The Ultimate Man- Chapter 4

Story by SportsWolfe on SoFurry

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#4 of The Ultimate Man

Shown through Chris's eyes, this is his story of emerging college life at CSU Long Beach.

Ever since Monday night, the past few days have been a blur. Sitting in the campus coffee shop, I look down at my phone to see that it is Thursday. Man, where have the past two days gone? All of the classes seemed to have just been a waste of time for me. My mind has been solely focused upon my dad. Why didn't he contact me? How bad were the actual injuries? A million questions started to form in my mind again, but instead of focusing on many single one, that too became a haze.

Looking out over the campus, I take a small sip of the halfway decent coffee. It is only mocha but tastes just as good as a Starbucks or Coffee Bean at this moment. Looking at my papers spread out before me, I try to get my mind back around what all I need to be doing. Realizing it is my communications project, I open up my laptop to start writing. Still, looking at that blank document on the screen does not help the situation. Hearing a tap on the glass, I glance up to see Pike smiling at me. He waves slightly before entering in down at the end of the building. My empty gaze seems to attract him over to me as he sits down in the open stall at my right.

"Why such the down face? Cause truthfully man, you look like shit. Well more like you got hit by a truck and are struggling to get back up." Pike unloads his backpack to the floor and rests his arms on the ledge. His eyes have that glimmer to them, almost saying "Tell me your secrets young one."

Sighing heavily I start off, "My dad's been shot." I laugh at it, almost maniacally. It is even clear to me that I have not accepted the fact that this man, whom I had looked up to my entire life, has been injured. How could this have happened?

"Oh man I am sorry. Do you want to talk about it?" Pike wants to help, be someone who is there for me but right now I just don't know what to tell him. How can he help me?

"To be honest Pike, I really don't know what to tell you. That is what my sister told me. All I know is that he got injured while on his way to negotiating with the Taliban and that he is coming home in the middle of October. He thankfully is not too injured, only his shoulder and leg but still it is the fact that it happened in the first place." I start to tear up a little just talking about it but wipe my eye real fast and regain my composure. This is not how I should be acting. I was raised strong, not emotional. One thing that my dad drilled into me is that if you are going to cry, do not make a scene out of it. I look out at the campus again, trying to take my mind off of it and toss Pike a question. "So, what brings you here?"

"Well my classes just ended for the day and I thought I would celebrate with a cup of Joe. Daniel, from the LGBT club, and I are heading out to a +18 club tonight. Every Thursday, near Fullerton, there is a club that turns its self into a gay club. It is normally a straight +18 club for the area but given the lack of LGBT clubs out in this area of the LA basin, they thought they would take the first step." Pike motions over to the order counter. "If you are interested in coming out tonight, I can tell you more. But I desperately need coffee."

Nodding my head, we both get up and work our way to the end of the line. "How is the normal crowd?" I ask, my interest showing. This might be what I need to get my mind off my dad and to relax a little.

Pike looks up at the choices on the wall. Since fall is approaching, there are the new flavors to be tried out. Pumpkin spice, maple leaf, and a few more. "It really depends on the week but the last few times that I have been with Dan have been pretty good. You tend to get a good turn out from the other colleges there. The students don't really like heading all the way over to WEHO just for a night out." We shuttle over to the cash register where Pike makes his order. After paying he turns to me and asks energetically, "So you in?" We both move back to the counter where our bags are and sit back down. "I don't know. I have not been out to the clubs here yet but have been wanting to."

Pike smiles mischievously at me then makes the offer that sways my vote, "Well, I have seen plenty of guys go home with a partner there so if you come along, I will do my best to make it happen for you as well. With me being straight, it makes for a great attraction for gays. They tend to want to see if they can 'convert' me." We both laugh at the thought, mine more being of wishful thinking.

Smiling for the first time since the week started, I agree. It should be a great night out and I feel like challenging Pike on his word.


The night came sooner than I had expected, with me rushing to find something 'clubby' before heading out the door. I had offered Bryan and Zach to join but they both declined. I really was not surprised but to be the good guy still offered. Pike and Daniel were both in Pike's car, looking more dressed than I did. Pike was still wearing the same Rolling Stones shirt as earlier, completing it with some black jeans. Daniel was a little more fashionable, wearing some designer shirt that I did not recognize. I only wore a short sleeve black button up shirt with some slim cut jeans.

It didn't take us long to get to the club, arriving there at around 9:30. There was a slight line at the door but we flowed in quite smoothly. Once we got in though, the dance floor was very busy. Guesstimating, I would have put it at around 50 people. Not bad for a college venue.

