? I'm Toilet, sir...Your thrall."

"I...don't actually," he said. It was hard to resist the urge to shove the fat pig's face back into his crotch. It had felt really good, but right now he needed answers. Had the man actually called himself Toilet? That was...odd, and yet, the name did seem to suit him. "Did you say your name is...Toilet?"

Kyle nodded, "Yes sir, that's what you call me sir. I'm your toilet, whenever you need it. I love being a toilet for my fat, old and filthy master, sir!"

The bear just looked at the man, confused. "Hey," he said, "I might be looking a little grey around the beard and all, but I'm certainly not that old. And I'm definitely not fat or filthy."

"But...but look sir!" Toilet said, caressing his master's stomach, "Look at how big your gut is!" As he massaged it, the bear watched as his gut began to expand as the filthy man pulled and kneaded it with his dirty hands. The bear wanted to push him away and stop him, but it felt so good, he let the man do his work. Besides, he loved it when Toilet rubbed his belly. He reached up and started playing with his nipples through his shirt. They were big and meaty, larger than he'd thought they would be, and he didn't notice that as he tugged on them, his pecs were loosening and sagging into massive moobs pushing out against his button down shirt, which he began to grope as they grew larger.

"That feels damn good, Toilet," the bear said with a sigh.

The dirty man beamed, "Thank you sir! I love massaging your belly sir, you know that, and your massive ass sir." He pulled the bear close and reached around, kneading his ass as he had his belly, pulling and growing it into two fatty globes which balanced out his massive sagging gut. The rest of the bear's body filled out as well, his thighs growing together and his face growing chubbier as Toilet continued, "And sir, I don't know why you think you're young either. All your hair turned white ages ago, and your almost bald. But don't get me wrong! You're a hot daddy, sir, the hottest there is."

Toilet unbuttoned the front of his master's dress shirt, revealing a massive forest of white hairs coating his belly and chest. The bear looked down at his arms and saw the hair on them had turned white as well, and over in the mirror, his beard and hair had undergone the same change, and his face looked weathered and wrinkled. As he watched, his hairline receded, pulling back until all that was left was a horseshoe of white hair, and he had to admit, he was a pretty hot daddy bear.

As Toilet continued to play with his daddy's gut, the bear kept trying to figure out what in the world was going on. He could remember being a massively muscled, young bear not a minute ago, but this new body of his just felt so much more...comfortable, for some reason. Like this is what he was supposed to look like all along, and that previous body was that of an impostor. He grabbed the back of Toilet's head and ground his face into his belly, which Toilet licked at. "Yeah, you fucking pig, eat your daddy's belly." he said. His voice sounded different now too, deeper, and raspy, like a smoker's, though he couldn't remember ever smoking in his life.

"Yes sir! I love your dirty belly, sir."

"Dirty? How dirty is it?" the bear asked.

"Yeah, sir, I love my dirty master. I love how you don't shower or anything like that, because you want to be as dirty as possible. You don't cut your hair or beard, or brush your teeth, or use deodorant, and you fart and belch all the time, which is so fucking hot! You're a nasty daddy, just how I like them, sir."

As Toilet spoke, the bear became aware of a raunchy smell on the air. At first he thought it was Toilet, but then he found it was coming from him. Looking down, his previously clean dress shirt was now dirty and stained, like he'd been wearing it for months, the pits actually colored a light brown from all of his pit sweat. He felt something brush his chest as he turned his head, as well as something brushing his back, and he realized it was his beard and hair which had grown massive and uncombed. Toilet pushed off his master's shirt, letting it fall to the floor, and started licking at the bear's pit. "Yeah Toilet, that taste good?" he asked.

"Oh, yes sir!" Toilet moaned in reply.

The alpha groped his slave's belly with his other hand, working his way down to his crotch, where he pawed at Toilet's tiny cock. It didn't get hard often, but apparently this attention had him at half mast, which was quite the accomplishment. "Dang, looks like I've got a horny Toilet on my hands, today."

"I'm always horny for you sir, you know that. I'm so hungry sir...will...would you feed me, sir? Please?"

"Is my Toilet hungry? I guess you haven't had much to eat today, have you?"

