Kauto and MW Race 6 (part 2)

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#2 of MW and Kauto Race 6

Ok, this is up to Qualifying. Bit of violence (which does end pretty funnily) and lots of love :D

As the sun rose over the high hills in the distance and shone through the front windscreen, Maiden and Kauto both opened their eyes and woke up. The wolf had managed to snuggle against Kauto's huge pecs, and suddenly moved back into his seat with a slight blush. 'Oops sorry Kauto.'

'*sniffle* awe why did you move off of me, you're so warm I was comfortable then.'

'Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were happy with me leaning on you.' Maiden then moved back onto Kauto's pecs and hugged him.

'You're not leaning on me at all, you're snuggling heh. I'm surprised you haven't bitten me or anything though in the night hunk.'

'I probably have Kauto, you just didn't feel anything heh. I did keep my mouth shut though so that did help.'

'Yeah but your sabres are nearly 25 inches long and about what, 6 inches thick? How on earth did you not pierce a hole in me?'

'Because it's impossible to pierce your body heh.' Maiden replied as he rubbed the stallions abs and upper body.

'Awe thanks heh. *kiss* Shall we head to the track?'

'Err it's 6 o'clock Kauto, the teams won't be there until 8. We can stay here until then, we can kiss and cuddle for an hour or two.'

'Oh right, ok then lets not waste any time heh.'

The next 2 hours were filled with kissing and warming against each other, making love as much as possible. The huge dogs remained asleep for a while, one on Maiden and the other on Kauto. Maiden was incredibly good at keeping his huge teeth out of the way and not biting his loving stallion. The wolf also squeezed and massaged Kauto's whole upper body, making every muscle relax deeply and also relaxing the large stallion even more. Suddenly Kauto moved down to Maiden's pecs and bit gently into one of his nipples.

'Awe! Kauto not that, Awweee!' Maiden's sensations went through the roof, but somehow he managed to keep his arousals down. Until Kauto bit into his other nipple that is. 'Ngghh Kauto! Ugh, bite harder!' Luckily the area was deserted at the time and nobody had gone past.

'Man you're a tasty woofy, no let me rephrase that, you're a big tasty woofy and you're all mine hehe. *suck*'

'Ugh, Kauto I think I'm going to....................Hnnnnnnnnnnggggggghhhhhh!' Maiden blasted his load like a cannon, but amazingly Kauto had moved his muzzle to the gigantic cock head in time to take in the intense protein fluid like a Hoover. The dogs suddenly woke up and both flicked their ears back, giving a confused look at the two furs.

'Hmm I wonder.' Kauto thought to himself as he looked at Maiden's erect nipples again. Taking a full mouth of seed, Kauto then moved back to the wolf's pecs and blew into each nipple.

'Ahhh what are you doing?!'

'Warming your pecs up. They need pumping up.' After 10 mouthfuls of seed into each pec, Maiden suddenly felt tingly in his chest.

'Mmmmmmm wow that feels so nice and warm. Oh my god.' his chest suddenly bulged and tightened. Kauto put his large hands over the rocky upper body of Maiden and squeezed as hard as possible.

'Holy mother! How hard are they wolfie. I can't even squeeze them anymore.'

'Hehe. God that felt amazing, I would say can you do it some more but I would get really huge in the chest haha.'

'You already are hunk. And you're pecs are like metal armoured plates. Your sabres are on the verge of digging into them.'

'I can adjust my jaw slightly so they'll go inside.'

'But they're..............enormous, how do you expect them to fit?' Suddenly Maiden clicked his jaw bone so his sabres were in the correct position to slide inside his bottom jaw. 'Aahhhhh don't do that hunk you'll break it.'

'It's ok Kauto, I've got a different kind of jaw bone so I can move it slightly. Actually saying that I can move it quite a bit *crack*'

'OH GOD NO! please don't do that!'

'*click, crack*'


'*Click, crack, crunch*'

'Oh for F**K SAKE! F*** That! See you later.' Kauto opened the car door and stormed off down to the Speedway entrance which was open and had a few racing teams going into the pit lane garages.

'Kauto! I'm sorry buddy!' The large stallion, turned around and put a hand up to Maiden before walking into the track. 'I wasn't doing it on pur.........oh what am I saying I was doing it on purpose. Well done Maiden you complete asshole, why do you do these things. Your best friend gives you an amazing night as usual, and even helps you wake up properly for the morning and that's how you repay him.' Maiden leaned his head back against the chair and gave an angry huff before he looked at the dogs and gently stroked them. 'Huuhhhhh what should I do guys. I'm always doing something stupid in front of Kauto when he doesn't need it. I mean yesterday I shout at him and then leave the house, on the plane I almost bite him and now I keep snapping my jaw when he obviously hates it.' Suddenly one of the dogs began nosing something behind the steering wheel. 'What is it boy?' Maiden said as he stroked the dogs head. 'Oh god Kauto's left the keys in, well noticed heh. Ok lets go to the track then.' Maiden moved the dogs into the passenger seat and squeezed behind the wheel before heading into the track to find Kauto and the others. His chest was now touching the steering wheel and made it difficult to manoeuvre the car. 'Ok Maiden, stop being an absolute idiot and think about things before you do them.' He drove through the entrance and kept reminding himself to not be an arse. Suddenly he noticed Kauto standing next to a food stand, with a drink in his hand. He stopped next to the stallion and got out. Kauto turned around and looked at Maiden with his ears folded and his eyes looking at the floor. 'Are you ok Kauto? Look I'm sorry about earlier.'

'Oh no it's ok, I'm sorry for walking off and leaving you. You were only teasing me, come on lets go to the pits. Oh here you go wolfie, I got you a drink.'

'Oh thanks buddy. Man it's so quiet around here at the moment. We might have to find something to do for a little while hunk heh.' Maiden jumped in the passenger side with the dogs on him, and Kauto squeezed in the drivers side before they headed to the car park and stopped the car once again. They walked to the pits with the dogs not on a leash. 'Man these guys are so calm and well behaved.'

'Yeah they are.' Kauto replied moodily.

'Err are....you o..k Kauto?' Maiden asked feeling slightly nervous at the angry looking horse. Kauto's nostrils suddenly flared out hugely, and the black stallion started walking towards the bunch of punks in the small stand opposite the car park. 'Kauto what's wrong hunk?'

'One of those tossers just threw a can at us.'

'Did they?'

'Yeah that one.' Kauto said as he picked up a full can of fizzy drink which was spitting out the fluid slightly. The large black horse suddenly squeezed the can, causing it to explode in his hand before he walked very angrily towards the stands. 'OYE! Punks get down here now!'

'Kauto what are you doing?' Maiden shouted as he chased after Kauto. The punks in the stands looked at Kauto with a laughing grin, before they started strutting down towards him.

