Ch. 4 Summer Dreams are made of This

Story by HowlingWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of What Friends Are For

What Friends Are For -Ch.4 Summer Dreams are Made of This

I know you've all been waiting patiently for this one! Chapter four of my ongoing tale of this group of friends. It starts out differently from previous chapters and I hope you enjoy it. I attempted to develop the characters more as some have suggested. Please don't forget to leave a comment at the end and don't be afraid to leave some advice or a suggestion.

Warning this story contains scenes of gay sex between anthropomorphic animals and if it's not your thing don't read it.


Terry opened his eyes to find Cody inches from his muzzle and staring lovingly back at his. He smiled and gently kissed the wolf passionately, his tongue slipping into his young friend's mouth. The husky pulled Cody warmly into a tight embrace and held him there for a long time, wrapped in each others warm naked bodies. Their breathing slowed and became even with each others. It was a loving embrace and he wanted it to last forever. After several long moments the wolf looked up and into Terry's eyes, a warm stare full of passion and love. Cody pulled himself off of the dog and turned around so that Terry was facing his back. He looked back over his shoulder and motioned for the husky to take his place on his back. Terry smiled and obeyed his lover's demands. He pulled in close to Cody's back and hugged him tight again before rolling the wolf onto his stomach. Terry was now on top of the wolf with his legs spread over his rump and his cock now fully erect. The length rested right above Cody's whole and without a word Terry maneuvered his meat directly into the wolf beneath him. The tip only just pierced the wolf's tight ring and they both moaned loudly at the sensation. He pushed onward slowly so that Cody could adjust to the invading cock. The wolf was panting lightly and already lost in his lust. He turned his head back slowly and stared directly into the husky's eyes, which made him pause his movements.

"I love you Big Dog" the wolf whispered lightly over his shoulder.

"I love you too Wuff" Terry smiled back. He pushed his length fully into Cody and let the wolf moan. The husky hilted the wolf under him and he let his length pulse into the firm ass. The tight hole felt perfect around Terry's cock, he'd had sex before but it was never like this. Cody didn't seem to mind it either, the wolf was moaning wildly under him and every push only made him louder. Every push also sent a cascade of pre into the wolf's behind and only made the riding smoother. Terry bent over the wolf's writhing frame and breathed into his ear lightly. He nipped playfully at his lover's ear as he lapped around it affectionately. Terry ran his paw through the young wolf's chest fur and he slowly neared his orgasm. His humping began to quicken and became shallower as well. In only seconds he'd coat his lover's passage with his sweet seed.

"HEY WAKE UP TERRY!!!" a fur's yelling jarred the husky out of his sweet dream. He was sweating and awoken to an erect cock tenting his sheets. Had it all just been a dream? He'd never had a dream about anyone that was so... passionately intimate. And it'd been about one of his good friends too. What did it mean? Was he in love with the wolf? Terry's thoughts were interrupted as the yelling started up again "TERRY GET UP-" The husky cut off the noise maker mid-sentence by opening the door. It was Max, just the fox he'd wanted to see.

"Morning sleepy head hurry up and get dressed we've got to go" the fox giggled looking down at Terry's naked frame.

"Go where?" Terry yawned as he returned to his room and began to pull on clothes.

"Did you already forget?" Max laughed "the camping trip is today, you know me, you, Jake, and Cody" Excitement hit Terry hard and he quickened his pace. Within seconds the two were out the front door with bags and walking down the street towards Cody's house. They'd been planning the trip since before school had ended and when Cody had arrived on the block the group only thought it right to invite they're new friend. The husky was excited for the trip but soon thoughts of his dream crept back into his brain. Should he tell Max? Or maybe Cody? No for now he'd just keep quiet; it was probably just a random dream like most dreams were. It didn't take long for the two to reach Cody's house, Jake was probably going to be the last to arrive and they decided to wait for him inside.

* * * * * * *

Cody hurriedly threw together the last few things for the camping trip. He'd been wound up ever since they'd invited him along and the wolf couldn't suppress his excitement for much longer. For nights Terry, Max, Jake, and he were going to be roughing it in the woods near town alone, as a way of saying goodbye to summer vacation, which would be over the week after. Not only would they get to have a lot of fun outside and in the wilderness, but they'd probably also get to have a lot of 'close fun' as well. It had been hard to convince his parents to let him go on the trip alone but he assured them that the group had plenty of supplies to last them the entire trip and then some.