"No sir, and I'm starving," Kyle said, licking his lips.

The bear grinned, showing off several gaps in his smile from where quite a few teeth had rotted out of his mouth, "Well I might be able to work something up for you, Toilet," he said. He dropped his pants and shoved his fat ass into Toilet's face, who swooned a bit. The crack was brown, crusty, and reeked, butToilet just took it all in, loving every bit of it. "You'd better get me loosened up a bit though, or else I might not have anything for you at all."

The pig moaned and threw himself at his master's hole, licking and probing as deeply as he could, the bear moaning all the while. He sure did love his nasty toilet's tongue up his hole. With a grunt, he let out a big fart right in Toilet's face, and he heard the nasty fucker breathe in as much as he could, and let out a contented sigh, and then resume licking even more vigorously. After a few more farts, The bear finally began to push log after log into Kyle's hungry mouth, every moan of delight coming from the toilet's mouth just encouraging him to shit faster. His toilet was a pro though, and swallowed it all down. Hell, he'd been eating his master's shit for years now, so he could eat most any load as fast as his alpha could push it.

When the bear finished up, Toilet licked his crack clean, and then the bear stood up again, while Toilet just laid back and massaged his full belly. "Oh thank you sir, that was wonderful..." Toilet moaned.

"Well, know what might make it even better? If you pissed yourself," the bear said, and watched as his toilet's bladder released beyond his control, who just moaned in embarrassment and perversion as he soaked his pants for the second time that day. The bear came up in front of him and started pissing all over his face and beard, Toilet trying to drink it down, but not getting much, since his master was intent on soaking him to the bone. When he finished, Toilet took the head in his mouth and sucked the last few drops out, before running his tongue under his master's dirty foreskin, making him groan. The bear grabbed the back of the pig's head and started slamming his cock down his throat, Toilet rubbing his full belly with both hands, sucking down all of his alpha's delicious precum, feeling the euphoria wash over him. His soft cock hardened almost instantly, and like a man possessed, Toilet started jacking it, but he sat on the edge of his orgasm for what felt like ages--after all, he couldn't cum until his master came, but he didn't have to wait long. His alpha started shooting, still fucking Toilet's face, which pushed the toilet over the edge, and his long awaited orgasm finally came. While Toilet's old balls couldn't produce much cum, his entire body shook with the force of the sensation, heightened by the alpha cum coursing through him.

"Getting started without us, I see." A deep voice said, and the bear looked over to see two tattooed muscle men exit a door in the back of the room and strut over. The man in front was a bit smaller, but every movement exuded a domineering confidence that made him look even larger than the beast following meekly behind him. The bear tried to find something to say to these two newcomers, but it was hindered by the fact that he didn't know who they were, though it sure did seem that they recognized him. Across the dominant man's forehead was the word BRUTE in capital letters, and that name seemed familiar, and words tumbled from his mouth naturally, though he didn't recall thinking them. "Nah Brute, just getting a bit of a warm up is all. Toilet here was hungry, and wouldn't stop begging. You know how he gets when he hasn't been fed."

"Yeah, well you could have come and found me. You know how much I love seeing him eat that nasty, biker shit of yours, Scuzz," Brute said. He came closer, grabbed the back of the bear's head and pulled him into a kiss. Their tongues fought with one another, but he felt himself submitting, like he always did to Brute. Sure, they were both alphas, but he'd always had a submissive streak which Brute could drag out of him in no time. They broke off, and he licked his lips, savoring his partner's spit still in his mouth.

Scuzz the man had called him--was that his name? It sounded familiar, and at the mention of it, other memories started falling into place. The two of them had met one day after a bar fight at some dive in the industrial district, and a fierce friendship had formed between both of them which was rare between alphas. Part of it was the fact that Scuzz was perfectly willing to give into Brute's desires when necessary, having always been easy going, and a bit on the slow side. It had been on a drunken dare that both of them agreed to get their nicknames tattooed on their foreheads. Well, not really nicknames, even then, since they were the only one's they'd gone by, even before they'd met. In fact, Scuzz couldn't even remember when he'd been called something different. Besides, he knew that it just made the two of them look even more intimidating and tough.