Struggling to hear Daniel over the roar of Usher's "OMG", he motions over to the table. The three of us swim through the bodies around us, each of us momentarily losing sight of each other till we finally reach the other side. Daniel has a sexy grin on his face, rubbing his hands and shouting "Tonight will be a good night!" The light reflects off his glasses, illuminating his jade green eyes.

Pike looks out at the crowd, smiling as well. He has not sat down yet, instead nodding his head over to the bar. "I am going to get a little liquor, you two what anything? Non-alcoholic of course."

Shouting over the bass, I ask for Coke. Daniel mentions something else but it is drowned out by the music. Pike heads off while Daniel and I look out at the crowd. There is a wide variety of people here, mostly students. The queens are laughing together in their corner, the twinks busting out flexible moves, and your occasional couple making out either next to the wall or right in the middle of the floor. I notice a few guys wink at me, a really cute blonde guy showing interest.

Pike returns a few minutes later, pulling my attention to the group. "So, you see anyone with potential?" He passes out the drinks and settles into the high seat overlooking the floor.

I gaze over the crowd real fast, trying to find the blonde but he has disappeared. "Well there was one guy but he seemed to have left."

"Look out now" Daniel interrupts my statement, pointing at the door. "The Fullerton Fags have walked in."

"Fullerton Fags?" I try to search out the group but fail.

"It is the LGBT group at Fullerton State. That is their own nickname; just like ours is LBG, either to be taken as Long Beach Gays, or Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Gays. A little tongue in cheek wording, though only spoken when around other gays." Daniel makes a more precise indication of where they are, the group moving towards the other section of seating opposite the dance floor.

The group looks to be like any other LGBT group, a tall guy who doesn't seem to fit in, the two lesbians holding hands, a few guys who are camp, and then the hot one. This hot one though, well when my eyes caught him, butterflies started bussing around my stomach. I quickly turn back to the table, Pike catching the sudden change.

"You know one of them?" Pike play purrs at me. He punches me in the shoulder and continues. "Which one is it? The tall guy or one of the more fashionable men?"

I look back at the hot blond guy, his face becoming clearer through the crowd. He locks his eyes on me, widening them. I turn back around and take a swig of the coke.

Pike notices which guy it is, then moves to stand up. "Is that the blond guy you were talking about? Here are your options, either you go and talk with the stud or I will. If you don't and I have to, I will bring him back over here and make you talk with him. Don't really have a choice here." The playful grin on Pikes face tells that he isn't lying about going over there himself.

Daniel realizes who we are talking about. "Well now he is new. Must be a freshman. Not bad picking Chris. Go on before I move in myself." He too gets up out of his chair are starts to move towards the floor.

Falling right into their trap, I quickly move to get out there before they do. I literally jump off the steps out onto the floor. Right before I am enveloped by the wave of bodies, I see Daniel and Pike move back to their seats, high fiving each other. I turn back around to continue on but instead smack chests with Kyle.

"I thought that was you over there." Kyle is smoking hot, a sleeveless t-shirt showing clear cut arms. Either he is naturally smooth or he shaves them because he places my hand on his lower arm as we start to dance. Justin Beiber's 'Need Somebody' starts playing over the raging speakers.

My eyes grow wide as he starts shifting his hips back and forth. Realizing the futility of leaving, I grin at him and start swaying my hips as well. "Same here. I had a feeling you were gay but was not sure. Monday night was a bit crazy for me."

I turn around, allowing Kyle to rock our hips together in a sync motion. He places his hands on my waist, leaning back and forth. At first we are slightly out of sync but we get in the hang of our bodies moving together. His cologne wafts over to me, a clear musk smell to it. "Yea I am sorry about that. I did come on a bit strong. You were clearly out of your comfort zone and I wanted to have a little fun with you. In my own defense though, I did not expect to see you again." He leans in closer, leaning his head over my shoulder.

The song has changed to Enrique Iglesias's "Tonight I'm Fucking You." We both increase our speeds. I turn around and move in closer to him. Right at the chorus, "that tonight I'm fucking you," I slide down on Kyle, moving up and down his body. Sliding my hand along his legs, I look up at him. His eyes shine, impressed. He pulls me closer and wraps his arms around me.

Playing coy, I turn around and grind down, my back against his chest and then groin. Briefly I feel what I believe is a slight hard on but move back up before I can investigate further.

"Alright clubber's let's get into something that everyone can dance to." The DJ mic's up over the music. He changes the song to the Cha Cha slide. A lot of the people that were sitting down quickly rush down to the floor as we all fall into line. Pike and Daniel are a few rows away. Kyle and I laugh as we start busting out the moves. The people all around us start laughing as everyone knows the motions. The claps vibrate over the walls, and then stop as we start to drop low.

