Dog Gone (2)

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Dog Gone (2) By Roofles

I'm not a loner by nature. Being a talk show host, news reporter (we really haven't settled on a theme yet for the show...). I just normally preferred to be around others. I'd go out with some of the guys at work or have an occasional date. But by the end of the day I still liked to have my 'me' time. With the one man in my life that was stable... My Brutus. My buddy bear. My best friend. Looking back on it now I can see how sad and pathetic I was. But I was happy; still having my dog there with me each and every night really made things easier, because I wasn't alone. I had him.

So when I woke up with a heavy, drooling lug next to me I immediately thought of my best friend. Cuddling up with the stinky mongrel after a long day at work and until the morning after. Like so many nights before. Everyday was the same. Each night he'd sneak into my room (just pushing the door open with his nose) and crawled into my bed, heh. I'd let him be and in the morning I'd tell him to get out. He'd wait by my bed as I got up to get dress and ready. He'd sleep next to my door or wait for me in the hallway and follow me around lazily as I went about my morning routine. And we'd repeat it that night and the next day and the next. Or so I thought...

I pulled the arm around me rubbing my back against that furry chest. "Morning, Brutus." I mumbled stirring from my sleep. There was a grumble behind me and I felt a leg bump into mine. And the other leg as he stretched, arching his back and shoving his chest against me further. Feeling that large, muscular furred body press against me. A lumbered breath escaping him as he did so. That dog breath making me wrinkle my nose before it was masked again by the natural musky scent that had filled the room over night. A strong natural smell from weeks without going with a bath. I'd have to arrange to give him one...

"Morn. In." A low growl spoke into my ear.

"And what happened then?" The female from before asked tapping that pencil against the desk. An annoying habit she seemed to have that was royally ticking me off. Each time she tapped that pencil I could actual feel my blood pressure rising.

Taking a slow steady breath I continued though.

"Well I most certifiably didn't flip the fuck out, roll out of the bed and land face first on the floor before desperately crawling away from it. And by no means did I nearly have a heart attack, holding my chest and breathing heavily as my mind finally manged to catch up with the previous day as I clung to the wall for support, seeking safety inside.

Right. The thing I was sleeping next to all of last night was him and not my old dog. And so I calmly got up and went about my morning routine pretending it was just any other day. Picked my outfit out for the day before grabbing my towel and heading into the bathroom to... well do that."

I stopped seeing the look on the Sergeant's face. It could barely be seen in dark veil around me.

"Anyways...I left my clothes as I always had. In the bedroom. Where I left him still curled up among the sheets. After my shower I quickly snuck through the hall to my room, closing the door behind me. I was more worried about the camera's than the few hundred pounds of canine sitting in my bed. Wagging his tail and watching me with that almost...*adorable* expression.

I almost said something I would've regretted. I couldn't let my feelings 'now' effect my testimony. For once I was glad I had the job I did. It allowed me to keep my cool in front of them even under the pressure I was. Being here for the past several days could wear on the nerves. No exposure to sunlight and locked away like some war criminal. I'm just glad they weren't torturing me...then again without him here it kind of felt like they were...

"As I was saying. Brutus watched the whole time I got ready. I didn't exactly feel ok with him watching so I changed in the closet. Changing, away from prying eyes, was a bit more difficult than I had expected. Heh, I kept bumping into the hangers and put my pants on backwards twice. Kind of embarrassing, glad no one could see me fumbling about like a headless chicken.

Brutus was waiting, resting his head on his front paws, sprawled out on the bed with his legs entangled in the blankets. As I opened the doors and stepped out brushing the fur that had somehow gotten on my suit, his tail wagged. He didn't move otherwise. Just watching and waiting.

Heh. Now that I recall it. I remember how cute he had been then. All curled up in the covers like that. With those big puppy dog eyes watching me. His body was pure muscle and each curve showed clearly through that medium length, coarse fur coat of his. It was softer than I expected it to be. The nights I spent sleeping against it...

"What are you going to wear?" I asked trying to move things along. I usually made my bed but I didn't wish to bother the dog. Rather than making a fuss about it I just let it be. The second I tried to shoo him off he put both paws down on the edge lifting his butt up into the air as if we were going to play. I was on a tight schedule and just ignored him.

Putting on my coat and fixing up my tie in the dresser mirror I saw that I had messages on my phone. I always kept it on the dresser. It was my alarm after all. It was the only way for me to get up in the morning by keeping it out of arms reach.

It clearly read that I wouldn't be coming into work today. Instead they would be coming over. "Lovely. We're going to be having guests soon." I caught the eye of the dog in the mirror and looked down.

I wouldn't have minded so much if it weren't for the fact he was basically naked. I wasn't going to tell them that though. How sculpted that body was... Laying on my bed with his paws up, tail wagging and staring at me with an almost handsome face. Stupid Brutus...I miss him.

"What are you going to wear?" I asked again... looking over my shoulder. Somehow looking at him directly only made the matter worst though. Like looking directly into the sun.

"Wear?" The dog still just looked at me curiously oblivious to the situation at hand.

"You can't just strut around the way you are now."

