Vault of Violent Vanity

Story by Kodyax on SoFurry

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This one was inspired by a game book I was reading called Beasts and Barbarians which got me thinking about N'Duk from Mongoos Ink. In any case this is my attempt at writing a tale of fantasy in the Sword and Sorcery style. I also added in some really dark elelments becasue, well, I can't leave well enough alone. No matter what it is, I have to make it my own. But in any case hopefully this isn't too terrible a hack job. I may go through this later and do some editing for actual print publication. So any comments and constructive criticism is always welcome and enjoy my litle tale of fantasy.

Vault of Violent Vanity

By the pale light of the twin moons a seven foot eight inch grizzly bear washes on the shore of the remains of a stone city bristling with weapons but beyond a mossy green leather kilt he is quite naked. Russet brown fur forms the bear's outer shade fading to chestnut with moss green eyes that furtively glances about to see if he is in fact alone. Confident that nobody is around him, the bear draws a falcata f his strong right arm and a dagger for his other hand from a bandolier of such weapons he has secured on his person.

The city's architecture is utterly alien to the warrior but he pays it no heed as he makes his way across the bone strewn beach to a set of stairs carved to resemble the shells of ancient cephalopods whose eyes reflect the light of the moons with an eerie red glow that suggest the anger of the ages glaring down at the present day and all those who dwell in what a bear like this considers the modern age. After a flight ore two the stairs lead into a covered ramp paved with the shells of some sea creature but in the dark the exact species is impossible to determine and if the warrior even cares he gives no sign. Pinpricks of a crimson light of some kind glares dimly on either side at random intervals and in random numbers somewhere between tow to three in a shape that is uncomfortably close in shape to eyes casting a baleful glance upon all who trespass this passageway.

He occasionally swings his blade in front of him as if trying to slice a creature of ether that he can only dimly perceive or perhaps he expects to catch something by surprise but his only reward is sparks when the steel strikes stone. The path seems to twist and turn back upon itself but still he persists. Sounds like laughter and disembodied voices speaking in forgotten tongues float around him at time in a whisper and other times in an almost deafening volume.

A large pool of light looms ahead and beckons him to enter to escape the dark that has been his silent companion up until this point but the bear is wary as he approaches apprehensively from the shadowy sidewalk that has been his path until now. Something drops from the ceiling just a few scant feet ahead of him, a drop of darkness that opens a single cyclopean eye of a predictably crimson hue that glares balefully in his general direction. He flings his dagger at the eye before charging in, falcata flailing wildly.

The silhouette of tentacles rise and fall in a flash as the shard of steel finds its mark unerringly in the dark. A mighty swing of the heavy blade and a deep gash is cut in the main body of the creature as it flails its arms to defend itself. Swinging his sword as only one accustomed to the nuances of its grip and the devastating potential of its wavy blade can accomplish, the bear makes a curtain of metal to defend himself and slices off a few tips of the tentacles as a scream can be heard.

"Frustrated monster?" the bear growls with a smirk. "Did you think me a timid adventurer comes to present myself for your repast?" He takes another swing at the main body and connects solidly, much to his satisfaction. "Allow me to introduce myself: I am Kodyax and tonight I am your executioner!" It responds by opening another crimson cavity that glows as if gathering magic power internally. "Not tonight, beast! I will not be another one of your victims!" He stabs it with his sword and it screams again before dropping fully to the floor as its ichors starts to slicken the platform on which it stood.

"Karla owes me a tumble!" Kodyax beams in triumph, largely to himself.

Kodyax sheathes his falcata and unfurls a large pouched sling to swing besides him with a sizeable stone bullet primed and ready to go. The fossilized skeletons of man sized carnosaurs begin to assemble themselves from the various bone piles scattered about the chamber. UndeadUtahraptors start their unholy patrol: almost as if in response to the demise of the other denizen of this dungeon.