Over the next year or so, both of them decided to find personal thralls, Brute settling on Beast, a massively muscled constriction worker who'd been begging to be Brute's thrall for ages. The construction crew he'd been working for used him as their own personal beast of burden and sex slave, hence where he'd gotten his name. He was the biggest bottom Scuzz had ever seen, in more ways than one, and he certainly enjoyed playing with him as well, though Brute would always be his one true master. Scuzz had found a nasty old derelict outside of a bar one night and taken a liking to him, making Toilet his own thrall, a hole for not only himself, but his two muscle bound partners as well. The four of them had been together ever since. Scuzz wondered how in the hell he had managed to forget all of this, but was relieved to have it coming back to him finally. "Well, I'm sure we'll have plenty of time for butt licking tonight," he said, "But right now, I'm fucking starving. How about some dinner?"

"Sounds good to me," Brute said, then turned to Beast, "Get in the kitchen and make us something, would ya?"

"Yes sir!" Beast growled, gave a mock salute, and hustled his leather clad body back through the door he'd come out of, Brute and Toilet following him. Scuzz took a moment to throw his grimy biker gear back on, pausing for a moment to wonder whether that's what he had been wearing minutes before.

"You coming or not?" Brute called from the doorway, and Scuzz quickly zipped himself up and followed his friend through the door and into a small apartment, with a cozy living room, a kitchen where Beast was already banging around pots and pans, a dungeon and slave quarters, bedroom, office and bathroom. Scuzz just gawked at it all for a moment, wondering where in the hell of it had come from, and what it was doing even existing behind a small store in a mall.

Brute gave him a pat on the back, "You alright man? You seem...confused."

"Oh, yeah...I'm alright. Just...tired I guess."

"Well, Toilet and I have some business to handle in the bathroom. Take a break while Beast cooks us up something tasty." Toilet's eyes lit up with excitement at Brute's comment, and he crawled after the massive alpha eager to serve. Brute led the way into the bathroom, where Toilet was usually kept chained to the floor, ready for his masters, or any customer, to use him as they needed. Scuzz, still trying to sort out what was happening, sat down on the leather couch and put his booted feet up on the coffee table. Before he had even settled in, Beast emerged from the kitchen and asked, "Can I fill a pipe for you, sir?"

"The half-bent billard tonight with Virginia, Beast."

"Yes sir," the hulking thrall said, took down the pipe filled it, tamped it, and brought it over to Scuzz, where he lit it for him.

Scuzz took a deep inhale of the smoke, and felt immediately calmer. Beast walked over to a bar, poured his master a whisky on the rocks and brought it over promptly, which made Scuzz grin. "You sure do know how to make a biker bear happy."

"I do my best, sir," Beast replied, blushing from the compliment, "Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?"

With a growl, Scuzz reached around with one hand and pulled Beast closer to him, his fingers slipping easily into the thrall's well fucked hole, making the slave moan. "Fells like Brute already dropped one load into you today," he said, and slipped in most of his hand, making the muscle man a bit weak at the knees, "But I'd really like a taste of something else, I think." Licking his lips, he started sucking on Beast's short cock, still probing the thrall's ass with one hand. Beast didn't last long, and as soon as he started shooting, Scuzz pulled his mouth away and moved his glass under Beasts' dick and collected as much of the man's cum with his whisky as he could.

"Thank you, sir," Beast said. He didn't derive any pleasure from his orgasms, only from being fucked by his masters. Still, he was happy his cum could be of service.

"Be a good pig and give me some of that sweet piss of yours too, would ya?" Scuzz said with a grin, and Beast let loose, filling the tumbler to the brim. Scuzz pulled his fingers from the thrall's ass and gave the drink a stir with his index, before taking a sip. "Dang Beast, you make a fine cocktail, you know that?" he said, sitting back with his pipe streaming smoke and nursing his drink, "That'll be all, for now."

