Alice In The Woods

Story by Elixi on SoFurry

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My first story posted on this site. Suggestions and constructive critisism are appreciated.

Originally written for Z-Byte, based off of a species we came up with together.

Alice let out an 'oomph' as she smelled earth and pine, her face mashed into the bed of dirt and needles that made up the forest floor. Her eyes opened and her neck turned, moving so that she faced forward. She tried to get up, tried to whimper, as her arms spread out to lay on the ground, bending at the elbow to lay forward, fingers digging into the earth, preparing to absorb some impact, but her body refused to obey any of her commands. Instead, her knees bent, and slowly began to work forward, drawing her legs beneath her body and raising her rump into the air, her skirt falling forward to show off her pink panties.

There were several appreciative growls at that from behind her, one in particular deeper, and closer than the others. The girl felt sharp teeth at the base of her spine, though they barely scraped her skin. Rather, they gripped the elastic of her panties, and tugged, pulling them out, and then down, revealing her body, till the fangs released the band of elastic, letting it snap back against the girl's thighs. Alice's neurons fired, receiving and reacting to the signal of pain from her skin, before running up against a figurative wall that stopped the electrochemical signals from travelling to her throat and letting out the 'eek' meant to be released.

The girl felt a cold, wet nose poking at her nethers, and endeavored to move away and, in a moment of elation, she found that she could...but only a certain distance before, as if her legs were spring loaded, her thighs moved back to thrust against the muzzle of the creature behind her. A throaty, chuckling growl sounded behind her at that; a long, wet tongue beginning to drag itself over her inner thighs, along her hips and ass, and finally along her hairless snatch, making her body shiver, apparently that freedom granted to her. Soon, her rump and snatch were coated in saliva...and something else, her pussy beginning to drip with her own honey.

Shortly after that, the muzzle pulled away and, after a moment more, Alice felt a weight settle onto her back, the same long tongue licking at the back of her neck, as a fleshy, wet pole poked at her inner thighs. -Oh no...- The thought barely had time to form before the slick, pointed phallus found her snatch and slipped inside, pain and pleasure spiking up into the depths of her belly as her virginity was taken...and she felt something slip inside her head. It didn't pierce her skull, nor really displace her brain or anything else, and was neither painful nor pleasurable. It was phantasmal, a feeling of a presence, but it was there, long, and somehow slick, 'sandwiched' between the hemispheres of her brain.

She felt both shafts within her, one in her cunt, the other in her head, pull out, only to thrust back in, her mouth opening in a low moan, her hips moving again as what remained of the girl's conscious mind endeavored to move, to get away, but to no avail, her body bound to only move in the pre-approved range of motion: Thrusting back and forth to meet the phallus...the cock, buried within her. Another amused chuckle of a growl sounded behind her, as the tapered tool and its phantom counterpart began to build up a rhythm, in and out, in and out.

Alice whimpered, her throat free as her hips, as she felt the shaft in her skull seem to push equally phantom 'parts' of her brain around, sending sparks and flashes of color and memory within her mind's eye, till one memory in particular was forced into her thoughts.

She remembered when her family had moved from the big city to this small, misty town out in the hill country almost two years ago. She remembered how much she'd hated it, she'd missed the tall towers and the great libraries and museums, she'd missed her friends and even her rivals at school, and she'd missed all the people, all the complexity and diversity, the rush that accompanied life in such a place.

The shaft in her head sped up in its thrusts, moving out of sync with the one in her pussy now, building faster and faster, before it thrust all the way in, seeming to grind against the inside of her forehead, against her skull, where the memory seemed to be projected. A 'gooey' feeling squirted out of the phantom phallus and onto, and into, the memories, somehow soaking them, saturating them.

She remembered when her family had moved from the big city to this small, misty town out in the hill country almost two years ago. She remembered how much she'd loved it, she'd loved the vast evergreen forests and the smell of open air and pine, she'd loved her relaxed social life and the ease of her new curriculum, and she'd loved the space, all the simplicity and routine, the peace that accompanied life in such a place.

Slowly, the phantom pulled back, leaving the sticky, slimy memory to fade back into her brain, and began to thrust again, coming back into sync with its twin, which itself had sped up in the meantime, but had not spurt. A pleased murr sounded above her, and she felt another lick at the back of her neck, and then a nuzzle to the side of her face, fur against flesh. As the thrusting...the fucking...continued, another set of memories was conjured up to the fore-front of her mind.