I beat Kyle at dropping low to the floor, hanging down there longer. We finish up the song and move into the Black Eyed Peas 'Boom Boom Pow'. It doesn't take long for us to be back on each other, sliding around each other and laughing. The songs start to blur together as we drop around each other, grinding here and there, rubbing arms together.

Things start to get hot as 'Dirty Dancer' by Enrique Iglesias comes on. At the start of the lyrics, I rub my hands under his shirt, feeling up his chest, rubbing his abs. I pull them out right as the chorus starts and place them on his waist moving our bodies together.

He makes his move when Usher starts singing, slowly unbuttoning my shirt till I am bare-chested. Peeling my shirt aside, he pulls me closer and locks our hips together. Swinging left then right we dance to the beat. Right when Lil Wayne comes on, we slow down, increasing our thrusts instead. My cock grows inside, finding a partner on the other side of Kyle's pants. From the feel of my cock against his, we seem to be of equal length.

The song ends, changing over to the 'Edge of Glory'. We both back away from each other, allowing some air to reach our bodies. Pulling me back in, Kyle whispers into my ear, "You are enjoying the night. I was wondering if you might want to extend it back at my place." His right hand is resting on my groin, left on my shoulder.

I lean back and simply smile. Not even allowing him time to react, I move in for a kiss.

"I'll take that as a yes." Kyle leads me out of the crowd and near the entrance. We get outside, a few people moving slowly back and forth heading home. I button up my shirt as we head to his car, a slight breeze hitting my bare chest.


It doesn't take long to get back to CSU Fullerton. He parks his car, a little Honda Civic, in the student parking lot. We quickly but quietly move to the hall entrance and get inside. I am holding his firm hand the entire time. As we get into elevator to go up, he starts stripping me down again. Right when the doors close, he unbuttons my shirt again and kisses me. His warm lips lock with mine as we wrap our arms against our bodies, closing the space against each other.

The door opens up to his floor and we stealthily move down to his room. "What about your roommate?" I quickly ask, in fear that we might not be able to go any further.

"He is out for the night. I texted him earlier to make sure and he confirmed." Kyle whispers as he unlocks the door. I move in to his room, the same set up as Ally's room; two beds on opposite sides with the desks against the window.

I turn around as Kyle locks the door and push him against the wall. He slips off my shirt, previously unbuttoned as I lock lips with him. I lift up his shirt and slid it off his head, pressing our chests against each other. His warmth adds comfort to me as we move to his bed; me dropping on my back as he drops on top.

His mouth moves off my lips and to my ear, nibbling it. Moaning in ecstasy, I slide my hands down his back, slipping under his jeans and massaging his butt. He slides down my body, kissing/nibbling my nipples, taking a good thirty seconds to each one. Continuing down my chest, he licks the outline to my abs, taking notice of each one. Finally reaching my jeans, he starts to unbutton them and pulls them off. Moving back down to my boxers, he strokes my legs as he breathes against my groin. Pressing his face against my cock, he starts to mouth it, outlining it in the fabric. After moving up and down my leg a few times, he reaches up to pull off my boxers. Left exposed to him, I relax as he starts to go down on me.

The pressure from him sucking makes me almost reach climax, yea he is that good, that I pull him up and roll on top of him. Whispering into his ear while stroking his penis, I breathe heavily "Your turn."

I move down to his lips and kiss them while rubbing his chest with my hands. Our eyes lock on each other for a few seconds before I continue my journey down his body. There is slight peach fuzz on his nipples as I nibble the tips. My hands slip beneath his jeans as I move back and forth between the nipples. Hearing a moan out his mouth, I look up to see him resting his head against his pillow. Moving further down his chest, I, like him, take note of each of his toned six abs. My hands pull out of his jeans and start unzipping them.

Pulling them down as I move over his penis, I notice he is not wearing any boxers or briefs. Looking up at him as I nuzzle his girth, "Kinky free balling it." He smiles down at me and rubs his fingers through my hair. I purposely keep it short so no one can grab it but he still attempts to as I start over his cock. Not even giving him time to react, I deep throat all 6 inches of him. He spazzes a few times before getting used to the flow of my mouth. I lick the tip and then move back up to his mouth where we lock again. Grinding against each other, we roll back and forth.

I wrap my hands around his head as he grips my ass, both of us enjoying every motion that the opposite produces. I feel myself getting close and warn him who in turn nods and thrusts even faster. I start to convulse and wrap my arms around his waist. Right when I am about to cum, he starts moaning as well. The pressure of our bodies against each other spreads our cum up our chests. I lean in for a kiss to finish off the night. Not wanting to move from our position of pleasure, he holds me in place as I relax my head against his shoulder. No words are exchanged over how we feel about each other because none are needed.