From his vantage point, Kodyax can see much as he comes out of the ramp and onto a circular catwalk midway in its own fashion in a tubular shaft that extends equidistant above and below him. A forest of columns of stone carved to resemble a chaotic collection of tentacles litter the rim and the interior of the chamber with some on the edge where he is but the internal obelisks sporting inviting platforms like mushrooms but little way of traversing the rift beyond leaps of faith or the power of flight in some manner possessed by a prospective explorer. Kodyax makes his way to a rim column with a wary eye for the members of the dead guard.

The clacking of bone on stone helps Kody gauge where they are in relationship to himself as he enters a column to find rungs like a ladder carved into the sides of the column that would force him to put his weapon away to ascend or descend depending on which direction he chooses to pursue. A quick check of the archways confirms that a lone raptor is too close for comfort as Kodyax winds up and lines up his shot with careful aim before letting it fly. He shatters a joint with one shot which causes it to tumble into the abyss below the catwalk.

Ebon winged and skinned humanoids that looked like gargoyles previously take flight as the cacophony of falling bones echoes throughout the chamber. The faceless gargoyles make no sound as they search for the source of the noises while Kodyax climbs down the ladder in an effort to avoid detection. A bridge alights when he approaches that leads out to one of the other columns in the interior that causes Kody some concern.

Kodyax cautiously steps out from the ladder to the lighted walkway and rearms himself with his war sling before venturing out onto the stone sidewalk over the abyss. The faux gargoyles fly overhead and although he hears nothing, Kody still gets the impression that they are using some kind of sense to search for him. A scream draws his attention as he looks up to see a she-wolf get carried off by one of he flying monsters and the then the whole flock of them moves into the mouth of a hallway that is carved to resemble the jaws of some fantastic sea beast.

One gargoyle flies back to try and find somebody else for whatever purpose they have in mind for the bitch. Kodyax takes careful aim and sends a bullet its way with all his might. The first bullet hits it dead center which causes it to hover as if stunned before the second and third bullets come in rapid succession to take it down.

In his mind is concern for the she-wolf for a number of reasons, some altruistic; others less than pure to put it politely. On the one paw she is a damsel in distress in need of a hero and since he's the only person around at present that he can see it falls to him to be that guy. On the other paw she could be cute and if she is worth nothing in ransom she is worth a tumble in the sack if nothing else.

Mixing business with pleasure has been a recipe for disaster, especially when it's the amazon alchemist Karla, the bitch is often competition on missions like this but he often gets her in the end. It would be just like her to come here as well and try to cut him out of the discovery of some choice relic that he could sell to some merchant in the bazaar. Kodyax stops and considers the scream for a moment and it kind of sounded like Karla's kind of scream.

The idea that Karla could owe him big time brings a fiendish grin to Kody's face. Karla has vowed to kill him one day for outright freeing her from slavery after he threw away a small fortune that he won gambling, a sum that included her collar. He released her the next morning after getting his money's worth in tail that evening prior and earned her eternal enmity and affections as he gave her the best night of pleasure she had ever had from a male or a fellow female but her amazon pride demands she murder the bear to fully avenge her situation and the humiliation of being owned for a single evening, even if she actually enjoyed it and would have it again if she could.

In the other pillar Kodyax finds a glowing circle that causes the light bridge he just traversed to disappear once his foot merely touches it. Kody heaves a heavy sigh and shakes his head at the obvious display of magic. The room he now finds himself in is semi lit both by the circle at his feet and a rectangle set into the wall with a dial beneath it. A greeting sounds in his mind and begs him to turn the dial to indicate where he wants to go next as part of the complex's transit system.

As Kodyax contemplates what he wants to do, a journal drops from above that Kody just manages to catch on a reflex. The alphabet used is one that those of the alchemist's trade utilize which is also used by most merchants and shopkeepers to track figures and correspond with one another. Kodyax can barely puzzle out the text but he has had to become somewhat schooled in letters in order to keep the slavers own collar from his own neck.