'Oh look guys, it looks like we have an angry looking horsey here hahaha.' Not realising how big the angry looking horsey was from the top of the stands, they soon regretted their comments and flung from the seen. But they weren't quite quick enough, Kauto grabbed the mouthy one in front as they ran through the circuit wall to the infield and held him up nearly 15 feet in the air.

'Kauto, put him down. You'll get us in trouble.'

'shit!' The punk reacted as he saw the huge teeth of Maiden and feared for his life.

'Shut it punk! Maiden, he's the one that f***** threw that can at us. And he's just mouthed off to me, didn't you!' Kauto's eyes widened, his teeth gritted and his grip tightened on the punks t-shirt. Maiden also began to get very nervous about Kauto getting increasingly angry and raising his voice so much. But he did understand why his passionate friend was almost strangling the annoying punk.

'Oh he was, was he.' Maiden walked up to the side of Kauto and pulled the punk towards him. 'Right you listen here punk, don't you ever f****** throw a can at us again or you're going to regret everything you've ever done. Now unless Kauto has anything planned for you, I would follow your idiot friends and skid addle or you won't be seeing them again. Got it!'

'Yeee....yes sir.'

'Good!' Kauto furiously said as he dropped the punk to the floor. He scrambled down the track and ran off to the infield. 'Oow I was so ready to give him a pummelling. I've got say though, the only reason why I didn't was because of what you said to him heh. Thanks for saying that hunk.'

'He's actually lucky that I didn't encourage you. But after what happened earlier in the car, I'm trying to remind myself to think about things more instead of jumping in like a house on fire.'

'Oh right, well you did well with that hunk heh. Come on we need to get to the pits and meet the others.' They walked back across the track, trying to calm each other down and headed through the infield to the pits. As they reached the pit lane Kauto noticed a few friendly stares coming from each garage. He gave a smile and a kind nod to everyone before they reached their pit garage where they found only Frank working hard in the back looking at the data screens. 'Hay Frank, do you know where everyone is?'

'Hi Kauto, The pit crew will be here in a few minutes and Falcon and Ring Eye are having breakfast with a female wolf friend of there's.' Frank replied without looking at them.

'Oh ok, thanks Frank we'll see you later. Well, it looks as though they're enjoying each others company heh, shall we go and find them?'

'Yeah ok.' They headed back down the pits and up to the catering area were they found the others having breakfast together. Maiden placed his huge hands around Falcons eyes. 'Guess who.'

'Whey! Hi guys, holy shit!' Ring Eye shouted as he turned and looked at Kauto and Maiden. 'God how much fun have you guys had heh, and Jesus Maiden how big are your teeth.'

'Wow honey they're fabulous.' Ula also commented.

'Awe thanks Ula. That answers your question Kauto heh.'

'Heh yeah.'

'What questions that Maiden?' Ula asked.

'Oh Kauto wondered how you might react when you saw me. He thought you might be a little scared or shocked.'

'Oh I'm not scared, you look even more fantastic honey. And your fur is so thick and long.' Ula moved closer to Maiden and ran her hands over the very thick fur over his large pecs before rubbing her face against them 'have you not cut it recently?'

'Oh err well no not really. You see me and Kauto came down in a private jet and had a err..........seed bath *cough*'

'A seed bath, Oow that sounds really nice. It looks like it's done a whole lot a good for you two, you look great. And a private jet eyy, who's getting fancy hehe.' Ula said as she hugged and stroked Maiden and Kauto.

'Oh it's so nice heh. Oh and err we've kinda bought us all a Private Jet as well.'

'You what?' Falcon asked.

'Oh sorry that was a bit sudden, me and Kauto thought it would be a great idea if we bought a private jet for everyone, we can travel to race venues and around the world. And we get our own pilots so we'd all be together heh.' Maiden explained with Ula stroking and nosing his pecs while also rubbing his sabre teeth.

'Awe wow, that's fantastic. Have you got any pictures?' Falcon asked.

'Err yeah hang on.' Maiden got out his Ipad from his bag again. 'Oh god I forgot about this. Hay guys close your eyes.'


'Everyone close your, not you Kauto you know what it is. Falc close your eyes haha.'

'Oow hehe this should be good.' Kauto said. Maiden opened the case up and held the Senna helmet in his hands.

'Ok guys open them.' Everyone opened their eyes and looked at Maiden in shock.

'OMG! Maiden is that.........' Falcon said in pure shock.

'Yes, it's a Senna Helmet. From 1990.'

'Awe man, that's absolutely awesome. Why did you buy it?' Ring Eye asked.

'Well we both fell in awe with it in Norfolk heh. Do any of you guys want to wear it for racing?' Kauto asked. Maiden gave the large horse a discerned look.

'Kauto are you kidding we can't wear this, if it gets ruined we're stumped.' Maiden commented.

'Yeah, Kauto you've bought a replica of a racing legends helmet. We should keep it in a case and store it on a mantle piece back at Maiden's mansion.' Falcon also commented in agreement with Maiden.

'Yeah you're right, I don't why I even said that heh.'

'Haha, you big softy. Shall we have breakfast or are you not hungry hehe.'

'Na I've had my breakfast this morning haha. It was a nice big one as well hehe. We'll take a walk and see you at the pits guys, man Frank's working his ass off down there.' Kauto said.

'Is he, hay Falc we better get down there he might want our help.' They finished breakfast and dashed down to the pits leaving the others in the cafeteria.

'So Ula, where are you this morning during practice?' Maiden asked.

'Oh I'm in the pit area, I'm no longer in the stands, as there's nobody here at the moment heh, and they've given me a good chance to do some commentary. I'm covering the qualifying session tomorrow.' Ula said with a huge smile.

'Awe no way, that's fantastic. Congratulations Ula I'll be listening in with anticipation heh.' Maiden said as he hugged Ula with Kauto.

'Yeah well done Ula, you'll be great on the mic heh.'

'Thanks so much guys. Mmmmmmmmmmm.' They hugged and stroked for a few minutes before they headed out of the cafeteria to the pits. 'I'm down here for today guys so I'll be popping to see you quite often and may interview you hehe.'

'Awe you won't will you?' Kauto asked nervously.

'Maybe hehe. Don't worry you might not be live.'

'Might?' Maiden replied.

'Well I'm not sure, you could be heh. I'll ask some easy questions and have a general discussion with you guys so don't worry.'

'Ok, we'll try to be calm heh. I bet you'll be wanting to interview Falc after last season.'

'Yeah, I want to ask him a few questions heh. Well Practice is on in half an hour I'll need to get ready and well I might see you in a little while honey heh.'