"Yes sir," Beast said, and hurried back to the kitchen to continue making dinner. He flipped on the TV in front of him and restarted the porno he had been watching earlier, with two burly bears taking a chubby cub from both ends. With a happy groan, he laid back and started massaging his crotch. This was the life he thought--a loving alpha for a partner, a muscle bear thrall, a hot fucking toilet, and Weird, he still had no clue what he was doing here, or what any of them were doing here. He just kept drawing a complete blank whenever he tried to remember what was going on. He knew that it would probably all come back to him in time, but he was starting to feel restless. He finished his drink in a few gulps, but when that didn't settle his head at all, he got up off the sofa, still smoking his pipe, and wandered back into the store, figuring that maybe if he took a look around, something would jog his memory.

In the backroom, he was surprised by how quiet the store had become all of a sudden. The mall had closed a good half an hour before so the crowds had dispersed, leaving Scuzz alone with his many reflections in the mirrors around the room. He walked over to one, and looked at himself closely. His face was old and quite weathered, shrouded by tobacco smoke. He saw the tattoo on his forehead, and felt his stomach turn. What had compelled him to do that to himself, he wondered? Sure, it had been a bet, or a dare, or whatever, but still, it was ugly, and humiliating to think that was the first thing people would associate with him was 'SCUZZ'. Of course, that wasn't the only sorry part of his look either. His clothes were filthy for one thing, from the poorly fitting T-shirt and leather biker vest to his dirty jeans and biker leathers. His hair and beard were knotted and unkempt as well, but hey, he wasn't called Scuzz because of his clean cut good looks, was he? Still, that couldn't be his real name, could it? He searched hard for a moment, trying to remember, but couldn't come up with anything. He'd always been Scuzz, in the same way Brute was Brute, and Beast was Beast, and Toilet was Toilet. What other names would have suited them, really?

Wanting to get a better look at himself, he took off the vest and peeled off his t-shirt, exposing his massive belly covered with white fur. He had tattoos of pipes and bikes all over him, and he remembered getting most of them at the behest of Brute, usually while drunk out of his mind. Sure, he looked hot and all, but...well, was it really...him? Well, of course it was him, but there was still some lingering sense that something was wrong--or, at least, not right. All of his memories, it felt like they were not really his, but from someone close to him--someone he might have been, perhaps. That was silly though. If he wasn't who he was now--if he wasn't Scuzz, then who exactly had he been? He wanted the question to be nonsense, he really did, but he felt his pulse begin to quicken, and he started to panic. He didn't know why, but he needed to get out of here, and he needed out now. He hurried to the front of the store, but found the front gate had been drawn down and locked by security. He ran over and shook at it, but couldn't get it to open. He was trapped.

"Everything alright, Scuzz?"

The biker whipped around, ready to fight like a cornered animal if need be, and found a sharp looking bear in a business suit standing in front of a mirror across the room. He was nowhere near the alpha in size, but had an aura of authority which made Scuzz wary. Some nagging thought in the back of his mind told him that he knew the black haired bear from somewhere, but try as he might, he couldn't recall from where. "Do...Do I know you?"

"You really shouldn't take to drinking so much this early, you know," the bear replied with a smirk. The same smirk that Scuzz had seen hundreds of times...somewhere. Why couldn't he remember anything? He knew it was important, but every time he tried to summon them up, he ran into that same barrier in his mind, over and over again. It made him want to walk over to a wall and start beating his head against it, until he killed himself, or he remembered everything.

Brute's voice came from behind the curtain, "Scuzz? You out here?" and a moment later he ducked through the curtain and entered the front of the store. "Oh, Mr. Newbeary. How are you this evening?"

"I'm fine Brute, how are you?"

"Doing good. Is there something we can do for you?" he asked, sounding a bit uncomfortable. Scuzz wasn't feeling all that great around the man either. How had he even gotten in there in the first place, since the front was gated shut?

"Oh, I just thought I'd drop by and see how the first day of business went for you two."

"Good, though a bit slow. I wasn't really here out here much, to be honest. It was Scuzz minding the shop for the most part."

"Oh, then I guess I should ask him. Well Scuzz, how was business?"

With one hand, Scuzz wiped his suddenly sweaty forehead as he racked his brain for an answer. Thankfully, he felt the final bits of fog begin to clear, and he found something to say. "Well, it was pretty slow for a grand opening, but we didn't exactly put a lot of effort onto advertising or anything, so I can't say it was unexpected." Mr. Newbeary scowled a bit, which sent a few shivers up Scuzz's spine. He decided he didn't want to see that man angry, ever. That would definitely not be a good thing. "But...uh, I do have a few ideas on how we can get the word out. I'm sure that by the end of the month, we'll be the hottest store in the city."