The hand writing is definitely feminine in nature and intersperse amongst the formulae diagrams are tales of the owner's exploits. Kodyax is surprised to find himself mentioned in many of the lines and learns of the civil war waged within the heart of the journal's mistress. Events recorded in the journal match up with encounters Kody has had with Karla enough for him to surmise that this is Karla's book and it was her that the faux gargoyles carried off.

It takes a few moments for the other details he gleans from the journal to fully sink in and once it does it give him a mixed bag of feelings. Her internal schism gives ammunition to use in dealing with her but he knows he has to be careful about how he utilizes the information. The fact that she needs rescuing is a rather glaringly obvious to him but once he finishes and beds her he's going to have to figure out a way to give her back her book without her knowing that he's read it as that will put him in a position of having to explain himself to a very irate Karla, who can be difficult to deal with even when she has no reason to be cross with him.

Kodyax spins the dial until the cave they flew through with Karla appears and selects that as his destination. A column of purple light forms from the circle and the mental voice bids him enter which Kodyax does reluctantly. However, what the voice doesn't tell Kodyax is that it's a slippery and sharp incline with a greasy substance that is semi sentient in its own right.

Footing for the bear is forfeit from the instant he is dropped into the muck and the mire. Tittering laughter is heard in a truly mocking manner as Kody slips and slides down the tunnel which is disturbingly like an esophagus. But it's the pseudo pods of the ooze entity that really goads Kodyax into a kind of battle frenzy.

Mighty fists pound the ground as the bear vents his frustrations on a very immediate opponent. Splashes of the oily grime scream in pain much to his satisfaction as the slide finally drops him into a pool of sparkling blue water to wash off the dirt of his travels. Unfortunately for Kodyax the situation is not as clear as he might hope for as something stirs in the sandy bottom of the inner grotto.

Rubbery tentacles like that of an octopus replaces the legs of a titanic crab that extends eye stalks to behold potential prey as the bear bends down to take a drink and refresh himself. The sensation of something touching his foot is enough to preempt Kodyax to draw his falcata and look around. It tries to grab his leg with a claw and gets stabbed for its trouble.

It rises out of the water and bellows at Kodyax, the snapping beak displaying a rasping tongue that splits in transformation into a secondary mouth like that of a lamprey. The compilation of such and odd assortment of animal attributes gives Kodyax cause to pause as his mind struggles to hit on a plan of attack to slaughter the creature. A claw strike from the creature is parried by Kodyax with his falcata and countered with his reinforced fist which gives a satisfying crack as it solidly connects.

His blade is poorly suited to crack the shell of the abomination and he knows it too well as his falcata shatters as the thing exerts pressure and twists with is claw. Enraged at the loss of a favored weapon, Kodyax charges the thing and leaps onto its back as a prelude to kneeling there so he can pound his fists to try and crack the shell of the monster. It uses a claw to grab Kody and makes an attempt to crush the bear even as he drives the metal studs enhancing the punishing power of his punches into the chitin of its weaponized appendages.

Scarlet is the hue of the veil that descends over Kody's vision as his blood begins to boil with the rage of battle. Cracking is the sound that responds as a result of his iron shod fists slamming into the claw struggling to constrict the bear and failing to crush the life from his mighty form. If anything the squeezing is acting as a bellows fanning the flame inside.

After the one claw breaks under the bear's relentless assault the monster gets the notion that pursuit of this warrior as a potential meal can only result in its own destruction and armed with this knowledge it tries to withdraw. But the bear is not about to let that happen so soon. It creates a wave to knock Kodyax on his butt as it continues to scuttle to safety.

Denied a victim to avenge the destruction of his sword, Kodyax crawls from the pool and looks around for something to kill. Nothing presents itself but a scream of agony snaps him out of his murderous reverie to remind him of why he came this way to begin with. Along the way he passes an armory with strange looking weapons from which he selects a replacement of his lost falcata.

Ultimately he chooses what he thinks is a battle ax whose business end features twin wing like blades and a sextet of radial spikes on the cap securing it to the wooden haft along with branch like filigree below. He gets an uneasy feeling as he grips the shaft as if the weapon is only too happy to be chosen. Images of an alien landscape fill his thoughts as he makes his way down the barely lit corridor.