'Ok Ula *kiss* good luck heh'

'Thanks, I'll see you later Kauto *kiss*'

'Ok, have fun Ula.' As Ula left them, Kauto and Maiden walked slowly back to the pits with the dogs and prepared for Practice 1. Falcon and Ring Eye were working endlessly with Frank on the car, to make sure everything inside was right for them. While the pit crew began fitting tyres and sorting out the set up of the car. The two tall hunks sat behind the TV screens on the pit wall and watched some of the cars go out as the flag dropped for the session. 'Man, I've been waiting for this for ages heh.'

'Hay guys, do you fancy doing the speaking to the drivers, I'm kind of busy right now.' Frank said as he walked over.

'Err sure Frank' Maiden replied while he and Kauto stroked the dogs who were lying on them.

'Oh my god, what's happened to you two?'

'Haha, just a bit of working out and little fun.' Kauto replied.

'Oh...right. Well do a good job for me won't you.'

'Of course, don't work too hard Frank, enjoy the weekend won't you see you later. Well Falc, Ring Eye, it looks as though we're going to be talking to you over the radio today haha.' Kauto said to the two drivers as they headed around on a slow lap.

'Awe fantastic, that's encouraged me a little heh. Is Maiden there?' Falcon asked.

'Hehe yeah I'm here, lets have a good weekend eyy guys.'


'Ok then, lets blitz this weekend and show everyone we mean business heh.'

'Bloody hell Maiden, you're getting a little bit competitive there haha.'

'Well you know, I want us to win this thing. We obviously have the pace now so why can't we win heh. Yeah, come on lets fire everyone up and go for it.'

'Shall we save that for Qualifying and the race though hunk, this is only practice heh.'

'Yeah but you can get the most out of the car in practice and it'll be perfect for qualifying. Now is there anything you need to be working on to get any better?'

'Err yeah I think the team wanted to help Falc out, because he likes an incredibly twitchy car but it won't let him have that kind of set up. Even though he won the last race, he wasn't as happy about the suspension set up.'

'Well let Falcon do a few laps now, and then what you should do is get as much information from him about the car. I know you do that already, but you need to make sure you cover as much about the car as possible.'

'Man you can tell you know a lot about this kind of thing heh. Ok did you here that Falc?'

'Yeah, how many laps do you reckon I should do?'

'What do think Maiden?' Kauto asked.

'Well I know this is NASCAR and it's totally different from Touring Cars, but what we do generally is send the car out on a neutral set up like Falc's got now and do about 10 laps and then come back in to change things.'

'Shall we give that a go do you reckon?'

'You can do, I don't know whether it'll work but you have got 3 practice sessions to try things out.'

'Ok, well Falc you heard all that right heh. Ok Ring Eye, are you happy at the moment?'

'Yeah you know I like a more neutral set up so you probably won't have to do too much until Qualifying.'

'Ok buddy, we'll keep in touch.' The two drivers raced around completing ten laps each and produced average lap times with cold tyres and returned to the pits.

'Wow you two are really good on the radio, it's really helpful knowing you two are really passionate about things heh.' Ring Eye commented.

'Well it's good to know your team has two fantastic drivers heh.' Maiden said as they shook hands before the two drivers quickly worked with Frank and the pit crew to change the set up for them. Falcon's car was swiftly change to make it extra twitchy at high speed while Ring Eye's had no major change. They went back out and did another 15 laps. There lap times consistently lowered over each lap until they returned to the pits almost 1 hundredth of a second apart, with Ring Eye leading Falcon. The rest of the session, the car set ups were constantly changed to get the most performance. By the end, both drivers were inside the top 6, with Ring Eye in 6th and Falcon in a fantastic 3rd, 2 tenths quicker than his team mate.

'Man, Falc you've really sped up your racing lately haven't you heh.' Ring Eye said.

'Heh, yeah ever since you gave me a few pointers around the track at Daytona. It really helped me out.' Suddenly Maiden noticed Ula walking down the pit lane with a Camera fur behind her and a microphone in her hand.

'Oh god Ula's coming with a camera. Prepare yourself guys heh.' Maiden said feeling nervous. Ula walked towards him and carefully kissed the nervous wolf.

'Hi honey, don't worry that wasn't on tele heh, he was facing towards the garage. How are you doing?'

'Oh it's going great, Falc's in third and Ring Eye's in 6th.'

'Oh well done. Hay honey give us a smile, you're live heh.'

'Oh god.'

'Just explain what you're doing for this session and the next one Maiden.'

'Err.....well we're basically getting the set ups done for both drivers and we'll be working our socks off ready for qualifying tomorrow heh.'

'Fantastic, so what kind of a result are looking for from Qualifying and the race on the Sunday?'

'Well depending on how well our set up changes go in practice, we could be looking at a very good result for the race. We have great pace and generally just need to find the perfect set up for both of our drivers.'

'And Kauto, hi err where do you think you could finish in the race? Do you reckon a win could be on the cards again after the previous result at Daytona?'

'Oh err well it'll be very difficult no doubt. But err if I think there is a good possibility of a win happening for both drivers. They're both very quick and are in good form. So we'll have to wait and see.'

'Ok thanks guys.'

'Phew man that was a bit nervy heh.' Kauto said.

'Haha you did well guys.'

'Thanks, you did well with the questions heh. Are you off now or staying for a while?' Maiden asked.

'I'm stopping for now until the next session in 20 minutes. So I'll hang around.'

'Ok that's good, me and Kauto are going for little walk and then coming back here again. Come with us won't you.'

'Yeah of course woofy.' Ula said as she once again moved to Maidens bulging warm pecs and hugged up to him. After a 15 minute walk, they returned to the pits before Ula left again for the commentary and Maiden and Kauto jumped back on the radio with the dogs again on them. Practice 2 went by with no drama and both drivers had improved their times to finish 3 and 5 with Falcon in 3rd and Ring Eye in 5th.

'You seem to be a little bit quicker than me at this meeting Falc, great driving out there buddy.'

'Thanks man. I have changed the set up a hell of a lot since the beginning of the season. I don't if it makes a difference but my set up incredibly aggressive. Yours is very neutral, and stable. Have you though about having a slightly more aggressive style?'

'Well I have but I don't usually like an aggressive set up, I find it more difficult to get my lines around the track. I wonder sometimes how you even manage to post times and stay on the track with your set up heh.'

'Well I always have to be able to feel every part of the car and I can't do that unless the car is really twitchy and has an aggressive set up. I've had throughout my whole short career heh. That's kind of why I can't wait to get into Formula 1 if we do.'

'Formula 1? OH GOD! We are meeting the Toyota team in about 10 minutes...shit!' Ring Eye suddenly ran over to Maiden and Kauto who were chatting on the pit lane to explain.

'You what Ring Eye, why didn't you say anything earlier?' Maiden asked.