Brutus looked at himself, turning over on his back and showing off his belly. He didn't seem to notice what the problem was. Looking back up at me with those large hazelnut eyes. Leg's spread open, with his brown fur chest that trailed down into the thong straining to hold its contents within.

"An outfit. Something to cover...yourself with." I rolled my eyes *and was totally not staring* heading over to the basket next to the dresser. Fishing through it, I pulled an old tank top and shorts out inspecting the two before getting some briefs for the mutt. "These are my old 'fat' clothes. I keep them around in order to remind myself...not to get fat again, heh. Well here try them on."

Brutus took the shirt and began to sniff it. I hadn't washed it in a while...and the last time I wore it was when I was working out but still it wasn't that bad... I don't think. Then again you wouldn't see me wearing it. He looked at me with those large puppy dog eyes before grinning wickedly. He licked his lips before sliding the shirt on. It formed nicely around his supple frame. Outlining his body perfectly...I think I'm getting off topic here.

He took the undergarments and brought it up to his nose. "Just hurry up," I said feeling the blush cross my face and quickly exited the room. I didn't want to know what he was going to do and it wasn't any of my business. I was going to toss those cloths out anyways. So at least someone was getting some use out of them. Recycling, being green and all that.

I pushed it from my mind as I headed down the hall and to the kitchen to make breakfast. I cracked a few eggs and put in a slice of toast in the toaster and stopped. Looking down at the carton of eggs in my hand. I had enough for three more days, before I got paid. Before I could go shopping again. Three days worth of breakfast that I had planned out specifically in advance. Two eggs, a slice of toast and just enough butter to grease the pan.

And so I was having a rather large conundrum on my hands hearing those heavy paw steps coming down the hall to join me. The rottweiler walked around in that curious state he was so good at pulling off. Inspecting random object and licking the spatula I had just put down. Sniffing at my arm and the bread I was getting with it. Closing the space behind us as he rested his head on my shoulder still sniffing at the air.

"Do you want toast with your eggs?" I think it was in my best interest to keep things light between us even with the large mutt so close behind me. Not to push any buttons or bring up any issues or anything. The camera's were watching and all.

If he said yes I'd have to use the bonus I got to buy more food and have to push the bills back one more time. I think they'd send another warning before any actual ramifications would occur. I think. I hope. And I'd have to risk it as I watched the dog crack an egg and eat it raw, his muzzle still on my shoulder. He didn't even chew, just swallow.

"Gross. Let me cook them first at least." I popped the toast in, pushing the dog back before he could grab another. "Oj?"

His ears jumped but didn't reply as he looked at the food cooking in the frying pan. Mesmerized, enthralled by the food before him sizzingly and frying in fat and grease. Nose twitching as a glob of saliva dripped from the side of his muzzle. I could actually hear his stomach growling. "Brutus," the word snapped him back to reality and he looked at me, wagging his tail. "When was the last time you ate."

He counted his fingers seeming to have trouble after the third one. Speaking of which he had five fingers. Even an opposable thumbs. They were stubby and had paw pads like any dog but each one looked roughly human. Just with an extra fur layer over them. Inspecting further I came to the conclusion other than certain characteristics he appeared to be human. Just a man in a dog suit really...with a large tongue hanging out of his muzzle as he panted.

And maybe that was why it was so hard for me to let him go.' That thought lingered as I shifted in my seat. The handcuffs and ankle cuffs may have been removed to be more 'civilized' but it felt like they were still on. The stares held their own weights and shackles to them. Locked in this small isolated room with them. I felt like I was in outer space, heh. If I screamed I knew no one would be able to hear me.

He looked sheepish. Meek even. Almost cowering back at the very thought of food. Brutus shook his head.

"Well don't worry. It'll be done soon. And you can have as much as you want," those words pulled at my purse strings. I could already feel my wallet being five pounds lighter. My money book might as well fly out the window. "As much as you want." I said again more for myself than him. Just to reinforce the fact.

For half a second I thought he was going to cry. But he straightened up, perking his ears before giving me the largest hug I ever received. That muzzle nuzzle against my face as a whine escaped his throat and words were lost on his lips only an animalistic sound coming out. "I'll take that as a thank you, heh."

"How long had it been since they last ate?" Another female voice asked. She sounded a lot younger than the first and truly interested in the answer.

"A week. A month. 'Time is relative.' At least that's what he told me. They weren't allowed to know the time of day it was." I replied looking down at my feet. The pool of light was only around me. The person directly in front of me was outlined and I could tell it was a male. The same man who brought me in. The only one I knew. And hated.

"It's a tactic used to break the will of prisoners." A gentleman on the far side spoke this time. "From what we've read this so called 'prison' of theirs was just a way to break their will. For what reason? We're still not sure. One of the many things we hope you can clarify for us, in fact. Please continue. If you want to see your dog again that is." His tone shifted, darkened and I could almost see the smile cross his face.

"Nothing much happened after that. We had breakfast and ate in relative silence. He shoveled food into his mouth faster than he could swallow and I had to call him on it a few times to slow down.