If it was not for the fact that he's almost certain to need the weapon Kodyax is about ready to ditch the alien ax and go on without it. Rats with human faces scurry about his feet and mumble things that Kody is not sure is true speech and even if it is he is not sure it he wants to know what they're saying. Just about everything around him is starting to give him the creeps but the fact that he has someone to rescue and the fact that any monsters down here would be only too willing to kill and devour him if he tarried, give him the impetus he needs to press on despite so many of his instincts telling him that turning back right now is the wisest choice.

The sound of whimpering leads him to another chamber with vaunted ceilings and the faux gargoyles hanging from the stalactites like grotesque oversized bats. The floor stretches out as far as the eye can see and is covered with a pink slime like substance from which pink lashed eye stalks, luscious lips and other assorted appendages rise at random intervals and are subsumed into the ponderous mass after a similar period of time. The bear scans the scene for the she-wolf and when he finds her he almost guffaws uncontrollably.

Sandy brown fur with dirty blonde tresses cascading down he back marks the she-wolf as the same Karla Kodyax has availed himself of more than once. Currently she has been stripped completely with her eyes shut as is chained to a stalagmite before the pool of pink slime. Kodyax does his best to sneak up on the pool as unnoticed as he can arrange as paranoia starts to race around in his mind with thoughts that are not entirely recognized as his own mingled with notions he knows are his.

Karla's possessions are piled haphazardly behind her and into her travel pouch Kodyax slips in her journal. Lighting is not exactly a problem as a glow like that of a festival bonfire emanates from the pool itself. As strange as it seems, there seems to be some kind of sentience dwelling within the slime as eves appear to have direction and after a while the gurgling noises seem to acquire the almost coherency of language.

A dilemma presents itself to Kodyax as he examines the situation with an eye towards rescuing Karla. She is situated so that if her bonds are severed she will slide into the slime which he is pretty sure would be a bad thing. However, it would seem that despite the fact that Kody is as massive as he is he has yet to be detected either by the gargoyles or whatever entity is in control of whatever substance the pool is filled with.

Kodyax has no idea what would happen to him if he were to reveal himself and also has no desire to find out. As he stands there watching a worm like creature crawls from the slime and does its best to scurry away before its parent decides to make a snack of it. Initially Kody pays it no mind until it crawls up his leg and under his kilt.

It wriggle itself into his tail hole and it takes all of Kody's self-control not to cry out and reveal himself when a searching pseudo pod extends itself beyond the pool as if groping for the previous escapee. The limb avoids all contact with him and ends up inserting itself into Karla's pussy. She emits a combination of a whine of embarrassment and a groan of pleasure as an eye stalk rises from the slime followed by twin mouths that plant themselves on Karla's breasts and followed by a cone looking appendage that issue coherent speech.

"Not a virgin are you?" The voice from the cone prompts in tiny feminine tone.

"You're just figuring this out?" Karla growls with as much bile as she can work up after being used and abused for the past hour or so.

A ball of spikes is tossed up from the slime and batted into her with tremendous force by a pseudo pods. The blood flows down her body into the protection her abdomen.

"Your blood is different but not enough to cause us indigestion." The voice states with a tone of superiority. "You must be an amazon, but even an amazon can be broken and we shall break you before we sup on your soul."

"I hope you choke on it!" Karla growls.

"Unlikely," The voice responds, "We taste trace elements of lotus powders. You are an alchemist?"

"What if I am?" Karla asks with a hostile tone.

"Then it's too bad you are constrained," the voice boast mockingly, "You might have the means to destroy us." Karla's blue eyes slit with rage as she is held before the pompous pool of putrescence. "After all if you had some of the ruby lotus powder of the phoenix, the orange lotus powder of the salamander, the pearl lotus powder of the angels, the golden lotus powder of the Exalted Ones and the crimson lotus powder of the vampire..." While the voice drones on, Karla can hear the distinctive clinking of someone fidgeting around in her medicine bag.

