A Day With My Love

Story by tapanther on SoFurry

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Basic Disclaimer: While this story does not have any explicit sexual relatons, there are some suggestions, although I'm sure if any of you went to college, you heard worse. So if you're dubious about the legality of you reading implied sexual acts, go read something else. If you can't handle homosexuality, what in blazes are you doing here? If none of this applies to you, read on.

A Day With My Love

"Fweeep!!! Fweeep!!! Fweep!!! . . ."

"No! No! No! Shut up, damn you!"

I rushed to turn the damn smoke detector off, but somehow managed to knock it off the wall, and send it crashing into a bowl of whipped cream. [Great, more mess to clean up.] I'd been cooking us breakfast, just some eggs and pancakes, but as always I'd managed to burn something. So of course, the smoke detector goes off, and what's worse, Ian was still asleep . . . well, he was before, I'm sure the damn smoke detector woke him up.

-Drowsily- "Tom, sweety, are you cooking something? I thought we'd agreed I cook." I heard him say from the bedroom.

[Damn you smoke detector! I give up, I can't cook.]

"Yeah love, I was trying to get breakfast done. Is there an IHOP somewhere around here?"

I heard him softly chuckle, and I couldn't help but smile. He had such a cute laugh. I gathered up the soiled pots, pans, and smoke alarm, and piled them up in the sink. When I stepped into our bedroom, I saw Ian lying on his side, resting his head on the crook of his elbow. Also, I saw a little . . . well, can't really call it little, bulge in the blankets just south of his creamy white stomach. [Heh, looks like someone needs a little help south of the border, again.] I pulled off the shirt I'd been wearing, and clad only in boxers, climbed into bed with my boyfriend.

"What happened to the wakeup call you promised me?"

"You slept right through it!"

"Oh, that explains the wetness down there eh?"

I just rolled my eyes playfully. He could be such a silly kitty at times. [Well, at least he doesn't burn everything he cooks.] We snuggled up, and soon we were both purring softly. I felt so happy, just staring into his eyes, letting time just pass right by us. I couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be. He closed his eyes and pulled me in closer. I slowly moved my paw through his chest, tickling him a little as my claws ran by his navel.

"I love you Ian."

"I love you too Tom, you mean so much to me."

"You do too."

I kept thinking about how lucky I was to have someone like him; he's just such a nice guy, but he's got his evil side, which I think is hot. But overall, he's just the greatest. There was nothing I would change about him, and he'd said the same of me. I remember back when I finally worked up the courage to ask him about . . . you know. I'd always worried that since I was on the smaller side of average, any guy I'd manage to catch would leave me for someone of more . . . more . . . substantial size. Or if we managed to stay together, I was afraid that I couldn't please him. I remember I was shaking as I typed, I don't know how many times I had to rewrite the same couple of words. I remember I almost erased it all, but on an impulse, I hit Enter. For those few seconds, I could feel my heart pounding away at my ribcage. I remember thinking if he was smaller, I wouldn't mind at all, and I'd do everything I could to make him feel great; if he was the same, I'd be overjoyed cause then neither one of us would feel bad about not measuring up; but if he was bigger . . . well, let's just leave it at I was terrified to think my fears could be right. When his response came, wow, it's probably the only time I've been both depressed and overjoyed. For one thing, I knew if we held together, I'd have a lot of fun. On the other hand, I was completely terrified. I had to take a small breather, and slowly forced my shaking paw to respond. If I was nervous and terrified a few moments ago, then there is no word in the English language (nor the French nor the Spanish nor the Latin language for that matter) to describe the sheer panic. In my mind, I thought that nature had doomed me to a life of solitude (yeah, I agree, I'm an idiot). Then, his response came, and just like him, it was so sweet. My spirits soared when I read 'I love you just the way you are'. Now, to anyone else, that might've sounded shallow or just something you say, but don't really mean. But coming from Ian, it was an absolute truth, and the second greatest phrase he's said to me (the first being 'I love you'). Of the two of us, I was gifted with words, and the ability to make things sound dignified and elaborate. He on the other hand is a cat of few words, but he means what he says. In quality, Ian is the greatest man I have ever met. He is so sweet and kind, so caring; my life would be nothing without him.