'I totally forgot. We'd better get going they'll be waiting for us.' Kauto and maiden took the headsets off and held the dogs up in their arms before everyone dashed to the cafeteria for there important chat. Luckily Ula was tied up with problems with the commentary.

'Ok there they are guys.' Ring Eye said as he peered through the glass into the cafeteria. 'Lets be professional about this right, were here to get a place in Formula 1 and we don't want anyone overhearing our conversations. This is a serious matter and we must pay attention all the way through ok. And these lovely guys will behave won't they?' A very serious Ring Eye commented.

'Yeah, if they ask any difficult questions, we'll talk through them together.' Kauto opened the door and everyone walked in nervously into the empty café before being greeted by the Toyota workers. Everyone sat down and the discussions began.

'Ok guys, we won't try to put any pressure on you. This is just quick, clean negotiations for everyone. First of all, Ring Eye did you find a second driver?'

'Err yeah, this is Falcon. He's my team mate right now in NASCAR.'

'Oh right, hello Falcon. Ok we have the two drivers, have you managed to find the sponsors you'd need?'

'Yes, these two hunks here have agreed to help us out. This is Maiden and this is Kauto.'

'Hello there, you guys are happy with the amount of money you will need to pay every year?'

'Err can we just have a quick reminder?' Maiden asked.

'Yeah sure, you'll need to provide your two drivers and the team with 2 million pound for the next 3 seasons. As this is the contract offer for them.'

'Ok that's pretty good. It's not bad that is it Kauto?'

'No it's perfect.'

'Ok great, well that's really all we needed to know from you. We'll give the contract offer now, so you can read through and have a proper think about things and get back to us within the next 5 weeks.' 'Ok thanks a lot.' Everyone shook hands with Kauto and Maiden being extra careful and left the cafeteria to the pits.

'Ugh god, that was intense. But.....it looks like we're in formula 1 next season heheeee.' Kauto said in delight.

'Yes! Ring Eye have a look at how much they're offering you two.'


'Is it good?' Falcon asked.

'Err..........1.3 million pounds each.' Ring Eye looked up at Falcon and gave a blunt face with Falcon returning the same face. Slowly, a large smile appeared from them both, before turning into a grin and then a bunch of hollers.

'Oh my god really?!'

'Yeah see.'

'Awe give us a hug heh.' The two drivers warmed each other in congratulations, before Kauto and Maiden joined in wrapping there hugely developed arms around them. The dogs also joined in by leaning against there large legs. Kauto then headed to the radio area to pick up his Ozzy glasses.

'Wow this is fantastic. Lets finish up then and go and celebrate a little.....................Huh?' Kauto said as he got a tap on his bulging shoulder. *THWACK!!!* A thunderous hit was taken by Kauto to his abs. 'ugh' *THWACK!!* Another hit was taken to his back.

The punks from earlier had returned and the mouthy git that they rustled up lunged in with 2 heart pounding blows to Kauto with a baseball bat while the other smacked him on his back with a thick plank of wood. As the second whack was taken by the black stallion, the bat and wood both snapped in two. Suddenly Kauto burst into anger and rage. 'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING! I TOLD YOU TO FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!' Maiden and the others turned to face them and quickly ran over. But immediately jumped back in fright as Kauto grabbed the snapped bat and plank along with the two punks in front of him. 'YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET THAT MISTAKE!'

'Err............Kauto........hunk don't.....' Maiden said trying to squeeze out his words. Kauto started walking briskly down the empty pits with the two punks struggling to breath under his vice grip, Maiden slowly walked after him feeling nervous as hell but also feeling slightly confused. The raging stallion placed them down hard onto the track wall keeping his firm grip on both of them. 'RIGHT, LET ME REMIND YOU TWO PUNKS. I TOLD YOU THAT IF YOU DID ANYTHING ELSE TO ME OR MAIDEN, YOU WOULDN'T BE SEEING EACH OTHER AGAIN. WELL GUESS WHAT I'M IN NO FUCKING MOOD TO LET IT DROP.' Grabbing them both by the collar, Kauto flipped them upside down before grabbing the snapped bat and shoved each part up both punks asses.


'Oh.....my god! Kauto!!!...........hunk calm down please!' Shoving the bat up the punks as far as possible, the stallion then launched them both across the track, giving them severe burns to there butt cracks.

'Aaaahh aaahh aaahhhhhaaaaahahaaaa!!!!!!!' Both punks tried to swiftly run to the infield but couldn't stand up and instead jumped awkwardly towards the exit gate and out of the speedway. Kauto quickly launched the snapped plank at them as they left, connecting with one of the punks in the ass before he started yelling and shrieking intensively at the track wall. Maiden suddenly sprinted to him.

'Kauto, Kauto it's alright hunk UGH!' The stallions rage had caused him to swing his arm and connect with Maiden's neck causing him to fall to the floor in pain.

'Awe shit, Maiden! Are you alright?! I am so sorry.' Kauto quickly moved down to the hurt wolf and helped him up.

'What did you do that for?!' An angry Maiden shouted, adjusting his jaw so his sabres hung out.

'AHH Don't bite me! I didn't mean to *sniffle*, I was in rage with those fucking punks. Please forgive me Maiden *sniffle* Are you ok?' Kauto asked with tears in his eyes as he moved to look at the wolf's sore neck.

'No that bloody hurt Kauto, you shouldn't swing your arms around, especially you of all furs. *snap*'

'Ah! You're going to bite me aren't you?' Kauto asked nervously.

'What?! No of course not, my neck hurts that's all.'

'Oh, can you forgive me for that woofy? Please.'

'Yeah, yeah forget it *kiss* come on hunk tell me, why did you go insane?'

'I got smashed with a baseball bat and a plank of wood by those two punks.'

'They what! Where did they hit you?'

'Err three times on my back and twice in my stomach I think.'

'Awe no way, well no wonder you swung and hit me in anger. Are you ok hunk?' Maiden moved to Kauto and hugged him, feeling worried all of a sudden for the poor horse.

'I'm fine' Maiden rubbed his back and then gently on the stallions abs.

'There aren't any marks Kauto, just a few small rustles in your fur were they hit you, and it feels warm. Well you feel warm anyway heh.'

'Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm thanks Maiden for not hitting me back or anything.' Kauto said while still hugging and stroking.

'I would never hit you buddy, you know I'm trying to remain as calm as possible and think things through. I can't hit you Kauto you're my best mate, and I love you so much that I'd never feel sorry for myself ever again if I hit you. Oh and hunk, well done, good use of a broken baseball bat there haha.'

'*sniffle*' The huge horse burst into tears over Maiden's shoulder. 'I love you woofy.'