"Sit tight and play along," Kodyax whispers in Karla's ear, "You have all the reagents she has listed."

"I thought I did," Karla grumbles lowly then realizes to whom she is talking to, "Kody? What are you doing here? You have no training..."

"I do not have much," Kodyax admits in a harsh whisper, "I know enough to recognize powders and mix what needs mixing."

"Oh, just separate my head from my shoulders and be done with it!" Karla orders. "You can't be good for much else; you're only a male after all."

""You so owe me for this," Kodyax growls.

"Since when did you did you acquire a taste for necrophilia?" Karla teases morbidly.

"I can always leave and look for something to sell somewhere," Kodyax warns.

"You wouldn't dare!" Karla growls.

"Is there someone else here?" The voice asks with great annoyance. "Take care of the interloper and drag the body in here!"

The gargoyles descend to try and find the interloper but Kodyax is able to draw his alien ax and decapitate each and every one of them while they have no clue where he is located. Kodyax suspects the ax is somehow making his location a blind spot to some of the creatures in this vault. But while Kody may be hard to find for the entity; it's spawn is not.

A pseudo pod snakes its way to Kodyax as he is mixing the ingredients for the toxic elixir as the worm thing is doing exactly what, Kody would rather not contemplate. It reaches under his kilt and encapsulates his scrotum which causes him to drop what he is doping at its slimy touch on a sensitive part of his anatomy. When the tendril is recalled Kodyax is forced to go along as it has him by the balls quite securely.

Karla giggles as she sees Kodyax led into the slime by the tugging on his family jewels as the beaker he is holding glows a bright scarlet, twinkling in the light of the pool. A powerfully pleasant smell wafts from what he is holding as pseudo pods rise and crash into Kodyax but don't seem to phase him in the slightest. Kodyax feels a slight tingling at his feet from the slime as the speaker cone and the eye that accompanies it turns to him.

"And what do we have here?" The voice challenges in a mocking manner as the eye glares at Kodyax.

"The name is Kodyax!" He announces which would make Karla face palm if her hands were free. "And tonight," Kody says with a self-satisfied smirk as he pours the concoction into the slime, "I am your executioner!"

"FOOL!!" The voice beams. "Vanitos is immortal! We cannot be permanently killed by the likes of you!" The pool starts to lose its luster as it exerts pressure on the sensitive areas of Kodyax and Karla. "You have earned a reprieve from us, nothing more. But your victory will not be so complete nor will it be easy." Karla is released and slides into the slime beneath him as the appendages inside of them dry up and drop down from their bodies. "We have poisoned thee and only by making an offering at theTempleofLifein this very vault will allow you to survive. You have until the last sun rises and its rays strike the master's eye to do this unless you wish to perish here." Karla is pushed under Kody's kilt. "But before we are silence she needs a drink." The voice demands.

Karla has paragraphs of choice words for the entity but her throat constricts so much that licking Kody's scrotum to het his phallus out for to suckle is all she can manage at the moment. Kodyax groans appreciatively as he receives fellatio from Karla even as he knows that part of her that hates him just got one more piece of ammunition to use against him. As she sucks him off the pool dries up enough to reveal a doorway out of the area.

"Happy now!?!" Karla growls after swallowing a load of Kody's cum and can extricate herself from the kilt of Kodyax.

"I don't think it can answer any more," Kodyax says as Karla grabs her gear. "First sun rise is soon, Karla, we need to move."

"Yeah, I know," Karla says with a sigh as she dons her sandals and satches, "It's not like my naked form is foreign to you..."

"Or that I find it offensive," Kody responds with a wink.

"Kody," Karla asks anxiously, "Where did you get that ax? It give me the creeps/"

"I'm not too fond of it right now, either," Kodyax admits, "But it was the best I could find after another thing down here destroyed my falcata."