Suddenly, I noticed he was staring at me, and his gaze broke my thoughts.

"You alright Tom? You looked lost in thought." he asked in his sweet, deep voice.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I was just thinking back to the time you told me about THIS." I said, giving him a playful squeeze to emphasize my point (well, technically that's his but still . . .).

"M-m-r-r-r-r-r, you sure about that wake-up call? I swear I'd feel something that good."

I just rolled my eyes.

"I meant it, you're perfect. I wouldn't mess with perfection."

"You're such a tease! Thanks, that means a lot to me. You'd think I'd have learned by now not to be ashamed."

"It's okay Love. Now, what about breakfast?"

"Wanna go someplace?"

"Sure" he said, then, a smile spread across his muzzle, and he added in "after we shower."

"Ooh!" I again reached under the covers and yelled "Dibs!!!"

"Mmm, that was great. My ass itches now!"

"I told you to shampoo before." (And he had too.)

"I couldn't wait. Besides, now I need someone to help me relieve the itch." I said as I bent over and raised my tush.

"You are such a horny cat! We just- ugh!" he said, and for effect, he threw his arms up in pretend frustration. "I guess we're gonna end up going to lunch eh?"

"Maybe dinner."

"Could I have the baked lasagna?"

"I'll have one too."

"Alrighty, your order will be right out."

"I can't believe we took four hours!" he said silently, trying to keep prying ears out of our conversation.

"Well, we did spend like half an hour looking for the baby oil, and I did get to go twice."

"So did I." he said all matter-of-factly.

"Yup. Is your ass sore too?" I asked barely above a whisper.


"I'm still amazed at how un-specific you can be."

"It's sore, but not like that I walk funny."

"Not that I could make you walk funny." I said, barely masking my sadness (I'm still not over it, stupid Thomas).

"Hey, it hurt the first time." he said, both playfully and to make me feel a little better.

"Knowing I hurt you shouldn't help you know."

"Yeah, but this was good pain." he said with a smile.

We continued to chit-chat, every now and then sneaking a little touch of our hands. Our orders came out after about ten minutes, and we ate in a kind of contented silence. My mind began to wander again, and I started thinking what to do later that day. We took a good while to eat, but it was good lasagna, and a lot of it, well, a lot for me. Where I had a small salad and the lasagna, Ian had the lasagna, an appetizer plate of some kind of breaded fish bits, a side salad, the lasagna, a basketful of bread, and he was asking if we were gonna have dessert! And, he still weighed less than I do. Strangely enough, I was actually happy for him. He'd told me long ago about his fast metabolism, but I had to see it to believe it. He ended up ordering some kind of chocolate cake, which I was more than happy to take a bite of, but only a bit; any more food and I was likely to explode. I paid the bill, after much debate with Ian of course, and we left the restaurant stuffed to the brim. I wished we could've left hand in hand, but that would have made more problems than we needed.

"Hey Tom, have you told your parents about us?"

"Uhh, not yet. Like I told you, they're not the most understanding of people."

"I know, I was just wondering, since they can't really do anything to you now."

"Well, knowing my mom, she'd come all the way up just to beat you senseless, and besides, I might need their help or something."

"Yeah. So . . . what should we do?"

"Wanna see a movie?"

Well, to say that the movies currently out sucked was a gross understatement. There was the usual horror flick that was just a bunch of gore, the action flick where one guy shoots everyone up and doesn't even mess up his hair, the chic flick, the kid's movie (in my opinion usually the one with the better plot, ironically), the independent film, an so on. I couldn't decide what to watch, so I told Ian to pick. He's so cute, I could see he wanted to watch one of the action flicks, but wasn't sure if I'd wanna see it. He kept walking past the movie posters, but always went back to the spy movie.

"If you want to see that movie it's alright you know." I said as he was standing in front of the movie poster.

"I know, but I don't want you to be bored."