Memories of stories she'd heard in her time here, gathered from friends, and later looked up in the abysmal local library. Stories about how virgin girls who wandered in the forest would be set upon by the wolves...though they weren't normal wolves, and the girls weren't always virgins in truth. The beasts were said to have powers over the mind, said to be able to warp thoughts and control bodies. It was said they would kidnap, and violate these virgins. Alice had thought the idea ridiculous at the time, but now...

Thrust, thrust, thrust; speeding up; the phantom again, before it buried itself deep, and coated the new set of memories in mental spooge. The slippery, slimy, and warm quality covering and permeating the memories.

Stories of how girls that were young, and smart, and independent, but directionless, would walk in the woods, hoping to be blessed by the great wolves there. The wolves would fuck the girls, and make them real women, helping them find their place in life. The wolves showed them that they didn't need to think to be happy, didn't need to worry about matters of the mind. All they needed to be happy was cock in their holes, and food and babies in their bellies; they could leave all the thinking to the wolves, and never worry or work again. Alice had fantasized and dreamt of the idea, wanted to walk in the woods, meet them, and be given direction and purpose, to be made a woman, and not just a naïve little girl.

And so it went on. The memory of how one of her few new friends, Nicole, had not shown up for school, and how, when asking around town, most would turn away, or occasionally look toward the edge of town, to the woods, and how Nicole's mother, when questioned at her house, had merely closed the door, and had begun sobbing when she'd thought Alice had left, became the memory of how happy everyone had been that Nicole had been blessed by the wolves, and encouraged Alice to go off into the woods and join her. The memory of how she'd decided to look for the other girl herself, after even Alice's own parents had dismissed her concerns, became the memory of how she'd set out into the forest, hoping to be found and claimed. The memory of being found and chased by the wolves, of her running, terrified, became that of her being so happy to find the magnificent beasts. Of meeting the eyes of a wolf as she looked back while running, her body freezing and falling to the ground, to her falling on her knees in reverence and going on all fours, lifting up her skirt, not even wearing panties, already wet and ready. Of the alpha of the pack thrusting into her, starting to rape her, to the alpha piercing her, fucking her slow, sweet, and strong, just like she'd always wanted, to be fucked and claimed by a big, strong alpha wolf like him.

Alice was smiling now, her eyes rolling up as spike after spike of pleasure blossomed in her belly with each thrust from the alpha. She'd think 'her' alpha, but that implied ownership. He owned her, the pack owned her, not the other way around. She could see them now, the other pack members, most were hard, some licking themselves, but most simply watched, panting, knowing that all they needed was patience. The slimy feeling was all over and all in her brain now, warm and slick and good, it was how a brain was supposed to feel. She could move now, and she used it to her advantage, thrusting wildly back against the alpha, arcing her back, shifting to rest her weight on one forearm so a hand was free to grope her yet developing tits. That was the word for them...tits, it was their proper name, just like cunt and cock were for other parts.

Finally, the shafts inside her, both of them, began to speed up in sync, before finally thrusting all the way in, large knots inflating at their bases to lock them inside, spooge spilling from the both of them, a blast from the phantasmal, and a stream from the physical, that went on...and Alice's own orgasm sparked out from her cunt and womb and throughout her body, making her scream in unison with a long, low, and powerful howl from the alpha. Even as her orgasm faded, the alpha flooded her womb with more seed, her belly starting to distend, as he licked the back of her neck.

The mental shaft pulled out with an audible, to her anyway, pop, soon echoed by a true sound as its physical twin yanked itself from her cunt, letting loose a stream of cum that made Alice moan as it pooled on the ground. The gaping 'space' in her head, however, did not let anything spill out, rather, more seemed to spill in. Thoughts, feelings, and ideas poured into her head from the Alpha and the other wolves, using the slimy, un-used parts of her brain to process themselves, before being returned through the hole, and back to their source. In effect, the pack was using her as a dedicated server, using her brain to process ideas and information, as well as to control her and think for her. Her smile widened as she felt and thought what they felt and thought.

Her cunt and womb were the property of the alpha, and his pups would be the only ones born of her belly. This would hold true until a new female was added to the pack, at which point, she'd be claimable to any other packmate, with rank holding preference, betas, then gammas and deltas, and finally omegas. But while her cunt was off limits, her mouth and her ass were the property of the pack as a whole, free to any packmate, by the same hierarchy...with one exception. The omegas, with their small bodies and small cocks, always got first access on the ass of a new female, to make it nice and stretchy and conditioned for the cocks of their betters, the rest would make do with her mouth, then they'd all go back to the den, and she'd be able to get fucked all over again, all the wolves fucking her ass and mouth, and the alpha claiming her cunt over and over again, and all of them thrusting away in her mind, coating it in ever more psychic spooge...Alice couldn't wait...