With his bag packed Cody rushed down the stairs and to the door, reaching out a paw he grabbed at the handle only to have the heavy door swing smack into his face. He fell backwards to find both Terry and Max on the other side. It had surprised them just as much as it had Cody.

"Oh shit Cody, are you ok?" Max said quickly getting down to help the wolf up.

"Crap it was my fault wuff" Terry said ashamed "I should have knocked first"

"Nah its ok Terr" Cody replied "well at least it isn't bleeding" The wolf was on his feet now and shaking his head. Everything seemed ok and it had surprised him more than anything. "I'll be ok"

"You sure?" Terry asked.

"Yeah I'm positive" Cody answered rubbing his nose and setting down his bag. "Where's Jake anyway?"

"I don't know but we shouldn't worry he's always late" Max said and just as he finished the coyote came bursting through the door out of breath. The three just laughed while Jake panted for a breath.

"Hah!" the coyote laughed loudly and pointed to his watch "I'm NOT late!"

"Well there's one problem with that" Terry said taking a closer inspection of the watch "it stopped ten minutes ago" Jake checked the band and sure enough it wasn't moving. Cody giggled and ran into the kitchen to say goodbye to his parents. And within minutes the four had found their way to the bikes. It wasn't a long trip from the neighborhood to the woods. They hit the forest's edge quickly and rode down a bumpy dirt path for almost half-an-hour.

"Isn't this far enough in guys?" Cody asked worried they'd get lost after going off the path for several minutes.

"Nah wuff we already know the perfect spot" Terry called over his shoulder "trust me you'll love it" And sure enough after only fifteen more minutes the group came to a huge clearing. The grass was short and led down to a large pool of water, which shone brightly in the summer light. A small cliff rose above the water's edge at about twenty feet. It was a great place and he could tell they were going to take advantage of it.

"Wow Terr you were right" Cody exclaimed "it's awesome" He set his bag down near the pool and tested its depths. The water was cool and felt nice against his paw. The wolf couldn't wait to take a dip, but the others had a different plan. They were busy setting up the two tents, Cody rushed over to help them and soon the task was done.

"Ok now that that's done how about you two go get some firewood" Terry said pointing to Max and Jake, who ran off into the woods together. Meanwhile Cody was searching the clearing and proclaiming everything he'd found. Terry laughed and joined the wolf atop the cliff. They sat down over the edge and looked out over the clearing and forest. It was a nice site to behold and they laughed and giggled over stupid jokes and stories. "So who you gonna sleep with?" The husky asked nervously hoping it was him; he had fallen for the wolf but didn't quite know how to tell him.

"Hmmm I dunno" Cody said putting a digit up to his chin to think. After a few seconds he'd decided "well I was hoping it'd be you Big Dog" the wolf giggled. Terry twitched at the nickname the wolf had given him, the same one that had been in his dream. He had to keep himself from leaning over and kissing the wolf right there. Did Cody like him back? Or was he just being a friend? Terry couldn't tell and didn't want to tell Cody unless he was sure that the wolf would return the feelings. If he didn't then he'd just end up getting hurt and it might even ruin the friendship. Terry couldn't take that chance, at least not yet. Lost in thought Terry had nearly forgotten the wolf sitting right by him who was stripping down to his fur. With a howl Cody jumped off the cliff and soared down into the water below. He cannonballed and sent water cascading over the surrounding area. This had surprised the hell out of the husky sitting atop the cliff.

"Come on Big Dog come and get me" Cody yelled back up to the canine, who was now stripping himself. The wolf swam around the water waiting for Terry to jump in. The dog wasn't far behind him and sent waves of water crashing down on Cody's head as he entered the cold depths. Terry spurted water out as he resurfaced and waded over to the wolf floating across the water's surface on his back. He tackled Cody and began to wrestle with the lupine that only splashed water back into his face. By the time Max and Jake got back they were soaking wet and panting for air, both lying side by side near the water's edge. The fox dropped his bundle of twigs and ran over to the two.

"Couldn't wait for us?" Max giggled and looked down at the pair "Well you two can start the fire while we have our fun in the water" Jake seemed to agree and dove into the water headfirst, already naked. The fox was quick to follow the coyote and soon stripped down himself and followed suit.

"Well I guess we're gonna have to" Terry mumbled while searching through his bag for the lighter.