"Enjoy every bite, I took a lot of time to make it." I laughed a bit disgusted watching him, I was loosing my appetite. He was almost choking as he swallowed. Coughing a bit afterwards with a grin. "Use your fork as well," I pointed to the utensil that had long been forgotten.

His ears folded back and he smiled food particles between his teeth. "It's good. Very." He growled spitting bits here and there as his tongue flicked in that open muzzle.

I covered my face with a hand before getting up and going to his side. "Chew slower. Take smaller bites and use. Your. Fork." I guided, teaching him the most basic of things. It felt like he was a lot younger than he actual was but I was more amused than anything. I wasn't angry at him nor did I pity him. I just...wanted to help him learn is all. If he was going to fit in he had to learn the basic rule of eating.

Pulling a chair up next to him I continued my lesson. Even positioning his arm and guiding it up to his muzzle to teach him and he was more than happy to follow. I spoke soft encouraging words as he followed my instruction to a T. Which was strange.

"How so." I was interrupted by the male from before.

"Before I began reporting on the show I wanted to be a teacher for kids with disabilities. My brother," I explained. "Was mentally retarded since the day he was born. And I spent most of my early days being there for him. I wanted to learn about it, how to help it. How to fix it even, maybe some day.... So I know a thing or two about teaching, maybe no degree or anything but I got practice. And well the things he didn't know he picked up on faster than...I could teach really. I gave him the tools to learn and he ended up teaching himself. He did say before he learned english from just watching it on television."

"When did he say that?" The younger female spoke up.

"Oh... well when he got the hang of eating we began talking again as I put the coffee on.

"We had a television." Brutus spoke wiping his lips with a napkin I had only placed it by his side and he was already using it for its purpose. "You were on it. I liked watching you."

That was a little creepy but it did explain his unnatural interest in me. "In," I chose the word carefully. If I mentioned it as a cell or prison he might lock up again. Once you're in the field of work I was in, you learn the subtle cues one would otherwise miss. You learned tact. "You had a television? Or was there a television for all of you guys?"

He nodded. Not really answering my question. He looked down at his food his tail wagging slightly. "I liked listening to your voice. It was nice. I wasn't alone when you were on. So when I got out," he looked up with perked ears. "I went to see you."

Great. The large brute was just a crazed fan.

And at that time I truly thought that was the only reason

"Well what do you think?" I asked jokingly holding out my arms and turning around.

"You smell better." I'm not sure if that was a compliment or not. He bowed his head sniffing the shirt he wore. "I like it."

"I'm going to put some more deodorant on." I joked, with half truth.

He pulled the shirt a bit before letting it snap back. "I never had clothes before. Or ever got a present." The realization that he was talking about the shirt and not the smell really made me feel like an ass. One second he was the strange alien living in my apartment. The next he was the helpless orphan that barely knew how to speak. "I knew you help I."

"Me. I knew you would help me." I corrected. My tone was how I used to use it with my brother. Soft, caring. No judgement and only ever patience. "And why would you say that? Why did you think I would help?"

He smiled. His tail twitched. Then he looked down with a bashful smile almost. "You had a special episode about when you were lost. An-and you don know where go. When you lost from family or friend. That there were places you go. Safe places. An one was you."

I recalled the episode. It was pushed on us during safety week. And it was after the lost child of a family of four was found, starved to death under a bridge. She didn't have anywhere to go and because of we aired the episode just for people like her. If anyone was ever in need they could at least come to us and we would do what we could for them.

I can't believe I had forgotten that.

And that was why I didn't argue with him being there anymore. I would do what I could to help him. Feed him. Cloth him. And take care of him so that maybe at some point in time he would be able to fit into society. And leave me. Or least, at that time, that's what I truly believed.

We talked back and forth for a while. Simple things. Likes and dislikes. He always liked what I liked, heh. And hated what I didn't like. Kind of childish but I wasn't about to say anything about it. I remember looking over the newspaper. Reading the article about the episode and what it would mean for the world. The whole paper had different thoughts on it. Some things about this and some things about that.

The end of the world as we knew it. How they were going to take our jobs. We should treat them as monsters or friends? Don't get me started on what peta was saying. The only real article I can recall was the one posted by the government. Saying they didn't want anyone to be alarmed or afraid and defiantly that they didn't have anything to do with this. The military was mentioned.. something about how they weren't going to do anything. Or something. What was it...

And with that said I found myself chained back up like a wild animal. Escorted away from the table, the judges of my fate, without another word. To come back tomorrow to continue my story. It was clear they were waiting to talk about what I said. Waiting for me to be out of earshot or possibly the guards escorting me back. The less they knew I suppose. It didn't really matter. Nor did I really care.

The door shut behind me. Metallic, computer controlled doors you'd see in a military bunker. Maybe that was where I was now. Some secret underground facility. I couldn't be certain I was or wasn't in one or not. All I knew was that it had been a long time since I saw the sun.

The cuffs were removed and my ankles were freed. The chain were gathered up and without a word the two escorts left me. Shutting the door as they went. And that was that. A single bed and toiletries. Left alone again. I didn't want this 'me' time anymore. I rather have it be with that someone else.