"Hmmm," Mr. Newbeary said, "Well, I certainly hope I wasn't misguided in my investment."

"Not at all! Just give us a couple more weeks, and business will be booming. Trust me," Scuzz said.

Mr. Newbeary smirked again, and Scuzz found himself still trying to place his face. Of course, he and Brute had had plenty of meetings with the President of Bearman University over the past few months, when they had pitched the store idea to him. He'd been keen on the idea, and invested a ton of money, which Scuzz knew they had better return with plenty of interest, or there would be hell to pay. "Well, I think I have made an impression on you two at least. Have a good night, and I'll be by to check on things occasionally."

With that, Mr. Newbeary strode past Brute and through the beaded curtain, into the back of the store, but when the two alpha's followed after him a moment later, the man had seemingly disappeared. "Is it just me, or does that guy give you the creeps too?" Brute asked.

"He is a strange one, I'll give you that."

"So what are these 'ideas' of yours?"

"Haven't a clue. I figured we just needed something to get him off our backs while we figure out what to do," Scuzz said with a shrug, "But I'm sure we'll come up with something."

"I hope so," Brute said, and came closer, "But just out of curiosity, what were you doing, all bare-chested and hot out here? Trying to hit on our investors?"

"Him? Hell no! He's too clean for one thing..." Scuzz said. Brute started tweaking one of his nipples, and Scuzz let out a soft moan as he started working his fellow alpha's cock through his leather pants, "How about you? Have you a dirty enough bear for me?"

In response, Brute shoved Scuzz around and pushed him up a against the wall roughly, grinding his crotch into the biker's ass. "Like you have a choice in the matter, bitch," Brute growled, "I think I'll have a round with that fat ass of yours," Brute said, "Especially looking at you smoking that pipe and covered with tattoos. You get me so hot looking like that."

Scuzz pushed his ass back, unbuckling his jeans and chaps while Brute undid his fly, and after greasing his massive cock up with some spit, he started working it into Scuzz's hole, the big bear groaning and moaning all the while. Sure, he was an alpha and he enjoying dominating their thralls, but for some reason, whenever he got around Brute, he couldn't help but beg for that fucker's cock, every time. Of course, the muscle bear wasn't exactly gentle, but Scuzz had taken the massive cock enough to know not to complain about it. Brute began grunting and snorting like a bull behind him, his entire mind focused on fucking, and fucking hard, as he slammed Scuzz into the wall over and over again, and Scuzz just groaned and urged him on, telling him to fuck him harder and rougher, and Brute was perfectly happy to oblige. Scuzz looked over once and saw the two of them reflected in a mirror, Brute's young muscled body a strange counterpoint to his fat, old one, and he no longer felt ashamed of it. He was Scuzz, and he loved his life. Sure, that barrier was still there, but he figured it would go away eventually. It was best not to worry about things he couldn't control. Brute pulled Scuzz close to him, burying the entire foot long shaft up the biker's ass and bit down on his neck as he started shooting deep, Scuzz stroking his own hard cock until he shot his own massive load all over the wall in front of him. Brute hauled his cock out, spun Scuzz around again and pushed him back up against the cum soaked wall, kissing and biting his lips, Scuzz returning the favor as they groped and punched each other's bodies in the afterglow.

When they managed to part, Scuzz limped over and got on his shirt and vest, while Brute called to Beast, who appeared a moment later in the doorway. The thrall smelled the cum, and before Scuzz or Brute could say anything, he ran over to the wall and was licking it clean, grunting in pleasure all the while. A minute later, the wall was spotless, and he hurried back into the kitchen to finish up dinner. Scuzz and Brute followed him, taking a seat on the couch together, Scuzz nuzzling up to one of Brute's pits and taking a whiff. Everything was making perfect sense now, he told himself, but not really believing it. Yeah, everything was going to be alright.


END: City of Bears Series One: Bear Boutique

NEXT: City of Bears Series Two: Special Delivery