"Lead the way Big Dog" Cody giggled and once again Terry winced at the nickname, each time wanting to blurt out his feelings. It was hard but he had to bear with the slight torment of the name. Terry sighed and lit the bundle of twigs beneath him, the fire started so quickly that he nearly fell back. It didn't take long for them to dry off and soon the thoughts of Cody crawled back into his mind. He groaned quietly and looked over Cody's naked frame; the wolf had fallen asleep in front of the fire and just looked so cute sprawled out on the ground. With another heavy sigh he inched closer to the slumbering wolf. Cody was snoring silently and Terry giggled softly at the adorable little wolf. The husky ran his hand through the young wolf's head fur. Just as he was about to go farther the two furs swimming had gotten tired and cold. They returned to the campsite and plopped down in front of the fire, effectively waking Cody.

"You guys hungry?" the wolf asked with a yawn and began to search through the bags for food. Cody smiled when he found what he was looking for, hot dogs; the wolf happily carried the several packages back to the fire and the laughing furs.

"Cody all you ever think about is sleep, food, and sex" Terry chuckled and opened the package that the wolf had thrown him. He realized just how hungry that he was himself and started cooking several of the dogs on a long stick. Everyone else did the same and soon they were all enjoying a late lunch.

"Speak for yourself" Cody chortled "how many have you had anyway?"

"Only three" the husky choked through bites "I think that you're just slow"

"Stop fighting you two" Max laughed "maybe we should all just slow down a little"

"Hot dog eating contest" Jake roared and started shoving hot dogs down his throat. Everyone laughed and just kept eating normal. After eight hot dogs the coyote was lying on the ground. "Guys I don't think that I can move"

"Well we're all ok cause we only had four a piece" Terry wagged his finger at the coyote "you know at least you won" Everyone except Jake laughed at that and they were soon picking up after themselves. After fifteen minutes they all went back up to the cliff.

"On the count of three we all jump" Max said and they all chimed in.

"3...2...1...JUMP!!!" all four of them shouted and dove into the cool watery depths. The resulting splash almost put out their fire. For hours they played in the water but soon it was time to dry off. The sun was setting and all four furs were tired and needed rest, and sitting in front of a camp fire roasting marshmallows was the perfect remedy. They told ghost stories and jokes all night.

Cody looked up to the full moon that was high in the sky and a primal instinct began to urge him "Hey guys follow me" the wolf whispered over the fire. Without a word of protest the three furs followed Cody to the top of the cliff to overlook the campsite and forest. Cody looked up and stood silently for several moments, but before anyone could break the peaceful silence he let loose a heart-filled howl. It made the other furs jump with surprise but soon Terry joined in. It wasn't long before Jake and Max did as well, the fox trying his best to howl like the rest. They're voices harmonized beautifully for several long moments before Max had to quit out of breath. The fox fell backward panting heavily and soon was joined by Terry and Jake. They all just lay there breathless watching the magnificent wolf sing his feral song. Cody lasted far longer than any of the other canines and soon he grew tired and out of breath, he too fell back and stared up at the night sky, no one speaking a word.

It was a beautiful night and Cody's 'song' had only made Terry want him more. The whole time Cody was watching the sky all he could do was stare. Peacefully watching his secret love.

"Hey guys look!" Jake pointed skyward, and just in time Terry caught a glimpse of a shooting star "make a wish" the coyote giggled closing his eyes and putting his hands together in prayer-like manner. Everyone followed suit and Terry knew only one thing that he could wish for. Cody.

"That was fun" Max said standing up and stretching "if Cody hadn't dragged us up here to howl we wouldn't have seen the shooting star" The wolf was next to stand and giggled happily.

"Yep" he laughed "so what did you guys wish for?"

"We can't tell you" Terry said with glowing red ears, not wanting to confess what he'd wished for "if we do it wont come true"

"I thought that's birthday cakes" Cody answered.

"No it applies to wishing in general" the husky answered with an awkward smile.

"Whatever" Jake laughed "you guys hungry?" he asked rubbing his stomach. Everyone except the coyote laughed and started down the hill without him. He started after them yelling "what's so funny?'

"Besides the fact that you're a muzzle's like a garbage disposal?" Terry chuckled and made Jake frown. They were back at the campsite soon and were getting ready for bed. The fire was out and flashlights turned on within the two tents. Both sets of furs giggling and poking at each other quietly. Cody and Terry were snuggled warmly between two conjoined sleeping bags. They were wrestling softly under the warm sheets and laughing at each attack they made on the other fur. The playful fighting soon turned more erotic as the wolf was pinned beneath Terry and poked by the husky's, now erect, length. Looking back, the wolf stared into Terry's eyes.

