The Island, Part 1

Story by Tartovsky on SoFurry

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The following was inspired by artwork by Tyelle. You can find it here:

This story is meant for adults only. Do not read this if you are under age in your country of residence.

The morning sun washed over Andrei's face as he slowly gained consciousness. He could hear the sounds of the jungle and could smell the fresh sea air. The intensity of the sunlight increased; he tossed the blankets aside. He began to think about the day ahead of him.

I must have woken up before the alarm, he thought. No... it's too early to be this bright... He opened his eyes to the fullness of the day.

Shit... I must have overslept. He looked around the room; to his surprise, he did not recognize it. He had expected to see the bedroom of his small studio apartment. Instead, he found himself lying in a small hut in the jungle; only enough shelter to protect against the elements. The door was an empty archway and the windows were empty frames. The floor was dirt. Aside from the bed, there was a dresser, a chest, and a mirror hanging on the wall.

Did I drink too much last night? he pondered. He had had a few beers before passing out, but he was sure he hadn't blacked out.

Realizing his situation, he rolled onto his back, propped up a knee, and crossed his arms behind his head. He opened his eyes wide, focusing on the thatched roof above him. He still felt groggy.

Something feels... different.

Andrei was trying to ignore his morning arousal, but it was stronger than usual. It was determined, savage... It kept him from remembering how he got to this strange location. His manhood felt heavier than normal. He grasped its length and realized that he couldn't fit his hand around its girth. Suddenly energized, he sprung out of bed and began to examine his changed body.

He now stood at least six inches taller than before; he had always been on the tall side, but now he stood at almost seven feet. Part of his height gain came from a substantial pair of black hooves that had replaced his human feet. They felt heavy and cumbersome. His body was covered in dark raincloud gray coat of short, silky fur. On his chest down to his groin his fur was was jet black, highlighted by light gray splotches between his pecs. His forarms and shins were covered with long, wispy, white hair. Andrei had always been thin, but his physique was now a mix between equine and the Greek heroes of mythos. His muscles were now well defined without being buff. They fit his new frame perfectly. He went over his firm abs with his hands, working his way up to his chest. His hands were large; each finger was tipped with a thick black nail, mimicking his hooves.

He felt muscles twitching near the base of his spine and corresponding tickles on the backside of his legs. Reaching back, he grabbed his tail at the base and pulled along its length. It was white and wispy, just like his arms and shins, and reached midway down his calves.

But what held him in awe was his massive equine package. His six and a half inch human penis had transformed into an eighteen-inch-long three-inch-thick triumph of manhood. He could feel it throbbing in his hands. Every movement he made caused his flattened head to flare slightly; he felt on the edge of orgasm already. He had a thick sheath at the base of his penis. His balls had swelled to the size of baseballs. They felt heavy as he massaged them in his black leathery sack.

Andrei clumsily moved to the mirror, still adjusting to his hooves. There, staring back at him, was an anthropomorphic stallion with piercing blue eyes. In them he saw everything he felt at that moment - confusion, distress, lust - mixed with an animalistic sense of mortal authenticity.

He felt alive.

The imminence of his life seemed to fade. His family, friends, ambitions, and responsibilities all seemed so far away. All that he could feel was the now.

He had a long, full mane that matched his tail. He combed his fingers through it, avoiding his sensitive equine ears. Black and gray like the rest of him, he discovered that they were prehensile. The bridge of his muzzle had a white patch contrasting with the black and gray of his face.

Finally, he could ignore it no longer. Andrei's curiosity had given way to his desire. Sitting back down on the bed, he began to stroke his still-erect equine member. He felt his medial ring and his throbbing veins. He used both hands in unison, slowly but thoroughly maturbating. The sensations felt stronger and deeper than he had ever experienced. He let one hand wander down to gently cup his balls without breaking rhythm.

Suddenly he realized that he was no longer constained by the human body. Grabbing his cock at the base, he sat up straight and carefully guided its flat head into his curious muzzle. He could feel it throbbing in his mouth. He tasted the salt of his sweat mixed with his strong equine musk.

Slowly, he let his new toy slip deeper into his maw. He pulled it in until his nose brushed up against his balls. He inhaled deeply through his nose, taking in the new scents. He could feel his cock pushing against the back of his throat. His tongue massaged his length, sending shivers through his body. He pulled back until just the head was left in his mouth. He let the tip of his tongue explore his cock's flat head, his urethra, and the folds of his flare while he jacked himself off.

Giving in, he came into his mouth. The volume of his jizz surprised him; the first stream quickly filled his mouth. Spilling out onto the ground, he continued to stroke while several more streams of cum spurted onto the dirt. His flare throbbed; his orgasm seemed endless.

Eventually, he lay back onto the bed, licking his lips. His sticky member shrank back into its equine sheath.

He was embarassed. His new desires had surprised him. It was not the act of masturbating that brought him shame, it was that he succumed to his primal desires in such a desparate situation. I still have no clue where I am or what the hell happened to my body, he thought. First things first. Find water so I can clean myself.

Andrei stood up. Shaking himself off, he walked through the door into the forest, hoping to find some clues as to what had happened.