"The one you won in that tournament to win me?" Karla asks as they move on and he just nods, "I'm sorry, Kody, I know you liked that sword. Where do you think thisTempleis?"

"Somewhere up high I would think," Kodyax returns as they get through the archway to find a huge stone slab that looks like a map of the area, "I think this might help."

"I think you're right," Karla states as she examines it in some detail, "Looks like it's written in at least two languages, neither of which I understand. But it would seem your theory is valid as these symbols," she points to a series of emblems including the tree of life, "are well known for worship centers. And it's almost at the top; no it's at the top of the vault."

"Great, is there a magic circle near here?" Kodyax inquires.

"Magic circle?" Karla asks.

"I found one shortly after they grabbed you," Kodyax explains as Karla gets a look in her eye. "I heard you scream and looked for a way to pursue those things that had carried you off and it transported me to the cave, which was very slippery..."

"Did you slip? Karla inquires in a giggle which he just nods and then she guffaws. "Did you lose your falcata there?"

"No," Kodyax growls as he glares at her, "But it did drop me into a grotto where I met the thing that snapped it."

"Ouch!" Karla replies then goes off and motions for him to follow. "I think I found one."

Karla goes to a raised platform like a miniature ziggurat and manipulates a few dial and the platform takes off. At a certain point the platform stops ascending and a series of other platforms opens before her. She performs a series of acrobatic feats to traverse the distance to theTemplethat makes action video games seem tame in comparison.

"Now that was a workout!" Karla says proudly as she stretches. "That fat bastard, Kodyax could never make that path work for him."

"Fortunately, I don't have to," Kodyax says with a self-satisfied smirk and Karla just stares at him in dumbfounded disbelief, "What took you so long?"

"How!?" She starts to ask before she sees a magic circle behind him. "I hate you!" She growls and punches him in the stomach, which only makes him laugh. "Let's find that altar..." Then she sees a stone bed like altar and the offering becomes crystal clear. "You have got to be kidding me!"

"I think someone up there is looking for us to breed," Kodyax jokes.

"Goddess is apparently looking at me to play the whore or the fool," Karla growls and looks to Kodyax who has his arms folded over his chest. "I'm not saying they're mutually exclusive."

Kodyax chuckles and gives her a chaste kiss before taking off his kilt so she can fondle his package as he fondles her rack. Metaphysically Karla can suddenly perceive a connection to him she did not know existed before. Karla lays down and opens herself to invite him inside of her.

Mystical connections become clear to Karla and what she sees disturbs her as her connection to the life she has always known fade before her own eyes as Kody licks at her tits and rubs his emerging cock head against the entrance to her pussy. A sense of mourning wells up within her as it seems her amazon home and heritage is to be denied her forever more even as Kodyax is being as tender a lover he always has been with her. Her fate is quickly reweaving itself to bind herself to the bear who is giving fucking her just the way she likes to be fucked by him, and even as she is enjoying the interplay of their bodies the rest of what she perceives horrifies her into doing little more than lie there like a doll and letting Kody do whatever he likes to her.

He makes love to her with all his might as enjoys the interplay of their bodies but his senses do not perceive the lines of magic being rearranged around him. But he can feel a bond between him and the she-wolf being forged. As a bear the pack dynamic is foreign to him but deep in his heart a change is taking place so that for her and the sake of whatever relationship they might form together he is willing to try.

The part of her that wants to kill Kodyax splits from Karla as the chamber is flooded with light as the second sun takes to the sky. Something in the light of the sun grabs the piece of soul that split from the whole of the she-wolf and that part of her screams as she is devoured. The rest of Karla remains and the connection between her and Kodyax gets stronger.

Karla and Kodyax fall asleep once he shoots his load inside of her body. The sensation of being wet awakens them from slumber as they gather their belongings and start to swim away as the vault starts to sink beneath the waves of high tide. Beneath the twin moons, bear and she-wolf sigh together as the only thing they recovered from the vault is an ax that nobody in the bazaar will purchase as it looks cursed and neither on wants to keep it as it makes both of them uneasy.

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