'I love you too Kauto. *kiss* shall we head back before this place shuts up for the day hunk?' Maiden asked as he wiped Kauto's tears away.

'*sniff* yeah I think we'd better. I'm surprised no one has noticed us though heh.'

'There's no one here today, just the odd spectator and the pit crew and teams who have basically left already straight after Practice 2. Come on then, we're staying with Ula and the others tonight in the motor home. Saying that what happened to Ring Eye and Falc?'

'I think they went into the garage and had to work on a few things.' Kauto explained. They walked back to the pits to find their team being the only one left working on the car. 'What's up Frank?'

'Oh nothing, we thought we'd get a little bit of work done till this evening so we're fully ready for tomorrow.'

'Don't stress yourselves out though will you.'

'Oh we're only doing small little niggles on them so everything is perfect for Falc and Ring Eye during Qualifying. Everyone is really upbeat after what you said down the radio before Maiden heh.'

'Oh ha.'

'Well you guys can go, we've nearly finished here. Oh and about that contract for next year, moving to Formula 1, take it guys.'

'Are you sure Frank? You guys are happy about moving to a different series and working with a bigger team.'

'Yeah we all are, we've had our own discussions and think it's the best for everyone involved here. I know Maiden you've only just joined us, but we've been here in NASCAR for the best part of five years. We could do with a new challenge.'

'Well at least we know now that everyone is happy about it heh. Ok Falc, Ring Eye were off now. Huh, oh hay Ula.' Kauto said as he turned around.

'Hay guys, sorry I got hung up in a few things for tomorrow.'

'Oh don't worry, we were going to come and look for you, but no need to now heh. Shall we head out?' Maiden asked.

'Yeah sure, I heard you guys have sorted out the contract or something for next year, well done.'

'Oh we haven't actually signed it yet, but we will be very soon. Lets go, we're celebrating in Vegas tonight hehe.'

'Oow goody.'

'We are?' Kauto asked.

'Yeah, to celebrate our recent fortunes heh.'

'Oow well count me in, no drinking though.'

'What? Kauto none of us drink, why did you bring that up?'

'I don't know, sorry it's just I had a friend once who loved drinking loads and I one night he had so much, I couldn't take it anymore and left him in the middle of a remote city heh.'

'Hahaha, well you know how much I despise alcohol and any kind of drug for that matter. Well except our seed perhaps heh, but that's a different kind of, lets not say drug, it's a loving remedy hehe.'

'Hehe yeah I forgot sorry.'

'Its ok, come lets go or we'll never get to Vegas if we keep chatting away here.' Falcon and Ring Eye came out of the garage and they all headed off to the car park. They fitted the Gumpert into the Motor home and drove out of the Speedway and headed for Vegas. Ula parked the beastie vehicle and everyone walked along the strip. 'Come on lets go in the MGM and have a large poker game guys. I know you two don't like gambling, like Chet. But err can you join us for tonight so we can all enjoy ourselves.'

'Err, ok I suppose we can eyy Falc?'

'Yeah, ok lets go in heh.' 'Would you like me to deal for you guys?' Ula asked.

'Don't they have there own dealers inside?' Maiden replied.

'Yeah but you can also have your own dealer.'

'Oh ok, that's even better then heh.' They headed inside and found the place to be absolutely heaving with racing fans. 'Oh my god, look at this place. We're going to have some fun tonight eyy.'

'Yeah haha.' Suddenly Ring Eye and Falcon had a fan walk up to them. (a racing fan not a blowing fan lmao)

'Hay aren't you Falcon, who won at Daytona?'

'Err yeah.'

'Awe wow, I'm a huge fan of yours. Oh god, you're Ring Eye aren't you.'

'Err yes.'

'Wow, I can't believe I'm meeting you two. After what happened at Daytona I've really started supporting you guys even more. And practice went well today, good job.'

'Hey thanks man.' Ring Eye replied graciously to the fan in front of him. Suddenly the smaller wolf turned towards Kauto and jumped back.

'Oh my eyes, are you Kauto? And err wait a second, you're Maiden from the touring cars. Wow, nice to meet you. God you're huge.' The fan said as he held out his hand as a gesture.

'Wow how did you know Maiden mate?' Kauto asked as he shook hands.

'I remember seeing him a few months or so ago in Spain at Barcelona. I was in the stands and he was on the track talking to an interviewer and you came up on the Jumbo tron.'

'Oh right, well I'm surprised you remembered his name heh.'

' icon_redface.gif I hate those big screens haha.'

'You've changed so much since then though. You're bloody massive and I do love those teeth of yours heh.'

'Haha, thanks.'

'CHRIST!' The racing wolf fan reacted as Maiden opened his jaw and revealed his monstrous sabres, after readjusting his jaw in the Motor home.

'Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you.'

'Oh no that's ok, I just jumped slightly when you opened your mouth heh. Open them up again Maiden, lets have a proper look.' The coloured wolf opened his jaw as wide as possible and flexed his traps slightly, making them bulge up high.

'S**T!' Kauto reacted.

'Bloody hell! Man they're amazing.'

'Hehe thanks.'

'So what are you guys doing here? Are you having a fun night out?'

'Yeah we came in for a little celebration that's all. Care to join us?' Maiden asked.

'Err sure I'd love to thanks. Are you playing poker at all?'

'Yeah, we're having a very large game between us all. And we may enter the tournament at 6.'

'Oh fantastic, what blinds are guys playing?'



'Yeah ok, seen as we're celebrating heh.'

'500 dollar blinds! Jeez how much money do you guys have?'

'Sshhh please, don't belt that out will you. Come on lets have our game, this is Ula by the way.'

'Hi, aren't you the new commentator this season?'

'Yeah hehe.'

'Oh well good luck I know it's a hard job heh. Aaahh what was that?'

'Oh don't worry, it was our dogs, they kind of like you heh.'

'Holy cow, they don't bite do they.'

'No, no. They're cute and cuddly, aren't you hehe.' Kauto picked them both up and nuzzled with them before everyone sat at a table while Maiden got the chips. The dogs sat on Kauto's lap and got warmly stroked by the large horse before Maiden returned with an incredible amount of chips. 'Man I'm glad these chairs are strong heh.'

'Hehe yeah, they need to be. Ok here you go everyone, there's half a million chips each haha. Not bad 500,000 chips for 60 dollars.'

'Jeez that is a good offer. Here you go Maiden you have Axle and I'll have Diesel.' Kauto said as he moved one of the dogs to the wolf's seat.

'Axle and Diesel, have you just come up with those names Kauto?'

'Haha yeah.'

'Wow, they're great names. Well Axle's mine and Diesel's yours then heh, *nuzzle*' After picking Axle off the seat and sitting down, Ula dealt the cards and the game began. The evening wore on with large pot winning for everyone and even another Royal Flush, but this time Falcon was the lucky winner. 2 hours went by and the casino was getting ever more busier with racing fans flocking inside. 'Man this place is getting awfully busy heh!'

