The Single Soul: The Invasion (Part 1)

Story by Albirea on SoFurry

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#1 of Old Works

This is my standard disclaimer. This story will feature depictions of violence, scenes of explicit sexual content, or other content meant only for adults. Please do NOT read if you are under the legal age for this content for your area. If you are under age and continue to read this then any legal ramifications that may ensue will fall on you. You have been warned.

Some humans believe that they are NOT the only intelligent life the universe, some even claim to have met some sentient being from another planet, but most of the other humans on planet earth say that, until they see proof to the contrary, we humans are the only sentient beings in the universe. Those that don't believe, or that require proof, are about to get more proof than they ever wanted.


"Can someone tell me what the hell happened!?!" yelled a large wolf as he entered the room. "Why do I have five of scouts in medical getting brought back and one being sent to his family for his final rights!?!"

"Sir, we are still compiling the sensory data from the recon team, so far it appears that all of them were taken down by a single assailant. " said a female mouse from one of the computer terminals.

"A single assailant?"

"So it would seem sir."

"Any reason why there's a dead human on the floor?" asked the wolf as he walked to the body lying on the floor.

The body was that of a human male. Young, maybe mid twenties if that, a lean build, with brown hair and brown eyes. The chest of the corpse had several holes burned through it, clearly the cause of death, and several cuts and gauges as if it was thrown threw a window.

"It was on top of the corpse of one of the scouts, it appears that it went out a second floor window with the scout. The retrieval team thought that it might have been one of the assailants that took down the scouts."

"The retrieval team thinks so, but not you?"

"Sir, like I was saying. We are still compiling the data, but I would bet that that is the only assailant involved."

"She's right father." said a young tiger/wolf hybrid as she walked into the room. "I just finished reviving the other five scouts, and they all say that they were taken down by the same person. Further more, they all claim that their assailant broke through their personal shields with his bare hands."

"That's impossible! Even their primitive weapons can penetrate our shields with enough force to cause any real damage! He would have to... No that's no possible, humans don't have any powers." said the big wolf with a shake of his head.

"Actually sir, it would appear that we've found the first human to have them." said the mouse at the console. "We're done compiling the data now, please look at the monitor."

All heads turned towards the monitor as a video started to play.


The video started with the camera showing five anthros about ready to enter a large wooden door. At an unseen signal from the sixth member of the team they breached the room with weapons drawn.

The humans inside the room cowered away from the team and hid in the corner.

"Check all of the racks and the other levels, now." yelled the as of yet unseen team leader.

"Yes sir!" chorused the other members of the team.

On went to the left and one to the right to check the shelfs as two mounted the stairs to check the second level.

"Don't worry. If you do as we say you'll live long enough to be our slaves, if not... Well, these weapons aren't just for show." said the team leader menacingly.

The two anthros that were making their way around the room were almost to each other when there was a muffled thud followed by a gurgle and a louder thud. The team leader looked up and saw one of his team fall to the ground clutching his mangled throat and heard the other give a shout before there was a terrible cracking noise and he dropped also. The team leader looked over to the other anthro and saw him lying there with his head at an ackward angle, clearly a broken neck, and saw movement deeper into the racks.

"I think we have a problem down here boys." said the leader as he readied his gun and cautiously made his way across the room.

As he went he used all of his senses to try and pick up any trace of what had killed his men, when suddenly to the left there was the sound of clothes rustling. He whirled to his left, shouldered his rifle and fired.

Whatever it was dodged the shot and kept coming at him, and it was coming fast. He quickly backpedaled and kept firing, getting off three more shots before it reached him. Unfortunately all three shots missed and his gun was knocked out of the way before there was a flare as his shield was broken and then his world exploded with pain.

-The camera switches perspectives, and is now looking through the eyes of the second in command on the second level-

The beta heard the leader say that there might be trouble on the first floor and moved to the railing to look down and assess the situation.

He got to the railing just as the leader whirled to his left and opened fire while backing up. He counted four shots before someone very fast shit out from the aisle that the leader had been firing down and knocked the gun out of his hand. The person then slammed their hand through the leader's shield and into his chest with a sickeningly wet crunch.

The leader's now limp corpse skidded part way across the room before coming to rest almost directly beneath one of the other two on the second level with the beta.

At the leader's death both of the other two opened fire on the person on the ground, which was no identifiable as a human male.

The human obviously didn't like being fired upon and sprinted across the room and jumped from the floor to a table top and from there he leapt over the railing and onto the second level.

The anthro nearest the human kept firing while the other two had to cease fire or risk hitting their comrade.