"I'm with you; there's no way I can be bored."

I finally convinced Ian that we could watch the spy movie. We bought two tickets, he paid. There was no way he was gonna let me pay again, and threatened to make me cook again, so of course, I let him pay. We went in, and we bought a medium popcorn to share. We headed into the theatre hall, and in the darkness of the hallways, I snuck a quick grope at his butt. He jumped a little, and even in the dark, I could see the faint gleam of his smile. We found a seat way at the back of the theatre. It may not have had the best view, but no one would see us up there. The movie started out with some kind of spy operation; I didn't really pay attention to the movie. I was too busy sneaking my hand down Ian's pants, teasing him and getting him hard. Several times during the movie we kissed. They weren't very long, but they were glorious. The feeling of his tongue brushing past mine sent shivers down my back. The sheer amount of love he gave me and I gave him was overwhelming. I actually wished we hadn't seen the movie, that way we'd be home, making out on our mattress. But then I looked over at Ian, and I could see he was having a great time, so it was all good. I watched the movie from about halfway on, and to be honest, it wasn't that bad. Could've used a little dollop of realism, but it was good. More so, Ian liked it, and that's good enough for me.

"You are such a little bugger!" he said lightheartedly.

"Yup. But I'm YOUR little bugger." I said as I rubbed my head against his neck.

"I love you so much Ian."

"I love you so much too Tom." He said, making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

We headed home, hopefully to find the parts of my bed so we can build it.

"So what was your favorite part?"

"Of what?"

"The movie you silly panther."

"Oh, well, I liked the part where I started rubbing-"

"That wasn't part of the movie!"

"It was for me. Oh alright! I liked the part where the hero guy, what was his name?"


"Yeah him. Where he blows up the submarine by setting the torpedoes to run in the torpedo room so they blow up after he escaped."

"Really? I liked the part at the beginning where he is getting chased by the police, and he jumps off the bridge right before the train crosses, that was cool."

"I didn't see that. I was too busy concentrating on the hot Canadian puma next to me. He's hot." I said, nearing my muzzle next to his ear, blowing warm air into it as I enunciated the last part.

"Aw, thanks. You're hot too, but I'm still kinda worn out from this morning."

"Thanks. Me too to be honest. So, you wanna cuddle a while?"

"I'd love to dear."

We pulled out some more blankets and lay down on the mattress. I pulled him in close, pressing my body against his, and intertwining our tails. I was purring so loudly by then. I just ran my paws all over his back, massaging out any tense muscles and working out any tangles in his fur. He was so cute; his eyes caught a bit of light, so they seemed to glow a soft green. It wasn't long before I started to grope his bottom, and he followed suit. He liked to tease me by running his fingers over my hole, but never going in. It drove me crazy, so I started to do the same to him. [Revenge!!!] He knew exactly what I was thinking, and I what was on his mind. It was hard not to know, considering what was going on between our stomachs. _I felt a tear coming to my eye, and a small so escaped me.

"Is something wrong dear?"

"Nothing, nothing at all. I love you so much."_

"I love you so much too. I'm so happy we're finally together."

"Me too." I said, drying off the tear with Ian's shoulder.

"You wanna take a nap?"

"With you, anytime."

I pulled my head back a little, and looked straight into his eyes. I saw his eyes starting to close and his head starting to come near mine. I slowly closed my eyes too, and opened my mouth, waiting for his succulent lips to make contact with mine. Unfortunately, we both missed, and he almost ended up french kissing my nose. We tried again, making sure we met lips first, and then closed our eyes. It was magical. He ran his tongue all along mine, wrestling it to the roof of my mouth. We pulled back again to catch our breaths, and kissed again, exploring each other's muzzles intimately, as only lovers do. We slowly fell asleep in each others arms. Just before the final remnants of consciousness left me, I saw gentle smile tugging at the corner of his lips. And thus, I fell into a deep and peaceful sleep, held tightly by the man I love.

Thanks for Reading.

Also, my compliments to the Mod's and Admins for keeping this place so nice.

and special kiss to my bf, for being such a great guy.