"Come on Big Dog" Cody smiled over his shoulder. Terry grinned and started to rummage through his backpack. After only a few seconds he'd found what he'd been searching for, a small bottle of lube packed for just the occasion. He lathered the gel between his paws before placing one on his own cock and the other on Cody's rump. The wolf jumped at the sudden chill at his hind quarters. As Terry began to probe deep into Cody's ass and soon the lupine became more relaxed. Terry pushed a digit deep to fully lube for what was to come. The digit maneuvered skillfully down the wolf's tight passage and Cody couldn't help but moan.

"You asked for it wuff" Terry chuckled softly "and you're going to get it" he pushed his canine meat back to Cody's tight ring as he removed his paw. Without a seconds warning the husky plunged in, sending the first four inches in without almost any resistance. The wolf moaned again and wiggled his butt back onto Terry's cock. He let the dog press forward, his cock spurting pre to further lubricate the experience. Cody's own cock was spurting waves of the stuff himself and needed attention desperately, but he could wait. The wolf was happy just to please the husky topping him, at least for now. Terry was slowing humping his way to hilting Cody and they both moaned through it all. Finally the husky's chest came to rest against Cody's back and his balls against the wolf's. He panted momentarily before starting again, pulling almost completely out of the wolf before plunging back in. With each hump the husky assaulted Cody's prostate and made him moan louder and louder.

Terry was systematically lowing himself onto the wolf with each hump. And now his muzzle rested against the back on Cody's head. Each hump sent a wet pant into the wolf's ear. They were in they're favorite position and soon Terry began to climb closer and closer towards climaxing. He humped harder and harder, but at the same time made sure that to keep his knot from locking into the wolf beneath him. Feeling the increase in pace Cody prepared for the husky's orgasm and hungrily wiggled beneath the husky trying to make him come faster. It was too much for the canine and soon he began unleashing his load into the wolf. Waves of seed shot down into the wolf's passage. Cody moaned at the warm husky cum that coated his insides. In Cody's opinion it was the best feeling in the world. It seemed to last forever, but as all things must, the orgasm ended and left the pair panting heavily and hungrily.

"How was that wuff?" Terry panted.

"Well it could have lasted longer Big Dog" Cody giggled and received a growl from the canine topping him. "Relax I'm only kidding, but could you help me out a bit?" Cody said motioning to his own cock.

"Sure thing wuff" the husky chuckled "I'd be glad to" Terry slowly pulled out of the wolf and flipped him over. The wolven cock was pointing high and still spurting loads of pre, wanting, needing release. Terry grasped it lightly in his paw and gave it a light tug, sending another heavy wave down the shaft and onto his paw. He laughed as the wolf moaned and released his shaft. The husky licked his lips in anticipation and lowered his muzzle over the pulsing cock. With a light lick he slurped up the sweet nectar that was flowing from the wolf's length. He murred at the taste and slowly lowered his whole muzzle over the entire wolven cock. The pulsing meat was hot on his tongue and he loved the feel. Cody couldn't complain himself and loved the feel of a warm muzzle around his spurting length. He moaned as the husky bobbed up and down across his needy length. And soon it was his turn for release. Cody sent the first white wave of seed splashing onto his wide canine tongue. Terry swallowed the mix hungrily, but as always with Cody there was just too much cum to take and it began spurting out of the corners of his mouth. The wolf's orgasm lasted longer than Terry's but soon was over just the same. Terry lay back, licking his lips silently as they both panted lightly after the heavenly ordeal. It had been great for the both of them and they both needed it.

Cody as always was drifting off quickly and would most assuredly be asleep within the minute. Terry chuckled lightly upon seeing the wolf's eyes close and feeling his breathing slow as well, but Terry himself could not sleep. It was just too hard thinking about the wolf that lay in his arms. Cody was just too cute sleeping with his light snoring. Just watching the wolf sleep was enough to set the husky's mind at peace.

" you wuff" Terry whispered softly into Cody's ear. He ran a paw through the wolf's head fur and reveled at the softness of it. The wolf even smelled good, and Terry gulped down the scent hungrily. It was great just to be with Cody, even in sleep, and right now it was all that Terry needed. Having this peace terry rested his head upon the wolf's and drifted off to sleep himself.

Terry opened his eyes lazily; he'd once again had a dream about the wolf sleeping in his arms. He could only hope that while sleeping he hadn't blurted out his love for the wolf. But he'd never been the fur to talk during his sleep. Cody was sleeping peacefully and hadn't even moved an inch during his slumber, but was murring quietly that lay within Terry's arms. It was a wonderful moment but Terry had a growing need to mark territory. He tried to slip the wolf out of his arms without waking... and failed miserably. Within seconds Cody was awake.