'Yeah! Haha, the tournament is about to start, shall we enter it.'

'Yeah if you want! I'll go and put our names forward.' Maiden replied before he walked with Axle in his arms to drinks bar to put everyone's name down for the Texas Hold Em tournament. 'Thanks.' He walked back to the table and sat down. 'Done.' _____________________________________________________________ As the tournament started, 60 racing fans jumped in the seats around the poker tables and began betting. Kauto and Maiden still held the dogs warmly in their arms on the same table, while Falcon and Ring Eye had moved to a different table. Ula remained as the dealer on the table and Maiden betted first with a pair of 8's, Kauto followed suit with a Jack and Queen of clubs. The betting carried on until the flop was revealed, a 9 of hearts, an 8 and a 2 of hearts. Betting continued until the next card was drawn. Ace and another 2 meaning Maiden had a full house, nobody on his table had anything worthwhile and all folded leaving Maiden with the 2000 pot.

The game carried on until the last 2 were left, Kauto and Maiden. 'Hmm not bad hunk heh. Are you still going strong?' Maiden asked.

'I'm doing great, how about you?'

'Fantastic, were in the last what 20 and we both have the best part of a million chips heh. I think we're all moving onto one big table now, lets go.' They moved onto the final table, with the other 18 fur including Ring Eye and Falcon. 'Oh hay guys, you've managed to reach the last 20 well done.'

'Haha thanks Maiden, we only have a hundred thousand left though so it'll be hard to go much further.'

'Well you've got this far so keep going. Me and Kauto have just been enjoying ourselves and don't really care if we lose heh, but at the moment we've won quite a lot. Sometimes we're actually kissing each other hehe and the dogs have been having a little suckle on us.'

'Oow you sneaky furs, I bet they love your tasty nipples heh. Well good luck don't thrash us too much will you?'

'It makes us feel rather horny hehe. No we'll try our hardest not to have a good game.' Once everyone had sat down, the final flow of games were played. Kauto and Maiden sat in the middle the two drivers with Ula in the middle of them all just watching while the dogs bit once again into the large horse and wolf's chest. 'Oooww man that feels so nice.' Maiden gave Axle a warm hug and looked at his cards. 'Ooow look Axle hehe two aces.' Maiden very quietly said to the dog who looked up to him and gently licked him before leaning back against the wolf's huge pecs like a pillow. Diesel meanwhile had fallen asleep on Kauto.

Two hours into the game, there were 6 furs left. Amazingly Falcon and Ring Eye had managed to make it to the last six with 125,000 chips left each while Kauto had blitz the night and had knocking on 2 million chips. Maiden had won his fair share and had 1.4 million chips. The other two furs on the table only had 40,000 chips each and really couldn't be bothered much longer. 'Wow this has been a fantastic evening heh.'

'Well it's not over yet hunk, the best part is still to come. Lets go crazy with the betting now.'

'Ok haha.' The next deal was started and the initial bets were placed. 'Hmm what do you reckon we have Axle? Oooww wow' Maiden had received another pair, but this time he had a pair of Queens. Ring Eye had a pair of Jacks while Falcon had a pair of 10's. The flop was dealt and immediately a Queen and a King had appeared with a 10. Maiden was happy with his chances and started off with a four thousand bet. Kauto called along with the rest of the table. The pot was 26 thousand chips including initial bets. The next card was drawn and a Jack appeared. The bet was on Kauto who put down 20,000 chips. Maiden gave a smile and raised to 40,000, making the two racing fans go all in. Falcon called but Ring Eye suddenly went all in with 115 thousand. 'Bloody hell Ring Eye haha.' Maiden laughed.


'What's wrong with that Maiden?' Kauto asked.

'Nothing hunk, it was just a surprise that was all.'

'Well guess what so is this, I'm going all in as well hehe'

'WHAT!' Maiden suddenly looked around the table and his cards. 'Damn, what do you think Axle hehe.' The amazing wolf dog gave another lick signalling for the wolf to gamble all his chips. 'Are you sure? *lick* Hahaha, Ok this is on you though Axle heh. Ok I call, I'm all in.'

'Jeez, well may as well join in, all in.' Falcon said. The pot was now 3.69 million chips. The last card was dealt and a.............................King appeared. 'Oooww a full house how about that Axle hehe. Maiden hugged the dog again and the cards were shown.

'I have nothing.' One fan said.

'Me neither.' The other followed.

'I have a full house with 10's and Kings hehe.' Falcon said in a cheery voice.

'Ha guess what me too but with Jacks and Kings. Hahaha beat you hehe.' Ring Eye said as he teased Falcon.

'Awe damn. You annoying little sod haha.'

'Err guys I think you'll find neither of you have won, I have three Queens and two Kings hahaha.'

'Maiden! You doosh, why did you have to do that haha.'

'Hehe, Kauto what do you have hunk?'

'Four Kings.' He said bluntly. Everyone at the table suddenly gasped in shock.

'Four........four Kings! Awe no way! Kauto that's not fair.'

'Well I'm sorry but I've won hehe.'

'Yeah, 3.9 million chips you do realise that's the highest ever winning pot in this tournament. Look on that wall, you beat it by over half a million. Your name will be on there for a while heh.'

'Hehe, that's neat.' Everyone in the casino clapped before they left and took a stroll back to the motor home.

'Well I must say that was an amazing night out heh. Well done Kauto you big..................horse haha.'

'Hehe thanks. Are we sleeping in the motor home tonight?'

'Yeah.' Maiden suddenly yawned, stretching his mouth out wide and howling gently.

'Woooo what a yawn. Man you look knackered Maiden, do you want to snuggle inside together?' Kauto asked.

'*yawn* Ugh man sorry heh, yeah I would love to Kauto.'

'Will you join us Ula?' Kauto asked.

'Err, no I'll leave you two be for tonight. I'll sleep in the front.'

'Awe are you sure?' Maiden asked.

'Yeah I'm sure heh.'

'Ok, well I'm so tired so we'll see you guys in the morning ok.'

"Yeah see you tomorrow, goodnight.' Ula, Ring Eye and Falcon said as Kauto and Maiden walked into the back room of the motor home.

'See you guys. Well Kauto, lets snuggle hehe. *Yawn*'

'Christ! Those teeth are scary.'

'I may have these teeth Kauto, but I don't bite heh. Not on purpose that is anyway. Now come here.' Maiden said as he jumped into the groaning bed and snapped his trunks off.

'The bed's going to snap though.'

'No it won't, Ula said it's reinforced heh'

'Oh ok then *kiss*' Kauto moved in next to the cuddly wolf and snogged him, somehow not getting bitten.