The following morning, I wake up before he does. We have moved into a spooning position, with his arm resting over my chest. He has a slight hard on, must be one of the many ones that happen when we were asleep. I slip out of his arm and quietly make my way to his printer. Taking a sheet of paper and locating a pen, "Kyle, this has been a great night, one of the best in a long time. I would have loved to have been here for when you wake up but I need to make it to classes. Sorry :( I hope to see you again." Quickly but quietly getting dressed, I move to his door and out into the hallway. Realizing I have no ride back to Long Beach, I reach for my keys and am thankful that I have a copy to Ally's car.


The rest of the day was spent reliving that night. I made it back to my dorm in time to shower and change. Bryan and Zach had already left for their respective classes. Being Friday, there was not much to be discussed in the lectures, and as typical, many of the students were not there.

At around 7, I walked over to the pasta parlor where the team was meeting. Right when I walked in though, Pike, Bryan and Zach all looked at me. Each of them shaking their heads, it caused me to blush. Finding a seat next to Rachel and Derek, Pike starts the inquest to the previous night. "Soo, how was he?"

Feigning confusion, I ask "Who?" My poker face does not last long as Bryan and Zach show interests as well.

"That was the first night you have not slept in your bed. Whoever he was must have been really good." Bryan piques, causing others around the table to get interested as well.

Terry, down at the end of the table, asks incredulously, "You got ass?"

Pike, having not realized that I had not told the team, counters with, "More like cock." He beams at me while throwing a paper towel at me.

The table all turns to me, "Wait your gay?" A small mutter comes over the group, Pike realizing his mistake.

Attempting to alleviate the situation, Pike responds, "Does it matter if he is or not? He got laid last night and I am willing to bet that none of you guys did."

I am smiling at the situation, then burst out into a laugh as Tyler comments, "Well if you can get guys like that, I am willing to bet you can teach me some things for getting women. There can't be too many differences in the flirting styles."

"Actually, more women like to go to gay bars than straight because it is a place for them to relax and not have to worry about getting hit on. Plus with me being gay, I can make for the perfect wingman." A small laugh erupts from the team at my moments.

"Well it doesn't matter if you are gay or not, you are still part of the team. Plus we need you tomorrow. It would be fun to go out to a gay club though some time." Sarah raises her soda to me and the others follow. "Here is to you getting laid."

Dinner was a blast, laughs being heard all over the table. We all broke off around 9 to head back, Bryan, Zach and I racing back to see who could return to the hall first. That night, while not as eventful as the previous was relaxing. Yet with the three of us all playing Frisbee tomorrow, there was a slight static in the air. We all were looking forward to competing in our first Frisbee tourney.


The trip to CSU Fullerton brought back memories as we drove to the sports arena the following morning. With me having my sister's car, I was able to take a few of the guys over myself. We all unpacked out of the clown car, the smell of men's funk erupting from the cabin.

Heading into the gym with the team, we all set up our location on the balcony overlooking the pitch. This allowed for us to watch over the games that were going on. A few other teams were there: CSU Los Angeles, CSU Dominquez Hill, Anaheim College, and St Mary's College. I noticed that Fullerton was hosting, from the looks of it their executives working the scoreboard.

Looking around the pitches below, the teams were already starting to throw the disks. Long Beach was not up till the second game so we all just relaxed upstairs. As more teams started arriving, I caught the sight of a familiar blond head. Not wanting it to be who I thought it was, I followed it till it got out my sight near the stairs.

Stumbling to reach the stairs, I fall over a few of the bags that are lying around. I finally reach the stairs but the blond head has disappeared. Looking up around the top floor, I try to find any glimpse of blond. When I finally find it, I push my way through the crowd, a nervous lump growing with ever step. Passing Pike, he notices something is up and follows.

I trip over a bag when entering a clearing and fall. Thankfully though I am caught mid air by a pair of hands. I look up to see Kyle standing there in his CSU Fullerton uniform. Both of our eyes explode in size as I confirm my suspicions and he realizes who it is. In utter shock, he drops me to the floor and stumbles back.

Pike standing at the edge of the group comments, "Well now this is awkward."

The Ultimate Man- Chapter 5

"What the fuck are you doing here??" I shout in shock. Still lying on the floor where Kyle dropped me, I quickly rise to my feet and stare blankly at him. The groups around us have stopped talking and all focused on this new interesting spat going on....

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The Ultimate Man- Chapter 3

Of three things I was absolutely certain: First, Pike is straight. Second there is something that needs to be worked out between Zach and I. And third, I had not heard back from my dad in a while. You know what, forget that cheesy twilight line. There...

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The Ultimate Man- Chapter 2

The first day of the semester turned out to be a drag when it came to lectures. Being a freshman, I am stuck with having to take care of my general education before I can really focus on my major. While i have no problem taking Statistics and Biology,...

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