"Morning Dog" Cody yawned looking up into the husky's eyes with a tired grin "what are you doing up so early?" Terry let the wolf go and stood holding his crotch.

"I'll be right back" he laughed running out of the tent and into the woods, the husky hadn't realized how much he'd have to pee until now. Terry's paws slid through the dew soaked grass like skates on ice. For some odd reason he felt it necessary to go far enough from the campsite so that he wouldn't be seen by his friends, even though he'd already slept with them. Terry chalked it up to teenage instinct, after all he didn't want to get caught and suddenly be the butt of some joke. Terry was also starting to get hungry so he tried to hurry in time for breakfast.

* * * * * * *

Cody wondered what was going on with Terry, the wolf couldn't put his paw on what but something was definitely troubling the husky. Shrugging off the thought as smells of breakfast filled the air Cody quickly got dressed. He left the tent and squinted at the morning sunlight. It was a bright day and sure to be just as full of fun as the day before. Cody smiled upon seeing the Max and Jake around a newly built fire. The fox was cooking a simple breakfast dish of pancakes and bacon.

"Where'd you get the batter to make those?" Cody asked sitting down on the log they'd moved in front of the fire pit the night before. The wolf snatched a plate from the table and waited for him to be given his fill.

"Dumbass your mom gave it to you before you left don't you remember" Max laughed "she prepared it for us beforehand" The fox handed Cody back a full plate and watched the wolf devoir it in seconds. "Holy crap man that's all you're getting so I hope you enjoyed it"

"Wow Cody" Jake snorted while gulping down his last bite himself "well I'm gonna go find Terry" Jake grinned and grabbed something from his bag before running off in the direction that the husky had gone only minutes ago. His scent would lead Jake right to him and probably end up making him a joke. Max and Cody laughed while they suggested different things that Jake would do. Neither of them was right.

* * * * * * *

Terry let the urine fly, marking the tree and surrounding grass. The husky closed his eyes at the relieving feeling that had begun to wash over him. So relaxing and distracted by his own urine's smell that he didn't notice the coyote sneaking up behind him. Jake could barely keep quiet, but he needed to get closer to bring on the full effect of his prank. Luckily the husky was still pissing when he'd arrived, his joke was simple but should be good. Slowly the coyote crept up behind the husky only holding what he'd procured from his bag. Coming only feet away from the canine Jake plugged his ears and let loose a fog horn. The resulting blast making Terry jump so high he completely forgot about peeing and turned around, drenching the two of them in canine piss. Jake had not expected this and while he got his desired effect on Terry he was still wet with urine as well.

"Damn it Terry!" the coyote yelled shaking off his clothes and shaking his fur as well in an attempt to get the fowl liquid off him.

"Serves you right" Terry said sticking out his tongue before shaking his own naked body off as well, which only gave the coyote a fresh coat of the stuff. Completely forgetting the urine that soaked him Jake tackled the husky and they began to wrestle. Both rolling on top of each other and trying to subdue the other. Within minutes Max and Cody had found their way to the 'crime scene' and with the smell of urine and soaked fur could tell what had happened. They couldn't help but laugh; Jake had apparently finally gotten his just deserts and now didn't seem too happy. After only about ten more minutes of this the two fighting gave up and lay on the ground panting for air. The other two helped them up and they walked back to the campsite.

"You know Jake you got what you deserved" Cody said smiling.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah but at least he got himself too" the coyote snickered.

"Well now I'm gonna have to go and clean my fur you jackass" Terry frowned looking down at himself.

"Stop fighting you two lets try not to kill each other before the trip is over k?" Max said putting an arm around both Jake and Terry.

And eventually they forgave each other. The rest of the trip went by quickly; the day was pretty much the same as the first with swimming, marshmallows and sex. It was all good; none of them would forget it for a long time either. Terry decided to wait and tell Cody another time as well. After another good night 'sleep' the trip was over and they returned home. Within a week they'd be back at school and Cody would meet many new friends. But one things for sure High School will be a brand new experience for the lot of them.

Hoped you like my newest installment. I tried to give more emotion to Terry's side and hopefully gave you a better experience for it. It was especially hard to end this one and I may revise it in the future, depending on how people like it. As always please comment and leave suggestions and idea on how it should continue. I'm always open to advice.