'Mmmmph, mmmmmph, awe. Awe Kauto, that was so sweet. Hunk I love you so much.' Maiden said as he stroked Kauto's mane.

'Awe thanks, I love you too. *snog* Mmmmmmm, awe Maiden you're such a good kisser with such huge teeth. Your lips are so warm and tender, and then you look down and see the body of a god.' Kauto said sexually as he nuzzled and kissed the wolf's huge pecs and abs. While biting gently on his nipples, Kauto received a nip on his shoulder. 'Ah, why did you do that?'

'So I could have a go on yours.' Maiden said before he began suckling and gently biting on Kauto's nipples.

'Awe! Maiden, come back up here.' The wolf moved back up to Kauto's muzzle and they once again snogged. Not helping themselves, with their huge arousal levels. 'Maiden, can you stroke me?'

'where hunk?'

'You know where.'

'Oh sure I will Kauto *kiss*' Maiden moved down Kauto's huge body until he reached his humungous orbs and stroked them softly. 'Awooooo, look at these muscle orbs. They're so full.' Maiden stroked and hugged Kauto's massive orbs before the stallion's member reached it's full 9 foot length and 2 feet thickness. Maiden licked his lips and dug his sharp teeth into the meaty head.

'Aaawwwweeeeee, woofy your teeth are so sharp. Bite deeper hunk, it's so nice. AWE!'

'Whoa, heh sounds like they're having some fun.' Falcon said.

'Yeah haha, they sound so sexy in there. I hope there enjoying themselves hehe.' Ring Eye agreed.

'Woofy, I'm gunna HHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNGGGGHHHHH!!' The stallions seed erupted into the hungry wolf. His fluid was so thick and sweet Maiden fell into a trance at how much he loved it. The wolf leaned to the side and his own member flopped onto Kauto who swiftly began sucking hard.

'HHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNGGGGHHHHH!! Awe Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Man you're the best tasting horse ever.' Maiden moved back up to Kauto's muzzle and joined in with the sucking on his own huge meaty pole. After a couple of minutes, the two sucking hunks battered an eyelid to each other before once again moving muzzle to mouth in love. 'Mmmmmmmmmmm, you're so warm. I want to marry you heh.'

'You do?' Kauto asked as he slowly released the kiss for a second.

'Well I suppose we could it was just a way of saying how much I love you heh. In the future maybe we could.'

'Awe woofy I love you so much *sniffle*.' Kauto burst into tears again and gave Maiden a huge bear/horse hug.

'Ugh, err Kauto honey. You're squeezing me here.'

'Oh I'm so sorry, are you ok woofy?'

'Woofy? Hehe I like that. I'm fine, come here you big softy. I want another kiss, and then some sleep.'

'Ok, Mmmmmmmmmmm. Woofy I'm still full though, can't we have a little more fun?'

'Hmm Yeah I suppose we can heh.' 3 hours past full of fun between them both. By 2 am they had both become hugely pumped and were desperately in love with each other. 'Hmm 2 am, shall we get some sleep hunk. We need to be up at 9 tomorrow.' Maiden said with his head resting on Kauto's massive pecs.

'Yeah ok, I can't wait for tomorrow. A whole day again with my woofy, and a whole day of NASCAR.' Kauto said as he snuggled up to Maiden and wrapped himself around the wolf before falling asleep.

'Hehe yeah it's going to be fun hunk.' Maiden wrapped himself around the hunky horse and slowly drifted off to sleep. ___________________________________________________________ 8 am and Kauto and Maiden hadn't let each other go once throughout the night. 'Mmmmmmmmmmm hi horsey heh good sleep?'

'Yes I did woofy, you?'

'Yep, slept like a wolf haha. Come on lets go and see the others.' Still not letting each other go, Kauto and Maiden got out of the half broken bed and walked through into the mini kitchen area to make a quick breakfast.

'Hi guys, you sounded like you had some fun last night. Well I can tell, you're still getting bigger and sexier heh.' Falcon said.

'Hehe, well we've got to enjoy ourselves haven't we. What are you having for breakfast Falc?' Maiden asked kindly.

'Oh err just glass of orange for me, I'm not hungry. Me and Ring Eye, we're going to have a little snack at the track.'

'Oh ok. Kauto?'

'Err I'll have a very large bowl of bran flakes please woofy.'

'Ok, hay Ula having any breakfast?'

'Err no thanks honey I'm eating with Falc and Ring Eye at the track.' Ula walked through and got a quick glance of the back room were Kauto and Maiden had slept. 'Err guys, what did you do last night? The bed's broke and there's a wonderful smell coming from the room. Did you have some fun?'

'Err yeah a little, do you mind?'

'Haha no not at all, You can have as much fun as you like. Anyway we have to Falc, you two need to get to the track early and I'm in a commentary meeting in half an hour, so we'll see you in a bit guys, Oh and we're taking the Mazda so you'll hear a little bit of noise heh.'

'Ok Ula good luck today. See you after guys. Looks like we're alone yet again Kauto heh, here's your crazy bowl of bran flakes hunk dig in.'

'Awe wow, I know I said a big bowl but this is insane. A whole box hehe thanks woofy, what are you having?'

'Well a big horsey like you needs a big breakfast heh, and I'm having the same as you, there were two boxes left so may as well use it up hehe.' Kauto dug into his cereal and immediately loved the taste.

'Awe Maiden you cheeky wolf, making my cereal taste so nice. I wondered why the milk was so thick heh. Thanks.'

'Well you need your protein hehe. Wow it is nice.' Within 2 minutes Maiden had scuffed all his breakfast down while Kauto was still 6th spoonful.

'Holy cow woofy, you gobbled that down in a hurry. I haven't even got half way down the bowl yet haha.'

'Sorry we wolves kinda do that sometimes hehe. Well I'm hitting the shower.'

'No don't go in yet let me finish my breakfast.'

'Oh sorry, hurry up I'm in desperate need for one.'

'Hay hang on I'm not a wolf hehe I'm a horse and I like to enjoy my food, not gobble it down my throat.'

'No but you gobble down your food during the night haha.'

'Well that's different hehe, Ok I'll finish my breakfast after lets go.' After their usual exciting shower together, Kauto finished the remainder of his huge breakfast before they both headed for the speedway ready for the final practice session and Qualifying. At the track they parked up and walked to the pit garage were they found every single garage packed with pit crews working on the cars. 'Whoa! It's busy today.'

'No kidding, even the stands are packed today that doesn't happen often this time of the day. Well anyway lets find the others.' Walking down the pit lane was a tricky job with all the equipment on the floor and all the busy pit crew members running around like headless chickens ready for the final Practice session in 5 minutes. Especially with two huge wolf-dogs with them. As they reached their teams garage, they found Falcon and Ring Eye were already strapped and ready in the cars. Maiden gave a quick knock on the side window and held his thumb up to Falcon before waving to Ring Eye in the other car. 'Man they look so focused in there heh.'

