Sometimes, a Cigar Isn't Just a Cigar
_allison sweetvalley and victor moldrova iii in..._ sometimes, a cigar isn't just a cigar by danath characters © [
She held the box open for him to inspect; two large cigars wafting delicious aromas towards his snout. "they were a gift."
Untitled Story Chapter 3
Your assignment at work is to try one new cigar every week. write up some notes if the mood strikes you. that way you can pitch the cigar to the customer, and make recommendations."
Aleksandra: Her First Cigar
#1 of "first cigar" series the finished story of alek's first cigar and all the effects there of! this is my first attempt at publishing something in years, and the first time i've published written smut!
Cigar Smoking in a Boar's Home
These males may smoke cigars but they are not what the cigar represents. each and every cigar is a delicately crafted work of art.
Angela: Her First Cigar
The grizzly was prepared, having lifted the butane lighter along with the cigar from the cave.
Wine Stains and Cigar Smoke
The light from both cigars danced golden within those orbs. bill breathed in deep, the scent from the cigar intoxicating, it mixed with something that started out unpleasant, the odor of a rank male, but soon became almost welcoming.
The Perils of Addiction - Chapter One
"but i can assure you that a post meal cigar feels like the best cigar you've ever had. you thought those other cigars were good but, to use a tired phrase, you ain't seen nothing yet."
Shifting Paradigms in Corporate Best Practices 2
cigar going strong between her lips, the bunny soon desired something more.
The Perils of Addiction - Chapter Two
He looked at the ashtray and the cigar butt sat in it. "that was a huge cigar, and i've just finished it. in theory i should be satisfied, but already i have the urge to light up another cigar.
Leaf Lounge 2
Recovering from the overwhelming pleasure for a moment, derek slid another one of the cigar rings off of the cigar. "i wonder what the rest are for. earrings maybe?" he asked.