The human sped towards the lone wolf, dodging every round fired by ducking and weaving and even running on the wall for a couple of steps. He then slammed the wolf into the brick wall hard enough to shatter several bricks and then through the wolf over the railing and into empty air.

The human then looked around for his next victim and saw the other two wolves of the level. He took off for the closest of the two and the beta watched in shock as the target dropped his gun and crouched into a ready stance.

The wolf's hand started to shimmer and glow as he started to build up power for something. The wolf had a cocky grin on his face as the human reached him.

The human lunged forwards and the wolf stepped in and under his arm, and slammed his glowing hand into the human's shoulder. There was a flash and a deep thump, and the human was thrown through a bookshelf to land against a wall amid a jumble of books and wood.

The wolf stood back up and turned to the beta "Piece of cake." he said with a smile and a wave.

His moment of victory was short lived as the pile of debris exploded and the human lunged at his back, catching him unaware and unprepared. The human's hand tore through the wolf's back, spraying blood everywhere and knocking the wolf to the side.

The human was obviously hurt now. His breathing hard and fast, his right arm hanging limp, and bleed from several spots where wood from the shelves cut and scraped him. Despite his injuries he started to quickly move towards the beta, quickly getting back up to a run that wasn't as fast as it was moments before.

The beta stepped back and opened fire, hoping that the human was too wounded to dodge and he might get a lucky shit in. The first shot hit the human in his chest on his right side and bore a hole through it with a splatter of blood. The second hit the human in the stomach on the left side and punched yet another hole. The third shot hit the human on the left side of his chest and rebounded, flying off to the side and gouging the wall.

The beta dropped his gun and stepped back into a ready stance. "If offensive won't work, then let's try defensive!" he yelled as he held his arms up in front of him and concentrated his energy into a shield in front of him. The shield started off transparent as glass, but started to build until soon it was a blue screen in between the human and the wolf.

The human hit the shield with a blue flare and was stopped in his tracks. He backed up a few steps, clearly stunned from slamming into the shield. The human shook his head and reached out towards the shield with his left hand and leaned his full weight on the shield, clearly concentrating and trying to catch his breath.

"Ha! Don't like shields do ya?" laughed the beta as he thought be had the human pretty much beat. "Now I just need to figure out a way to hold you sti..."

He was cut off as the human started to push his shield with such force that he was gaining ground as he pushed shield and wolf alike towards the floor to ceiling window behind him, and before the wolf's eyes the human changed.

His eyes snapped open, his lips drew back in a snarl, and his nails dug into the shield. His eyes turned pitch black and pierced the beta to his core. His teeth elongated into the fangs of a predator, fit only to tear and rend flesh. His finger tips darkened and his nails elongated into cruel claws that dug into the shield.

The beta pulled his shield closer to his body and put all the rest of his energy to strengthen it, and as he sagged back against the floor to ceiling window, the human struck.

He leapt forwards and slammed his newly clawed hand into the shield, shattering it like is was no more than a sheet of glass, continued forward and buried his claws into the beta's chest.

The last thing the beta felt was the glass behind him shatter and a fierce cold spreading through his entire body as the human's momentum carried them both threw the window.


Everyone in the room was in a state of shock once the video had ended. The wolf/tiger hybrid was the first to snap out of her trance.

"So now what do we do?" she asked as she turned to her father. "We have to figure out how the human accomplished this and if any others can, that's a given, but what do we do about this human?" she asked while waving her hand at the body.

The wolf was deep in thought for a moment. "His abilities seemed very similar to ours... I wonder if we could bring him back."

"Well, in theory. If his abilities are as close to ours as they appear, then it should work. He wasn't killed with direct power from another, so we can bring him back. Should I try Father?"

"Sure, you go give him a jump and I'll be ready to put him down if need be." said the wolf as he led his daughter across the room to the body.

"Okay." the hybrid knelt down next to the body and placed her hand over his heart. "You ready?" she asked as she looked at the wolf.

"Go ahead, give him a jump and stand back."

"Okay. Here goes."

There was a thud as she sent power into the body, causing it to spasm momentarily. The body then arched it's back to the limit and let out a wordless yell as all of the wounds it had suffered while alive instantly healed and his body came back to life.

The human sagged to the floor breathing heavily and gazing around the room. His haze took in the whole room, resting only momentarily on each anthro before moving on, until it settled on the wolf/tiger hybrid. A look of recognition flashed across his face and he reached a hand out to here, but stopped when he saw that his hand was still furrless.

The human's voice was dry and raspy as he said "This isn't a dream. I'm alive, and you're here." before he passed out with a smile on his lips.

End Part 1