'Aha, Maiden, Kauto would you mind doing the radio again. It's incredibly busy again and I can't do it I'm afraid.' Frank said while almost sweating.

'Yeah sure Frank. That's good Kauto, I can get the commentary at the same time.'

'Awe so you can listen to Ula.'

'Yeah hehe. I'm rather excited now, she'll be on now so you'll have to tap me if you want to tell me something hunk.' As the session began, Kauto and Maiden both sat down at the pit side and watched the large TV screens and data screens, while the large wolf listening to Ula's commentary and Kauto on the radios to the drivers giving encouragement. 'Awe wow Kauto, Ula's amazing.'

'Fantastic woofy, but I'm a little busy at the minute. Would you mind telling Falc that he has to come in to change tyres again, he went out on some scuff tyres and they have literally gone within 2 laps.'

'Yeah sure, Falcon, its Maiden it looks as though you need to come it buddy for some tyres.'

'Ok Maiden, see you in a sec.' After a swift tyre change Falcon headed back out and continued the pattern throughout the session. While Ring Eye was trying to find a more aggressive set up and gaining as much time as possible. 20 minutes into the 1 hour session he found the perfect set up for him.

'Guys I've got it, the set up is perfect. If I go out on a set of new tyres, you watch the time I get on a clean lap.'

'Well don't waste any time, get out there heh.' After another swift tyre change, Ring Eye headed back out and did 8 laps before returning to the garage with a huge grin on his face.

'Hehe, I think I may have gotten a brilliant time there.' Everyone looked up at the jumbo tron and eagerly waited for the time to appear with Falcon also in the pits after a good run.

'Holy mother, that's 2 seconds quicker than any time posted this weekend. Brilliant job Ring Eye.' Maiden congratulated.

'Thanks heh.'

'Err hang on guys, you may find my is up there as well.'

'I can't see how you can set a time with a ridiculous set up like that.' Frank commented.

'Well lets see. Oow god heh.'

'What the hell Falc, how did you do that?!' Ring Eye asked.

'Hehe, I told you with an aggressive set up.'

'But the set up this car now, is almost dangerous. You have your steering insanely tight so when you turn the car dives to the left or right. Your gears are set up for insane quick shifting and then an incomputable top speed, the suspension is as stiff as well, Kauto and Maiden in bed hehe.' Ring Eye said.

'Hay, cheeky hehe. You are right though Ring Eye, I mean Falc you're half a second quicker on a set up designed for well, drifting not going around an oval.' Maiden said.

'Oh it's have a pop at Falcon day is it heh. Look guys, if you think about it you'll understand. Let me explain, I have quick acceleration and a high top speed. The rear is set up so it sticks to the track like glue, and the front end is set up with a fast steering lock. I get a sticky car which will stay on the track, a fast car for the qualifying and the race and a perfect car for the curves heh.'

'It shouldn't do that though heh.'

'Well it does so I'm happy haha.'

'Heh, well I suppose you two have earned yourselves an early break. You've both got what you were looking for so we'll see you in a couple of hours.' Frank happily said.

'Oh thanks Frank. Well, what shall we do guys?' Falcon asked.

'Err, do you want to run through some of the routines for the competition?' Maiden replied.

'Oow yeah I've been wanting to do that for a while.' The crazy huge stallion replied.

'Ok good, we'll do it in the motor home and I'll help you guys with everything you need help with, is that ok?'

'Yeah thanks woofy. We also have other competitions at the Olympics don't we, like strength, definition. Shall we go through them as well?'

'I don't about the strength part, but we definitely do the definition part. Ok lets go.' With Ula staying in the commentary box until the end of qualifying, everyone had time to perfect their routines and performance for the Olympics. An hour and a half later, Maiden had helped everyone perfect their movements and also how to get the most definition out of their body.

'Man, thanks so much for all that woofy, you're amazing with the showing out heh. I am surprised how much definition you can show through that thick fur of yours.' Kauto kindly commented.

'Thanks Kauto, I must say you looked incredible when you did a back pose hunk. You look incredible anyway heh, oh and err remember about your arousals. You went a bit crazy just practicing haha.'

'I know I can't help it. I feel so powerful when I pose, that I just can't hold anything back.' The hyper stallion began to feel a little embarrassed by his feelings.

'Awe Kauto come on, don't be like that. We know how powerful you are, I mean I get scared sometimes when you get angry. That's why I'm so afraid of biting you. You what I said back at the mansion about you being so aroused, well I meant it as a complement, you're such a powerhouse and yet so kind at the same time.' Kauto once again burst into tears on Maiden, who patted him on the back and gave a warm hug. 'Awe hunk, come on don't cry or you'll make me cry as well. *sniffle* we need to get back to the pits, shall we head hunk because the others have already left.'

'*sniff* yeah ok, come here first though I want to *snog*'

'Mmmm, mmmm mmugh.' As the snog was gingerly let go by Kauto, Maiden panted and looked at Kauto with a cute grin, showing his teeth. 'Kauto, hehe. Ask next time.'

'Awweee' The black horse looked at the floor with a sad expression on his muzzle.

'I'm only joking hunk, man you get upset so easily. Come on we'll have one more and head off.'

'Ok.' After another loving smooch, they returned to the pits were they would be busy on the radio helping out the drivers again. 'Thanks Woofy for helping me out there with everything.'

'Oh it's ok. You're good at showing out, it's just you're arousals are so powerful.'

'Heh, don't you talk to me about powerful arousals. You're just as bad haha. Well the flags about to drop so we can't talk too much about it.' The flag dropped for Qualifying and the pit lane became crowded and busy once again.

Ring Eye and Falcon Body Measurements

Ring Eye Measurements :D (Age is about 26, but he doesn't age :P) Height: 10 Feet tall Biceps unflexed: 28 inches Flexed: 38 inches Shoulders: 95 inches Chest: 85 inches Waist: 35 inches Thighs: 45 inches Calves: 28 inches ...

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Kauto and MW Body Measurements

Kauto's Measurements (Age is about 20, but he doesn't age so :P) Height: 10 feet Biceps unflexed: 48 inches Flexed: 68 inches Shoulders: 130 inches Chest: 110 inches Waist: 44 inches Thighs: 65 inches Calves: 40 inches ...

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Kauto and MW Race 6

'Look Mr smarty pants, you're not going to win that competition just because you're a little bit bigger than me, you have to know how to show out properly.' 'Hay I can show out pretty well. I just make the odd mistake from time to time.' 'And...

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